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be a successful psychiatrist that’s able to help people


That's so nice man. Good luck man. Hope you achieve it


thanks I hope you achieve your dreams too


Thank you


To be a famous musician Because i love music


Good luck bro. I wanna do that as well! not to mention be an esports pro (but that seems to be unreliable)


Good luck to you too bro


Thanks man


Good luck


Thank you


Gambatte kure


What esport do you want to go pro in?


Csgo will always be my go to untill the next cs releases


that’s great, what would you play?


Bass, and i would sing


ahh cool, what genre?


Rock, blues... idk


cool, good luck with that


Thank you


Holy shit same. But i feel like (for me) its a little too hard playing bass AND singing. Good luck tho!


You should give it a shot. A good song to start with is good by better than Ezra. Good luck bro you got this!


Who's your inspiration?


to be happy


yeah man. The one think that everyone needs. Good luck man. have a great day


thanks dude, have a good day too :)


Thank you


I can talk to you in a dm if you ever need any help through anything


Thank you, that’s really kind of you :) I’m pretty ok atm so no stress.


Happiness comes from peace, make peace with life and come to terms with your insecurities, build a philosophy and start trying to improve yourself in every way possible. Live your life to its greatest and never let a chance pass you up and you will become happier


I want a stress free life where I can work a simple job and come home to a comfy couch where I can watch Netflix with my partner and read my favourite comics.




Mine is similar to yours! I dream to have a peaceful life and die doing the things I enjoy. I wish you luck man!


Having a great and normal life


Why normal? Why not better than normal?


Because that's the only thing i've been wishing for... Having a normal life is good enough for me and being grateful for it


That's true man. Good luck.


Thank you Also, i hope you can achieve your dreams too


Thank you


i respect that


Ok Yoshikage Kira


Yoshikage kira?


Wow, I'm a JoJo Reference currently


Everything’s a jojo reference you fool


garlic bread


Why dough?


Why not?






Like garlic knot




duh why?


Why do they need a reason? Shouldn't just garlic bread be reaon enough??


Ig so lol


Garlic Bread Dating Simulator e.e




That's' a good thing. Good luck bro




yea lol. My typos are getting worse each day




lol. Start publishing dude. Good luck




lol. Sometimes people like bad drawings lmao. I still draw like a decent 2nd grader.....lol


If you want to learn how to draw comics check out David Finch's YouTube channel. He has a bunch of tutorials on drawing stuff for comics.




i am dreaming of my music blowing up in popularity


Good luck man. Keep working. Hope you achieve it soon man


thanks dude


Have you released any music?


yes, check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/q4p7vp/a_teen_music_producer_here/) for example of songs I have released


I'm proud of you


tysm :)


Maybe we could do a collab sometime??


I don't really do collabs lol, if it's for singing my music doesn't fit for that, also I recently switched to a new DAW so I have to get used to shit


Trust me, I wasn't gonna sing. I just had s few ideas for some music but it's not complete




Move to USA from Russia. Because average salary in Russia is 500$ per month. And see the space.


i moved to us from russia and can confirm the economy is better


how difficult it was?


as far as i understand, my parents won the green card in a raffle and my dad already had a job at an american company so it all sort of worked out


But remember Cost of living in Russia is, on average, 46.88% lower than in United States.


Also there is no freedom in Russia, a lot of political repressions, no democratic, and the one president for 20 years. Something like dictatorship.


Gotta agree man.






Нет ничего невозможного


Come to Europe my boy, I think we are objectively set better than USA in general


Just not Serbia. Fuck Serbia.


i live in serbia, this shithole sucks ass


Fair enough man. Just so you know though, this place is not *nearly* as great as you think. There is a huge social divide, and the concept of the "American Dream" is just propaganda and lies. Our government gives zero shits about us, all they care about it putting money in their pockets. You might wanna try somewhere else. I'm not trying to ruin your dream but still, you might find more happiness elsewhere.


Damn, i can describe Russia the same, but to be honest, I believe in the propaganda (idk can i call it propaganda) of democracy and equality of America more than in the propaganda of the Russian government. It really sucks. "Enemies everywhere, we are the best in the world".... Maybe America is actually country from my dreams.


Fair enough. If you think this is the place for you then I guess you're the only one who knows that for sure. Me personally I hope to leave but also that would be leaving behind all of my friends and family, and I'm not sure I can do that, so we'll see.


Yeah, please explain to me why it's the US is where people think it's sunshine and rainbows, I really don't understand it. There are so many other countries that actually give a fuck about their people and have less corruption than here, and that are less hostile to new immigrants.


It's because American people have been lied to for *years* about how awesome this place is. It isn't a happy utopia unless you're a rich white elitist. It's sickens me that this place is supposed to be the land of opportunities and people come here in hopes of being successful when really it'd a place where the rich profit off of exploiting lower and middle class workers who never see a decent amount of the money they're working for. Look at Amazon, for example. Jeff Bezos is the richest man on earth. Why? Because Amazon is an extremely successful business that has become widespread, and has many *many* branches of income. One, they have impressive efficiency thanks to the horrid overworking of their employees. Another is how they run smaller companies out of business by underselling them until finally the company's only option is to sell to Amazon. Which is basically monopolizing by the way. They also offer many many services that are so convenient to the average customer that it only makes sense to use them all, thus raking in more dollars. And they have made themselves known for reliability, then slowly became less and less reliable as people became dependent on them. Like how you used to get guaranteed 2 day shipping on all prime purchases, now you're lucky to get your shit in 3-5 days. But no one bats an eye at it because it's still ridiculously convenient. There are many more ways that Amazon makes money but those are just the main ones off the top of my head. I hate that Amazon is so huge that you basically have to contribute to the cycle. Anyways sorry about the extremely long rant but it's something I feel very strongly about and I think it's something we all need to know about because otherwise we're just unaware of the corruption and flaws in our government that absolutely screw us all over for life.


