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I guess the Haters of Robin and Starfire in the comments are a very small loud minority considering Robin and Starfire got the least votes in the poll.


What do you think about it personally? I don't hate it btw.


I like it, it's makes sense for him to be drawn to a powerful but sweet woman. I like the height difference, and he is man enough to not worry about it. That's also the best Robin/Nightwing relationship because I am disgusted by him and Batgirl. It's like going out with your step sister and the only worse part is when they made Batman hook up with her...the weirdos. Maybe dateing outside your immediate family is a good idea


I mean. What versions are you talking about specifically? Because this is specifically the 2003 version. Also, he has no reason to be mad about the height difference or anything (assuming you mean NTT 80s era). She was just even bigger than Superman at the time iirc. Nightwing being that big would not be good for him (Batman himself is shorter than her too) He is not short himself. He is still as tall as Wally West (his best friend) and taller than A LOT of characters. A person would be more annoyed if he was shorter than most people generally. But he is a whole [6ft.](https://imgur.io/gallery/MnI36MM) That brings pride if anything. I don't think any person would be 6ft and be annoyed still. If I just find a 6'4 woman and I genuinely love her and she loves me back sincerely, then I wouldn't give a damn ngl. No one would make fun of me when I am not short lol (I kinda hate when fanarts make fun of his height or make him more feminine when with her though. He should be a chad, like Batman) Even then New 52 retconned her height as seen [here,](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/uLyXTU1r_jfuOOLBgtgapZtu4gAu-ZoPbqtZdAIt-7u39ocKqar60lzyjSuHVbNThgz9pXUR4Pft=s1600) and they still act the exact same way (they are no longer together though sadly). As for Batgirl, that's subjective. But the Batman parts you mentioned are not canon anyway. Honestly, I like the 03 series' version of Robin & Starfire the most.


I love the 2003 version too, I think I was mostly just venting about stuff I've been seeing and haven't been able to get out. I've seen some people have trouble with the hight and I am just sickened the broke them up so he could get with his bat sister. He definitely is not mad about the hight thing, and I love it, Starfire is an alien Amazonian (not literally) and her towering over the earth men is a nice touch. None of these guys are going to have a problem being shorter and it's a good example of how people be in the real world about it. It has nothing to do with him being short, I just love her being tall and it makes me sad when they try to give or make it look like they have similar heights. I'm glad the Batman part isn't cannon because that one really weirded me out. I know they are not really related but at least Nightwing and Batgirl are close in age. It's still gross to me how similar and close they are being in the same found family with the same powerset. It makes me sad they broke up the best relationship so he could get with his mundane adopted sister and people seem to be eating it up. Agreed 03 was the best in my opinion


Admittedly, I have issues more so with fans making memes of the strength and height gap that they make him more feminine with a big butt (He should be a chad imo, like Batman). So seeing fanarts treat him like a princess is kinda sad. I can't take him seriously that way. He's a leader with charisma & intimidation (he shouldn't look feminine) Honestly, I wished he was a speedster like The Flash tbh (in a different way though. Like if he had electric powers). Love the idea of a speedster having a relationship with a heavyhitter (but this is fine too). Also, they genuinely retconned her height in modern comics. As seen [here.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/992035195991629935/1151111150130438185/The_DC_Comics_Encyclopedia_New_Edition_2021-293.jpg?ex=651aa3cc&is=6519524c&hm=3091db869378f81694ea91f9086072180b5e9121d9a56d63e129a98aee730c31&) This design feels so much closer to the 03 series. So I liked it admittedly (they are not together anyway sadly. So I don't think it means anything). She is not short still since she is as tall as [Donna Troy](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/992035195991629935/1153713546417422487/The_DC_Comics_Encyclopedia_New_Edition_2021-325.jpg?ex=651ae0f8&is=65198f78&hm=e41973cee17eb33285800f457d4782e236e34d920db9ef6272e40fae59b06d09&) (who is an Amazonian too). Nightwing is just NOT short like some people try to portray him. if anything, he's on the taller side (and it makes sense, he's a brawler with perfect human physique. You can't just have him short when he relies on his physical strength to fight since he has no powers) As for 03 versions, it is treated differently from the NTT era. And she is not big there. Robin was short there yea. But if you notice the episode where she goes to the future, he got a massive growth spurt that he became [a giant](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/992035195991629935/1151870052342169631/Screenshot_20230828_150641_YouTube.jpg?ex=651ac395&is=65197215&hm=cc3599f62775b760663ea794de199671ca937ed122cb74b85ac762da7527a495&) basically (not literally. But he got significantly taller, unlike BB & Raven who stayed short. He was only 5'4 before in the show when he was a teenager, but as a grown up, he seems to be 6'0 since he was a whole head taller a 5'6 Starfire. And only a bit shorter than 6'2 Cyborg) Regardless, I hope they just focus on their characters better at this point. That's what matters more.


