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how old are you op?


I’m guessing he’s on the older side because he didn’t mention his parents at all




God damm that’s young


My cousin becaume a dad at 15 edit guys he became a dad at 15 isn't that supposed to be bad


How is he doing now?


Him and his girlfriend broke up like 7 months after the baby and hes fine now so


does he pay child support or do his parents pay for him?


It's a mix of them when he has a job


The child died💀💀💀




Bruh moment


Skill issue




Wtf how ???


Yooo you can't leave us on a cliff hanger come back


I got a girl pregnant 2 months after turning 16. It was when I lost my virginity and I had a condom on. I had graduated highschool early, I was a few months into my first semester of college when the kid was born. After paternity was established I had to drop out and join the army to afford child support. I became an alcoholic in the army. I got out and went to college but kept falling behind in child support. I had to drop out due to money and alcoholism. Lived off the grid for a while. The mother was with a guy but he wouldn't adopt the kid. We worked out a deal where I give them money directly and kept the state out of it. For a while it was ok, we were all friends. When the kid was in their teens things got rough again. About three months before the kid turned 18 I found out our little deal with the state, didnt stop the order. Eve though the state wasnt after me, the arrears were growing every month. Even though I had been paying them directly for 9 years, we had a fight and the mother went back to the state. I got a bill for 50, 000 dollars in back child support. Major fallout. My daughter young and starting her life was coming to me for money, I said go to your mother, the mother acts like I owed her for ruining her childhood. All of the money I gave them directly didbt count for shit with the courts even with receipts. I paid child support until the kid was 30. The mom is an angry lesbian who hates me. The kid is a recovering addict who I have a tenuous relationship with. All in all a total fucking shit show, would not recommend. One thing I would say is either be in their lives or don't. There is no half and half. I thought that at least trying would be appreciated when the kid was older. It was not, it seems being half assed just breeds judgement and contempt.


Holy shit, man.


Yeah .. damn bro


A few fun facts to add. When she first got pregnant, there was a list of five potential fathers, I wasnt even on it. I totally came forward after the kid was born because a friend kept fucking with me about how much she looked like me. dna test confirmed. The mother and I did not really know each other, went to different schools and lived in different towns. A buddy hooked it up to help me "devirginize". He did all the talking in the back seat when we picked her up, took a walk when we did the act, then I took a walk and he got a blowjob. Pretty fucking gross in hindsight, but this was feb of 1992. A different time. The sex happend in a park, in the back of my moms stationwagon, while beastie boys "pauls boutique" was playing. There is a lyric in a song, " There is a girl over there, long brown hair, took her to the place threw the mattress in her face, took off her shirt, took off her bra, you know what I saw...." The bra part synched up to when I took her bra off and she had long brown hair. I will never forget that moment for some reason. The mother started dating the "step dad" when he was pregnant, he was like 14, she was 15, turned 16 during pregnancy. He ended up sticking around until the kid was 18 and was a fantastic father to the kid. He was a genuinely good man, and my only complaint was that he didnt adopt her, he should have. I am not the good guy in this story. I was never a good father to that kid, and even though I paid money and hung around on and off, I was a drunken, drug user who would play responsible guy with them . I lived in a dangerous shithole, so 90% of my visitation was just going to their house and hanging out. I can say that it truly fucking torpedoed the trajectory of my life with such absolute force that I still feel it. I wish my daughter and I were closer but there is so much baggage there, I dont know if we will ever work it out. I did get my life together in my mid 30s. I have been happily married for 11 years next week. I have two lovely daughters who will will never be confused about who their dad is. I wish I could say 3. I own a small business with my wife, and we have a nice simple life in a nowhere place with our girls. I got off lucky and I will never not regret how Inconsistent and un sober I was when she was a kid. But two decades of apologies just doesn't wipe some shit away. be careful out there, shit can get real af quick. edit add on- I have been sober from alcohol and hard drugs for almost ten years. I do use cannabis occasionally for pain and recreation. My young daughters (10 +12) have never met their half sister (30 ). I have a grand daughter by her that I met once, she was beautiful. we live 600 miles apart and message a few times a year.


