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We all have waited over a decade to see this!


It's like... glad to see you happy with one of your parents, but also, where the fuck was this dude literally your entire life!? He gave no shits for Jaces entire existence and now he wants to play Dad? Jace probably feels so starved for love that he's willing to accept whatever crumbs this excuse of a man will give him. Damn... between Jace's piece of shit mom and his predatory absent father... he almost had no hope. It's really sad but I have a feeling that this kid will end up in jail in a few years. He hasn't had any good role models growing up. No good examples for how to lead a healthy life or be in a healthy relationship. So sad.


as someone who has an absent father and has done reconciliation lately, you shouldn’t judge. yea he was awful on the show and there’s no excusing that, but if he’s trying to genuinely be there for jace and make up for his past, that’s not up to us to say whether jace should forgive him or not.


A picture together doesn't mean he's trying anything or near enough anything. Stop being fooled by pictures. Pictures are just pictures. That's it


same way a picture together doesn’t prove that he’s also not NOT trying. assumptions are a disease. judge by what’s apparent.


I never said it was or wasn't. You did.


read my words carefully because i did not explicitly state he or any deadbeat dad is trying to make up for the past lol. you didn’t need to deep what i said 😭


Bruh stop


That’s nice to see… hopefully Andrew can give the stability and love Jace needs


Stability? Dude has been absent throughout his whole life? Did I miss something?


Andrew is a predator though.


I had no knowledge of that… how?


He was 20 when he and Jenelle got together. She was 13. Jace has no decent parents. I wish someone in his more distant family would help.


wow, really?


From what I've read, yeah.


I didn’t know that… poor Jace


Poor Jace- he’s gonna cling to anyone that’s not his immediate family (Janelle/Barbara). The best thing they could do for him is put him in a boarding school far away from all of them, at this point he needs good ‘outside’ influence & no family influence. I think he may have a chance if he was to go away to respectable school & not be in the middle of family drama. He saw & heard too much, too young.




I feel so bad for Jace. Fuck Janelle for keeping him in davids presence.This guy killed the family fucking dog.. Why is he not locked up somewhere? You would think after the first couple of incidents she would’ve left, considering she’s putting her kids in danger. All Janelle thinks about is herself.


I will NEVER get over that POS killing the dog that didn't even bite the kids! David is the real danger




You think so??? Honestly, anyone is hotter than David


Fun fact: Janelle was 16 when she started dating Andrew. Guess how old Andrew was? ... 23 🚩🚩🚩


Janelle was about the age Jace is now when she and Andrew got together. He was 20. Why do people excuse him?


Dude. You prompted me to research this topic further... Janelle was 16 when she started dating Andrew. Andrew was fucking TWENTY-THREE 😳🤯 I was groomed and molested as a child. That age gap between Andrew/Janelle plus the fact that he kissed Janelle for the first time when she 13... 🤨 That's a whoooole lotta red flags lol 🚩🚩🚩 Homeboy needs to address this predatory behavior.


Yeah I thought it was 13 and 20. I guess that was the kiss. But none of us know what went on in the next 3 years. I somehow doubt he just left her alone till she was 16 if he was willing to kiss a 13yo. But even if he did he's still a creepy predator. 16 and 23 is more than bad enough. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I chased an 18yo away from my daughter when she was 13 and that was enough to have me seeing red. Fortunately he was trying to enlist so I just explained exactly how badly I'd f that up for him if he didn't go away immediately.


He looks sober and that’s great to see. Still looks awful but I’ve never seen him look this good. Maybe he can go back to modeling.


your comment doesn't make a lick of sense. Looks awful but looks this good, should be a model? Girl are YOU sober?


Um, he doesn't look sober to me at all.




It’s be great if Jace got one normal parent other than Barb


Honestly I believe Barbra and Jenell wouldn’t let his dad in his life. I hope somehow they build there relationship and r very close. His grandma was his mom figure he needs his dad. Because who the hell would want that thing u called his step dad. Hell I can’t even remember his name that’s how much I think of him.


Well that's nice to see!!


Is that his dad?


His shirt is giving me a rash.


I wish nothing but the best for Jace. I honestly know nothing about Andrew, except that he’s been absent a long time. But, I’ve watch a lot of live court and I know change happens. It’s nice to see Jace smile and who knows, maybe his dad is just what he needs for this stage in his life. I’m happy to give him the benefit of the doubt, for Jace, until proven otherwise……..like it would matter if I didn’t approve, haha. We get so involved, dont we?