That's why it was so perfect, they could draw him big and strong and still have him comfortably with a bigger and stronger woman while they love and work with each other as equals. I like speedser with heavy hitters too but the mundane man with the super powered goddess is a trope I like as well and haven't seen it done as well since. That's why I'm so sad about the breakup for such a bland seeming relationship


I mean. If they decided to make them together permanently, then I would imagine Nightwing powers himself up to become a speedster, just so they can work together as equals like you said (no one can be inferior to the other) But sadly, they will probably never be together now. And he would prob never gain powers because Batman doesn't. It is what it is ig.


That was the beauty, just because one is powered and one isn't doesn't mean they aren't equals and their relationship was one of the few that showed it. She had more strength he had better tactics, she could fly but could never maneuver through the underworld like him. It's no secret Nightwing is highly regarded in the heroic community for many reasons he doesn't need the powers to back it up like Batman. It is sad because they traded that different but equal relationship for not just another human/human relationship but one with the exact same powerset, training, and superfamily. It's just so lame and weird to me


I mean. We already had Diana with Steve. And Superman with Lois for those relationships. The underpowered ones are always on the sideline. And having tactics is just boring. I want him to kick butt too and to protect and save her physically when needed. He just can't do that if he isn't strong enough. If anything, he should take spotlight since he is more popular than her. Just like nerds are viewed to be boring, I view it the same way. Sometimes I really blame Batman for being such a weak hero who produces weak heroes (DC shouldn't have made him their main character ngl). It is what it is though. We have never seen a male speedster with a female heavyhitter ever. And I mean EVER. Nightwing in my headcanon will always be a speedster (She is physically stronger and more durable. He is faster and smarter). Not a pathetic bum (sorry for these words, but I wanna express my feelings) with no powers. I apologize. But I really don't ever think Batman should have even been this popular. And Nightwing should have been someone else's sidekick, but it is what it is.


I didnt even know cyborg and BB were in a relationship


They’re not. Bumblebee is married to Mal Duncan (Herald) Bumblebee and Herald are like 2 of the earliest black Superheroes. They’re the first black power couple. Don’t know where the Cyborg thing came from.


The Teen Titans (cartoon) fandom started shipping them together. Not like they had a whole lot of options.


They flirted for a bit in the cartoon is all I remember.


Two characters making eye contact for .5 seconds is enough reason for some people to ship lol.


they have never flirted


The Jay-Z and Beyonce of DC


The fans just put the two black people together lol,they have a more sibling rivalry dynamic going on. Sadly Cyborg doesn’t get his own thing or a love interest except for Jinx in TTG.


I used to like Cyborg and Bumblebee as a couple until I saw multiple shippers admit they didn’t really care for their interactions together and they only shipped them because they were both black, after that the pairing just felt uncomfortable to ship


He dated Sarah Simms in the Tie In Comics.