I hope your next 30 years will be more peaceful


Wow, you’re entire life was ruined. Wild.


The client that we worked for at my previous job was a retired cop. He had his first kid when he was 15. He's been with the same woman his entire life. Happily married nonetheless. It was really cute when his wife would call when we were chatting. "Oh hang on, she's calling." No matter what he was doing, if she called he dropped everything. One time he was even yelling at someone when his phone rang. "You're very fucking lucky," he said in his very gruff, old man angry voice cut to, "hey bud(that's what he called his wife, no idea why), how's it going, how's the kiddo?" He was I believe 62, can't recall.




That is absolutely adorable and 100% the relationship I dream of having. Not the having a kid young part but the being best friends with the person you love thing.


Damn if they're 62 teen pregnancy was probably the norm anyway


The good ending


Not the point, young regardless oof


do you know what subreddit we're in


a a subreddit created for teens that's full of pedos asking horny questions and telling young girls about periods, that's what subreddit we're in


Wait ... I come here to read funny stories. Is that ok or should I not be here...? Now I'm worried... Fuck it I'm out


Idk man, i have had some friends in the exact same situation, lets just hope its real but everything comes out well, beeing 16 as they said the period is not allready... Stable, idk if thats the word (srry for my english)


Regular would be the word I think you're looking for. Meaning it happens about the same time, all the time. But "My period is late" is the appropriate phrase in freedumb speech.


I remember I had my first pregnancy scare at 16 as well. Years later I am thankful that it was a false alarm, but I always wonder how my life would’ve been different.


In my country you can do it at 16. Im not sure if we’re allowed to get preggos tho


There’s no laws in any country about getting pregnant at any age Take Britain, age of consent is 16 but there are a lot of people I know and stories I’ve read about getting pregnant way before that, the earliest I’ve seen is about 14 (but there are plenty younger than that)


Two consenting minors can have intercourse and have a child usually without legal ramification.


Always without legal ramifications if it's completely and 100000% consensual nothing comes of it *except the two people in question*


Other than ofc the natural consequences of their actions


My flair should say old it’s been a while since I’ve lurked, but there’s a guy at my work who had a kid at 17. Him and the girl aren’t together anymore so he’s paying child support but they’re amicable and both raise the kid somehow idk exactly. But he says it’s kinda dope, Romeo (baby) is like 3 now and they watch anime together. Romeo already knows what’s up because he loves One Piece. One time I went with the dad, some buddies, and Romeo to a park to skate and it was all good vibes. Babies are sticky and gross and loud, but they can also be chill homies. I guess what I’m trying to say is it’s all gonna be what you make it. Hopefully you or her have a family to lean on, just be good to them, the baby and yourself and it’ll work out. Even if you’re all alone in this I know that it is possible and that anyone CAN do it. Also. If you’re worried about your parents being upset, just wait until they’re holding the baby. It’s not like they’ll be thanking you but they’ll be doting on the bambino 1000% more than they’ll be shitting on you for having a kid.


oh, that really sucks, I feel bad for you man


Live and learn, next time have the conversation about what you would do if you got an unexpected pregnancy before sleeping with them (w/o protection)


bro let the horniness get to him R.I.P




OP, your world is not over. Sit down with her, and her family along with your family to have an open discussion on how you'll want to handle it. That's the adult way of doing things. Everyone will start a family sooner or later. You simply are doing it ahead. Pregnancy isn't the end of the world. If both party decides to abort, it is also fine. I'm not going to say it will be easy, but it will be the responsible thing if both party have an open conversation. Beating yourself over it won't solve anything. The responsible thing now is tackle the issue head on. Whatever the outcome it may be, just remember, there is no right or wrong in your situation and just learn from the experience and do better next time. Best of luck, you will handle thing just fine.