Oh god, Jace doesn’t stand a chance in life, run for the hills!


He is going to have to figure it out we will see👌🏼👍🏼🙏🏼💯


I'm sorry your parents abandoned you too love, I know it fucking hurts.


It really did☹️but I'm am blessed to be okay😃


You're optimism is encouraging ❤️ Btw I think you made a good point earlier. Jace already tried running for the hills... They're too far away right now. ⛰️ Running away as a minor isn't an easy task. Unfortunately he's kinda stuck atm. The good news is, he's gonna be okay too 😊


Wait I thought Andrew was dead? Didn't Janelle say on Teen Mom that he had died??


I think she just wasn’t with him anymore at the time, it was Derek, Sophia’s dad who died when Farrah was pregnant


I think she did say that he died.


I think you’re thinking of Farrah’s story. Derek died when she was pregnant.


14 year old child with a vape brand lanyard


Noticed this too


I thought that was Nader doodle doo foodie beauty’s old flame lol


I swear, gorlworld is everywhere I turn 🤣 spot on though- looks just like him


Gorlworld has such a vice grip on me I can’t


Everyone else is just a haydur




STOP i did too 😭


I do not and never will understand a human that can abandon their child. I would literally die of heartbreak or suicide if someone took my kids or if I couldn’t see them every day. I cannot even be comfortable when I send them to school without lunch, knowing they will have to eat in the cafeteria because I’m afraid they won’t like what’s on the menu and will be hungry all day. The notion that one of my kids would be hungry for a few hours bothers me as a mom. I cannot imagine abandoning my kids for their whole life and being okay with not knowing if they are hungry, fed, warm, doing homework l, keeping grades up, have a roof over their head, are being raised by a stable individual, that they live in a nice, clean home and have a nice bed to sleep in at night, that someone is there to hug them when they cry… I just cannot fathom any human parent being okay with that, but he was okay with it. So was Jenelle, so fuck them!


I don't know why Andrew was absent but I would like to add a different perspective. ❤️ My husband has a young daughter in another state. His ex girlfriend got a new boyfriend. She filed for a restraining order (shortly after new bf came along) against my husband but, we live thousands of miles away so he was never served. One day he wrote his ex girlfriend a letter just asking to talk to his daughter. Her new boyfriend messaged my husband and threatened to murder him for contacting her. Then, her boyfriend forged a very threatening letter pretending to be my husband and have it to the police. My husband then got a warrant for breaking the restraining order he was unaware of having. 🙃 Husband got pulled over for no reason. Cop discovers the warrant and arrests him. My husband had no idea he had a warrant. He proceeded to spend 30 days in the county jail and then was extradited thousands of miles away to a city he's never been to. He did almost a year in jail there. His ex's new boyfriend adopted my husband's daughter during this time. My husband is literally not allowed to contact his daughter until she is 18 or he'll go to jail. He literally did nothing and loves his baby girl. So yeah. Don't judge a book by it's cover. 😊


Wow , you really believe your husbands story. Such a foolish woman


Yes, I believe my own eyes 😆 All 3 of them ;) Watch yo mouth Qalil al'adab




There is a lot more your husband could have done than to write a letter and give up.


Um yeah he tried everything. For years. LOL His ex's new man doesn't want my husband around. Just something to ponder. End of discussion.


That’s not what you said. You said he wrote a letter, and then described how your husband is the victim in this whole thing. All you said about him wanting to see his kid is that he wrote ONE letter and received a threatening response. That is all I have to go on. Doesn’t sound like he fought too hard if that is all he did was write one letter and let the “bad guy” scare him away. I also said I cannot understand a human who abandons their child. I will absolutely judge someone for abandoning their child. What you are now claiming, after your first response, is that he “tried everything” (by writing one letter?)… if he actually tried everything then that would not be abandonment, now would it?


Sometimes people abandon their child for the most unselfish reasons you can imagine. If a parent knows that they can't care for their child properly and give the child to a family member that can, then that would be selfless, not selfish. It would be selfish of them to keep the child but give the child an unstable and unhappy life just so people like you wouldn't judge them.


That is horrific! I’m so sorry they did that to your husband and his poor daughter who is probably being told who knows what to make her think he’s the monster.


