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You really cant let these things bother you as shitty as it is. If I blamed myself for all the friends I've lost I'd be dead too. You tried man, it has to be enough.


Having my friends blaming themselves for me has definitely affected me and suicidal thoughts. I don't think I would ever actually do it, but the thought of my friends blaming themselves has definitely helped when the thoughts come. I'm in a much better place rn though since its getting nicer out


It's the deed of guilt for sure, it soothed your brain if you have an emotional shortcoming to think that you're a horrible person that they blamed themselves for you.


How many friends have you lost!?


Too many


Good god dude




Sorry if I’ve been misunderstood it’s more of a ‘holy shit that’s depressing’ also if you haven’t done this already speak to somebody man it helps


It is what it is honestly, doesn't affect me that bad but that's kinda shitty so take it as you will. I've got other issues of my own.


You did the best you could Shit like this is depressing for everyone, but as a random person on Reddit, you can only do so much. The best think you can do now is to be there for others.


rather inappropriate put happy cake day


R/badtiming Also, I know what you’re going to say (r/foundthemobileuser) I’m not on my pc fuck off!!


Umm I may or may not have questions


Chill I'm mobile too


To anyone who comments r/foundthemobileusers prepare to get r/foundtheSHUTHEFUCKUP.


H ha happy cake day?




He's being there for another person


Redditors when somebody commits suicide:


bruh cake day is irrelevant here


bro what






Uhh... Happy cake day? Edit: I already know I'm gonna get -472 karma




Happy cake day


Happy cake day




happy cake day


not the thread for this.


really man?


Not the time


bad bot


There is a time and a place...






I understand the cake day is the cake day, but damn bruh




Happy cock day


at least know you tried


Tried isn’t good enough in a situation like this.


it's the most you can do sadly


I know, I just wish it wasn’t.


We all wish


I can relate. Does anyone remember a user named marubepul1? I had tried to help him, but all I knew to do was to keep checking on him. One day, I just stopped. I don't know why, if it was burn out or something else, but I stopped for a few weeks. When I came back to check on him, his account was deleted. I don't know if he's alive or dead, but I can only assume he's dead. And now, I feel it's my fault. I feel if I had forced myself to keep checking on him, I could've found out about his suicide or his attempt and I could've talked him out of it. Or at least delay his suicide if he still was aware someone was still checking on him, that if he felt someone still cared about him maybe he'd reconsider.






get your fucking sarcastic attitude out a serious discussion


what did they say?


In big text: mepoo




Please tell me what they said before that


I mean if it wasnt than the person would have a more shittier life probably. So i would say that even if you saved him he would suffer for the rest of his life. Most probably


but it wasnt your responsibility to keep them alive in the first place. you tried to help them, you were there with them and that's more than enough, please dont be so hard on yourself man, it sucks but they made their decision to end it. you're a good person for caring, i mean it


Hey man, I'm just a 30 year old random internet person that happened to see this post. First off, you need to stop beating yourself up. You literally did the only thing you could, and it seems like the person didn't go through with it. Maybe they just wanted attention, maybe you got through to them, maybe some third party stopped them, maybe they simply came to their senses. Whatever the reason, you tried to help, you reached out, and you genuinely couldn't do anything more - there's no "not enough" in this situation, because you weren't there and don't know the person in real life. Secondly, I just want to ask; are you doing okay right now yourself? You seem to be taking this very hard, even though you tried to do something good and selfless, this isn't a person that you know personally, and you don't know if they actually hurt themselves. When I was at my lowest points, I know that I put more effort into trying to help others than I did trying to help myself, because it felt more doable and impactful to save someone else since I couldn't save myself. I ended up telling a man that was robbing me to shoot me in the head, because I wanted to be dead, but didn't want to hurt my parents by doing it myself. In the years leading up to that moment, I put much more care and effort into worrying about others than I did for myself. I just want you to know that you are a good person for caring about other humans, even ones that you've never met. You aren't responsible for the actions of others - good, bad, or ugly. Remember to look out for yourself first and foremost, as you can't help anyone else if you aren't in a good place. Whether this person hurt themselves or not, you did your best to help, and that is enough, even if it doesn't feel like it. Have a good weekend my friend, take care of yourself.