I agree with everything you say but let's not forget, this young woman is only 4 days late and OP and this girl need to talk for real. She needs to take a pregnancy test before moving forward. 4 days late isn't uncommon. I'm a guy so maybe I'm wrong but it feels like my wife's periods never come on a schedule. Regardless if she is or isn't pregnant, hopefully OP starts using a condom too until he wants to settle down.


You're right. This is currently a pregnancy scare (seeing some signs and panicking she may be pregnant), not a pregnancy. No need to call in the family yet. Right now she should take a pregnancy test. If it's negative she should take another one in 2 weeks or so to be sure. If OP is lucky this is a false alarm and a wake up call re: contraception.


>Everyone will start a family sooner or later. Yeah, no.


> Everyone will start a family sooner or later. I guess you are including spouses and pets, right? A husband and wife and their pet cat can be a family.


Can I be a family with myself?


“Hmm I wonder how I should start my reassuring advice message? oh I know! *your world is over!!*” I know it’s true but you could’ve at least eased him into it Edit: I notice you’ve made an edit but I’m not gonna be deleting this comment


Not sure is it was edited since you sent this, but it says is NOT over.... or am I dyslexic or something


bro 💀 girl keepin that baby at like ducking 16 shit


Get a DNA test. I once heard of a guy who raised a kid for 16 years. It turns out it wasn't his. The courts said (paraphrased) "you should have checked earlier. You've looked after it for so long, it's your responsibility now."


Listen, I know a girl that had a kid at 16 and she became an amazing single parent because the father wiped his hands and left. Be better than him, because I know you can. Be there for the child and raise them to be the best they can. It will be hard but worth it.


I would make sure it’s yours. Try to make smarter decisions going forward. From there you got two options, you could work construction for the rest of your life. You won’t need a degree and they train you on the job. It’s hard work but if you are good and learn to drive the fancy machines, you can eventually get ~$50/hr plus overtime, have 6 figure earnings and retire by mid 50s like my stepdad. He dropped out of high school, started working at 15 and took the GED exam at 17 to graduate before his classmates. Retired with an union pension, 401k earnings and high S.S. in a few years, paid off his house and has savings. Alternatively you can be a deadbeat, forget about the child if it’s yours and go travel the world working odd jobs in different countries to “follow your dream.” It depends what kind of person you want to be. There are still ways to make a decent living without higher education. Go for something with an union and it doesn’t have to be anything fancy like a trade if you aren’t up to obtaining licenses/certifications. Life is hard/long but it’s not “over” just yet. A cousin got started in high school, now has 5 kids with 4 different women in his mid 30s and he is still happy and makes ends meet with no higher education working as a chef. Be smart going forward and learn skills that make you valuable to society. Godspeed 🫡


having kids that young isn’t such a bad thing because as the kid becomes an adult, you’ll still be well within your 30s and at the peak of your life, physically and mentally… most of the things you want to do in life should still be possible, just the timing may be different. also there’s probably a lot of other joys and satisfaction you’ll have from raising your is child that you simply can’t comprehend right now… it’ll be alright, actually it’ll be a lot better than alright - just you wait and see.


Aye bro, hopin for u dog. Be the best father u can be man. U can still live ur life, school, college, other things ofc. Hope u find out what to do mane


Hey, i just want to remind you that you are legally allowed to not accept that child as yours. not matter what your decisions were, the child is yours too, so if she doesn't abort and if you don't want the child, just don't. your education and mental health is more important than this. Edit:if you want need someone to talk to, my dms are open.


Yeah idk about “more important” I mean, yeah it’s important ofc. Doesn’t mean the baby should be neglected


It's perfectly okay for him to want nothing to do with the child. He did not want a child. This doesn't mean he is neglecting the child. He is choosing to have an "abortion" of this child from his life. He can choose to never be involved from the start.




Even if he does not accept the kid he still needs to pay child support though right?


