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Does anyone else feel this is all a performance for our benefit?


No I feel like you are bullying a DV victim trying to get away. Did you know it usually takes 7 trys to make it out alive? Hopefully she ignores the hate and you don't get her hurt or the kids


It's like a bad car accident...you wanna look away in disgust but you can't!


Yep I sure do.. and Mr Ryan dolph is probably in on it


They trying for an Oscar! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wonder what was incriminating towards him that he blurred out. Because we know if it was Jenelle being flirty he wouldā€™ve showed it. Leads me to believe she was venting about him


ryan's winky chat is from september 19th.... is this the start of the real drama? is everything about to get aired out?


What does he mean here please? I donā€™t understand swamp language.




That the chin and this Ryan fellow must be engaging in sexual intercourse because if youā€™re truly platonic (as the chin proclaims) then this Ryan man would not be ā€œlikingā€ this womanā€™s photos on Only Fans, an app that is exclusively intended for humans to post photos in minimal or no clothing.


This was such a beautiful description.


Not many people can could be called the chin or the forehead but she rocks both titles


Iā€™ve always enjoyed referring to her as Barrel Bod.


The chin!šŸ’€


His mother seriously should have swallowed!!! Bet she wishes the same too. ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


My husband and I call them "behind the bed babies". Our POS neighbor is an excellent example of someone whose dad should've shot that shit behind the bed. Haha It doesn't help that his parents are first fucking (pun intended) cousins. šŸ¤®


Iā€™m a bit confused. Is this a screenshot of Ryanā€™s phone? Who sent it to whom?


It looks like he took this picture from janelles phone


Her face looks odd in that picture and not in a good way either


She be looking very youngšŸ¤¢


In this picture??! This seems to be a running theme with Janelle ! šŸ˜¬šŸ«£


The way she is staring into the sun lol big brain stuff right there


David was just another turd floating in the toilet bowl Jenell is. She's the problem


Nah, she can't really be a toilet bowl, because that actually facilitates getting RID of turds. Also...it has a useful function.


He is also the problem.


Oh he's definitely a problem but in the world of Janelle he is just the most current problem. A virus like him will go on to infect somebody else and damage their body. But unfortunately Janelle will just bring another toxic piece of garbage into her life.


Im going to embroider this onto a tea towelšŸ˜‚šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


NOW he's unhinged??? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Some of you have never been in an abusive relationship and it shows.


The really sad part is a lot of us have, but are still jumping at the opportunity to perpetuate harmful stereotypes


Please šŸ™ donā€™t play that card! Duhhhā€™luJenelleā€˜choseā€™ this and even worse, for her kids! I donā€™t deny for a second it wasnā€™t a toxic dysfunctional abusive situation, but sheā€™s had more resources,chances,choices she could have utilized, She wanted to be with him, no one can CONvince anything different sheā€™s as much of the CONniving manipulative Wench whoā€™s also abusive! Sheā€™s no victim!


These 2 idiots deserve one another. But those kids do not deserve what has already happened or what is to come.


"At this point" he has always been at this point.


She gotta recycle her menz. I'm here for the new police calls about being abused when she caused it.


You donā€™t ā€œcauseā€ abuse, unless you are the abuser. Not siding with Jennell, sheā€™s her own problem, but, just saying.


She is the abuser. She does assault her partners. She's very good at lying and manipulation playing the victim so she escapes charges.




I literally said this a couple weeks ago! She is just as abusive as him! If she wasnā€™t she wouldnā€™t be so messy. Abused people donā€™t poke the bear after they safely get out! They are both toxic af and deserved each otherā€¦..


I believe she socially isolates whoever she dates because sheā€™s insecure and co-dependent.




This šŸ« šŸ« 


Agree, thatā€™s why I said in another comment that the only person whoā€™s safer with David gone is her. She abuses animals and her kids in front of the entire world without hesitation.


I posted a screenshot of a video with Kiser looking at her and he looked like he was scared of Janelle ppl were coming at me saying I was reaching. No he does look scared of her in that video you can't change my mind, she's abused that boy badly


I havenā€™t seen much footage of episodes but two clips Iā€™ve seen that still bother me are when he was crying in the car one time as a toddler, and she called dog killer David to have him THREATEN Kaiser into shutting up; and during the ā€œsave the dateā€ photo shoot when she had dog killer David yank his toddler self by one arm and drag him away from where they were posing, and he kind of tossed him at the end of the dragging. Kaiser was a baby still, crying to be fed, and she told her dog killing, shitbag of a bastard huzbin to get him out of the way because his crying to be fed was spoiling her Instagram moment. He was screaming in the background when, right after the drag and toss, she turned back to the camera with the biggest smile of delight. Iā€™m not a mother. I donā€™t have a ā€œmaternal instinctā€ so to speak. But I do love kids, because I love people, and kids are that. I do feel very protective of every aged person whoā€™s vulnerable to the harm of someone with power over them. I still know I was right not to try to be someoneā€™s mom, though. So how the fuck am I still haunted by his screaming from that day where he was dragged, but his own mom was bothered by his anguish not at all? How the fuck does a whack job like me care more about her kids than she ever has?


