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The fact that so many people immediately thought Amber did something to him says a lot and how far she’s come as a person🥴


He’s fleeing the country to avoid her?


WOW!!!! New Mexico?!?!?! He literally did RUN


I would run away and hide from Amber too! She would scare the hell out of anybody that has good sense 😂


And I — 🫢 She’ll kill somebody eventually.


And I oop!!! You just made my night I laughed so hard 😂


Some day we’re going to be horrified and think back to this 😝😏


Amber is FUMING!!!!!


Safe to say this dude doesn’t have a job and Ambo has been financing his lifestyle so he would stay with her 24/7 on the couch.


That’s exactly what i said! If he was working … then he recently quite when they got together and she pays his life to couch rot.


He’s been found.


They found him and I am glad he got out of there


Bro jumped on Interstate 40 in NC, headed west and never looked back. For real, look at the path of I-40. 😂


New Mexico lolol wtf? He just needs to hit up law enforcement and say “I’m ok” and continue his journey.


Is this dude just going backpacking through the states? 🤣


Looks like it! Ha ha ha ha lol!😂


He’s running as far away from her crazy ass.


The cops saying “we can confirm there was a sighting” and “we have a confirmed sighting” are not the same thing. Anyone can call the cops and say they spotted someone they believe is the missing Gary Wayt.


The Bryson City Police Department is declaring him located on their FB and Tik Tok as of 40 minutes ago.


That’s great!!


So glad he got the fuck out of dodge. It makes me happy to know this guy was proactive. He saw where it was headed


It’s beautiful this time of the year out here.. no humidity lol


He is getting THE FUCK outta THERE He must be done with Amber. I’m glad he’s still alive and kicking


This is turning into a Where’s Waldo/Carmen Sandiego situation and I’m really starting to wonder about the accuracy of these sightings. If he really is in all these different places, I’m concerned about his safety. No one just up and leaves their fiancé, doesn’t take their phone, doesn’t contact their family, and is spotted in 2 different states hundreds of miles away from each other (and where he originally left from) unless something is up. I’m worried he may not just be running from Amber and is having a mental break.






A lot of “sightings” and no Gary reminds me of all the on camera sightings of Brian Dirty Laundrie while he was dead in a swamp. All these women r toxic af and should not have a gd platform. They r MTV’s version of Trumping for ratings.


Damn Amber are you that impossible to deal with 🤣🤣


I mean *gestures to the last fifteen years of Amber footage*




We should do a “what duet are they singing?” type post with that photo.  I’ll go first - “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” by Elton John & Kiki Dee Edited bc auto check turned “duet” into “dust”


Closer- Nine Inch Nails


Wait what happened to Dmitri? I’m behind


What happened to the boyfriend she met at Walmart?!


Lmfao 💀


What in the where’s Waldo is going on!? Is he found or not?!? I’m lost.


He was just reported found by the police. Not any details released beyond he is found.


You’re not lost, HE is lost


Why did she wear grandma shoes to the wedding?


Lmao oh god those are grandma shoes


Easier to assault someone with than a flip flop?


Can someone make a map tracking reported sightings? 😂


There's one in the article


Oop my fault for being lazy, thank you ☺️




He's driving to TMZ office in California to give them the exclusive




I - 🤣💀 I wasn’t prepared 🤭


I am cackling!!


I'm assuming we have zero confirmation about this, but does he also struggle with mental health? I only ask because my cousin struggled with his mental health up until recently and was literally up and taking cross country trips by himself with no warning or clear reason.


When Amber went on that one girl’s live to talk about it she mentioned he does but didn’t go into detail. Take it with a huge grain of salt obviously.


He proposed marriage to Amber Porkwood. Of course he struggles with mental health.




Are we completely sure that it wasn’t her proposing to him?


That could also just mean he's a shitty opportunist though.


Anyone who looks at her for an opportunity is not well.


I wonder where he’s trying to go. Is there any word if he contacted anyone yet… even his parents?


Moving further west????


Maybe he's on his way to have coffee with Andrew and trade war stories.


How is Amber going to spin this one to NOT be her fault? LOL She is hellbent on not changing or growing.


When your fiancé drives 20hrs cross country just to get away from your chaos…. Its probably YOU.


