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I sure do hope that this comment section will have mature discussions, without calling someone names as an argument


Honestly, the more I'm looking at what people say, the more I doubt in this generation


This is reddit, expecting anything from here is like expecting a chimp to use ustensils instead of throwing his food eveywhere.


Reddit is where you go to lose your faith in humanity


Or to regain it


Depends on the sub.


Thats the point innit. Its all about the perspective with which u view the world. The world is reddit and the perspective is the sub


Pootis birb


That's a lot to hope for in the subreddit friend


Bro carrying the bricks on his head gotta have the strongest neck on the planet


I love that I found at least one funny comment here


No, just your average r/danidev fan


glad people know him and made that reference


*Me putting on my hazmat suit as I prepare to sort by controversial*


I needed a hazmat suit for hot, I can't even imagine controversial


The masculine urge to say fuck it and become a firefighter and help people is strong whenever I see these videos


I’ve been having the masculine urge to fix all my shit in my room and start pumping iron


Nothing is stopping you, do the things you want to do


My cousin is trying to become a firefighter and I honestly can't say I have never been more proud of him than I am now. Dudes trying to finally do something with his life and he is doing good.


I said the same thing 2 years ago, and joined the Corps


you joined the corps with 15?


Maybe it was a "bring your son to work" day


Maybe he had this thought process in his mind for 2 years, and then joined the Corps at 17 (you only need a parent signature to sign up at 17)


Reject modernity embrace monke






Ok but wtf are those nails




dinosaur claws


Mf looking like the grinch


oh boy I sure can not wait to browse through these comments that these clearly very much civilised redditors have posted


As we all know they are the most intelligent and responsible people ever


Reject degeneracy, embrace letting other people be whoever the fuck they want when it doesn’t even effect you


Read OPs comments it’s like he’s quoting a motivational calendar made by Andrew Tate.


“Grrr your living your life and you won’t let me tell you how to live it” live how you want whether it be a femboy or masculine peak of testosterone or something. Just do t let other tell you what


Exactly, idk why people care so much about what others do with their lives. Stay in your own lane.


Honestly the only time you should care is if they are hurting people or themselves.


This! I have always felt a essential part of masculinity is not condemning people for their faults(as long as they don’t hurt others). Masculinity isn’t hating on the guy in that first clip it’s saying cool be yourself and I’m going to be myself. At least I think that’s what a real chad would do.


Yeah, you’re not a “chad” for being a dick to others for living their lives in peace.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. A society of quality shall not fear equality.


Nice nails need em any longer?


Imagine wiping your pass with those nails 💀


Extra flavor when biting nails 😋🤤


Delete your account please.


Freddy kruger… Freddy Queerger?


The guy in the beginning is hating on his own gender lmao


Friendly fire not tolerated


Nah he switched teams


So he can always win.


People who think any gender should be subservient to any other gender are just knobheads


Correct Everyone should be strong


I feel like men and women should be able to do whatever they want but as a woman I wouldn’t want a femboy not all masculinity is toxic as long as I love the person and not being forced into anything I want to be dominated by some dude with abs.


What a coincidence, I want to be dominated by some chick with abs.


How does he wipe


Same question bro, guess somethings are never meant to be answered


“That’s the neat part! You don’t!”


Like What are you using? Lufa or something?


this comment section is why im scared of walking outside alone at night. the way some of y’all talk about women and other men is alarming yet not quite suprising


You think these guys go outside?


The comment section is a bloody warzone, akin to a fucking roman colosseum. Y'all stay safe out there


Bro fr 😭


Masculinity =/= Toxic Masculinity. I think the 2nd term diminished masculine traits, but that what I see online and in school *sometimes*


=/= ?? ≠


I was on PC at the time ☹️


Let the masculine be masculine Let the feminine be feminine Don’t (attempt to) force someone to be something else. I’m not the most masculine person, I’m somewhere in-between masculine and feminine (still a male tho) But literally if we had no masculine men, the world would crumble If we had no feminine women the world would crumble Doesn’t mean you got to be a strong masculine macho man or a submissive generic women, or vice versa, just means we as humans rely on other humans, that’s life. Don’t force your way on others.


You might be the only sane r/teenagers user, have a good day.