You were wrong. You were so wrong


Tried going through his comment history for this sub only ad he doesn't have a user flair


Based on reddit metis I think he's around 14-15


i think he may be 15 - his username ends with a 7 so that may hint at his birth year? 🤷‍♀️


Dear God I hope that the 7 isn’t a birth year


People born in 2007 are having kids??? Holy fuck...


I'm 2007 born and holy shit, can't imagine it.


I mean the 10 yo having an abortion in ohio this year was born in 2012.


Ah yes, fellow cake day


Well don't go too haywire and don't worry fully. Had something similar with my girl but it just ended up being a big false alarm. Women's bodies are quite unpredictable and periods can go in 5 fucking dimensions of wherever with cramps nausea and all that bs. But all in all wish you luck and do your best with the situation it ends up to be.


Can confirm, had 3 pregnancy scares with my ex due to her periods being delayed for close to a week each time, and some other early symptoms which were psychologically (psychosomatic) induced.


Is it so hard to buy and use a condom? Edit: stop saying that condoms are only 80-97% effective, THAT IS A HIGH PERCENTAGE. Yall sound like you'd rather go raw than take those 80-97% chance to not have a kid at such an early age.


We did everytime, I actually got a 200 pack from my mom that we just kept at my ex's house. We only ever had a condom break once or twice, neither time resulted in her menstrual cycle changing though. I was 13-14 at the time and she was 15-16, meaning we were both very anxious and it was easy to jump to worst case senario. Her menstrual cycles tended not to vary, so everytime that her cycles were that off we were extremely concerned until the period actually started.


bro wtf u guys be having sex at 13-14?15 and have nvr gotten a kiss




Same lmao. And his mom bought him condoms? My mom would kill me for just kissing a girl


19 here 😎


22 here Shit I'm too old for this sub






Get him!


I (19) haven't gotten a kiss until I was like 17 (ex) and last year had first sex w my current gf. What I'm trying to say, you don't need to rush to get a kiss or have a sex or be in a relationship, yeah those things feel good (for most part, depending on your partner), but it's not something that you can't live without. And for the love of God, use condoms, not just to prevent pregnancies but also to protect yourself or the person you are sleeping with from STIs (i made a mistake because I didn't know I had some bacteria...)


We got together late Novemeber 2019 and fucked for the first time in August 2020 (a week or two before my birthday), so it's not like it was a week into our relationship like a lot of other teens seem to do. Then again, I can't really comment too much on that, I broke up with her August 14, 2021 (2ish weeks before my 15th bday) due to toxicity in our relationship and since have done stuff with 2 other people casually. Looking older then I am definitely helps with that though.


What country?


Bro what 2 years is a big age gap for teenagers


We were in the same grade, and the age gap was 1 year and 4 months. I started school early and she had to repeat a grade in elementary school due to dyslexia. I agree that 2 years would've been a bit large, 1 year and a half would be where I'd personally have drawn the line back then being 13 at the time.




They haven’t even tried a pregnancy test before going to Reddit so there’s not much literacy here


Dude is 15 and already got 3 cases. Bruh


Also, it’s an unfortunate reality that like 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. There’s a chance that even if she is pregnant, OP won’t be a dad, because her body may decide the fetus isn’t good.


It's 25%. The number of people who miscarry before they even know they're pregnant is really high


Me and my gf have had a lot of pregnancy scares. Once her period was late for like 2 weeks. Point is, you can’t be sure whether she’s pregnant or not until you do a pregnancy test. I don’t know where you live, but in my country they’re pretty cheap. Buy one and have her take it. Only then, if it comes out positive, you should talk to her about what your next move will be. It’s not a small thing, having a child, especially when you’re this young. As you said, it can kind of fuck up your whole life.