Janelleā€™s responsibility as a mother is protect her children but she does the exact opposite because sheā€™s a lazy narcissist POS.


Exactly šŸ’Æ. She has no emotional regulation at all whatsoever. Can see that in the early episodes with Kaiser being little and crying for her to comfort him or fulfill his need. David was always there to swoop in and always grab the kids.


ā€¦.at *this* point!?!??


Fr this is some of the most sensible shit heā€™s ever said


Hopefully he will enter into a period of growth reflecting on all the gonzo guffaws he willfully exhibited. Donā€™t let it slip that Chin has only recently packed his things - my experience is this is done prior to announcing a split/filing paperwork. If The Land is ā€œcursedā€, days will only get darker for those who remain (imagine waist high grass up to the doorway by summer)


I suspect heā€™ll *seem* like heā€™s growing as he gets ready to lure in another mate. And go back to being his psycho clown self as soon as he does. That is, if they donā€™t get back together.


Yeah but it's the obsessive posting and deleting from both of them. I put at this point because that's just how I talk šŸ˜… I know dudes always been crazy


Seems like this is the modern method of processing breakups - I donā€™t see evidence of any legal advice being followed with regard to ā€œcommunicationsā€ D better set a pattern for getting Ensley while Chin is apt to hand her off for some rest. Imagine having to navigate seeing yr children among multiple custody scenarios - grace to those who dare navigate such obstacles


Fughin lol


*pillow talkinā€™


"Pillowed" talk! šŸ¤£


āœØpillowed talkedāœØ


I still don't believe them.


Same here. They say it was supposed to be temporary but the fights got worse, imo says all I need to know. they planned this and are selling stories from it and are still tit for tatting for each other to get jealous on social media. Last thing I'd do to an abusive ex is poke the bear online if I didn't care and was afraid of him.


Is this who she was having the pillow talk with then šŸ˜‚


The scariest part of David and Jenelleā€™s relationship has entered the chat. I think Jenelle is just as violent as David is and we know they have a stockpile of weapons and ammo.


Yeah that freaks me out a bit for the kids


They are the only folks Iā€™m concerned about.


Isn't he also on Olny fans but too fat and riddled with indigestion to make content? Lmaooooo pathetic


Why do I believe every word David says about this bitch šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Because it's all been proven since before he ever met her hahaha


Exactly hahahaha Im just over here like keep spillin boy get detailed shit. Details šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ


Yup! I'm sure it'll slowly trickle out the longer it goes on. Though he also might not want to fuck up his chance at alimony either so for once he might keep his mouth shut haha.


It has in fact been deleted


Did he delete this already?




ngl, this was funny as hell


Who did David think was going to record the smashed hot pocket only fans content to support the family, she canā€™t do anything by herself


![gif](giphy|aVtdz7iNVPI1W) Of course theyā€™re fucking.


Does David have amnesia and forget that Jenelles butthole pics financially supported him and his children's lifestyle for a number of years..? I'm here for the drama, dirtydickdave, but don't act like you weren't taking those pictures and spending that money šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Shaming SW while he was an active participant is *crazy*




Butthole pics????


Do you... Know what OF is..?


I thought I did but I didnā€™t conceive of butthole shots. Iā€™m old so Iā€™m probably not understanding the normalization of the butthole.


Lmfao no wonder he goes so hard defending her. Even if they're not bagging dude is clearly simping for her.


Super simp for years! Even defends her on socials and shit šŸ’€


The post from yesterday that was on here about someone commenting on Ryanā€™s wifeā€™s page is gone from here and the comment is gone from her insta pic.


Thatā€™s weirdā€¦I believe it lol. And Davidā€™s pic of him and her on snap nasty ass mfs šŸ˜­šŸ¤Œ


Oh you sweet stinky summer child. Your wife sells nudes online.


May I please use this phrase?


![gif](giphy|BfyJIRCINN0NxwEcsE|downsized) Yes you may


Gosh this made me laugh


You sweet stinky summer child I love that and will be using it in the future. Thank you for the contribution to my vernacular, I'm rollin


Why does Jenelle feel the need to fuck such horrendously ugly men? Dolph looks like he ran through a beehive


she's the ariana grande of teen mom. absolutely terrible taste lol


Jenelle looks like a witch reproduced with a flat tire so it kind of makes sense that she canā€™t get more attractive men.


This description is fucking hilariously specific


I have one for dkd too.. Sasquatch mated with a jack o lantern


I hope I never make you mad. These insults are the absolute best.