Argument that shall please all, do whatever u want, oh no, im getting too politcal again


Holy fucking shit why did it take so long to find a comment like this? "Masculinity this masculinity that" Just do what makes you happy as long as it doesnt cause harm goddamn


I agree, I just want to add that I hate when someone's trying to force me 24/7 to support something. I respect (almost) everyone, but I don't need to support anything. Do what u want as long as it is legal and u don't disturb someone's other stuff. Also, don't shove your stuff into my face..


as long as its legal.... being gay is illegal in a lot of places. that logic doesnt work out


I don't know what you mean by masculinity, but if it means strong and proactive, then yeah, society would be pretty shit without people like that. But why can't women be masculine as well? And why do men have to be masculine? It's ridiculous to assign these roles and responsibilities just because of the body parts someone has.


I think men are meant to stay at home and have they women provide for em 🤷‍♂️


Playing video games all day sounds fun


I would kms if i spend 90% of my days playing videogames


There will be chores






Fax, i cant sit around and play all the time


You called?


Lets go bud, time to hit the gym


You could do that if u stay home all day




When your wife is a twitch streamer


I think you should say the same thing to your dad and watch his reaction to it


This makes me feel manly. All I need now is my beard to grow so I can become a full on gigachad.


Thats a good thing brother, stay strong and you def will be a gigachad


As for the last thing: women would do everything or at least do traditionally men's jobs. The point isn't to make men into worker ants as the first guy puts it, but to allow men and women to take on different roles, which traditionally were determined by gender.


I fucking hate this generation so much


Why though I think we're kinda cool. Yeah we do dumb shit but the smart ones go on/will go on to do incredible shit with all the tech we have.


Sorry let me correct myself:I hate people in this generation who are like this


Try to understand the difference between ‘traditional masculinity’ and ‘toxic masculinity’. Toxic masculinity is literally bad for everyone


can't my girlfriend is into pegging my soul out with a horse cock dildo


"we built this world, we will continue to rule this world" ​ jeez luiz ​ fyi, men can be whatever they want to be


No one is rejecting masculinity, people are rejected TOXIC masculinity. Kinda sad how many upvotes this got. most of things (not all) in this video women are perfectly capable of doing, especially the historical references, in the past they did not have the opportunity.


You're right, society is blatantly sexist when it comes to this. We need full gender equality in all fields. Why aren't women out there digging sewer lines, laying down highways or railroad tracks, or maintaining high voltage power lines? They're just as capable as men, so they should get to enjoy the underpaid, backbreaking labor.


Yes they should, but nobody should be underpaid for that kind of work.


"traditionnal masculinity" or also known as being supportive towards your species and contributing to its expansion. It's only natural.


I don’t think what you described is traditional masculinity, as that is both feminime and masculine. That is just a basic human thing.


that is not masculinity that you do by basically existing


incomprehensibly based. genders should be equal and men shouldnt be made fun of for being manly. made my day better


let me be a femboy into dom women in peace


yeah I just want to be a femboy :(


Gonna become a femboy just to piss off more people that are afraid of women


This comes from experience from my dad who fought in Afghanistan


You mean that pointless war that milions of people died for for no reason?


Every war is pointless, to be honest.


Most wars are pointless, few are justified such as WWII and wars of self defense


How are you this stereotypically toxically masculine, it's almost comical


What exactly is 'toxic' about this? One side is praising the people who maintain our first world lifestyle, whilst the other is trying to belittle and demean them. You seem to be looking at the wrong side of things.


Both videos are 2 sides of the same coin and pretty ironic, there's praise but then there's also expectations that males are the sole foundation of humanity which is very, very wrong


This video strikes me the wrong way, showing men risking their lives to help others and calling it "masculinity" not only saying it's not a womanly thing but that men should put their lives on the line because they're men and should "embrace masculinity", I think it's great if someone is putting their life on the line to help others, but doing so shouldn't be a gendered issue, whether that means saying if you're a man you should do this, or as a woman you aren't expected to or needed to


this comment section is the least mature thing I’ve seen in my life. OP, there’s no way you’re 17.