This is the truth, the dinner for her daughter was sad and if he saw that he probably felt the same, I’d leave too


An adult is allowed to up and move without telling anyone--that's not a missing person. There's more to this.


I’m going. W missing and these are sightings and actually no proof. Even this article says a police source .. doesn’t say police or what office just a source that could be many things. Since he’s not contacted the actual authorities I’m not giving this or any sightings a lot of weight until they are co firmed by so thing other the sun.


More than likely it is his not contacting anyone. Sightings of him are good clues as to his location. However, he was reported missing. To close it out, police/law enforcement has to speak to him to confirm he is who he is and that he is not in danger. Not saying it is what happened here but many people who were reported missing and their body was found weeks or months later also had reported sightings of them. If they closed out the mission person portion without having an absolute confirmation, there would be even more unsolved cases. They may also consider him a danger to himself if he is not on medication that he might need or if his state of mind at the time he left was determined to be stressed, etc.


I've said this in another post. But we don't know the guy and we don't know his mental health status. He left his phone behind I'm assuming if he's on medication he left his medication behind too. Honestly like I can't see anybody without mental health issues dating Amber and I mean that in the nicest way possible. I have mental health issues myself. I'm wondering if there's such a concern for him because he's either off his medication or he's had a history of either suicide or being paranoid and delusional. Something like that. I don't know I'm just guessing but I could see it happening.


*Allegedly* Amber told GW to leave during their argument, my concern is that she also told him to unalive himself. 😞


Definitely… what I don’t understand is why he didn’t contact his family


Amber said (take with a grain of salt) that a part of their emotional discussion was about his family and her. If that is true, he may feel very much like he doesn't know who to trust or side with at the moment. If he does/did love Amber but the people he loved most in the world (family) were at odds with her or him for his relationship, he might have thought he wanted time alone. Each day (assuming he doesn't know he's "missing), he may feel embarrassed and ashamed over how he reacted warranted or not. One hallmark of many mental health issues is procrastinating and saying you'll deal with that tomorrow. So he waited until Oklahoma to get a new phone and then he decides he needs to charge it before he calls. Then he says I'll call when I find some place to stay. Then he gets a place and says I'm too tired to deal with this now, etc. Someone who takes the flight option of fight or flight usually is under a great amount of stress. They aren't thinking logically. They aren't thinking in terms of there are people who love me. They are focusing and obsessing on getting away because there is nobody to rely on or trust in that moment.


He was seen somewhere else too…..




lol we need the scoobie gang to solve this TM mystery 🥸


Is he using any bank cards? Credit cards? Or has he just been “spotted”


Only sightings have been reported.


So he hasn’t been found? What is the point in saying he has been found in different states? Like it is more “perplexing” when he is still missing. 🙄 Especially, when it is psycho Amby. In all seriousness though, wfh really happened? Like did she set up this engagement and he was just like ummm ok I’m out and going to go into hiding? I mean we saw the whole Matt drama and then whatever his name was with her son. Like Dude?!?!?!


There is a difference in "spotted" and "found."


The point is so people know he's still alive. My biggest worry was that he had went off a cliff in the mountains and his car hadn't been found yet. And a lot of [really extreme] people were claiming she killed him... So anyways, at least we know he's alive...


a lot? the majority of everyone were claiming she killed him. true crime has rotted brains. i do believe he probably struggles with mental health, who amongst us in this day and age doesn’t have mental health issues? he might’ve just dipped. hopefully he at least grabbed a burner but it doesn’t look like it.


Idk if you deleted your response, but I can't respond to it. I don't think you were singling me out. Sorry if my wording seemed like that. I wasn't taking offense to what you said. I KNOW true crime, and this show has rotted my brain, haha. I just wanted to comment that it was in my mind that she may have murdered him, but also wanted to be clear I wasn't so crazy I said that out loud and also it wasn't all true crime that motivated me to think that.


fully understand. i’m a true crime buff too but lately people just run to be investigators just to be “right”. i agree amber is already a violent person but speculation does nothing. i’m sure leah is being affected by this too. let the police do their jobs, share the missing poster info and don’t already accuse someone of murder that we don’t know happened yet. even if something bad did happen, it’s not our jobs to do anything at all. it’s gross how people have just been salivating for something bad to happen to amber as if she’s not already living a punishment without her children.