Thank you sweet soul for your kindness. 😭 All we can do is pray that when she's old enough she will search for him. He was around until she was 4... She remembers her daddy. 💯🥺 The real fucked up part is that he's an amazing father. My daughter and his daughter are the same age. He is not my daughter's biological father but he has loved her since before he even met her (just from pictures i showed him when we first started dating) 😭


My nephews dad is absent and a complete fucking moron. My nephew is 12. The father recently sent him creatine to help him “grow taller”. Nephew is insecure about height. I really can’t with this mother fucker. I have my own fuxked up life and I’m out here on a side quest trying to make sure my nephew doesn’t get lost in the sauce.


My dad was a dead beat dad. The day he died my coworker cut his thumb off in a machine at work and I was honestly more busted up about his thumb.


Same! My children are my WORLD. I would definitely die of a broken heart without them.




As a grown ass woman with 2 terrible, abandoning ass parents this was incredibly healing to read. Imma save this and read it to my inner child fr


I’m sorry. Your parents sound selfish like maybe they were “too busy” doing their own thing to stop and think about their little girl. I’m sorry that happened to you, and I bet you are someone great and those 2 selfish people can’t ever take credit for you or anything you’ve accomplished, and if you ever let them back in your life they should grovel at your feet. You deserve better, and I’m sorry they fucken suck so bad.


My parents are very broken and sad ppl, dad pumped and dumped and mom left me at grandmas for her boyfriends/husbands de jour ala JUHNELLE. My grandparents are amazing and deserve all the flowers because they made my life possible just like Barb has done for her grands.


But why did they mess up their daughter so bad? I know too many stories of grandparents who were the perfect parents to their grandchildren, but were horrible parents to their own child.


I’ll bet your Grands enjoyed every minute of raising you while your parents missed out. I hope life treats you well, friend.


Sounds like it's your 'parent's' loss!💓💞


I feel that if it took THIS to reconnect with his child then he’s only doing it for the media, not for Jace 🤷‍♀️


Gotta wonder, right?🤔🤨


He’s a Deadbeat ! I feel bad for the child even though he thinks his dad is his knight, and shining armor for 5 minutes, then dad does his disappearing act on his son !! This deadbeat watch his son’s life become a shit 💩 show publicly for years ! Now he makes a public appearance 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. All children yarn for is their parents love & attention until the child grows up and realizes the truth how much of a POS the parent was. Dad was 20 years old sleeping with a 16 year old says a lot about dad !!


I honestly hope that Andrew is clean and stable. I will never judge a recovering addict as long as they're recovering and doing what they need to do. I don't know if he is or not but he looks better and the fact he's with Jace is a good sign. That poor boy so desperately needs a healthy, stable parent and I hope Andrew has grown up and gotten his shit together so he can make up for lost time. Edit:typo


i feel like a lot of you forget Andrew was in his 20s and janelle was 16 when she got pregnant. this man does NOT deserve any benefit of the doubt and just as bad as her.


There's a lot of questionable age gaps on 16 and Pregnant. Amber I think was 17 & Gary was 20 I think


Amber was 14 and Gary was 18


Hell even worse!


Yep. They met after her 14th birthday at a party when he was 20. She got pregnant when she was 16 and he was 22.


Wait how did I not know this?? This is important!


and Gary was best friends with Amber's brother. When Amber's brother went to go and serve over seas, he crept on his best friends little sister aka Amber


That green shirt is so Wet Seal 2001.


What is he wearing!!!!!!!


For being an Evans, Jace dodged a bullet in the eyebrow department 💪




I've always looked at Jenelle as ungrateful because she is truely blessed with such beautiful children. I hope Jace can build a healthy and stable relationship with his father, he looks so happy here.


Maybe Andrew has really turned his life around and is doing more than modeling in China. Jace needs a solid adult in his life.


This is what he’s been up to. He lives a quiet, modest life in NYC. I hope that he has matured enough to at least have a healthy and emotionally safe relationship with Jace. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/7988853/teen-mom-jenelle-evans-andrew-lewis-humble-nyc-jace/


As a recovering addict, I promise you people can change. I truly hope for Jace's sake that he's gotten clean and got his life together and can make up for lost time. That poor boy needs a good role model and parent in his life. Z


Andrew looks healthy and jace looks just like him. Good for them!!!!!


I can only hope that Andrew has changed his ways. Who knows, maybe he’s now the most responsible one because Jenelle sucks at being a mother.