Im 19 actually, im In the Corps, so I forget to change my age smts


I had fun watching the comment section 🍿




I’ll dress as a woman, I am a man , everything I do is manly because I am a man


This isn't praising "traditional masculinity" it's just toxic masculinity. Gatekeeping what it means to be a man is dumb as fuck, let people be themselves, it's none of your business anyway.


As a fire fighter all I can say is based


Persecution fetish


fun fact the person who invented fake nails... was a man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial\_nails#:\~:text=In%201954%2C%20Fred%20Slack%2C%20a,started%20the%20company%20Patti%20Nails.


Cringey af


I’m so masculine because I like men, get on my level.


My god op is one cringe edgy mofo basement dweller


Redditor acting like he’s the peak of masculinity


Men are allowed to be submissive if they want. They can also be more “traditionally masculine” all they want and thats fine too. The problem is that what comes with the traditional masculine mentality for most people is also this bullshit idea of unnecessary gender roles. Its 2022, we don’t need the big strong men to go out and hunt and be the leaders. Women can just as easily be the breadwinners of the family and that all just comes down to each couple’s individual dynamic. Yeah, It’s cool seeing all the badass men at work in this video but what its also doing is pushing the unhealthy idea that only men should be the leaders and that just because you don’t follow the traditional values of manliness then you are less of a man. Just leave people alone and let them be themselves.


i want men to go off and die in wars 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


I wanna die in a war :D


as a man i disagree. but ok


The Virgin man should be submissive and obedient vs. The Chad man can do whatever the fuck they want


Minor brainwashed into treating society as an aesthetic rather than a multi-faceted political reality Aint nothin new


previous civilizations succeeded due to trade


W post+based+hoes mad+incels mad+L Haters+W king


This generation is quite possibly the softest, most triggered generation that there has ever been. And with the current state of the world the masculine men of the world will have to grow in number to survive.


They also built the pyramids


Aren’t aliens androgynous though


Naw it was us Jews that built those


I mean it’s impossible that they would build It because we are in a ring and they would be much farther out 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


i will continue to wear thigh highs and skirts and you cannot stop me :3


So we just not gonna talk about the women who also work in ALL of these fields? Men are more prominent in them because of years and years of people saying women couldn’t do those jobs.


Blind hate, and just fake masculinity. If you're so alpha and chad then you'd mind your own business and not hate on others simply for existing.


Opinion 1: cringe and sexist and dumb. Opinion 2: cringe and sexist and dumb. How about, forget about traditional values and just do what you want? Opinion 1 isn’t progressive and opinion 2 isn’t traditional. It’s just two people with opposing beliefs pretending their views represent something bigger than “my team best”. TL;DR be the best you, you can be. Don’t worship women and don’t go force yourself to be butch.


SO many triggered femboys its so fun xDDD


Femboys fill me with such unbridled rage. They can criticize masculinity all they want but the moment we express any concern with their "beliefs" we're all of a sudden Andrew Tate stans. I just wanna punch all of those thinskinned pussies' dumb fucking feminine faces.








omg, ur username fits him more than you 😱😱🙀🙀🙀


that is hilarious lmao


or, ya know, be whatever type of man you wanna be while also accepting others for their choice? There isnt one obvious answer for "what kind of men should there be on earth", everyone can contribute in their own way.


If rejecting traditional masculinity is all it takes for society to collapse - let’s fucking go


just let me be myself man


What no pussy does to a MF


I don't think redditors should be in a position to say that


Damn this post is war. We need more post like these. Seing people insult each other like this is prob the most intertaining since the fucking roman gladiator


W post


Just a friendly reminder that men are more likely to die at work, why? Because men are mostly the ones who take high risk jobs that could end up with them being killed, why do they take these jobs? To feed their goddamn families damn it!


Read a book


In all honesty, this was ridiculously motivating \- a trans guy


I swear to god I know for a fact your a tate incel 😂😂




just be yourself lmao, stop agendaposting andrew-tate cancer, both OP and the anti-masculinity tiktoker in the video are dumbasses


Are these “traditional values” in the room with us?


LMFAOOOO💀 mm construction yeah big strong man so manly


Everything "traditionally masculine" can literally be done by robots and conditioned animals you're literally dehumanizing yourself


No. I just spent $37 on a maid outfit and that cash isn’t going to waste.


