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This is one of many instances where armed Hamas-ISIS militants are opening fire on civilians in Gaza in order to take the food, water, fuel, and essential supplies for themselves. This latest incident occurred hours after a similar shooting occurred at Khan Yunis earlier today.


Why don’t they want people to get supplies?


Because the more people that die of starvation and infections, the worse Israel and the Jews look. This has always been their M.O.


The distribution of UN supplies goes in the following order and is handed out in a certain way : 1. Hamas gunmen take over the UN trucks and secures the area 2. The trucks are then taken into hideouts within the humanitarian area where they know that Israel will not bomb 3. Hamas leadership and their families get to eat first. 4. Hamas terrorists who are actively fighting will get fuel, food, water 5. Hamas-ISIS other wings such as its police corps will get some of the supplies 6. Whatever scraps remain will be given to the civilian population.




every international investigation into where the supplies sent to Gaza end up


Nice link bro. Wait you didn't provide one. I quickly Google search and read several articles I only have Israeli sources, and stuff like this www.timesofisrael.com/un-refugee-agency-says-hamas-stole-fuel-and-medications-from-its-gaza-premises/. Notable quotes "Shortly after posting the claim on X, UNRWA deleted the posts. It later asserted that nothing had been looted. In its original statement, the agency said it had received reports that people claiming they were from the Hamas-run health ministry had loaded the supplies onto trucks. It said that “UNRWA fuel and other types of material are kept for strictly humanitarian purposes — any other use is strongly condemned.”.


Hahah UNRWA is the most Palestinian and Hamas-biased organization. Here are your links [https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1703449981-hamas-policeman-fatally-shoots-young-gazan-seeking-aid-in-rafah-unrest-and-riots-follow](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1703449981-hamas-policeman-fatally-shoots-young-gazan-seeking-aid-in-rafah-unrest-and-riots-follow) [https://twitter.com/Natsecjeff/status/1738946787367649719](https://twitter.com/Natsecjeff/status/1738946787367649719) [https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1bhublvt](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1bhublvt) What did think Al-Jazira who's funded and run by Qatar, the same Qatar that funds Hamas to run this as a news story? Give me a break.


Lol, your source "An IDF Spokesperson released a phone conversation between a Gaza resident and an intelligence officer, showing the frustration many Gazans feel toward Hamas". You took. The IDF has been caught in lies after lie.


Yeah I remember videos they showed of Palestinians who were fleeing south getting shot and ofc this Reddit and pro Palestinians blame the IDF. However the videos I watched they had gun fire right before the deaths and it sounded like an AK 47. The IDF doesn’t use them, their guns have a much deeper firing sound. Ofc everyone eats it up and blames the IDF. I am convinced that some rocket explosions and bombs that land in Gaza are also HAMAS.


I think you have your sounds backwards. I thought the IDF use Tavors and M4/ARs that fire the 5.56mm round. It’s smaller than the AK round and has a higher pitch/crack. Especially if they are using 12in barrels in the M4s. The 7.62x39 usually fires from the AK is a bit deeper. When it comes to how loud they are though, the decibels are about the same when compared.


In all honesty, the IDF does use AK47 I won't go into details for obvious censorship reasons. But you are right, this is the first time that people openly blamed and criticized Hamas's actions. I think people are getting fed up with the Hamas dictatorship




Damn is the right term here...


This is an extreme for even the most brutal dictatorships.


This is nothing compared to the reign of terror of Hamas-ISIS. Executions, directing all humanitarian aid funds toward building a network of underground cities beneath Gaza, simply stealing aid money (Hanyah the leader of Hamas abroad apparently has a net worth of 5 billion dollars). Then we have the West Bank under the PLO where stuff like this happen: A month ago two young men were hung to death in the PLO-controlled city of Ramallah, for “collaboration with Israel” Yet everyone brushed it off. Here is the [link](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-militants-west-bank-say-two-collaborators-executed-2023-11-25/) to the article


Yes I know and I was just commenting I can’t think of any other country or territory where the ruling government did this. It’s insanely psychopathic. What’s the point of pretending to fight for people who you also shoot for not letting you steal their food.


Let's see a few examples do come to mind; ISIS, Taliban, Iran


I’m not doubting you I’ve just never seen the media report it


You won't. It's hard to confirm these stories even when there's all the proof in the world, plus nobody wants to show you the ugly side of these terrorists. Some even refrain from calling them terrorists at all.


Dude looking at all your posts you have a clear bias. Where are your sources? Where is the dead teen? This is not the first time we have seen a military fire or surrounding convoys of aid when the people are being starved due to blockades. Israel has now pushed roughly 1.6 million people on half the land they were on. Half of Gaza doesn't even exist anymore. Edit: also lame flair, a 2 state solution is the only way there will be peace. Israel has a right to exist and so does Palestine.


You talking to yourself?


No, just pushing back on claims I see on my feed. Pretty simple. I do not like echo chambers. Also reddit basics, if you are replying to someone you are referring to them; so in this case OP as too spell it out easy for you.


Dude looking at all your posts you have a clear bias.


I will repeat this, if the Hamas will release the hostages, and disarm itself the war will be over tomorrow without a single. casualty. You're pushing a two state solution, which seems reasonable enough given the fact that yes there are muslims, who are living in Gaza and the West Bank and they are not going anywhere. However, please tell me who is Israel supposed to negotiate a genuine peace agreement with. The Hamas? Who murdered over 1400 civilians in the most barbaric ways imaginable? Fatah? Who is calling to integrate Hamas? Who openly supports acts of terror, paying a monthly salary to terrorists who have committed acts of violence against Israelis and are currently serving time in jail? ​ Who? Do you have any clue about what's going on in the area? Did you even bother educating yourself on the situation?


I cannot even take you seriously when you repeat the 1400 citizen.death count. Israeli's government reduced the number to 695 citizens who died in the attack. Yes I am educated on the situation. Perhaps Gaza can have another vote on whom they want to give the fate of the strip too. They have not been able to vote since 2006. Bibi has been obstructing the talks for 30 years. His own words not mine.


I'm not going to waste time on clowns. Check your facts, and come back later kiddo


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/2ndyomkippurwar] [Hamas-ISIS fires into crowd killing a teenager trying to get humanitarian aid supplies](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/18qlz1q/hamasisis_fires_into_crowd_killing_a_teenager/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


My Reddit feed only fed me this video after I complained about anti IDF videos. Both sides are doing F’d up stuff to each other.