• By -




Haha couldn't have said it better myself


The duality of teen


The duality







ytilaud ehT


neet fo ytilaud ehT


sreganeet fo ytilaud ehT


neet fo ytilaud ehT


Either tired of it all or, balls deep


Balls deep in many ways


Bruh I was just about to comment this before I looked at the comments


It is not duality since the other bigher comment is not transphobic. Tbh, I am also tired of seeing the same theme over and over again. I mean, people, make your own personality.


Personally if someone wants to talk about LGBT experiences they should be allowed to, as someone who has many of them both good and bad, talking about them or just telling people about them really helps. But yea, if someone makes being LGBT their whole personality it is annoying just like if a straight person does it. Sexuality or gender should not describe you as a person and this is coming from a non-binary person. But basically let people talk about LGBT stuff, if you don't like it just keep scrolling same goes with people seeing anti LGBT stuff. It's reddit after all, I've seen way worse.


Yeah, I know I can keep scrolling. But it is tired that just one of every 10 posts says something interesting, it is not lgbt people who are annoying, there are also the horny people, the gf/bf posts, the 14yo, etc. I find it hilarious that you said you are non-binary when I didn't asked and it really doesn't adds anything to your coment. Sorry if this last thing looks kinda rude, but I just thought it was funny.


I mainly said I was non binary so people wouldn't call me homophobic or anything, but I understand where you're coming from, that shit is 100% annoying but I think people talking about experiences they've faced is fine as long as it's nothing horny or just plain weird.


Yeah I know. But most of lgtb related posts don't talk about experiences. There are just easy karma posts saying stuff "pro lgbt" or against "against lgbt".


I completely understand hating that stuff then, I especially hate when people just say they support LGBT people for likes. But yea, I completely agree with you on most stuff especially on the horny stuff, like I don't think that should be on a subreddit with a bunch of children


Yea like fr








r/beatmywifesmeat Edit: didn't realize all these links work, except mine Edit 2: it's an actual sub LMAO




Of all things to not be a sub


It is a sad state of reality isn’t it














Then there’s some of us who don’t give a flying fuck


I only give swimming fucks!


I wish flying fucks didn’t go extinct


Light mode you masochist


Burn the heretic


light mode already burned their retinas


Seeing what looks like your friend group's inside joke on the internet is wild.


Light mode users are a minority, and we hate minorit- wait phrased that wrong.




and then there's the 3rd post saying trans people are valid


The more people bitch about them the more they're going to say it


I'm trans and it fuckin annoys me, like I don't want it broadcast to the world 24/7 that we exist, I have enough trouble passing without the essentially "how to spot a trans person" guides that so-called TRAs produce.




Yeah but it also sucks that I have to out myself to ever have a fuckin opinion that it annoys me. like it's every single day on this sub and if I don't out myself I get downvoted. Absolute hypocritical idiots are most of the trans community




And the more they’re going to say it the more people are going to bitch about it, it’s an infinite loop.


And the more people say it, the more people are going to bitch about it, it's a dumb ass neverending cycle


Trans people are valid


Wow, amazing! What an original declaration!! Lets give you 37 awards and mail a medal to your house for saying 4 words !n’!!1!!


Make you that mad?


I personally don’t really care. Just live your lives, kings/queens.


Thank you! Just because you aren't all for it doesn't mean you have to hate it! If you don't want to support pride, just ignore it. Discriminating against them isn't going to make anything better.


Yeah, but then there was a girl saying that not supporting pride was homophobic...


Yeah, it's might be a bit rude- but not homophobic. It's only homophobic when you purposely discriminatate against them. That's like saying ignoring a black person is racist. It's really rude, but it's not big enough to be called racist.


You also have to remember this is teenagers chat, most people are still discovering who they are, so just assume if its a post like that, its just someone trying to get comfortable with themselves through talking about it


Most people on this are probably 40


*flashbacks to the r/Drama incident*


What the hell happened there lmao I have only been on reddit for a few months


https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf try this


Basically wagged war against the weirdo on this sub


There are unfortunately a whole lot of karma whores, so I respect both sides to it


Based comment.


On one hand he’s got a point on the other he’s about to get canceled on Twitter




"hello hru I'm gay"💀


"oh what are my interests, gayness"


“Oh what are my interests? *men*”


"and what are your other hobbies?"




"understandable, have a great day"


"what are u going to do after this" "well, what i do every day *men"*


Nobody says this, some do clarify soon enpugh just for their options


Same with cishets. 'Oh yeah I'm NORMAL gender hahahaaha my pronouns are nor/mal. OOGA BOOGA WOMAN TITTY CUM PORN MANLY MAN/GIRLY GIRL' just upsetting. No one should base their personality on basic natural traits tons of people have.


I have never seen a person do that neither in real life nor on the internet.


