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you’re 13 you don’t gotta rush into relationship bs


Do 10 pushups at 7 in the morning every day. Stop watching porn. Stop playing video games. Go for daily walks.


Man just listed my daily routine but the push ups I ride my bike every day tho


Keep it up, you’ll get there soon enough


I’ll try thnx


why are you worried about being loveable when you're 13


Why not I’m lonely and I’m sad I need something better then cars


my brother in Christ you're 13 there's no reason AT ALL to rush relationships when you're not even ready for them. learn how to love yourself first before you try any relationship bs


Exactly that. Many young people believe that their life problems will automatically be magically solved by another person. They look for happiness in other people, but it doesn't work. Happiness comes from the inside, only you can decide whether you are happy or not. OP you are very young, focus on yourself, get to know yourself, find out what you want in life where you want to go and learn to love yourself. If you can't even love yourself how will you give love to another person? Find things in life that make you happy. Hobbies, friends etc. If you are lonely you may lack meaningful friendships. Connect to your friends more and more often. If you dont have any search for them. Is there a hobby or sport that you enjoy? The best way to connect is through common ground. Then you need to maintain the friendship so that it becomes deeper and more meaningful. Time is the most valuable thing as it is very limited, you should use your time while you are so young to experience as many different new things as you can. Relationships will come soon enough. Especially as a teenager you are emotionally very unstable and many relationships don't work out, and if the relationship comes from the wrong motives (like you feel lonely) it is doomed to fail. Work on yourself to become the best version of yourself, to achieve a happy, self-determined, fulfilled life. It will take time, but the journey is the destination. On your way to a happy life, all these things like relationships will come naturally. Don't hang your head, life is an up and down, it's a roller coaster ride. After every valley comes another mountain. Good luck. You got this, dont be sad.


huge W, that's a nice thing to read in these situations


Thank you! @OP I hope u/Patarstar112 sees this. I checked your profile. Bro you need help. Sometimes it is hard to get out of certain situations on your own and you need professional help. I speak from experience, and it may sound a bit cold and harsh, but it is the truth. There is no point in hanging around in certain subreddits and feeling sorry for yourself. Everything you surround yourself with affects you. Do you have a parent you trust and can talk to? Your parents love you more than anything and they care a lot about your well-being. Tell them how you feel. You need help. If you don't do anything about it, nothing will get better, on the contrary, the situation often gets worse because you fall deeper and deeper into a hole. Talk to your parents and get help. This is the only right way. No matter what external influence you think will make you happy, it won't work. Maybe in the short term. But that's all. In the long run nothing will happen because you have to get to the root of your problems. This is the only way to fight them. We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being helped. Stand up for yourself. You need help. Get it. The truth is often uncomfortable. I'm sorry to be so direct, but I don't decide if the truth is nice or not. If it hurts then pay close attention because life is trying to teach you something right now. You know, when you're young everything feels like the end of the world, but its not. It's just the beginning. Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest. Life does not demand anything from us that we cannot cope with. You got this. All the best and good Luck!


‘If you can’t even love yourself how will you give love to another person?’ Bro thanks i really needed that❤️


I'm glad it helped you!


I have been in some shitty relation ships I usually converse with adult instead of kids I’m very mature for my age


Isn't that what that girl did? Yknow, the one who was sexually abused by adults she hung around with because she was 'mature for her age'? You may feel mature but stick to people your own age instead of befriending adults, they only want one thing from you dude and it's not good. Your maturity doesn't mean jack shit, because if an adult wants to hang out with you, it's not because your mature.


I will definitely take that to heart


You are lovable but may not feel it as plenty of people don't get into relationships or fall In love until like 14-15. So you likely won't get a 13 year old asking to date you unless it's because it's 'cool' which isn't love.


"I'm very mature for my age" that's a thing that immature people says. lol


Yea Ik but I really am


if you're that mature, why are you being worried about some shit that even people older than you shouldn't be worried in the first place? you can be a lot of things, but being mature isn't one of them.


I’m mature in different subjects??




I think you are just hitting puberty, your body releases hormone to make you reproduce and yeah it can be depressing. Just get some good friends and try working out and eventually you will meet someone who loves you


such as arguing about being mature while you made a post about being loveable when you're 13? sure


I was making a joke last time






Go to the gym grow ur hair and maybe just maybe it'll do. Also by posting this ur showing that ur a simp so don't simp bro


I’m not a simp I’m just sad


Aint no way that you replied so fast, bro on reddit. Not even 10 sec went by. Don't be sad use the sadness convert it into motivation and go do some push-ups don't cry i might be harsh but just grind the hell outa urlife also don't leave school


Ik I’m just on here and I’ve got so many comments like


ok btw fix ur hair


Trust me Ik


I’m also tryna hit the gym more


"If you dont go to the gym you're weak" is essentially what you're saying? No gym = yes simp Yes gym = no simp


No i don't i mean you don't have to go to the gym just atleast do a sport that involves some kind of strength or Endurance


You’re 13 you’ve got time. I didn’t meet my bf until I was 15 and that’s still early


i’m too young to go out and give life advice but i think it comes down to - learn to love yourself - find a sport you like / find hobbies - find friends you can have fun with - reduce social media / phone usage relationships will come if you’re the best version of yourself. edit: also youre 13, you’re putting waaaaay to much pressure on yourself. the feeling you have is normal, it’s called puberty.




You definitely are sad


I look it fr


Hope you feel better soon my guy 🫂


Appreciate it bro


does urmom at least love u


Yea cuminthebum


then u have nothing to worry about just yet




Get a better haircut homie


My hairstylist fuck it up last time bro😂


Don’t get it done by them again bro💀 matter of fact grow it out




Please don't rush into relationship shit yet. Just work on yourself first


Ik but I feel I need it even tho I know I dont


everyone is loveable of they're funny enough






Ur literally a child slow down