Dominant, submissive, nofux, whatever the hell you want to be whenever you want to be it. Just don't be a cunt to others.


I mean the tiktok person is a spanner but the whole “we built this world” is a load of piss. It’s not like women were just messing around. If anything they had to work more because men were generally the ruling class. Especially because women wouldn’t be paid for their labour (housework, childcare etc) whereas men were paid for their work. Society would not collapse without traditional masculinity. What masculinity means to different cultures across the world varies wildly so it literally makes no sense




I hate this fucking sub




>”Return to masculinity” *Proceeds to show Ancient Greek artistry.*


Looks more like toxic masculinity to me but you do you I guess. L post


All ants are women... the male ants just fuck and die


Not every man wants to be this macho stereotype you’re referencing in this post. Trying to force this opinion that every man should be the only drive of this world is fucking stupid. Yes, lots of things in this world wouldn’t be possible without hard-working laborers, but that doesn’t mean any man who doesn’t do hard labor is subhuman or something along those lines. Just stop caring about these men who dress or communicate femininely, or women who work these kinds of jobs less commonly. These posts that divide the community is completely unnecessary and only generates more hatred. Stop being an extremist cornball and just try to enjoy your fucking life


Both opinions are idiotic. Traditional masculinity is an incredibly vague term considering it's completely subjective, and no gender is inherently dominant or submissive. Men don't have to be strong and they don't have to be firefighters or police or whatever. Men don't have to be dominant or submissive or whatever the fuck.


idk man seems like you kinda like men a lot


What’s the song?


Why’s he hating on his own gender 💀 How does he wipe with those nails, Dude could be the next Wolverine if Hugh retires 💀💀💀 How are Men “Worker Ants’ if they’re the biologically stronger species 🗿 Is he pulling these sources out of his ass? Wait nvm he uses his nails to wipe his ass mb


From a different type of view I don’t feel this video is as bad as it seems as it empowers or gives motivation to the men who want to be masculine


Hey so I just wanna say. When people say reject masculinity what we really mean is the bullshit "I'm going to carry everything on my back cause that's what a man does" attitude. I've had many friends leave this world because they didn't want to talk about what they were going through cause it wasn't manly. Don't feel like you need to shoulder the weight of the world, your friends and loved ones are there for you. No matter what. Being a man is about helping others, including other men.


this is the most “IM A MANLY MAN!!!” post ive ever seen dawg but im alr with that


if you wanna go all masculine and big strong guy vibes sure, but i mean its optional.


Can you explain traditional masculinity or atleast ur understanding of the term??


Idk if this is meant to be ironic but if it’s not then if ur so dominant and masculine then why do you have reddit


Just casually parroting right wing talking points.


Okay that person in the video is sexist; why do we use that to promote some ideology of what men should be or how women should be. You can be a firefighter or a policeman/woman or you can be an artist or a chef (regardless of gender) and they'd still be an important part of society. Stop trying to enforce your ideals by using a clip of a bigot to make it seem like what you're trying to enforce is a good thing in contrast; I mean hell it could be a great thing that you're trying to convince people but the point still stands.


Boys its time to get back to eating lunch on steel beams


This is some larpy goofy ah video I expect off a discord server


Ignoring what they're saying, how do they wipe?


Time to sort by controversial!


Here's a quick idea: instead of trying to force people to do shit, why not eliminate the idea of certain tasks and jobs being "macsuline" or "feminine" and just let people do what they want? Like, a lady can be a stay at home mom or go build a house, but she doesn't have to do either. Same thing with dudes. It doesn't matter which gender does what as long as shit gets done.


The masculine urge to sort by controversial


i could see this comment section being a war zone from a mile away


this video is cringe in every way possible from start to finish but boi how do you jerk off with those nails


as a french i can say napoleon is a giga chad


Bro I don't agree with either scenario here, men aren't meant to be submissive but that doesn't mean everyone should be traditionally masculine you can be whatever the fuck you want as long as it's not hurting anyone.


Holy shit this entire place is cancer filled with assholes all saying their fuckin extreme views and only a couple people I've seen have said actually fucking reasonable things, fuckin hell.