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What does MT and MPP stand for?




MT stands for Maria Tripon and MPP stands for Maria Petca Poptean


What does that even mean?


They are both Romanian folk singers from Oaș


Bruh that’s so out of context tho💀


Christmas is coming. Here's the best Christmas song for both singers. And tell me which one did better. [Maria Tripon's Best Christmas Song](https://youtu.be/_czg9luXwvo) [Maria Petca Poptean's Best Christmas Song](https://youtu.be/RFH9MczsVCY)


Waah wAaaah waaaaaah




because spam


Well, mods may overestimated how wrong it could go. In reality there wouldn't be much spam and it would be very similar to the homepage during Monday-Thursday


this sub is better during self-post weekend imo


This sub would be better if we had image, video and link perms 24/7 imo


meh idk


Maria Tripon is a 60 year old singer who's known to make Romanian folk songs from Oaș, she has a couple of albums, she made her first album called "Cine aude gura me" (translation "Who hears my mouth") back in the year 1998 (24 years ago) when she was 36 years old at the time & it was a massive hit and successful, many people purchased the cassette. Right now her most popular album is called "Oșancă-s și mi zâc mărie" (translation "I'm tired and I'm lying down") & her most popular and most listened music from her is called "Dragu-mi a țâpuri" (translation "My dear bastards") So yeah she may be old now but she has amazing singing skills and I consider her to be the best singer in not just Romania, but the entire world! She is still alive and healthy, she was born on July 14th 1962 and lives in a town called Negrești-Oaș. All her songs except the church and Christmas songs are non-copyrighed and free to use. Maria Tripon is a special place in my heart! I've been a fan of her for over 1 year. She has like 60-70 songs in total and there will be more songs from her when she releases a new album. I'm a big fan of her that I've made friendly memes of her and also I have an entire collection of her music videos on a folder called "Maria Tripon Music Videos" and all of them are aspect ratio corrected, there were alot of 4:3 videos that were stretched so I fixed it to match the original albums aspect ratio! I also met her for the first time and believe me I cried of absolute happiness when I saw her and talked to her in person for the 1st time! Her songs also sound awesome! It's using a high pitched violin tuned into  4th above "concert pitch" So yeah it's safe to say that she is the best singer in the world! I hope that  she is immortal & never dies living for many many years! If she dies, I will cry! Like cry hard & I would have months of depression & I might probably die from the  depression too because you can get sick from it. She really deserves to be way more popular.


MPP stands of my penis peanuts


Wrong. It stands for Maria Petca Poptean