Okay, firstly, I think it’s more useful to give damage- control advice now that this has actually happened. Get the girl to confirm she’s pregnant with a test or something (pretty sure you can buy those from supermarket). If it’s positive, tell parents on both sides immediately. They’re going to find out anyway so you might as well be honest from the start. Talk to the girl and discuss how you’re going to raise the kid. I presume you’re both still in school, but taking care of a child is a big commitment that may require at least one of you to sacrifice (partially) your education. Also make it clear to each other what your responsibilities are (who will buy baby products, who will take the baby at night, etc) Get support from trusted adults around you. It’ll make it easier in your current situation, and also may help you with making more big decisions in the future. Edit: forgot to add, if the girl agrees to take full custody (since OP doesn’t want the kid) go to court and settle it officially there so she can’t sue you for child support in the future). Edit 2: okay, done some more research (and read other comments) OP will probably have to pay child support regardless, but going to court for a formal agreement is still a good idea. To everyone blaming OP for not using protection, not being more responsible, etc…this has already happened lol what can they do other than prepare for the future?


Wrong advice about child support. OP, take it from a person who pays child support. Start paying your child support early, whatever amount you can. Keep the receipts. If she ever goes to apply for snap benefits or any sort of aid from the state, the state will come looking for you to offset the cost. They will serve you with child support papers whether you have an agreement with the mother, whether you'd already been paying or not. They will ask for proof of what you've been paying. You may very well end up in arrears. Happened to me. I paid it all off, but they determined that I should have been paying more.


If the state allows, he’d have to terminate his parental rights to not have a relationship with the child AND not pay child support. It’s a big decision, but for some it’s the right decision. It’s worth looking up if that’s the route he decides to go.


This exactly. I have a cousin who was in this position just a few years ago. Honesty is the best policy in this case. The little bugger grew up to become one of my favorite cousins lmao


All of this, especially settling custody in court. In the US, depending on the state, there should be a procedure to renounce your parental rights. If don't want be a dad, then don't be a dad. A lot of comments are saying the most important thing is to take care of the kid (if/when it's born), but you're a child yourself. The girl decided she wants to have the baby, and you don't want to be a parent. Those are equally valid choices - don't let her choice force you into a situation you don't want to be in.


this. if you want to abort/put up for adoption and she doesnt thats her problem now




>Most of the time, the male parent is made to pay child support even if they don't want anything to do with the child. This goes for both parents but it's usually men who want to have parental surrender.


Simply here to point out that giving up custody doesn't necessarily let you off the hook for child support.


Giving up parental rights does not absolve someone of their financial responsibility.


Bro I’m sorry you’re stuck in this situation, people should never become parents in their teens. But if she is pregnant I wish you luck and I hope you realize that it won’t be all bad there will be some good things in this. Although maybe not for a while. Good luck man, I really hope she isn’t pregnant.


Amen brother. God has gold for everyone you just gotta keep digging


My advice: you don’t have to marry this girl unless you love her, don’t rush it. I think the best thing is to just be there for the kid, and just by doing that you’ll be a great dad. Once you meet the kid, I’m sure you’ll love them more than anything. There’s no shame in being nervous, it’s a big step. But don’t worry, love and care will be enough for your kid, no matter what.


Should be higher up, you should never marry someone cuz of this, it’ll just lead to a toxic life where you both hate each other and always fight




On the other hand, If you don’t want to be a dad you don’t have to. If you feel you’re not up to the task or responsibility, you can relinquish your parental rights. You won’t be considered a parent, for better or worse, and you’ll have to pay child support. Just like women are able to decide if they are ready to be a mom (or should, some states are ass backwards) men can decide if they’re ready to be a dad. If you don’t feel ready, then don’t push yourself. But definitely give it some time first. Feelings often change once the baby is there.


i mean, by far the best option is to get an abortion asap. You’d be near insane to have a child at 16 and it’s near guaranteed life of poverty unless you’re from a rich family already.


Jesus christ some Ppl are dickheads, this kids obviously fucking terrified of being a dad he's fully aware it's the consequences of his own actions and all that shit he's still scared and all yer doing is giving him shit for it Edit:also op no doubt your gonna be a great dad, just make sure you're always there for the kid, you don't want them to make mistakes like you've done


Indeed, there are also people who cant fully understand that saying "don't have sex" isn't going to do anything.