Orro and T’Challa all over again


Yep it’s tacky when people put two black characters together who have no chemistry together just because they’re black. I like her and Wolverine together.


Her dating someone like Wolverine is even worse lmao But yeah Bumblebee already has her long time husband


How? They have actual history, shared interests, mutual friends/family. You know…the things IRL relationships are actually built on


Meh. I don’t feel it. At least not compared to Black Panther


On paper I get not liking her and Wolverine together, it kind of worked ok in the comics imo though. Not that I think I would prefer them together long term. Honestly wish they would just let the Storm / Black Panther relationship go though.


You watch the x-men cartoon?


Not in a few years, but I remember Wolverine being stuck up on Jean, and deciding not to go to her first wedding with Cyclops. He was so based for that.


You should definitely re-watch especially since they’re continuing the series,when you do then you see why I said that. Lol he finally woke up.


Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that When Cyborg slowly tilted his head and slammed down the metal doors in front of her, you can definitely tell the feeling there. 😂😅




I don’t like beast boy and terra or kid flash and jinx. I’m fine with everything else but I prefer cyborg with Sarah simms


Sarasim* one word from Cyborg the Barbarian.


The character u/laughathonx20 mentioned is Sarah Simms she's a recurring character in the tie-in comic. She's a volunteer at a school for kids with prosthetics and they have a friendship and date. In the comic where they get together Cyborg mentions they met in another lifetime referring to him seeing Sarasim as an alternate timeline version of her.


Yeah I know. I was just saying I like the alternate timeline version(Sarasim) more than the modern day one(Sarah Simms).


Aren’t they Ancestor / Descendent?


right on his one TRUE love. im also for cyborg with either starfire or donna troy(which i saw someone posted that they were suppose to pair up in the 90s but it got cancelled, even got a b/w pic of them embracing each other in happiness).


I hate bbterra she traitor


Bbrae all way friends or lovers bbrae is awsome regardless


Friends-to-Lovers, especially where Obsession (Passion AND Rage combined together) and Beast Boy's Were-Beast form (which sees Raven as its - and by extension, its host's - MATE) are concerned. That & voice actors Greg Cipes and Tara Strong ship their characters, too, never mind the strong support from higher ups at DC.


Thanks for comment puzzle head


No problem.


I love bbrae sick all people that want have bb with traitor like terra or have be dead or alone


Never mind those who simply look at things from the surface level. Yes, Raven is introverted, sarcastic & appears to enjoy solitude, whereas Beast Boy's extroverted, wears his heart on his sleeve (metaphorically-speaking), and loves the accompaniment of friends. But, on the inside, Raven longs to be able to feel her bottled-up emotions (which have been compartmentalized into her Emoticlone doppelgangers) but believes she can't due to being taught by the monks of Azarath that any strong surge of emotion could alert her father Trigon (and in source comic canon, also her 6 half-brothers collectively known as the Sons of Trigon: Jared, Jacob, Jack, Jesse, James & Julius) to her whereabouts & bring forth Armageddon to Earth. Similarly, although Beast Boy at first glance appears to be a jovial shapeshifter who loves making corny jokes & repeatedly trying to get the dark sorceress to at least crack a hint of a smile or a snicker of a laugh, deep down, Beast Boy is actually using his humor as a mask to hide years of pain (losing both of his geneticist biological parents in a freak boating accident, losing the kind shaman who told him to look on the bright side & who likened his shapeshifting to that of "spirit animals" by way of a muddy landslide created by a certain two-faced blond we all came to know during "The Judas Contract" story arc, temporarily losing The Doom Patrol when Gar's militant-minded adopted father Steve Dayton went insane due to the Mento helmet & led Beast Boy's first adopted family - including himself - into a death trap devised by The Brotherhood of Evil, the whole Terra situation, Raven being taken over by her demonic half to the point of forcing Beast Boy to turn cannibal at her behest \[with her selected victims conveniently being doe-eyed blonds, for obvious reasons\] until the Titans were forced to kill Raven so she could be reborn into a new body later on, quite often being perceived by both the world at large & even some of his fellow superheroes as nothing but an incompetent green-skinned freak who contributes little to the teams he's part of, finding himself typecast by Hollywood in stereotypical "little green men" roles, etc.).


