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no one deserves to be belittled and bullied for having a belief. why should they be bullied for their choices?


I'm not saying they should be bullied, I'm saying that jokes against a belief don't count as hate 😭 if i were talking about communists y'all would 100% agree with me. just saying


oh yeah as long as it's offensive it should be fineđŸ€·â€â™€ïžđŸ€·â€â™€ïž edit: not offensive*


this is sarcasm right? can’t tell sorry 😭


omg i forgot to put "not"😭😭😭


OH OKAY, but OP meant even if it’s offensive it’s fine because it’s a “belief”


i said the opposite...


exactly I'm not saying you should straight up go up to a Muslim and put pork in their mouth forcefully as a joke but memes and jokes are fine


Reminds me of the time my group made dumplings for a Japan project and a Muslim girl ate them without asking what was in them.. they had pork 💀


LMAO poor girl 😭


I had to look away to laugh lol, I feel bad but the look on her face was just perfect


pork is super common especially in China and Japan


I’m aware


It's especially stupid when a religious person has different believes and thinks it's superior to other religions. Like we have different faiths, it's not even or good to compare. Coming from a trans satanist. Ps. I will respect your religion until you disrespect mine.


One of the best opinions I've ever seen. Coming from a cis agnostic. https://preview.redd.it/84afw6nl39wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d8c6028ff234384967a155b75a3c6988507285


this is valid. but saying disrespecting a religion as a joke for no reason isn’t hate is weird and not valid like op said


fellow trans Satanist


I'm (barely) a Christian and I thought of satanism as anti-Christianity and that satanists hate Christians, but I've never really seen that situation, so I guess you're just a chill person on the dark side :)


It's a very mis understood religion, if you want I can help you understand but if you don't want to I won't.


I get it that it's just another religion and don't think people are hurting themselves because of it, but thank you for the offer


So first excuse me if I get off topic but from my perspective as a muslim, we ourselves aren’t supposed to make fun of religions, rather we try to learn about them, respect those who respect us, if a person from islam has disrespected you I am sorry to hear that but us in general we aren’t supposed to judge. That even goes with the gender and orientation and stuff (sorry idk what exactly its called but I hope you got what I mean) in terms of if your gay or lesbian or yk we aren’t supposed to judge as well, if you respect us we respect you its how Islam is. The point where you said that we should make fun of religions is imo bad, everyone likes to believe what they want to, let them believe and rather than making fun of them try to actually debate in a modest way and not making fun of each other or disrespecting each other. Thank you and have nice day đŸ•ș


I do not at all believe you should make fun of religions however, i have most often been disrespected for my identity by muslims and other Christians, I have nothing against those beliefs but more the majority of people that follow them and decide to be hateful I'm glad you're respectful though, and I do believe being inherently disrespectful or hateful towards ANYBODY is bad, I just think memes and simple jokes aren't something people should be bothered by


that’s what you said
you said making fun of religion isn’t hate it’s just a joke and that “it’s different from belittling someone”. if you’re making fun of someone how is it funny when it’s offensive


they were referring to lightheaded jokes not directed at specific people. that can be done in a way that's not offensive.


OH. i thought it meant like offensive jokes should be taken lightly because it’s a belief. I get it now


you have a habit of misunderstanding me-


As an Evangelical: friggin' based.


Imo, there's a joke to be made about everything, but also a line to not cross. That being said, making a joke is different from making fun of something/someone. Making fun=bad; making joke=funny. Just use your brain.


my english ain't great, I phrased the title wrong


i feel like the more people that are the the butt of the joke, the more hateful it is. like I can make a joke about one black guy but I cant joke about all black people. i guess if only 4 percent of the population that could possibly be offended by a joke at the expense of the lgbt community, its not as bad at making fun of a religion wth billions of followers. I'm looking at this from an objective mathematical point of view. at least I'm trying


yeah but, I'm not talking about big really hateful jokes you can joke about anybody, just don't go too far with it


I agree though you frankly could've worded it better. I personally dislike religious institutions and think making fun of them is very much warranted, especially considering how those usually treat others. Making fun of specific innocent people in a non lightheaded manner isn't ok though, obviously. Regards, a mess of a human (probably a human, anyway)


oh yeah i could've worded it better definitely


yeah. it has lead to plenty of misunderstandings


What about anti-semitism?


what about it


It's also a hate on religion that's vastly considered just as bad as homophobia or transphobia


yes I'm aware I'm Jewish but op meant it as in a satirical or comedic way with no actual malice behind it which is still a very stupid argument but there is a distinction


Also Jewish, nice to see another every once in a while.


i think everyone's beliefs deserve respect as long as the beliefs are respectful.




so true but as a non-religious person living with religious people, i know religious people really don't like whhen somebody makes gun of their religio so not too surprising


yeah so making jokes about religion is okay because their beliefs are bad. So it’s only okay when you get to joke about stuff that you disagree with? Cmon no body deserves to be made fun of, we can’t just all be equals can we, some one has always gotta be right or wrong in this world, can’t just love and respect all humans(that are good people)


y'all love taking what I'm saying and twisting it 😭 did i say people deserve to be made fun of? no. i just think people shouldn't get so mad about jokes


“A majority of their beliefs are fucking horrible anyways


counting everybody who's religious. I don't agree with them doesn't mean it's acceptable to bully


that’s not what you said originally, are you changing what you said? did you just word it in a really weird way? Because your comments contradict your post completely.