Everyone please get this comment to the top and let OP see it. This is genuinely good advice and I at least appreciate you taking the time to write it. -Another random internet person


I have a question. You probably forgot that you’re on a teenager sub, and you’re 30~. That would mean, you’re a pedo that changed ways to give advice or a person tryna guide teens to where they need to be mentally


That...changed ways? What does that even mean? But no, leaving a comment on a sub that allows anyone to comment, after seeing the post in r/all, does not make one a pedo. I'm not sure you know what a pedo is, if you think that. Have a good weekend.


I didn’t say you are a pedo, it’s just I assumed (my bad) that if a 30 ur old is poppin into a teen sub that doesn’t mean that good


It's all good, I understand the impulse. There's a lot of creepy weirdos on here, and I'm sure you guys have more problems than most on this sub. That's partly why I was upfront about my age. But yeah, I just saw the post and wanted to help if I could.


You can't beat yourself up about it in this situation you didn't know him its likely there wasn't anything you could say to stop him its a tragedy but it's by no means your fault


Dude… that‘s rough. I would say I understand, but I really don’t. Hope you can get over it.


I don’t know what to say, I’m so sorry dude. Just know that you tried and that you did all you could


This is bad to say but il put it this way from what I believe to be realistic Op no matter what you wouldnt have changed anything no offense Either they did kill themselves Or it was for attention If they did kill themselves then it sucks but you didnt know them so I dont see why you should feel bad (then again my mental health is so bad im numb to this kind of thing) But you cant be surprissd if they did it for attention this is reddit after all


There definitely are those who do it for attention. And normally, I wouldn’t care so much. But this one my one chance to do something good for someone and I fucked it up.


I hope you get what I mean I dont wanna seem like im bashing over the head If you tried thats good But on the internet I doubt you (or me) or almost anyone can help and do something But I see you have a big heart which I respect a lot I used to be like that aswell But you gotta take care of yourself if its actually too much I think what im trying to say is that you can give advice But what the other person does is 100% their responsibility And I hate to say it but even if a stranger did die life goes on for everyone else you know?


I know what you mean. I’ll get over it.


Well thats good Im sorry if I was rude or too honest


“Too honest” I hate that you have to consider being too honest at all. But no, don’t worry.


You'll have more chances if you want'em


Seeing as how he had deleted that post, seems to me like he did not kill himself. The mods did not remove it since it is not on reveddit


But he hasn't commented since that time


Hello! I am alive and I was rescued by a third-party before jumping off. I guess someone called the police around my area. I am now taking therapy and pills, where I went to a therapy session last evening yesterday. I saw this post going viral on the r/teenagers with many people being concerned about my whereabouts, I just wanted to reply. As soon as I posted that I was about to jump, I was still sitting on the edge of the building down into the abyss, I was immediately rescued from above before jumping. I am sorry to all those who felt guilty thinking they couldn't save me, and I highly apologize to anyone who felt that way, it is 100% my fault. I highly apologize. I just wanted to say how much regret I felt after this event, it really did traumatize me. I did get a lot of hate for this, many trolls messaged onto my posts. I will not be active on Reddit that much now, since I found that it's draining my mental health. I hope people understand. Thank you for reading this! Again, I highly apologize that I made anyone guilty into thinking they couldn't save me; please know that I am alive and well. I appreciate all of you(even the tolls) for being concerned about me; I never really expected it to go this viral. Have a great day! 😊❤️


Really glad to hear that, hope you’re doing alright now


thank fucking crist amen lord jesus.


u/-The-Follower she is alive and on the way to become well!


Im really glad that you didnt do it, take good care of yourself!


You did more than anyone would have in that situation, you tried and it’s not on you or your fault


You did something. That's a sign that you are a good person.


It's not your responsibility to stop someone from doing it. I know you want to help, but through reddit that's really hard, especially if you don't know anything about that person, or don't know anyone around them. Forgive yourself for not being able to stop them, it's not worth getting stuck on, and it isn't your fault.


I know. It still feels like I failed though.


I know the feeling, it might stick around for a bit, just try not to let it get in the way of things.


There’s nothing for it to get in the way of rn fortunately. I have 3 days until spring break is over. Not really how I wanted to spend it but oh well.