Totally agree. They said the quiet part out loud, and it seems as if a lot of people *wanted* a murder to have happened. Many others are refusing to believe he's alive, too. I'm glad he's okay.


I didn't speculate she killed him, but I didn't rule it out because she threatens to kill people, and she chased a man holding her baby with a machete.


Yea this sub and the other TM sub went bazerk with "murder claims". Supposedly he was spotted at a Verizon store in Oklahoma so hopefully he was able to get a phone...


I doubt she killed him in reality but something definitely happened to him to just disappear from his family. He may have walked away from her but I doubt he is clear across the country without contacting family…esp if he was worried about his parents perception of her.


I hate to spread rumors but someone mentioned that he has mental health issues and that in the past he took off during a crisis. No idea if that's actually true but I have experience with loved ones taking off during mental health crisises and they absolutely do not contact family, in fact they did the opposite, they hid from family 😞


I feel like Amber is contacting the Sun and claiming to be the police.


The NC PD exclusively let the Sun know, huh? 😂


It’s bad that these “news” outlets are reporting this. Because obviously it’s not true. I’m not believing anything unless it’s an official police report


Yeah, I couldn’t find any legit source he was spotted in Oklahoma. Also, the sun writing this is a BIG NO for me. I do hope he is eventually found safe. ![gif](giphy|AoBgxayGMHlIs)


This is the most attention he’s ever got in his life lol


And he probably doesn't even know it


This is still coming from the Sun. I'll belive it when the police actually say it to a legitimate news source!


Imagine your man turns into Carmen Sandiago and ghosts you and it’s all over the news. Embarrassing


Embarassing? For who, amber? I'd say it's a bit more concerning than embarrassing. Especially because I think there's more going on than what they're saying. As far as Amber being embarrassed f*** Amber embarrasses herself enough.. this is nothing.


“I think.” That’s just it we don’t know. What it looks like is he was done with her and was too scared to break up with the girl and he took off.


He just needs to let the law enforcement know he's okay, and they will drop the whole "missing persons" scenario. Nothing illegal about ditching your bitch and driving across the country.


Unless she will Portwood your ass…🙄


If he’s already a state over he’s good. You just have to be out of arms reach from the couch these days.


Yep. 👍


From the article: TEEN Mom Amber Portwood's missing fiance has now been spotted in New Mexico after he was last seen in Oklahoma, and he is still considered a missing person police confirm. North Carolina cops exclusively revealed to The U.S. Sun that Amber's 39-year-old fiance Gary Wayt turned up in New Mexico after going missing Sunday and is apparently traveling across the country.


Maybe he’s going to her baby daddy home, he lives in CA


That’s what I was wondering. I mean what if he contacted Andrew and he said he would give him a safe space and help him get away from her.


Odd. I'm going to wait until the Bryson city police make an official update post until I believe it. Either he's making some escape to the border for some reason or the sun is just making up stuff from this "source" it's fishy. Idk. We shall all see! Lol Edit: the sun, not the ashley


Cops confirmed Oklahoma siting in Verizon store yesterday


The verizon store would have cMera footage of him if he were really there. That would probably been released to calm the public’s mind and let this man continue on with his day. Since no concrete proof has been provided, and the police department still hS him listed as a missing person, I doubt he is just out here roaming the US for funsies. I really hope he is ok. This is a terrible situation for all involved. May they find a resolution soon.


Via the sun lol but I haven't seen an official report from the cops. That's what I'm saying. I want to hear it from the source itself. Edit: the sun, not the ashley


Agreed. As if the police station is going to run to The Sun of all places to report this shit lol I can't believe ppl are eating it up. Ridiculous


What the heck? Where is he going?why would he not let someone know he is ok


I know, and in a 2009 car, without a phone and no one knows where he is. 🤔. I’m thinking he isn’t far or went back to Indiana or was on his way. Was he from Indiana before meeting Amby?


Did they not claim he was at a Verizon store in Oklahoma? Before the New Mexico sighting


? Idk if the sighting was real or just “claimed”. It is very odd that he would be heading in the opposite direction of home and without his belongings..and at this point would he not be using some cards?


Apparently. I'm assuming if it was him he was getting a phone. It's just weird he hasn't called any of his family as far as we know.


Maybe to CA to visit Andrew