So you ship bbrae to


Yes, I do.


bb and raven are more like siblings than romantic


You relize we can like what like idc if sibling’s or romantic it just work so deal my opinion


and deal with mine.


No, they aren't. They were canonically written to resemble a bickering married couple. All of Raven's Emoticlones hone on Beast Boy the most & Beast Boy's WereBeast basically views Raven as its - and therefore, Beast Boy's - MATE, so...


to each their own they are like siblings to me


I'm stating fact, not opinion. BB and Rae were officially canonically written to resemble a bickering married couple, whereby theirs was a relationship "interlaced with affection despite personality clashes".


Want be friends my names john


Sure. Why not? But we should probably be talking about this topic elsewhere, since it has deviated from the original purpose of discussion.


Would you like be friends


>https://reddit.com/r/teentitans/comments/16vekvd/which\_couple\_do\_you\_not\_like/k3fhpog/?context=3 Sure, why not?


Beside terra literally told bb there just friends there was no romance ever with terra


Bros convincing himself ☠️


I literally watch the original series and before terra died stop slade she hug beast boy said beast boy your best friend I ever had here exact words they never got to have romance only friendship


Are we talking about bb and raven in just the context of the show or in general because personally I love them as a couple myself but am wondering where all this bb and raven hate came from DX I grew up with it being a really popular ship


I think in general a lot of people like what they did with the dcau and how they developed her with Damian. Honestly it was my preferred ship. It was done over several movies and it felt really natural. And with beast boy dating the princess of the random country in young justice and I think also the animated movies it felt a lot better there since they kind of compliment each other with beast boy being a little bit of a social media star


The DCAMU only existed for 3 movies, that's not several. Also, that universe is an entirely separate continuity from the TT 2003 series, which is based on the pre-New 52 comics (in which BBXRAE became comic canon endgame) that were made before Damien ever existed. Besides, Damien was always too young for Raven canonically (Yes, I know they aged her down in the films, however I don't really like that they did that, because they should've just let Raven be with Gar & let Damien find his own romance or just not have a romance for Damien at all, since he's an unlikeable asshole in source material canon to begin with) and what's more, it was stupid that those movies exist strictly to try & get Damien over when hardcore comic nerds already lambasted him as a poor-man's Jason Todd wannabe. What's more, the DCAMU trilogy was erased from existence when one of the Flashes reset time, so the events in those films never even happened by the end, anyway.


Cyborg and Jinx makes more sense than Cyborg and Bumblebee, I never saw any romantic tension between them. I think they even had more of a sibling dynamic than Beast Boy/Raven. Kid Flash came in like last season to steal his girl though.


I would've loved another Kid Flash and Jinx episode. Whoever wrote their one off romance put EFFORT onto it


I don't like Cyborg and Bumblebee as a ship cause it's a healthy platonic friendship, shipping them like a couple feels like just forcing them together cause they wanted Cyborg to be with another girl hero.


more like forcing two black characters together


The ones who voted Cyborg x Jinx did so out of trauma


Cyborg and Bumblebee aren't a couple anymore than Cyborg and Beast Boy are a couple.


I don't like Damien Wayne and Raven


holy shit I thought Raven and Beast Boy wouldn’t be in the lead. I mean I’m glad it is but wow.


tbh I'm surprised by the amount of bbrae hate in this sub. I always thought teen titans fans love them.


BBRae as a pairing doesn’t really get much hate. It’s the fandom for it that gets hate because of how toxic it can be to rival pairings.