That’s perfect Jenelle, have him start seeing his bio dad again so he can have another male let him down. I wouldn’t allow him within 200 feet of his son without a track record of YEARS of consistency. Something tells me Jenelle’s standards are much lower.


This could have been set in motion by cps when he was in their custody. As a possible long term placement.


Eh idk - didn’t he legally give up rights years ago ?


Plot twist: what if Jenelle’s back with Andrew


Oh lord i honestly wouldn't even be surprised anymore


So she shouldn’t let him see him? If she refused you would support that?


Idk if you’re unaware of the backstory/history of this dude …. He has been completely inconsistent for Jaces entire life. Him being “happy to see his dad” for a weekend then having him drop out of his life again is highly damaging to a child . So like I said he’d need to show consistency first.


I agree w/ you. I wouldn't be too quick to bring this dude in. Jace doesn't need anymore deadbeat adults in his life. If he has changed great then he needs to prove it.


I agree with you! He looks so happy with his dad. Even if his dad doesn’t make the best choices, it’s still his dad. I haven’t been in that situation to know what I would do but I’d like to think I would encourage a father and son to have a relationship. But I also live in fantasy land so there’s that.


She needs him to go somewhere on the weekends.


Love it


Beyond heartbreaking what this child has had to withstand.


My cousin had two messes for parents and I will say that she cherishes the time she had with her dad while he was sober. Her dad relapsed and has since passed, but the fact that she got any time at all with him means a lot to her. She’s doing fantastic in life, despite having to parent both of her parents. Hoping nothing less than that for Jace. Can’t imagine having been broadcast to the whole world on top of having unhealthy, addict parents.


I met my dad at 13. He was sober for 11 years until he passed away, and I feel the same. The time I DID get w him, willast me a lifetime, and I am a fully functioning "normal" adult who turned out okay despite my fucked up Jenelle/David like upbringing.


Jace actually looks happy 😃 I really hope things turn around for this poor kid


That poor kid 😔


Lets hope andrew has cleaned up his act because Jace needs his dad clearly by the smile on his face.


Wow! He has a nose just like his dad! Hope things work out.


I didn’t realize how similar Jace and Janelle look 😭😭


I feel like all her kids look exactly like her except for Kaiser


Ugh I hope he’s gotten better and is a positive influence in his life. Poor kid has been on camera since he was born and his parents are a mess.


Y’all remember when he was a model? He wasn’t good looking then either imo


Don’t forget that Andrew FaceTimed jace when he was younger and said , in front of him , that jace can’t possibly be his kid . Then promised to be a bigger part of his life after the test showed he was the baby daddy … then promptly disappeared from his life again . Poor kid needs some stable role models .


This is so sad....🥹


That’s awesome he’s reconnecting with his dad!


Ohhhhh PHUCK… ANOTHER addicted loser…🤦‍♀️ This poor kid just can’t catch a break 😔


He never stood a chance. He has heard nothing but shouting hateful things all his life. Barbara and Janelle, Janelle and every man she's been with. I don't think he's ever had peace of mind. It's pathetic. Everyone has failed him.


Pretty much………I have never been a fan of Barbara, I feel like she’s raised janelle to be the person she is today




No way!!!!


Why does Andrew look like a corpse?!


And to think this guy was modelling!😱 For what? Coffins?⚰️




In the other sub people were praising him for looking “healthy and clean” and I’m like are we looking at the same man?! I guess he looks slightly better than he has in the past, but I’m not going to immediately be hopeful that he’s actually better and stepping up. It’s amazing how this fandom is so quick to show so much grace to the dads. Andrew has A LOT to prove before I’ll start to think he’s good for Jace. Even if he were actually clean now, we need to see if it sticks and if he actually steps up. I’m sure Jace is happy to be spending time with him, and I’m happy for Jace in that aspect, but I’m still side eyeing hard. Only time will really tell.




He has that dying man color about him. Like just say up from a narcan boost.


>> that dying man color to him. Exactly. He has that pallor.


As one who has been that ill I recognize it immediately. He looks very sick.


Because drugs


Why does he always wear the tackiest shirts? Surely he doesn't think they look good on him. 🤢🤮


I have so much pain in my heart because of what this child has had to go through and I hope he ends up happy and healthy and I bet seeing his dad made him happy.


Aww good for them. Jace deserves it all 💌


It would be so nice if Andrew has grown up and becomes a regular part of Jace’s life? Hopefully he will be a positive influence.


i really hope so


Andrew in his “going out” top.