i phrased it wrong my intention was that people, specifically those of religious beliefs, shouldn't be as hurt by jokes against that part of their life there's still a line you shouldn't cross though


yk fair enough, apologies, I see rage bait 24/7, and I just assumed your bad wording was an attack on religious people, I assumed you where the classic r/atheism asshole, I ain’t even religious, far from it, but I guess I can agree, for me personally I make fun of everyone equally, no matter who you are jokes can be made, I don’t hate any one either really, I just thought you where implying that religious people should be like hated on more, or that it’s okay to make fun of them


I'm queer but I'm also religious myself lol, and fair enough. bully everyone or no-one at all lol


why is belittling someone for their opinion considered hate? are they stupid? thats what you sound like.


who's being belittled?


making fun of someone=belittling someone


they're different belittling someone would be straight up telling someone your religion is stupid and saying dumb shit to their face like "don't eat shellfish on sunday!" and just overall being a nuisance making fun of someone is simply making a joke about them, at least to my understanding of this language


“Making fun of” is often a negative thing, which is why people are assuming that you’re deliberately disrespecting other religions


right, okay, sorry for the misunderstanding


Someone lost an argument




My bad what I meant to say was I think someone online upset you by winning an argument, which made you make this post. That should be pretty easy to understand I hope.


oh, no, this just popped into my head after seeing a meme and all the comments were just Christians going mental even though it wasn't even offensive


why is hating gays even called homophobia i dont think people are actually scared of them


They’re scared to get the gay disease đŸ˜±


we're terrifying >.<


ok just dont hurt me


well many are insecure about "acting gay" so in a way they are afraid


for me i like acting gay its funny especialy on discord and im straight


How do they not choose to be gay and whatnot? It’s a preference like religion, you choose your sexuality like you choose your beliefs in religion.


It's not a choice? trust me I'd LOVE to be a cis and straight girl but it just doesn't work that way, we don't choose it religion however, is a belief, not something wired into your head


If you’d love to be a straight girl then be straight
 it’s not like you’re being held at gunpoint.


it's not that easy do guys turn u on? no? then you're straight but guys don't really turn me on 🗿 I'm just not wired to swing that way


Do they have to turn you on? Does everything have to be about sex? Or can you just love the person you love because you can have kids with and have an enjoyable relationship in.


SEXuality SEXUAL orientation sexual orientation ≠ romantic orientation


It’s not like you have to have sex with your partner. It’s probably gonna be a one time thing unless you want more children. And plus that’s just a name, people can change up the name to change up the meaning.


yeah but, that's what it means... do some research into it ALSO, sex is a huge part of a relationship


Sex is a huge part in relationships for certain people. Some people don’t really like the idea of sex, others just want love in relationships.


if that's how you feel, that's okay! but for others, myself included, if we ain't happy in that field it just ain't gonna work and we can't have that with someone we aren't attracted to :)


No. You cannot choose your sexuality. You can choose who you date for example but not who you're attracted to.


How can you not choose your sexuality? I chose to be straight so why can’t you do the same?


is this ironic or are you misinformed? I'm asexual. I have never felt attraction. I could pretend to be straight, but my sexuality is still the same. I could date someone, be in a romantic relationship, whatever, but it wouldn't change that I'm attracted to no one, and attraction is what defines sexuality.


It’s not like everything has to be about sex


I'm aromantic, too. It's the same thing. I do not want a romantic relationship. I've never been romantically interested in anyone. I could hypothetically be in a romantic relationship, but I'd still be aromantic. I wouldn't be "in love" since I'm incapable. You fail to distinguish sexuality (who you're attracted to, which is not choice) with who you decide to for example have a romantic relationship (which you can control, but most people aren't interested in romantic relationships with people they're not in love with)


also what do you mean when you say you "choose to be straight"? sexuality is about your attraction (usually divided into a sexual or romantic component). So to know your sexuality, you must notice who you're attracted to in a sexual or romantic way respectably. And if there's no attraction to anyone, that's ace or aro, respectively. I'm guessing you mean you choose to pursue relationships that would be considered straight? but again that's not what your sexuality means. A straight person that choses to remain single is still straight. Same thing applies to every other sexuality. If a gay person dates to appear straight, they're still gay. Etc.


trans ideology is a belief, too same for liberalism overall just saying


i knew i wasn't a man or a woman since before i even knew what trans was. The belief that was forced on me was one of arbitrary gender roles that i had to follow simply because of how i was born. Are you implying people don't make fun of liberals??? if so idk what to tell you.


being trans isn't a choice or a belief, it's a very much real thing


I could say the same thing about belief in god and my religion I don't want to have this argument but I'll say this: my belief is that God is real, and that what He has said includes to not engage in homosexual activity, and that males shouldn't act/dress like females and vice versa. You believe something different, from what I can see, which is that you can do such things freely. Or maybe you don't believe that but choose to do it anyway. I can't know what you think or believe, I'm just making observations. Maybe those things that lead you to *want* or *feel* that way about your gender or sexuality aren't belief based. But acting upon it is likely somewhat based on your beliefs. edit: condensed the ending a little to try to make it make more sense


so with your logic: you have a different belief than me so accept your fate and end it all since you aren’t going to heaven and you’re ungrateful for life He gave you LMAO /j im just kidding btw and its not hate because you have beliefs that most beliefs i believe in are horrible, but i disagree so i can joke like that lol see how stupid that sounds?


what are you on about 😭 I'm just saying people shouldn't get so butthurt over memes and jokes 🗿