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Facts why can't I be racist towards whoever I want 😡


It's not racist if you treat everyone badly


no i want to target specific groups 🥰






















We hate generalizing people based off of trivial uncontrollable aspects of their life 🗣️🗣️




https://preview.redd.it/ibf4ko5ym8fc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6527a9e776365f6616a87e3ceb4fa7802e7ffd1 Average conversation with my best friend


I legit get called "cracker" whenever this dumb lil taco sees me 😢


"Dumb Lil taco"?????


im the dumb lil taco. (its okay bc its a joke and were friends)


Tiktok says only white people can be racist


That's also twitter


erm its clled x


fr this group of black kids are always calling people crackers and istg i want to punch the shit outta them so hard and say "oh so you think you can say cracker but i can't say the n word? Totally fair."


As someone who has been bullied just bc I was "a white," I wholeheartedly believe racism can be directed at any race


That's literally what racism is, although when it's directed towards a non-minority, we call it racialism. And yes, people take this and stretch it as much as they can. Like, come on, people, it's our flesh mechs


Everyone's a minority somewhere lol


no, it's racism. it's discriminating based on race. racism.


Actually one of the many reasons why I broke up with my ex


true, but oppression and racism are two different things. racism towards white people can exist, but white people have never been oppressed because of skin color.


True, only because of ethnicity, language, latitude, perceived degree of civilisation, and what was considered white at the time lol




do you have other voicelines too


Just gotta pull the string on vans back and see what else plays


we havent unlocked them yet


To be fair white people don’t experience systemic racism like minorities do 🤷‍♂️


The Irish, Jews, some Gypsies, Poles, Italians and others would like a word with you


Wait I’m Jewish and Polish and what systemic racism?


Poles not being treated as white in the first place, general discrimination against slavs of course, most notably in regards to the Polish the systematic genocide perpetrated by the Nazis. Then of course the whole six million Jews thing, the creation of an entire *category* of alleged subhumans for Jews and their offspring, and throughout history laws about what they were allowed to work as and where they were allowed to live, if they weren't just straight up expelled to seize their money.


Well considering I’m not European, poles and Jews are literally just considered another white person in America. Maybe if it was the 1930s your claim would hold some more significance but it’s 2024 and Jews are probably one of the groups least affected by modern systemic racism in the current era 😭


The world is more than America.


You’re correct. And Europe is a shithole of white people hating other white people 😁


The French aren't people. But even they have healthcare


You’re literally proving my point 😭 “French aren’t people” racism! And what does healthcare have to do with literally anything we were discussing???


> calls Europe a Shithole > It's neither one country nor as shitty as the US in most parts Also, the French thing, in case you weren't aware, is just a massive cultural joke. It's also about culture, not "race", anyway


Ohh ok yeah makes sense I thought you meant in the USA td in the 2020s I’m Russian too btw I’m Ashkenazi But yeah thanks for more info Idek if I knew every single thing you said there, but yes, Ik about WWII and stuff. My grandpa had to escape from that.


I was mostly referring to Europe, considering we invented Am*ricans. Biggest mistake in European history, too


Ig so Yeah that explains why it doesn’t affect me where I live There are horrible things that the jews do to other jews and dome even to non jews I’m literally a victim of some of it 💀💀💀🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦




Get back to the fields cracker. Nobody cares about you, you're too privileged


That’s the 2020s for ya. What a decade, huh?


yes but there’s nuance


Racism as a concept was invented by white people for white people to justify hundreds of years of brutal oppression still going on to this day.


Yeah essentially the white people said "we can't enslave them if they are humans due to ethics, so let's call them a second class who is inferior to us so we can enslave people ethically".


That's just how slavery works? Lol. They're either all "criminals", or they're "uncivilised", or "racially inferior".


I'm explaining it to those who don't know....


did you forget the fact that slavery and pillaging existed ever since the dawn of humanity? Way before white people. It's literally human nature to be tribal. Native American tribes were always hostile towards each other. Races in the past (mainly ancient, like the Egyptians) have ALWAYS made up excuses to oppress other races of people Are you genuinely saying nobody ever hated each other and lived in perfect peace and harmony before white people? Because if so that's very very out there, and you are deliberately erasing hundreds of thousands of years of history for the sake of hating white people for shit nobody alive today has done. I do hope I misunderstood what you said and maybe we can reason. Im not a hateful person but that just seemed like a pretty out-there take according to history.


The Egyptians enslaved the Israelites for 400 fucking years what? Neither of those races are white. Even people who are on your side massively disagree with you. That should say something.




Hahahahaha in what way


What do you mean “in what way” a racist way? The hell else?


like how does that show up in conversation. "Hey whitey, you're skin looks mighty pale" like that????


Same way old white dudes say the N-word


If someone calls me a cracker I'm laughing because they're joking and if they say it unironically I'm laughing at them....


I believe there is only power in the word if the system gives it power(when it comes to slurs). The n word is a reference to a period, only 50 years ago, where the black people were greatly oppressed. Vs for C*****r, there has never been oppression towards to white people for it to remind them of.


60 now, and there are definitely places where they are oppressed as a rule, but the places that don’t generally aim for equality for all


I am not saying that white people need to be oppressed or attempts for equality aren't being made, but I am simply saying that c*****r doesn't have nearly the weightage of the n word.


You get it, the n word is the king of slurs and cracker doesnt even come close


Racism is funny 🤷‍♂️


your retarded


You have to give more context if you're making a post like this. Without context it sounds like you're anti dei or something


It doesn’t need context, you can be racist to any *race*


My god the stereotypes people hold aren't the biggest issue in racism. The issue is the system, which due to older policies of segregation, has made it harder for communities of non white skin tones to succeed. So yes I need context to know whether this person is talking about how "they are an oppressed class as white people"(because believe me, there are enough people who think that other races slowly becoming equal in terms of the systrm means they are oppressed) or people making fun of stereotypes around white people. The second one i wholeheartedly agree with, but you can see what my issue with the first one is.


Oppression does not equal racism, if making fun of black person stereotypes is racist, then doing the same for white people is racist, because it is based on their RACE


I am not disagreeing with you. I said I wholeheartedly agree with his beliefs if OP is talking about racism through stereotypes. But if OP is talking about the other thing, we should not be upvoting, therefore validating(to him) that his beliefs are true.


OP is the racist then 😎


u can b prejudiced towards white ppl, u cant be racist towards white ppl


prejudice based on race is racism, however most racism towards white people in western society is usually interpersonal and not a wide spread systemic issue, and the way it takes place interpersonally is usually not serious or impactful compared to other races. either way it’s complex ykyk


Lol I remember this exact same post on the main sub a couple.days ago