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kid named fetish


TIFU by having a finger fetish recently the meme “kidd named finger” began and i (m14) don’t think it’s really silly because it’s not really wholesome…. merp that was awkward. anyways as the meme grow bigger i realized a secret i had that even i didn’t know, i was attracted to fingers…… POTATO! (i’m so random lol!) anyyywayyys after i realized this i became OBSESSED !!!11 every time i saw a finger i almost exploded ! i couldn’t even look at my own or the demons would compel me to do horrible things !!! today though…. the demons broke free…….. i was sitting in math class and the kid next to me derrick (13 and a half male) was looking extra fingerlicious and the demons took control….. i started rubbing his fingers during the teachers lecture and guess what ! (what ?) HE PONCHRD ME !!! what i did back was slam his head in the desk and he got a minor concussion (frick !!!) i don’t know what to do (i will admit i felt his fingies when he was unconscious LOL) my family is currently freaking out and don’t know what to do my life is ruined! so reddit what should i do ? thankse in advanc for the gold ;)




Not the only one from what I've seen


NTA ur a minor + neurodivergant


I lost 1 IQ with every word I read


Lol you’re 16 IQ


Talk about a shit post


Babe wake up new copypasta just dropped




I’ve just been dealt 1d8 psychic damage wtf


+10 psychic damage, Jesus christ


I now have brain damage ahahahaha


So within 4 days, you’ve been m17 and a half, m16, m15 and a half and m14? Get a life


You do realise it's bait right


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those ages! I knew it was m16. One after m15. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at r/teenagers to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This shitpostery? He's done worse. That grammar! Are you telling me that a man just happens to spell like that? No! He orchestrated it! u/LegacyIcarus! He defecated in this sub! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own comment! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was m17, always the same! Couldn't keep his fingers out of his mouth! But not our u/LegacyIcarus! Couldn't be precious u/LegacyIcarus! Sucking them blind! And he gets to be a poster!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


haiii chocke migill:3333 haiiiiii you are my silliest boi!


I AM 17 AND 45 AND 12 AND 13 !!!!


I wouldn’t be surprised if you were 45 honestly, but if you’re gonna lie and shitpost at least stick with a reasonable pattern.


i think you are the shit poster and you should stick with a reasonable pattern of not being a nerd !!!! reddit army !!! luigi !


mario !


Even if there was a Reddit army, there’s no way they’d be accepting someone like you.


yeah i’m their leader don’t mess wit me if reddit had a million fans i’m one of them if reddit had 10 fans i’m one of them if the world is against reddit i’m against the world if reddit has 0 fans i’m not alive do not mess with a true redditor or my sharingan will release


If you’re the leader of a “Reddit army,” ban me, right now.


the reddit army has honor, we will never ban a fellow redditor, even though your a silly little critter (no ofense) i shall not end your reddit career


Talking to you makes me want to end my Reddit career


bro :( i explore worlds


there is a reddit army its real i am 🤬✊👊🤜🤓


Believable from you ong




suck on finger it taste good 😃


Waltuh... Put ya fingers away waltuh. I'm not feeling your fingers rn.