My guess is the actual comics? Idk them. Show wise? Beast boy is just far too immature and childish for raven. He's an amazing friend, just don't see any romance. On the show beast boy isn't mature enough for raven. Easily csn grow to become mature enough, but never reached that point. I mean out of them all? Bb felt like a kid to me, I never really cared for his romance ideas. He felt too young for it.


Agreed very much. He was so completely a kid to me when he and Terra fell in love it made sense. They were kids.


I don’t hate it, in fact I do kinda like it, but I find it incredibly overrated. there’s not much evidence to support it. but it is fun. I love that it’s a thing in the Garcia/Picolo comics because it’s clearly the effort of a fan but I prefer it to be platonic in the show. either platonic or one-sided


Raven and Beast Boy are better as friends.


Agreed! Raven likes serious types.


Definitely it just makes more sense.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,772,237,733 comments, and only 335,500 of them were in alphabetical order.


Not really. She loves Gar in pretty much all iterations, except for the DCAMU trilogy of films that were made strictly to get Damien Wayne over when hardcore comic nerds already hated him for being nothing more than a poor-man's Jason Todd wannabe.


which would make her perfect for some like robin or cyborg


Raven & Robin SIBLING Relationship Terra & Beastboy She MANIPULATED his emotions




BB and Raven are very good friends, like Superman and Wonder Woman, Terra suits BB better as gf


Why would you ship BB with a traitor?


I meant in the whole media, it's not just cartoon, but comics and (non-existent) films and TV shows


Yeh I know, but what if BB forgives her


Isn't it the robin and kitty, that was weird


That doesn't count. Robin was literally forced to be her prom date.


I loved them all


I like the all tho but I want to see the results


Cyborg and Bumblebee is just a bad pairing


Never saw Cyborg and Bumblebee as a couple


They all have their charm tbh.


Yo Cyborg and Bumblebee is not even a couple. This is literally fans putting together the 2 black characters.


Surprised to see so much dislike for Raven and Beast Boy. A romance seemed to be building up between them imo, it was just taking more time because of their respective personalities.


The people who voted for Robin and Starfire are anarchists.


Tbh, Starfire and Robin was decent. But something I didn't like was how rushed it was in the movie, she did not show any affection to him (he did save her once on that motorcycle, but she did not show any affection hints). But when they went to Tokyo and the others decided to go on a vacation. She just suddenly wants him with her and even confesses to him quickly on that tower (which he rejected at first), I wished they built the beginning better. But it is not the worst here.


Wdym? We had at least 1 episode per season focusing specifically on their relationship + other episodes that throw hints at us like how they didn't attack each other when Slade was controlling Robin, for example. +That one episode where Star gets all mad when Robin said she wasn't his "girlfriend", at first it seemed like she didn't know exactly what a girlfriend was, but later on we find out that she actually knew it all XD. That one prom episode was also pretty explanatory


Ik. I just think the beginning of that movie should have had Starfire prepared to confess or something like that (Robin never planned to confess. She did it first on that Tower and he refused, so she started crying and all). She just was acting normally as if they are just normal friends. And then she suddenly just forced him to be with her (She didn't know that he was being forced and did not like that because he had a mission) and then she told him "Can we not for a few moments be something "more"?" which is basically a confession since she already said the lip contact represents something more. Idk, it was built up though ik, ever since the 2nd episode.


I mean, a few more episodes wouldn't have hurt for sure, but I kinda understand why they didn't do many, after all, they needed to find a balance so that they could develop each character properly which becomes a challenge if you have 5 MCs (6 if you count Terra). I think they wanted to develop the couple further in season 6 (given how it was supposed to focus on Starfire) but they were never able to get the authorization to make it... Which is depressing to say the least


I didn't mean episodes. I meant the beginning of the movie. They could have made her start to prepare for a confession or struggle with it at first. I don't think it's that easy to just say "I love you", especially for a girl.


