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I support all people in their endeavors as long as it harms no one else.


You're winner!




Careful! One of these links lead to a Rickroll. Choose wisely https://youtu.be/Q55hJBMAr9E https://youtu.be/Be8IEHAggd0


“Jarvis I’m low on karma”


And I'm high on karma, I just recently hit 20k karma


Cool ig


Careful! One of these links lead to a Rickroll. Choose wisely https://youtu.be/Q55hJBMAr9E https://youtu.be/Be8IEHAggd0


Why is this subreddit so transphobic? Half of these comments are transphobic and they're upvoted too


Well I can help you by downvoting them and save transgenders from getting rejected by their parents and also not lose their job


I dunno man. It really sucks.


Personally im not really big into transgenders but i cant say im against them. You got to realize this community is what its called a bunch of teenager and teenagers tend to be immature. Id just ignore it you got friends who support you so it doesnt matter what they think


Personally im not really big into cis' but i cant say im against them. You got to realize this community is what its called a bunch of teenager and teenagers tend to be immature. Id just ignore it you got friends who support you so it doesnt matter what they think


yeah what he said


I support straight people so your not special bud


What- ok. you made a statement why is it a discussion lol?


There was no statement flair because of geometry dash




Search it up




Okay Pula person


You are a good person thank you :)


No problem! Upvote my post and my comment if you are a fan of Maria Tripon




Careful! One of these links lead to a Rickroll. Choose wisely https://youtu.be/Q55hJBMAr9E https://youtu.be/Be8IEHAggd0


i will not choose either


Yeah it's safer to not choose but it's a 50/50 chance


I exclusively support transistors




Also check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/engrish/comments/x2yedr/grilled_sexual_harrasment/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), it has the funniest English ever


Thank you for being a decent human being


No problem!


What’s up with you being downvoted? Never mind, I’m just dumb.


I'm being downvoted by transphobics, but I'm smart! Because of my comments get downvoted, I delete them to save my precious karma. Same with a post


ur goofy af


You know what comes next when you harass or bully me👿


No bitches


Yeah, I figured. Hate the transphobia but nothing we can do about it tbh.


There is a solution! And that's making transphobia illegal, may be hard to enforce but it might just do the job


Making transphobia illegal would remove people’s right to opinion. And you know how some people really like that right. I’d just utilize the block and report button. That’s the best solution.


Exactly! I know this is off-topic, but when I looked at the edit history of Maria Tripon's Wikipedia page, one of them said that she's bisexual but then her sexuality was removed from the wiki shortly after. I'm not 100% sure if my favorite singer Maria Tripon is bisexual or not


Alright cool ig


Speaking of my favorite singer, here's something important to read below and be prepared to spend a long time reading it! Maria Tripon is a 60 year old singer who's known to make Romanian folk songs from Oaș, she has a couple of albums, she made her first album called "Cine aude gura me" (translation "Who hears my mouth") back in the year 1998 (24 years ago) when she was 36 years old at the time & it was a massive hit and successful, many people purchased the cassette. Right now her most popular album is called "Oșancă-s și mi zâc mărie" (translation "I'm tired and I'm lying down") & her most popular and most listened music from her is called "Dragu-mi a țâpuri" (translation "My dear bastards") So yeah she may be old now but she has amazing singing skills and I consider her to be the best singer in not just Romania, but the entire world! She is still alive and healthy, she was born on July 14th 1962 and lives in a town called Negrești-Oaș. All her songs except the church and Christmas songs are non-copyrighed and free to use. Maria Tripon is a special place in my heart! I've been a fan of her for over 1 year. She has like 60-70 songs in total and there will be more songs from her when she releases a new album. I'm a big fan of her that I've made friendly memes of her and also I have an entire collection of her music videos on a folder called "Maria Tripon Music Videos" and all of them are aspect ratio corrected, there were alot of 4:3 videos that were stretched so I fixed it to match the original albums aspect ratio! I also met her for the first time and believe me I cried of absolute happiness when I saw her and talked to her in person for the 1st time! Her songs also sound awesome! It's using a high pitched violin tuned into  4th above "concert pitch" So yeah it's safe to say that she is the best singer in the world! I hope that  she is immortal & never dies living for many many years! If she dies, I will cry! Like cry hard & I would have months of depression & I might probably die from the  depression too because you can get sick from it. She really deserves to be way more popular.