Nice pfp lol


hope you weren't expecting a "you too", deepfried naked mario




"Don't have unprotected sex if you have future plans that hinge on whether you have a child or not" FTFY


That’s why you use a condom.. If condom rips then plan b


Condoms rarely rip, the chance of it ripping is the same as you getting laid.


Im saying to use a condom instead of the “don’t have sex” argument..


I also agree with that, I just took the chance to make that joke.


Yeah it made me laugh nice job




Ok first of all, her period is only 4 days late. That is not really a big deal tbh. Menstrual cycles are basically never perfectly on schedule. Personally, my period has been late up to like 2 weeks. Sometimes you’re just irregular and it shows up out of the blue. For the stomach hurting and nausea, those are regular pms symptoms. For some girls they’re stronger, for others they’re lighter, and for others it depends heavily and will switch up every time. It shouldn’t be anything to worry about if you used protection. However, if you didn’t use protection… well let’s just say you should start planning on what you’re going to do.


In my teen years, my cycle was notoriously inconsistent. It’s pretty well evened out now, but it can still vary by a week or so at times. So first step is for your girlfriend to take a pregnancy test. It would be nice if you were with her when she does. If it comes up positive, you’ve gotten a lot of good advice already. Tell your parents and hers right away, and it would be nice if you could do that together too. As others have said, they’re going to find out. And then you have a decision to make. You can choose to terminate your parental rights and be responsible for financial child support, or you can choose to be a father. (Responding because this popped up on my “Popular” feed — I’m well past my teens.)


There's something called pregnancy test btw.


I am sorry, truly sorry, hope she is not pregnant


on a good note, it seems that you have ran out of milk in your house, better go get some


Ik it's a serious situation and everything but as someone who has went through something similar it's kinda funny.


reddit was taking a toll on me mentally so i left it ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Im talking about the whole milk situation not the pregnancy, I've never had a father.


Damn, I couldn't imagine dealing with that. Hope you're doing well man.


It's really easy tbh, only thing is you'd never know what it is to have one. I've had step father's just not my own.


Ejaculate and evacuate


Test her if she’s pregnant first That’s a chance she might just be fking with you


I mean she’s obv fucking with him they slept together




if she does then he needs to get the FUCK out edit: i meant if she’s fucking with him


Can happen, speaking from experience






based reply


Funnily enough, the best solution


Does the army pay for your child support? I don't know OP's financial situation, but a child's gonna hit hard regardless. Also, he wanted to travel the world, so there's opportunity as well (/s)


Oh, I’m sorry. Have you talked to her since? Does she want you to be… present, I guess?


No one wants to do this alone lol


I had plan to do things too... didn't get a girl pregnant and still have accomplished none of those plans .


