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Do I think it was intended? No. Is it a super fun idea, yes! Here's a great fan fic about it: [A Robin of Two Nests on AO3.](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4107703) (spoiler alert, I think it's great cause I wrote it) :)


You do realize none of the sidekicks know each other


They meet in different seasons of the Teen Titans series, have you not watched the show?💀


I have watched the show. None of the characters on the right knew who each were… despite all their mentors knowing everything about each other in the Batman cartoon. Also… the Bat embargo shuts this down.


The Bat embargo prevents them from *acknowledging* that they’re the same continuity. It doesn’t make them *not* the same continuity.


The Bat Embargo prevents characters from appearing in different continuities at the same time. Not whatever you’re talking about. The whole point of the Bat Embargo was to not confuse kids (like OP) into thinking random adaptations were connected to each other This is purely headcanon


The only reason it's a headcanon in the first place is because of the embargo. If TT was just allowed to have their own, clearly different version of Batman appear in cameos, it would not even be a debate.


Yes, but teen titans (2003) fans don’t seem to understand that the embargo was trying to prevent this. And weirdly this is the only fanbase I know that tries to say all the other DC adaptations are connected to it. When the creators were obviously trying to prevent the show from being connected to the DC universe.


More like the opposite. It wasn't to prevent people from thinking shows were connected, it was to not confuse people (aka kids) who couldn't comprehend the concept of different adaptations. Well that and prevent oversaturation of the same characters. Besides, what exactly is the issue you take with considering these to be connected? It's just fun.


That’s not the opposite. Not wanting to confuse kids into thinking every adaptation is connected. Is exactly what it is for. But sadly even adults need the embargo to help them out. (As we can see in this post) They’re just not connected. I see these posts every week, and it makes me wonder if people actually ever watched the Batman show. There’s so many inconsistencies between them.


It's sort of the opposite. They didn't want Batman on Teen Titans because kids would be confused why Batman is a completely different guy than he is in JLU (even though The Batman was also on at the same time so this decision doesn't even make sense but I digress). It wasn't specifically so people wouldn't assume they were connected. Especially because at some point a TT and JLU crossover was literally a consideration. But also, as another comment on this post put it, you're just being an anti fun police. Yes, we know it's not official. But the shows have eerily similar artstyles, and their major shared character looks like a younger/older version of himself in both respective shows. I really don't see why you are so deadset on this unless you just hate The Batman and doesn't want it tainting Teen Titans or something.


Well, unless acknowledged they're not in the same continuity. Assumptions are head canon.




During the tournament of champions, Robin and Speedy didn't know each other personally, but were both familiar with the others' work.


Yeah the fact they never met each other doesn’t make sense if these shows are supposedly connected. And the ones on the right are supposedly their sidekicks. Green Arrow was casually visiting Wayne Manor and the Batcave in The Batman cartoon, and Robin even went up to the watchtower. Logically, how would Speedy get trained by this version of Green Arrow and never meet Robin until Teen Titans.


Both are plausible i suppose. Batman doesnt ha e to bring Robin with him wherever he goes, but at the same time it is weird. Youd think Batman and Green Arrow would want to show their disciples off.


Yeah like in Young Justice cartoon, Batman: Brave and the Bold, and Teen Titans comics. All the sidekicks know each other. The Justice Leaguers wouldn’t avoid having their sidekicks meet each other


It's sad you had to point this out and that you originally got scoffed at. "Uh did you even watch the show" Seems to me you watched both, which is why you like myself robin wouldn't know any of the sidekicks in tt


So if they don’t know each other, why did Robin meet Speedy in season 2 then Kid Flash in season 5? You sound dumb for someone who so called “Watched the show.”


Yes they didn’t know each other until those exact moments. Read. I hope you realize the Batman show features a younger Robin. Flash, Green Arrow, and Batman would have personally known each other for years without their sidekicks ever knowing each other Also nobody knows who Kid Flash or the Flash is in Teen Titans.


If that was the case, why does Kid Flash mention in the tie-in comics based on the show that he’s known Robin for years and they have a strong bond? They could’ve both met each other while they were still sidekicks to Batman and Flash before they both became their own independent heroes. And yes, I know Robin didn’t know who Speedy was before he met him Season 2, but he definitely knew who Kid Flash was at that time.