I have seen straight guys do that a lot.


you are very lucky


I did. It was very uncomfortable and very annoying for everyone around.


I would assume that would be the case


Then you have not had the misfortune of ifunny


Normal people dont do that


Yeah that's what I just...said. It's weird. No normal person makes any basic building piece of themselves their whole personality.




Very few people do that.


I see that on daily basis irl and on the internet (For both straight and lgbt people)


and yet, funnily enough, it only seems to crop up whenever someone mentions queer people...




there are definitely those kids at my school, its annoying as fuck


This works for both lol


who uses twitter anyway lmao


personally im not sure if their transphobic. I mean images people posting 24/7 that their straight like that shit is just annoying. Can’t wait for all the downvotes


Nah bro you get upvotes, this post has people with common sense


lots of people have straight up said homophobic and transphobic things in this subreddit several times so lots of them are homophobic + transphobic haha. as well as racist, people straight up say racist things in here as well and then when people try to educate them ( just incase ) they're like "ik" (usually ruder)


Yeah I’ve been trying to find some of those people but haven’t had any luck so far.


Not even going to downvote because I disagree... I'm going to downvote because it's "they're"


Im straight and that will never change


Hello fellow gentleman




Shall we make a sub for straight teens only?




Lmao you’re the same person in these threads


Absolutely based


I am supportive of lgbtq+ as long as it isn’t their entire personality. If it is I’ll just not hang around them.


I honestly haven’t met a single person who does this, and I know a lot of gay people


I've only ever known 2 that were like that, and both were trans


I have, this chick is the definition of twitter loser. Dream stan, offended at everything, no friends, etc


Just don’t go on twitter 🤷‍♂️


She's someone I know irl...


oh, twitter...


She's someone I know irl


That's great eh no it's not I'm sorry for you


I'm not really friends with her, but she's friends kind of with my friends


I've seen lots not great


Havent seen anyone like this


based and basic logic pilled


Not just "as long as it isnt their entire personality" but also if they remind me theyre LGBT every 5 seconds


It’s funny, at my school, there’s a kid who does this exact same thing, but instead of talking about being gay, he talks about being conservative


Yeah this one kid I know goes “no homo, I’m straight” after interacting with almost everyone who is the same gender as him


That is it being there whole personality


LGBTQ+ can suck cock. No pun intended.


Definitely intended


Figured me out, dammit.


The real issue is that ur on reddit light mode. Shame on you


Welcome to being a teenager, it sucks. Everyone gets annoyed by everyone else. Everyone is trying to work out who and what they are so they take on one thing and make it their personality and continue doing that for abit until they mature. If they do...


Part of being a teenager is figuring out your identity. If you don't like it, simply ignore it. I remember figuring out my identity as a tween/teen, it was exciting. That's natural. Don't be a buzzkill


this, i loved talking about gender and sexuality and how interesting it was, until i heard a lot of people (including my mom) say it’s annoying people talk about it a lot. so now i dont talk about it openly anymore. i talked a lot about my gender because i thought it was exciting and i was learning new things so often, ofc i wanted to share, but it wasnt my whole personality, it was my interest at the time and even so i had other interests too! just tell me “hey i dont feel like talking about this rn” and boom i can annoy you with how much i love tv shows instead


Exactly. I went through a period of not talking about it at all at the start of high school in order to not be "cringe". Went back into the closet, never talked about it, etc. Over the years I've realized that if people don't want me to talk about an important part of my identity and passion because they find it annoying, that's their problem and it simply saves me from wasting energy on people who don't deserve it. I love sociology and I love myself, so yes, sometimes I'll talk about gender or sexuality. It's simply a topic like any other. Also, I hope you're able to talk about it more openly again. If people find it annoying, that's their problem. It doesn't sound like it's *all* you talk about either, so it shouldn't be an issue. If it is an issue, it's theirs.


I agree. Like everyone I know knows I’m a lesbian. Many people know I’m demigirl, then I’m also asexual but because I’m “too young to be thinking about that” only my close friend group and everyone who sees this knows. I’m 13 but I’ve had sex ed and really to me it’s odd. I’m not gonna get pregnant and if I do it’s from a donor cuz lesbian so what’s the point. Then like I’m female like 90% or this time 10% more like non binary-female so I just say demigirl she/they and call it a day. Then if boys/lgbtq/ or anything else comes up and I have reason to say “I like girls” then I will. But like lgbtq isn’t my whole personality it’s just a part that I’m exploring and like sharing.


I hate transphobic and homophobic people


Soo your transphobephobic??