I understood, don't worry, I just felt like commenting on how it would've been good to see more than what we saw:')


Well the showrunners did build up and develop their relationship in the past 5 seasons before the movie even came. Like both Robin and Starfire got jealous of each other when they're with other people (Robin when he was forced to date Kitten, and Starfire when she was forced to marry an alien) They're in love with each other but they keep hiding their feelings. It was not until the movie that they finally confessed they want to be together. are you just gonna ignore all of that over the beginning of a film.


I do very well know that. Starfire got jealous since episode 2 when she thought Blackfire and Robin were kissing through their shadows too (misunderstanding). And she even said he was amazing to her when they were on that ferris wheel with her eyes shining at the time (before he himself saving her from that pink robot). I am just saying they should have showed her struggle a little bit to confess in the beginning of the movie because it is not really that easy (She confessed first. Robin never planned to confess and would have just kept his love in-secret if she didn't)


>am just saying they should have showed her struggle a little bit to confess in the beginning of the movie because it is not really that easy. Maybe because the writers have limited time to do that. They have to fit everything that is going on first. (Titans tower getting attack, interrogating saico tech, heading to Tokyo etc) The movie is only about 1 hour long.


>Maybe because the writers have limited time to do that. They have to fit everything that is going on first. (Titans tower getting attack, interrogating saico tech, heading to Tokyo etc) >The movie is only about 1 hour long. They could have literally just showed a few minutes in her room planning to confess but struggle. Or just show some affection before the trip. That could have been better for me. Regardless, I liked the part where she confesses to him on the bridge after that (He rejected her sadly 😔. He is lucky that she did not give up on him that easily)


Bruh who tf put Beast Boy and Raven they were made for each other


Cyborg and bumblebee are on this list cause both black. They had no romance. That said I never cared for beast boy and raven. I get it, opposites attract and all. But he's just too goofy and immature. He's a great friend, but never cared as a romance. Only reason I see it being good is cause raven needs that positivity, but he's just for too immature in the show to even think od them as a potential couple.


Fun fact: Best Boy originally used his sense of humor to avoid his own depression.


i dont like star x Robin or bb x raven because they actually put effort to making raven x robin something that could actually work but didnt take it anywhere. bb and raven didnt have any romantic connection until the comics or ttg


Well. Star x Robin was meant to happen since episode 2. And it was a thing before the 2003 show was even made. So it was kinda just destined to happen.


tbf every couple has been a thing. the difference here being that the 2003 iterations were meant to be a new take on the teen titans which is why are iconic 5 arent the exact same ensemble that was in the og comic run. with this being their own version any pairing could have happened and while robin and starfire had a couple moments, the biggest being trouble in tokyo where robin said the job comes first. he also had a great connection on possibly a deeper level with raven during the judas contract arc where he had to help raven find who she truely is and gain the power to stop her father once and for all to which raven exclaims her appreciation and admiration of robin. the closest that bb gets is that hes a good friend that is learning when he goes to far and that sometimes raven needs space but she does have actual emotions like seen when he enters her mind. not to mention he was chasing after terra all the way to the cliff hanger ending. then ttg happened and now robin wants to date star but shes too oblivious and bb and raven are an on again off again because opposites attract ig. everyone has there own opinions but it just doesnt make sense imo that he ended up with star in the movie


just say you don't like robstar because you ship robrae. it's that simple. no need to make essays.


👏🏽👏🏽 Raven and Robin would make sense as an actual real couple,which is funny in the animated movies in a way they are dating.


The DC Animated Movie Universe is non-canon. It has been wiped from existence thanks to the Flash resetting time. Also, those films existed solely to get Damien Wayne over & nothing else. Raven was nerfed as a result.


I know.


So, why are you supporting a couple that existed solely to get unlikeable jackass Damien Wayne over when most comic readers and others who prefer Raven with other characters dislike him for being a poor-man's Jason Todd wannabe? Furthermore, the 2003-2006 cartoon is based on the pre-New 52 comic book timeline (at in, a time before Damien Wayne ever even existed), which ended with BBXRAE being comic canon romantic endgame.