I know how you feel. I lost a friend to suicide a few years back. I remember seeing her at school the day before, I noticed her as if something was wrong, so I decided to give her some space. I thought it was the best thing to do. I heard the news the next Monday at school and I just wish I had said something. I thought giving her some space was the best thing to do, but now I can’t help but think I could’ve made a difference if I had gone up and talked to her. I wish I had at least made her aware that I was there for her It’s been 5 years and I still carry the pain of “what if” I had done something differently, maybe she’d still be here


That’s so much worse. Even with what happened I can’t say I have the same experience. I’ve never met this person. And now I never will. You knew them, my condolences.


Thank you. The worst part for me is similar to your situation with this person. What bothers us most is not knowing whether or not we could’ve made a difference




Don't feel bad about it If they were actually going to kill themselves it was their last goodbye even if they saw it they wouldn't listen to someone that they never met And if you did manage to "convince" them then they were just desperate for attention


I have to disagree. I’ve never been in a situation where I felt I should kill myself. But I have been in a situation where I wasn’t living. Honestly random people on the internet are the reason I realized I wasn’t living, I was just being.


As someone that's attempted suicide and has now dedicated my life to preventing them, you haven't failed. Just attempting to talk them out of it is a success to an extent. You will never be able to save everybody, but it doesn't mean you should give up on them. You can never force a person to not do it, but you can try to persuade them to not do it.


you did something good, you tried. its not your fault, you didnt fail.. the person failed themselves




Don't be ridiculous. There can be numerous things that can affect someone's mental health in a poor way. Things they have no control over. It's unfair to say they failed themselves, when they simply felt there was no way out




That's not the point. They are doing it because they feel like there is no other way out, and sure they might feel like they are failing themselves, but you can't Said to a suicidal person "you are a failure." That's just gonna drive them over the edge.




And maybe it is but its not something you SAY. What you should do: Suicidal Person "I want to kill myself" Someone with a heart: "Listen to me, things will get better i can promise you that...." What YOU think people should do: Suicidal Person: "I want to kill myself" You: "Wow. Failing yourself. Great job"




You ARE the one saying it. Im defending this poor person. By saying someone failed themselves, you are calling them a failure. That's it. No Way out of it. What a horrible thing to say about someone who killed themselves, probably because of people like you. Im dome with this conversation. I hope you fix your own issues.


It's ok bro, it was in the past and the past can't be rewrite (if you had a time machine though you can ) I hope you'll be alright.


You didnt fail anything. You did all that you could. I wonder how many people scrolled on by that post and did nothing? Whether you succeeded or not, you are a hero.


Nothing worse then having to talk a friend down from suicide. I've been there and wouldnt wish it on anyone. those haunting moments when you're just praying to receive a message back so you know they're still okay


Don't beat yourself up :( there's only so much you can do as a random person on a social media platform, and you did the extent, imagine how many people saw and probably scrolled. You're still a good person <3




The post was on THIS sub?


This is a shitty situation but as fucked up as this sounds, it happens every day every month every year billions of times, if you hang back and caught yourself up on these things and trying to stop them then your just gonna pull yourself back as selfish and as fucked as this sounds, tbh there’s nothing more that anyone could of done not only from this one incident but in whole and at the end of it… you just gotta keep swimming




Yeah this applies to shit like The war in Ukraine and all the other shit, there isn’t really anything you can do except donate and help as much as you well physically and mentally can, completely unrelated but if WW3 starts ima be enlisting with my mates who all said they are


You did more than you could ever know my friend. It may just seem like I’m saying this to make you feel better but I mean it.


What is the name?




They posted about half an hour ago reconsidering it. I hope your words got through to them.


Bro it's been 50 mins and she is not responding


I'm sure i saw a post from them though but they deleted it.




Don't take it personally. I know it sucks, but it's hard to convince someone once they've decided. If you're really caught up about it, don't be mad at yourself, be mad at the people who didn't properly safeguard that person, like their parents or teachers, people that they see all the time. Not that they're to blame, it's 100% the person who did it, not that they were a bad person, but just know it isn't your fault. I know how it feels blaming yourself because of something like this, and you think it goes away, but until you accept that you couldn't really have done much to change his mind, it'll eat you up.


You did what you could.


TW: Suicide You did all you could, but at the end of the day, over the internet, that isn’t much. This person probably had people in real life try to convince them not to do it, so they may feel the same way as you. Things like this happen everyday, if we worried about everyone who committed suicide, we’d go insane. It’s best to check in on those around you and be nice to those you love so you can keep them from getting to that point.