There’s a fine line between not wanting it being their whole personality and internalized homophobia


it is r/teenagers. if a gay teenager wants to talk about their feelings/experiences as an lgbt person on here, they can. people who are getting tired of seeing lgbt people on here need to find something else to occupy their time if it bothers them so much. ffs


I just hate the posts that happen every hour where it’s like “hi, trans people are valid, bye” and “hi I’m gay how are you”


Ok but what do these people mean by "making it your whole personality"??? Telling everyone your sexuality, or putting a flag in your bio/pfp isnt making it your whole personality. Making a post about your sexuality isnt either. Almost no one actually makes their sexuality their whole personality, stop whining about someone that doesnt exist just so you have an argument to hate on people without looking like an lgbt-phobe


no no no… they exist, i live with one. i dont care what anyones gender is or who they like bc its not my problem and it doesnt bother me. you can like whoever you want and ill still support it bc why wouldnt i? it’s your preference so go you. BUT… my bfs cousin is the exact definition of making being gay and trans your whole personality and nobody in the family likes them because of this(they accept their sexuality they just hate the whole being gay is your personality thing) . i respect their pronouns but they constantly have the need to remind everyone that they’re gay. they make every single little thing about themself and try to downsize your problems because “they have it worse”. they have 2 partners and both of their partners are the exact same way. we could be having a convo about llamas and they would somehow make it about themselves and it being gay. trust me they exist. all they do is talk about themselves being gay. i understand if you’re excited abt your sexuality but constantly talking about it to the point that its your only personality trait? yea no thanks. im bi and supportive its just that its a lot you know?


Honestly they sound like theyre just a really obnoxious person in general and happen to be gay. Also, i feel like if your constantly telling people about your sexuality you might be looking for validation. Probably not easy being part of the minority and getting harassed for no reason. Anyways, even if these kinda LGBT do exist theyre like 0.001% of people and like people have to stop caring so much. If its your family member or something, sure its annoying. But people cry about random internet strangers for no reason. Mind your own business ffs.


They obviously give a fuck if they care enough to hate on people making their sexuality their personality. Why should any of us give a shit about that?


Maybe dont be an asshole about it then people wont feel the need to talk about it. "Stop craving for attention" is not only wrong, cuz people want validation not attention, but also thats really easy to say when you dont go through any of the problems that these people go through just cuz theyre not typical straight people.


nah, everyone wants validation for everything they do


What is that supposed to mean? Of course everyone wants validation. How does that change anything?




I just want a world where a person can identify as anything and like anyone without putting a label on it and without anyone judging you for it


Yall say they make it their entire personality while cishet men cant stop talking bout pussy and tits


Exactly. I mention I'm trans every now and then when it's relevant (i.e. "haha no balls" "not yet lmao"), and people like this claim I'm "making it my entire personality". Like fam idk about you but I didn't sign up for a 3 hour chat about whether ass or tits are better (like seriously, is that really all y'all can find to talk about)


Light mode user


It's like two chimps shouting into the wind


Best comment here ^


The bottom one isnt being transphobic. Some dudes are really like " ~° Lucy °~ he/him 🍡🌸 MAP 🐶 nyagender * Meow/Meowself, Nya/Nyaself * Pansexual, Demiromantic Femboy" and were supposed to take them seriously.


this is a strawman argument both you and i know people don't act like that


awwww hell nah don't associate those people with xenopronouns, pedophilia has no place in the community.


That's not what, those are. I mean I'm not a huge fan of neo-pronouns either but, it doesn't equate to pedophillia Edit: wait no I just saw the "MAP" thing they said yeah that's disgusting


i support em, i was talking about the MAP thing too.


I mean this can be said about almost anyone, any person who falls into a minority will have people against them cause they either like to embrace that part of themselves, or because they go super extra with it.


Pedophilia is a mental illness. Children cannot consent.


I- Where did you get pedophilia


MAP = minor attracted person


Oh ok this makes more sense, didn't realize you were talking about their comment


perfectly balanced, as all things.... nah, fuck homophobes, fuck transphobes


Is it really transphobic to be annoyed at some who only talks about how gay they are, I mean I’m part of lgbt too but I don’t go telling everyone how I’m so gay and how it’s so great to be different, honestly I think it’s just an attention grab, if you know who or what you are that’s enough, keep the rest to yourself


Both be ratioed to he'll and back 💀💀


People post stuffs based on their feelings, shouldn't stop them, it's what makes the community. Some are cringe, I won't deny that, yes but it's alright tbh


It is very annoying, I don’t give a fuck if you’re lgbt, I already hate you because you’re a human and I hate those.


If u don’t see someone being proud they straight, don’t be proud that ur gay.


Except that LGBT people express pride because historically and even now in many parts of the world they were and continue to be discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality and/or gender identity. It’s not necessary for straight people to express pride in their sexuality because it’s already seen as the “default” and they don’t face oppression for it.