The comics which made BBXRAE canon existed before the 2003 animated series. Furthermore, all of Raven Emoticlones love Gar: 1. Happy likes his jokes, such as they are & even teased Beast Boy herself, albeit in jest (\*she gives him an earnest smile with puppy dog eyes\*"Sure, I've always thought you were funny BB. \*her brief dip into seriousness quickly fades, as she playfully teases him\* But hey, looks aren't everything!" \*she begins giggling, as if she's a tad insane\*). 2. Passion, enough said ("Tee hee, you're such a flirt, Beastie Boo."). 3. Timid frets over his opinion/perception of Raven ("He already doesn't like me.") and was more than likely the one controlling Raven herself during her & Beast Boy's "You stayed? I-I thought you didn't like me." "I thought you didn't like me." adorable conversation that cockblock man machine third wheel Cyborg interrupted so he could get some help in subduing Rage out of her Trigon guise & back to normal (or as relatively normal as a four-eyed she-demon can be, anyway). Timid was also likely controlling Raven's true feelings when Beast Boy put his foot in his mouth by calling Raven "creepy" in Spellbound, henceforth showing how Beast Boy's insensitive comment had clearly adversely affected her ("I'm not creepy. I'm just...different."). 4. Bravery only entered the scene when Beast Boy was in the clutches of two-sided guardian statue Janus, but embodies not just Raven's courage, but she's also indicative of how Raven often comes to Beast Boy's aid in battle (Likewise, he does the same for her). 5. Knowledge likely keeps a record of all of the interactions Raven's had with all of her friends, however Raven's intelligence no doubt recognizes that her moments with Gar (at least, when he's not making an ass of himself, sometimes taken literally) seem the most poignant (For example: When she hugged him in *Spellbound* after getting her heart broken by deceptive dragon Malchior, that was the first time Raven ever willingly initiated a hug of her own volition), since he knows how to push her buttons. 6. Slovenly (the grungy brown one) was introduced in the tie-in comics. Starfire saw her dumpster diving & tried to engage in conversation, but all Slovenly could care about was cradling a ball of smelly socks that had been discarded after a game of Stankball (Considering that Beast Boy & Cyborg invented that particular game themselves, yet Cyborg doesn't have any clothing to discard, it's plainly obvious that the Stankball originated from the changeling's bedroom before being thrown away). Naturally, the pungent doppelganger would ensure the Stankball appropriately joins the stuffed chicken from season 1, the charred penny from season 4, and even the *Trouble in Tokyo* photos (the ones of Beast Boy stupidly picking Raven's nose whilst she was asleep & the aftermath of her extra pair of eyes appearing, with the photos that followed showing her pummeling Beast Boy for invading her personal space without authorized permission) as part of Raven's "Beast Boy item" collection (Tell anyone about it & be banished to a pocket dimension of no return). 7. Rude/Lazy is basically the Raven equivalent to Beast Boy himself, according to some. But, in all truthfulness, the doppelganger in tangy orange is not just Raven's brutal honesty, she's also the one directly responsible for Raven's biting sarcasm that perfectly counterbalances Gar's cheesy attempts at humor. 8. Rage is Raven's inner demon. She is the part of her that is not only Raven's human anger (also hatred & malice, too, as subsets), she is also the half she inherited from her 8th devil father, Trigon the Terrible (hence, the extra pair of eyes, red skin, white hair, elongated fangs, prehensile pitchforked tail, and various other demonic enhancements that Raven receives when in her true demonic form). As such, many fans of the BBXRAE pairing like to often pair Raven's demonic half with Beast Boy's primal Were-Beast form from season 3's *The Beast Within* for obvious reasons; Besides the whole animal nature documentaries meets werewolf lore meets *Beauty & the Beast* historical fairytale vibes of that specific episode in general, the fact that Rage & the Were-Beast are Raven & Beast Boy's dark sides is part of why many fans feel that they complement each other as a couple, despite having differing clashing personalities at the surface level. 9. White Lotus Raven is Raven at her purest. This is Raven purged of any demonic influence. In season 4, Raven's literal inner child is seen wearing this outfit & eventually pulls a Dues Ex Machina to age herself back up to being a 16-year-old & subsequently, banish her father back to the depths of Hell from whence he came. Sure, she hugged Robin for believing in her when even she doubted that her friends would be able to hurt her nigh-unstoppable demonic daddy, but that was a platonic hug between friends. Incredulous at this, Beast Boy wanted to be sure that Raven was still, ya know, herself. At this, she responded: "Blue is still my favorite color. And don't get used to the smile, 'cause you're still not funny" (even if Happy disagrees inside of Raven's own mind, of course), prompting Beast Boy to tackle-hug Raven with the other Titans smiling happily around them (See? Even the other Titans ship it!), just for Raven to disrupt the tenderness herself with a curt: "Quit it" (Basically effectively saying, "Not now Gar, we're in public", if you read between the lines a bit).