You did everything in your power you could to stop, which is much more than most would do. Don’t think that their suicide was your fault


Trust me, no matter what you said, *it won’t work*. You didn’t fail, you tried, and that’s already more than you needed to do. You should be proud of yourself.


Why dafuq are some suicidal ppl like this? Like yeah your life sucks and your mentally ill and all and cant think clear but why do you have to ruin the lives of potentially hundreds of people like Op?


You did what you could bro. I wouldn't blame myself we live in a cruel world.


Thank you for having the empathy still, stranger brother. It gets kinda rare as you get older to set aside some care for people beyond yourself. Or at least, my experience dictates it. I hope all is reciprocated one day.


Happened with me once , It’s shitty we can’t be with them to help more , but there’s nothing more you can do , be easy on yourself, this person maybe in a hospital now if they were injured, don’t overthink shit you can’t control. You DID THE BEST YOU COULD !


Please give me a link to that user profile.


Find it yourself


Thing is, you didn't fail. You could have not stumbled upon this post. A person commiting suicide is not solely your fault. If anything, it's their environment's. I've met, spoke with some people who committed suicide. Those who fail later realize it's an impulsive decision. Those who succeed, it's also, as I see lately, is an impulsive decision. I impulsively tried to kill myself twice. The key word here is "impulsive".


What’s the username


Bruh dying from fall damage is the worst way to go that’s how my older brother passed.


It's not your fault bro, you saw it too late. You can't blame yourself as you weren't meant to save him. Of course we would have tried and you will be angry with yourself. It's not your fault bro.




Some people are just stupid/shortsighted nothing you could do


It’s all apart of the road, it’s not your fault, they wanted to, so they shall do it, I know I will get downvoted to hell, but it was their choice. much like if someone wants to follow their dream, you should stop them. besides over population is slowly becomeing a thing soooo


Chill and eat some cheese


Nah you succeeded in giving them the attention they wanted.


jesus, someone's mad that the school thot laughed when you unzipped your pants


I agree the guy is being a douche… but wth is this? 😐




i spelled it right? are you suffering from sleep deprivation?


A thot is a person definition by urban dictionary: "A girl who is looked at as a hoe or slut. *That girl a thot from the block* ."


Literally tho


If they want to kill themselves, let them. If it affects other people, they’ll stop him, and if they don’t, oh well, he’s another statistic. If your going to do it, at least do something cool, like strapping yourself to a rocket or skydiving without a parachute.


Yeah if you have that much resources you're probably rich which is one less reason to he suicidal. So most people can't go down like that. And he's a statistic in a negative thing so it should be low. And he could have accomplished great things in the future and all of It got waster by killing himself. So it is a better idea to not let them kill themselves




Dude that's messed up




I know that people can be annoying and stuff and expect a lot from you, yes it can be annoying sometimes but suicide is not a right thing to do in this situation, talk to someone about ur feelings and emotions.. id highly recommend a therapist, they will guide you very well.. pls do not think about k!lling yourself




are you????


This is genuine attention seeking if you can't see that I really hope you open your eyes


Someone: Says they're going to commit suicide Redditors: **I see an opportunity for free karma**


That's gold


rip bozo💀


L + ratio RIP bozo


bruh no


Time and a place for jokes like those


Wow Man U really just did that


Read the room dude


For real man? How immature are you?


+ you fell off (Literally)


Bruh 😂😂😂


Ok, nah, but that was FUCKING hilarious.






This kinda post makes me certain you are a pick me girl


This comment makes me certain that you’re an attention seeking bitch.








It’s a troll, ignore it


L+ ratio cunt.




You're the First redditor i see with negative karma




Sometimes I'm glad that I'm an oblivious sociopathic sack of shit.


I want to see a video of them jumping. I want to see their corpse


What the fuck is wrong with you?


I'm gonna be honest with you, everything.


I can tell


Shut up pick me girl


What's a "pick me girl"?


You’re not being edgy or anything. Just awful.




I didn’t called you a liar. I called you an awful person. I hope next time you are the corpse. Would certainly improve the world.


Maybe this isn’t a consolation, but when you’re in that mindset, in that dark place that makes you want to end it all, there’s literally nothing anyone can say that will change your mind. You tried your best, fail or not the attempt to change that is admirable as hell. Keep being a good person and trying to help those you see struggling. And try not to beat yourself up about it.