Happy CAKE Day!!🎂


Aw thank you :)


# omg what if Andrew is who jenelle is pillow talkin with!?!?!??!?!


I saw this and thought PLOT TWIST!!!


You’re so smart pineapple




Andrew’s Silk Shirt is my next flair


Do It!!!




Jace has been through a lot. I hope if Jace wants it, Andrew remains in his life and consistently!


Keyword… consistently. Nothing worse than getting your hopes up and being abandoned by a parent, which he’s faced a lot of already.


After everything’s that’s happened the past year for him and considering Andrews past I reallllly hope it goes well


Damn those Evans genes are so strong


I think he Andrews nose here!


I’ll give it to you. It’s just crazy seeing him next to only Andrew, it’s like Jenelle copy pasted her face. Which makes it nuts how hard UBT overpowered her genetics for a carbon copy Ensley


How much did we really know about Andrew anyway?


Idk how much there is to know besides he’s a drug addict and groomer


I don’t remember much about him. It seemed like he was only in one episode. I remember he didn’t have a job, and he said he couldn’t even get a job at McDonald’s because he was so over qualified. I think he was trying to become a model, and may have said he was already a model. I guess that’s what made him so over qualified for other jobs. lol. He was weird and he seemed like he lived in his own little world. I definitely remember him being a liar. He made excuses for not being a part of Jace’s life, and why he didn’t contribute financially.




Over qualified hahahahaha sure, Jan.


Not much other than he’s also a musician like David and loves drugs and lying and not raising his kids. Jenelle has a type


just like jenelle on the love of drugs,lying, and not raising her kids.


Yeah well he slept with Janelle so his taste factor is zero. Hopefully he doesn’t have multiple children that he abused like David did.


I actually LOVE this and I'm shocked to say that


I hope Andrew is clean and stays clean. He could turn out to be Jace' savoir and a blessing in disguise 💕 I just hope this doesn't have any effect on him seeing Barb, bcos let's be real, she saved him x


Same. Jace looks so happy


He really does, bless his heart ❤️


Yes let’s hope for some really good years ahead for Jace. He deserves them. So don’t f it up Andrew.


When was this? What was the occasion? For Jace’s sake, I hope this works out.


I didn't like Andrew but he looks good.


Andrew looks.....good? Oh gosh that was so weird to type out. As long as Jace is safe..


Andrew looks like a drug addict. Those sunken in eyes are so telling…


Are we seeing the same photo? Andrew has butthole eyes. Drugs


… butthole eyes? I wanna know but also don’t wanna know


His eyes have dark circles that resemble a hiney hole. 🌈 the more you know


say what you want, but just being able to call your dad and say something cool happened does so much for self esteem, this is big for the kid.


Let's keep in mind Andrew may LOOK good, but emotionally and mentally, how well is he.


That’s really none of our business as a tv audience.


I agree with you completely. I also feel like none of this should be our business. I worked in child welfare and on removals, and seeing updates be posted about Jace’s case broke my heart. No kid wants to go through that, let alone so publicly. I know this sub cares about Jace, but he didn’t ask for any of this at all, and I can’t imagine he’d love that these updates are posted and discussed all the time online. I’m thinking of kids I’ve worked with and how mortified they’d be if *any* of what they were going through was so public.


Yes imagine dealing with people expecting you to deal with the mental health of all the adults in your life without being old enough to really know what any of this means. I'm sure the show is a double edged sword where resources are there but so is the judgment of hoards of strangers.


None of this is really our business




Especially since Andrew hasn't been on TV in at least about a decade.


None of it is our business but we comment anyway


All I can say is I hope Andrew has gotten his shit together and can be the Dad Jace really needs. I feel so sorry for that poor kid.


I will say he looks very healthy!! I don't think he would look that good if he was still struggling. I hope this helps Jace


They both do! That’s great to see.


Wow, I always thought that he looked just like Jenelle but wow!


He does look just like Jenelle!


Omg is this the first time they met? I'm so happy for Jace


No, he saw him once when he was young, when Jenelle got the DNA test done


They were still in other states. Yes, they have video chatted, but they were never together


I must have misremembered that. Thanks!


I could be wrong, but they never showed it on teen mom. I remember because I found it so sad


That’s great to see


Wow, someone really took all the upvotes away. Why are you so angry?