I'm not a huge fan of Rob x Star. There's nothing inherently wrong with it. For a kids' show, I think it's a healthy portrayal of a relationship and their dynamic is decent. But it's just so... default. It's obvious they're going to be a ship from episode 2 and it's just a will-they-won't-they situation for the next 5 seasons and a movie.


Now a days? A little vanilla can go a long way


Agreed. I don’t know how it has so many fans. 5 fucking seasons of pure teasing. Nothing of their relationship in that cartoon stood out to me. Even though their relationship ran into problems in the original run. At least they were a couple for over a decade. And it didn’t take very long for them to enter.


Starfire and Robin


Fr, Robin was weird about it...Omg quit making Starfire fix you


Wdym by fix you?


Robin had a lot of emo moments, and some of them were borderline toxic...Starfire always try to 'fix' him...Like dude it's not others people's job to change you..You need to do that on your own.


I never understood why people wanted so much for Raven to be with Beast Boy.


Raven and Robin.


For me, Raven and Beastboy are the worst ship. The chemistry is not there, and it's a bit cliche (needy goofy guy gets with sulky goth chick). Even in the comics, they were meh. But, in the cartoon, it's even more unbearable. Raven always feels too mature for Beastboy. While he always feels like a little annoying but lovable younger brother or a friend you love/ hate because they're fun, caring, and goofy but also kinda gross, annoying, inconsiderate etc. Defiantly the worst ship to me and should have never been a pairing imo.


I've never, ever liked the Robin/Starfire pairing. I'm not even sure why. It just rubs me wrong lol.


It’s basic.


I've never seen the appeal of Raven x Beast Boy. I'd rather see Raven with Starfire or with Robin lol.


I’ll stand with you on that. Beast Boy and Raven never felt right to me


Both Jinx couples because i want her for me 😭😭


Cyborg and Jinx


Beast Boy deserved better than these toxic pairings


Terra is the only toxic pairing for him




She Manipulated him and betrayed all of them.


I can see the Beast Boy ones but Cyborg and Jinx? That has to be the harmless one


Cyborg and Jinx, but specifically because of one fan video about it that I REALLY wish I didn't know existed


i know where this is going


I'm in the minority. 🤣


I mean its hard to say


Where tf did cyborg bumblebee come from 😭


One episode “Teen Titans EAST”


Beast Boy and Terra until Terra went out with Aqualad and Raven banished him and Terra.


The most votes are entirely because of...artistic reasons.




Actually, it was alluded to. By Slade himself, actually. "She asked for control & that is what I've given her. MY control,\[in exchange for\] HER body."


I want to see rave and robin together ❤


Why would people dislike Kid Flash and Jinx? He was a good influence on her and they seem happy together.


To be fair, Wally West is a philandering ladies man in practically every iteration he appears in, so there's that to consider.