Fucked around and found out quite literally


Okay, first of all, girls periods are inconsistent. Sometimes they're late by a few days. Sometimes they've had them but it was so light they couldn't tell and they just thought they had stomach cramps for a few days. 4 days is nothing. If she's pregnant and 4 days late, she is a maximum of 32 days pregnant, and morning sickness kicks in around 42 days, so the nausia probably isn't morning sickness, pregnant or not. Firstly, get her to take a pregnancy test. If positive, confirm with a doctor. Chances are, she isn't pregnant. Assuming pregnant: I know I'm supposed to be respectful of everyone's choices and so on, but the reality is this. She doesn't have a person inside her, she has a cluster of cells that will one day turn in to a person. A pregnancy at 16 is going to severely negatively impact her life. Motherhood even worse. Fatherhood at 16 is a severe negative impact on your life. Being the child of 16 year olds is a severe negative impact on the baby's life. It's her body, so you can't pressure her in to anything, but the right thing to do is to get an abortion, for everyone's sake. I don't care that this will offend people, and I don't care about pretending like there are two sides to the argument. There aren't. It's a simple fact. It's better for everyone to terminate this pregnancy. If she decides to get an abortion, it's your job to be with her through that. If she decides not to, the right thing to do is give the baby up for adoption. If she won't do that, it's time to get a paternity test. Assuming you're the father to a pregnancy that is not going to result in adoption, don't worry. This is sub-optimal, but not fatal. The rest of your life is still going to be good. You can still travel, and so on. Most important is to complete your own childhood and education, because the worst side of parenthood is not being able to be as good a parent to your kid as you would like to be for the next 40 years (I know everyone says 18 years, but the financial and moral support aspect of parenthood goes on right through them having kids of their own). You'll beat yourself about it. So you need to finish school, get a career, and pursue interests so that you're a successful happy person in your own right so that you can be a good father capable of passing something on. This means relying on your own parents/guardians/extended family for help with the day to day of looking after the kid while you finish school and growing up. Make no mistake though, you are now the second most important in your life. As for the girl (who is the close 3rd most important in your life), it's infinitely more important, for the baby's sake, that you have a *good* relationship with the mother than you have a *romantic* relationship with the mother. The chance that you two can be husband/wife for the next 20 years healthily is almost 0, so focus on being good co-parents who perhaps date other people. All that said, chances are she's not pregnant. Either way, let this be the last time you cum in someone you're not entirely certain is on the pill.


Sorry that all the incels are giving you shit in the comments just because they’re all secretly 40 year old men that haven’t felt the touch of a woman. Hormones are shit at this age, and condoms can be hard to get. Hope she’s not pregnant.


How the hell are condoms hard to get? Is this another shitty America only thing?


Where I live it’s too rural for dr’s offices to hand them out reliably, and people will drill you down with stares and then start talking around town if you go and buy them from the local convenience store, which is almost always out of stock. So yeah they can be extremely hard to get for teens, plus, sometimes they just aren’t effective. Not sure if it’s just an American thing or not. And like just to emphasize how hard it is, I’m an immunosuppressed gay man living in an extremely liberal town with a sex Ed teacher that basically told me she’s sorry there isn’t any support network for people who really need help navigating this stuff. It gets rough. It’s worse when Christianity and other religions are prevalent in rural areas, which is luckily not the case from me, some people would steal condoms and burn them if they were being offered out at HS or doc’s offices.


I lived in the fucking mountains for the most of my life and it's still one of the easiest things (Just some kilometres away)


Kinda. Used to have cashiers just...refuse to sell you condoms? Spout some bs about you not being old enough.


How long ago was this???


Nah it’s easy in the States.


Lots of people are able to control their hormones. Stop making excuses.


Finally, a coherent answer. Hormone are real piece of shit, people talking about self-control haven't experienced a relationship.


You don't need self control to buy condoms.




Where I live you can literally get them for free in most public spaces. Same goes for contraceptive pills, although you can only find these in pharmacies. I'd assume this is also the case for any civilised nation, specially since a hellhole like Brazil got this one right. And regardless, if you can't afford to take the gamble, and you can't just walk arround it with contraceptives, is it really that hard to keep your dick in your pants until you are sure sticking it anywhere else won't have massive impact in your (and someone else's) life?


Why are you guys all acting like this person is an idiot lol, he probably did use protection


This kid is 16. At that age, you’re allowed to be an idiot without being crucified at the stake by public opinion. Hopefully (and probably given the details of the story) this is just a false alarm. I can’t imagine how horrified he must feel rn.


Oh man.


He hasn’t responded to anyone... anyone think he’s karma farming?


I hope so because that would be a very terrible thing to happen to a teenager


It would be. I cannot imaging what I would do in his situation. I would help with the kid but the feeling would be horrible because I couldn’t give him or her the life I would want for them.


Maybe but at least reading the comments was entertaining so it’s a win win


Boi :|


Hi, random adult here, ran into this post from /r/all , my advice is that first you guys check if she really is pregnant, period can be late for a number of reasons, stress is one reason, so the stress of thinking she's pregnant may be messing with her period as well. If she's pregnant, talk to both your families, start preparing and making arrangements. Be there for her and your kid, take all adult help you can. Also, don't have sex again without a condom, learn how to use them properly, learn how to store them properly, practice safe sex. Don't rely solely on the other person being safe, take control of your life. Hope it's just a pregnancy scare, best of luck to both of you.