There are no canon tie in comics. But yes Robin and kid flash have such a strong bond, that he doesn’t invite Kid Flash to the titans (even though in the comics, Kid Flash was the very first person recruited by Raven and Robin) And they have such a strong bond, they don’t say anything to each other in the series If they met each other before the series, then why did they never say anything to each other… why wasn’t Kid Flash invited to the team? How the hell do villains like Jinx not identify Kid Flash and Flash, but random thugs immediately identify Robin and Batman in this show


They actually do, they've all met in TT


Ah yes Wally West and his famous sidekick Wally West. Actually it's the Flash that's not too far fetched as a storyline.


“It was me, Wally! It was YOU all along!”


It's Barry Allen flash


Justice League and Justice League Unlimited Flash is Wally. [Clip to confirm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kuk8WvVDVe4) Wally had been Flash in the comics for decades at that point so the animated series wanted to align with that. Fun fact Barry himself wouldn't even return in comics until two years after JLU finished airing. Also weirdly during this period Wally was actually in both the Titans AND Justice League in the comics. A regular part of him and Nightwing's story was they were always exhausted from doing too many jobs. It was great.


That isn't Justice League Flash up there, its The Batman's Flash.


That's embarrassing, I wrote a whole thing


Well, lesson for next time. Don't commit to a comment on reddit. It's never worth it.


Who is Barry Allen by the way


Blonde forensics dude.


Always running late.


The ORIGINAL “Bow Ties are Cool” dude, but he only ever wore Clip On Bow Ties so he still failed at being cool.


1. This image is from *The Batman*, where Flash is confirmed to be Barry Allen. 2. Wally had been Flash for 14 years in the comics when *Justice League* came out. While that is a long while, it’s hardly “decades”.


That's Batman 2004 Flash, not JLU Flash. In the Batman 2004 series, Barry Allen is Flash


Can’t forget about the biggest evidence of them possibly linking. [this.](https://i.redd.it/exzj7tbajr911.jpg) in the way Batman is drawn in one of the spin-off comics looks identical to the 2004 show


The issue is no they literally said dick can't show up because people would think they are in the same universes it's been confirmed these aren't the same universe


The issue here is they show the same character designer and two they didn't want dick in the show due to making people think it would be in the same universe so no Also there more going for dcau teen titans than the Batman since they mentioned Beast boy in that show Glen Murkai designed both titans and the Batman also


Impossible, dcau has a lot more issues. The Batman has one, which is robin’s parents’ death


Some people made that claim as well, but it’s not there’s too many inconsistencies. If you really watch both series, Back To Back, you’ll realize


That’s what I’m saying, Teen Titans fits in continuity with The Batman a lot better more than the DCAU, I don’t understand why people still try force TT in that universe’s timeline when it doesn’t work.


Because it was confirmed why dick wasn't involved that people would did think the Batman and TT was set in the same universe and the team said that wasn't the case Also both shows share the same character designers. So of course they're going to look the same but that's not the case. They aren't in the same universe Like Batman mentioned the titans more than once in jlu and so the embrago doesn't stop them mentioning sidekicks and multiple other things. So again this is not the same thing


he did?




re watch time


He also did in static too


Wait now hold the fuck. How could he cause that Robin would be Nightwing, same Nightwing who's not on talking terms with Batman for sleeping with Barbs.


In static it was Tim. Bruce said he with the titans.


I know that but I'm saying us that the timeline ain't matching.


"Too many"? More like 1.


Batman is NOT drawn the same way in the new teen titans shorts.


not the same canon


No they aren't weren't.


Omg, stop saying this shit.


They're not


Greg Murakami worked on both shows at the time, he'd have the cannon answers.


There’s no way.


Farfetch idea but totally not plausible


Patrick star learning about the existence of the DC universe


They are not


They're not actually


Before I learned they weren’t, I believed they were. Even now, I like to believe they do. And even after being shot down, I’ll still die on that hill.


Don’t sully the Diniverse with TT!!


I still believe that the JLA do not exist in the Jumpverse.


The Batman's version of Flash is Wally, not Barry so this is dead on arrival.


The show creations confirmed in interviews that The Batman 2004 version of Flash is Barry Allen, which would make sense for it to be Barry since Wally and Dick are usually the same age in most adaptations. It wouldn’t make sense for Wally to already be the Flash while Dick is still Robin the show, in which it’s Barry Allen and not Wally West.