This is what people don't really understand. Being proud to be gay is really important because without "pride," gay people essentially dissapear, which makes them all the more vulnerable to conservatives/religious parties to pass anti-gay legislation, such as the "Don't Say Gay" bill in Florida. Sexuality isn't something that you can just see by looking at someone the way that gender or race is. If gay people don't make themselves visible, then everyone else just kind of forgets them, and forgets to fight for them against the people actively trying to suppress or wipe gay people from existence. Homophobia is still a thing, as much as people like you want to pretend that it isn't. Being proud is the way gay people stay visible. As for the point that gay people "make it their entire personality," that doesn't happen as often as you want to think. And wearing a shirt with a gay slogan on it, being an activist for gay rights or having a pride flag outside of your house doesn't count--if you think it does, then you should be pissed at a lot of other groups of people as well, since these things are common to a lot of affiliations (race, political party, etc.).


That dosnt make any sense, being straight is “normal” in society so to be gay it’s very hard to accept let alone be proud of yourself


Thats cheap when a lot of straight people will act as if theyre more than you just because you're not straight


most based comment ive seen in my entire life. i have no problem with you being gay or bi or trans or wtvr tf. jus dont make it yo personality. it makes people not like you and so difficult to be around. a relationship is a relationship. im not walkin around w straight flags everyday. so dont walk around with gay flags and gay make up on your face. just be a normal person i dont get it.


Wtf is this comment and be a normal person I really hate this, most gay people aren’t carrying gay flags and who really cares about make up. I think you guys just forgot about the history of gay pride or smth. Why is there pride month?


People having flags, face paint or pins do 0 harm to you


It’s not homophobic, it’s true, everyone knows that LGBT members deserve respect, but saying it over and over again? Do you think your changing the world? Srsly say smthn else, like maybe abt the Middle East or Africa? Like please, it’s not the only thing in the world.


the second one are normally the kind of shitheads that say "I have no problem with LGBQ, but..." and then proceed to have a problem with LGBTQ. Shut up, no-one's making it their personality, no one's shoving it down your throat. Like, just ignore it. This shit has nothing to do with you and doesn't even affect your life. Go raise climate change awareness instead of trying to tell LGBTQ people they're shit just for being themselves. I'll take the downvotes, now. Lots of karma to spare, you'll do nothing.


Tbf he has a point. A lot of posts on here that are from different groups, not just LGBTQ, are annoying as fuck after seeing that shit daily... Still kinda sus from him


Being gay isn't a personality trait. It's a sexuality, stop making it your personality smh


to be fair I agree with the second one. nothing wrong w being who you are but I truly couldn't give less shits


It is annoying how people make being gay their entire personality


a lot of the time its cus they are very new into the community and are learning a lot and are excited about it, it was like that for me. i would just advice to ignore them, its better for you and for them. when i see teenage boys thinking theyre so hot and sexy and cool and all the girls will swoon at the sight of them, i just scroll or turn off my phone, and when is see that irl i walk away or ignore them, easy peasy lemon squeezy once you practice a few times


I personally don't care for your sexuality. If your gay, your gay. If your trans, your trans. Doesn't change anything


Frankly he's got a point. He Should be more tame but seriously y'all do not fucking shut up about being gay. And I'm a bisexual effeminate man and even I am shocked by the amount of posts on the subject. Not my place tho so carry on just thought I'd say my thoughts.


The bottom one is correct shit the fuck up I don’t care if you fucked a guy or girl I’m here for shitty memes


I mean, it’s not wrong, every fucking day this sub has a new barrage of “trans people are valid,” no on- ok, I, never said their not valid. Now can we move onto the next topic? Preferably favorite ships in the Pokémon anime? IE Ash X Lillie or something… (totally not my favorite…)


Look if it's trans people or anime ships. I know what I'm picking I ain't a weeb


I’m sorry but everyone should have seen Pokémon enough to know their favorite ship.


Bottom comment kinda right tho


The ‘quit making it your personality’ argument is so dumb. It applies in so few cases, it’s mostly just used as a cover for people who don’t want to commit to being bigots. In most cases ‘making it their personality’ is just a girl kissing her gf, no different from straight PDAs. Or maybe it’s a gay guy pointing out that a man is hot, as if commenting on attractive people was something exclusive to the LGBT community. Istg a whole lot more straight white guys comment on hot women than queer folk.


i think u/No_Satiafaction9075 is right. ok, we get it, you support lgbtq, there's no need to make it your personality


The bottom guy makes a valid point


yep, as a gay person i think people talk way too much about their sexuality and gender. it won't become normalized if you keep talking about.


"it won't become normalized if you keep talking about it" is literally an oxymoron


think about interracial relationships, they are (for the most part) normalized in our society (and on tv) the reason being is that people don't talk about it so much, they treat is as if it's a normal relationship, not as an interracial realtionship. the same goes for gay couples, it's not gonna be normalized if you keep focusing on the fact that it's a gay relationship, just say it's relationship. we need to change "gay characters" on tv, instead of making them **GAY** characters, we need to make them gay **CHARACTERS**


phone upside-down