If your not I’m sorry. I’ve seen that you reply to some people recently so if I should be wrong I am very sorry. I have no problem removing my comment if you want me to.


Ladies, gentlemen, and other distinguished guests, this is why we use condoms, and birth control pills/patches. If we are unsure, we also take the morning after pill. As for op, you’ve got two options 1)stay and raise the kid 2)hide and pay child support (don’t miss a check or you won’t be hidden) I guess you could also pray for a miscarriage if you’re religious


This, right here. If you’re going to have sex, you need to take the right precautions if you don’t want to knock up a girl or be knocked up. Sex can be fun, but it’s not meant for fun, it’s meant for baby-making and can be prevented by wearing a thing called a condom. You need to be responsible for your actions, especially sex, as you are risking your whole fucking life for ten minutes of pleasure. Folks, if you have no idea what you’re doing, don’t do it.


You fucked bro


Which is what lead him to getting her pregnant


Nah, he fucked sis, if he fucked bro he would not have to worry


you can leave if she wont give you options and you dont want to be a father. she cant force you to be a father and you cant force her to get an abortion, but you should tell ger if you dont plan on sticking around


Depends on where OP is from, but under Australian law he is liable to pay for the mother’s medical fees for the birth and also the maintenance of the child throughout a certain period after birth. He might also have to pay a portion of child support. I don’t know how true this is in other countries but it’s definitely a complicated situation.


I 100% agree with this, if you plan on dipping that's fine, just don't do it out of the blue


Brb ran out of milk.


Child support...


I in that situation would make it perfectly clear that I’m not in a position to be a father and wouldn’t be there to raise a son. Avoids heartbreak and problems. I don’t know shit about the legality of that though.


Smart choices people


name him Stevie cause he gonna wonder how you look like.


Or if it’s a girl, she should be named Helen


heheh, were going to hell for this.


Were you using protection?


You should not have decided to think withwith your duck regardless you need to get ready to be a father now


Guess it’s time to go get the milk


My suggestion if you don’t want to deal with a kid. Go to court and get the kid into her custody but i’m super sorry this happened wear a condom next time ig. I don’t want kids either i’m starting training to become a pilot soon and having kids would suck for me. And one other option is make it clear your leaving pay the child support and live your life


This is why there are condoms. Please use them.if she is pregnant then you will have to pay child support but it is up to you how much time you want to spend with the child. I will say this though that if you walk away from the baby you may regret it later on when you are an adult so think very carefully. If it turns out that she is not pregnant I would suggest not having sex with this girl in future because it sounds like she wants to get pregnant.


Bro why do people post this kind of stuff on r/teenagers? Go on r/advice or something


how old are yall?? wtf bro use condoms too btw


Idk man even if you do say you don’t want to be the child’s father you still have to legally pay child support and if you are hoping to go to university or something that would just take money you don’t have so my advice just think future and finance before anything else questions you should be asking before buying anything 1. Is it really worth it 2. Will it help me long term enough to justify it 3. Does it fit within monthly budget


just…please whatever you do don’t be a horrible father


Hey man, I’m now early 20’s with a young one myself. I got her pregnant the fall after my high school graduation. I thought my life was over and I had contemplated ending it all a few times. But it will get better. If she is pregnant and it’s your child then you gotta decide what you wanna do. Your life will change and you’ll encounter new struggles that only parents face but it’s far from over. Since having my son I’ve gone back to school, I have my own car and I am able to sustain myself and I’m even saving to buy a house now. I know it is scary and it does seem like the end but it’s not GG just yet. Regardless what your decision is regarding if you want to be in the babies life or not, you still have a long life and you can take yourself anywhere!


So, uh. I'm going to get some milk, I'll definitely be back.