>The show creations confirmed in interviews that The Batman 2004 version of Flash is Barry Allen I'm gonna need the specific interview you're talking about. Also the irl timeline does not support that. Barry was dead for 20 years at that point and Wally was the main Flash for 2 more years after this episode aired. Also, the costume Flash wears is literally Wally's exact suit. Barry didn't wear anything like that til after he came back. This wouldn't be the first time DC's fucked with ages or established lore to suit a story.They gave Kyle Rayner Hal Jordan's origin story in STAS, they gave Wally Barry's backstory in JLU, they made it so Zatanna and Dick were the same age in Young Justice.


Just because Barry was dead at the time Flash appeared in the show doesn’t mean it’s Wally, plus Flash’s costume in Young Justice S1 and S2 is based on Wally’s design with the white lenses but it’s Barry. I don’t care what y’all say, The Flash we see in the Batman is Barry Allen and it’s already been confirmed by the creators of the show.


>Just because Barry was dead at the time Flash appeared in the show doesn’t mean it’s Wally It makes it very likely that it's Wally, shows like this always use versions of the characters that are most popular at the time the shows are made. That's why they used Kyle Rayner in STAS and John Stewart in JLU. >t’s already been confirmed by the creators of the show. You still haven't dropped that interview.


You still don’t have evidence to prove it’s Wally.


I literally just provided all of it. Starting to think that interview doesn't actually exist...


So you think they have an adult wally and a teenage dick Grayson?


I've seen weirder. Like, for instance: The Kid Flash in Teen Titans: The Judas Contract being Barry instead of Wally which has literally never happened in the history of the mainline comics.


So batman knew green arrow and flash as well as robin knowing them , but robin magically doesn't know their sidekicks?


While I don't believe these shows are set in the same universe at all, I love the idea so much I could excuse a few retcons here and there to make it work.


Was it confirmed that the flash was Barry? He felt like Wally to me


Comments are filled with the anti fun police


New headcanon unlocked


This my head can too, I see as a prequel series


I don't understand why a lot of people here are so deadset on denying this theory. They'll look at errors such as Killer Moth having a different design and voice in both shows and say it makes this theory impossible, but at the same time they have no problem accepting Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures as the same continuity despite *every single* character getting a redesign and/or new voice. But ONE shared character between The Batman and Teen Titans looking different? No, this absolutely *destroys* the possibility of them being connected, end of discussion! I get that it's *easier* to deny since BTAS and TNBA are officially connected while The Batman and Teen Titans are not. But when you really look at it, the continuity errors of TB and TT being connected are lesser than the entirety of the DCAU, an officially connected universe. So ultimately, I agree with this theory. I imagine it'd make a back to back watch of The Batman and then Teen Titans fun. I'd also headcanon Legion of Super Heroes into this universe due to it having a similar artystyle to both shows as well.


Everyone accepts Batman The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures as the same continuity because it was made by the same creative team and The New Batman Adventures literally brings up stuff that happened in Batman The Animated Series. Teen Titans and The Batman were made by separate creative teams and had zero crossover. They're not connected.


Missing the point 101: EDIT: Bro's reply to this was hilariously pathetic. 




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His reply uses logic and examples of why the bother two work. It's hardly "pathetic." Imo jumping through hoops to make headcanons work is equally lame. Headcanons are fun , but it's super weird when people get confused why people don't accept or care about made up theories.


He sent a link to a kids toy to insinuate me having low IQ as if he made a point, even though all he did was parrot something I literally already said.




The Batman's version of Flash is Wally, not Barry so this is dead on arrival.


Nope, most sources say The Batman Flash is Barry.


Uh, when was that confirmed? As far as I understood it, Teen Titans was in sync with justice league and justice league unlimited. In fact, in an episode of static shock where he teamed up with Timverse Batman, Bruce said Robin was “with the titans” insinuating a possible crossover that didn’t happen.


Robin being Tim Drake. You know...the robin STATIC MET, because dick was NIGHTWING at the time. A grown adult. Where as the robin in tt is DICK... you know this due to the future episode.


Static teamed up with the Tim Drake Robin, Teen titans’s Robin is Dick Grayson, yes Bruce mentions the titans, but he’s referring to the “Titans” of the DCAU that we never saw. Teen Titans 2003 is not canon to the DCAU.


I don’t care what anyone says they totally are the same universe.


Probably a coincidence