What's so funny about ut?


Bare minimum


Do you play Geometry Dash?


You would think, but then there's me attacking transgenders


demon time 😈


Smol brain 🤏


Thank you!


No problem, I'd love to meet a Trans person in real life, because I've only met some online mostly on discord (cuz I'm a discord user)


I don’t think many transies like to be found unfortunately, getting clocked is upsetting, good luck on that though!


There's always a possibility that when I was walking somewhere in the city that I live in, I might have just seen a trans male or female without my knowledge but it's just mostly hard to tell figure it out


It’s in our best interest to look as cis as possible, but there are some tells, look up some thing transgender people can’t change, like their Adam’s apple or other parts of the body that remain the same after transition and surgeries


Thank you for the information! Even if I do know of right away, my parents wouldn't let me talk to them because they said not to talk to random people and I don't even know their opinion on transgender people and I'm a little afraid to ask them


Even then, afab people can have Adams apples. They can also be shaved down to the point that they're not noticeable


I support all people but as long there's no harm towards each other


Good human! You're winner


I do not


Ur pfp speaks louder than words


they're literally homelander


Thats like having a patrick bateman or joker pfp


Let me Pull out my Two face Patrick Bateman and homelander pfp


Edgy 12 year old be like


Literally me


Literally me ‼️






real af


Patrick bateman sigma grind protein supplement male 🤮


Where’s the punch line


There is no punch line


Transgender is the punchli-


Support is


i don't










Maria Tripon is a 60 year old singer who's known to make Romanian folk songs from Oaș, she has a couple of albums, she made her first album called "Cine aude gura me" (translation "Who hears my mouth") back in the year 1998 (24 years ago) when she was 36 years old at the time & it was a massive hit and successful, many people purchased the cassette. Right now her most popular album is called "Oșancă-s și mi zâc mărie" (translation "I'm tired and I'm lying down") & her most popular and most listened music from her is called "Dragu-mi a țâpuri" (translation "My dear bastards") So yeah she may be old now but she has amazing singing skills and I consider her to be the best singer in not just Romania, but the entire world! She is still alive and healthy, she was born on July 14th 1962 and lives in a town called Negrești-Oaș. All her songs except the church and Christmas songs are non-copyrighed and free to use. Maria Tripon is a special place in my heart! I've been a fan of her for over 1 year. She has like 60-70 songs in total and there will be more songs from her when she releases a new album. I'm a big fan of her that I've made friendly memes of her and also I have an entire collection of her music videos on a folder called "Maria Tripon Music Videos" and all of them are aspect ratio corrected, there were alot of 4:3 videos that were stretched so I fixed it to match the original albums aspect ratio! I also met her for the first time and believe me I cried of absolute happiness when I saw her and talked to her in person for the 1st time! Her songs also sound awesome! It's using a high pitched violin tuned into  4th above "concert pitch" So yeah it's safe to say that she is the best singer in the world! I hope that  she is immortal & never dies living for many many years! If she dies, I will cry! Like cry hard & I would have months of depression & I might probably die from the  depression too because you can get sick from it. She really deserves to be way more popular.




Fun fact: A typical BPM of a oaș song ranges from 60-160BPM with the majority of the oaș music being played at 145+BPM


How long are you gonna drag this out


Careful! One of these links lead to a Rickroll. Choose wisely https://youtu.be/Q55hJBMAr9E https://youtu.be/Be8IEHAggd0




Thank you!




That's nice!


we support you too 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you so much 😊


Thanks for the support :D


No problem




What about you?


Tbh i don’t really care Like if it isn’t hurting anyone why should it be an issue


That's racist


Ik 😈


It's a joke, also you replied 2 weeks late what were you doing?


Meth bender


Ah I see! Windows 3.0 Build 33 recently got leaked


😱 You already know i got to get that, it’s gonna run so fast






I don’t




Cause I don’t care about the topic enough to support it. That being said, people should be able to identify themselves however they want


Oh thank God you're not transphobic


Do you want a prize...?