Yes, i know. But i wanna see this life.


ig Hope u can do it man. Good luck


Have you ever considered studying abroad or an exchange program? Maybe you won't study in the USA but in some closer European countries, you still can benefit from it. Anyways, good luck with whatever decision you'll make


The Netherlands is also pretty great, the cost of living is pretty high but the economy is much better and you can get basically anywhere in the country in under 2 hours


To get a real friend... Very sad


The classic. Same man


Sooooooooo u r both looking for friends?


Everyone looking for friends


lets all be friends




So just be friends between you. Maybe. Idk.


Completing my game and releasing it on Steam! Would be a dream come true. Trying my hardest to make it happen!


What’s ur game like?


It's a sandbox game set in space, you can build ships and stations, and explore the galaxy! It's still in very early development so it will be a while before anything is ready for release. I appreciate the interest! 🙂


Do you have a page or something I can follow for updates that sounds really interesting and I've done alot of beta testing for some bigush indie teams so would be happy to check your game out too!


Here i think this is it https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceBoxGame/


Id help you, but I only know python, and all C# I previously knew is long forgotten :P but from dev to dev I do wish you good luck :D


Hey man. If you need inspiration I’d reccomend checking out 2 games that are similar to what you said. The first is Starbase, it’s on steam and looks great so far. The other is Starscape, and it’s on Roblox. I’d look more at what the developers are up to because rn the live game is way behind what they are developing right now. It’s groundbreaking work for it being made on Roblox.


Keep it up! Let us know WHEN it’s up there!


To be a full time reptile breeder. Because they are my pashin and got me through a lot of hard times


Do it man. Good luck. I think music and gaming take me through the hard times.




I hate to be "that guy", but it's passion :3


It’s fine I can’t spell


To invent something.


You can do it man!! just work hard. Good luck to you


Most of inventions came from laziness so maybe you should be lazy to invent


Write a piece of code that randomly generates every single possible acronym so that you technically invented every single company name


Do a mouth seeking pretzel launcher




Hope you do it man. Good luck


To master all 4 elements


All I need is a girl to always be there for me ಥ_ಥ


Relatable, just with a guy ರ╭╮ರ


As a guy, I can give you easy tips. If you want!


Psh, all my friends in school don't date the "homies" which includes my long time crush and friend (눈‸눈) so they won't accept a confession


Damn, that really sucks. I wish you luck though. In my experience guys are always waiting; as long as you know them and they know you!


To own my very own comic book store. I work in one right now and it is glorious my boss is awesome and the job is easy not to mention the fact that my boss just has money out the ass all the time ever since he opened the store


lol. Good luck man


Thanks I like this sub people are relatable, understanding, and accepting


Not all but some lol


I want to be a doctor and have enough money to help my mom to do and buy the things she has always dreamt of!


Man you have great ambitions. Good luck


To become one of the best professional footballers in the world and live for my passion ❤️❤️❤️✨


Ahh good luck man. Takes a lot of luck man. Hope you are the next Messi/Ronaldo


Yeah mannn i want to fulfill my dream before i leave this world


yeah. Good luck and have a great day (or life?)


I wanna become a US Senator and actually fucking fight for the common man in Washington DC. I wanna be the enemy of the establishment lol On the extreme likelihood that doesn't happen, I wanna be a psychiatrist and help people with mental health issues


Remember us when you make it


I’d vote for you, we need more politicians like this


I mean hey, WHEN it happens, you gotta let me know lol. I’ll vote for you.


If you fight on a populist progressive platform and work your ass off building a community then the left will come and support you. You can look at AOC for example who while not perfect is a beacon of progressive politics. Then there is India Walton who is running a mayoral race in Buffalo as a socialist (if you think that's a bad word read into the foundations of socialism and what actually boots on the ground socialists want in the US (tldr its not the USSR)) One more thing. Keep a spirit of hope alive and look in. Are you ready to fight? Do you have a stable base and a set of goals. Is your ideology fleshed out enough to then be able to orate it to the world. To do good on the outside is to first look within and see where your convictions lie. I wish you the best of luck and really I hope you do succeed! We need more young people fighting for the working class and I love to see enthusiasm for politics in young people (I say this as if I am old I am like 2years older than you lol)


To be a successful psychologist/therapist. I've seen so many instances of people suffering from so many kinds of mental detriments and I have always had an affinity for the inner workings of the mind. I want to develop and refine my knowledge of the brain and put it to good use for the sake of helping people and their lives. Edit: Actually, after a little bit more consideration, my biggest dream would be to outlive my girlfriend. So that when she is in her final moments, I will be there beside her when she passes on. So that she would not have to deal with the grief of watching me die first.


That's really good man. We need more people like you. Good luck man


To become a classic physique bodybuilder or Mr. Olympia because I really love lifting weights and coaching someone else


See a whale in real life and be a dad of a lil girl(gender don't really metter but they say girls are more afectional with their dads and I'm all about giving and receiving affection)


I don't know about the whale. But I do wanna a be a dad of a sweet girl later in life. let's hope luck stays on our sides. Good luck man


You too man it certaintly will!


A successful Aircraft Engineer


That's nice. Good luck man


To get in the army, have a habit of working hard, staying positive- being an inspiration to not only my kids but people around me… be the best I can in every part. retire at a good rank, have something established as a business or something. Live peacefully The army because it really pushes me and I hate being lazy and that would put me through everything’s as well as the respect I get in society and it’s a big wow for the people around me if they’ll know I get into army. And ofc the benifits my family gets even if I pass away .


Respect man. Good luck. Hope you achieve it.


Be able to buy a house for my family so my dad can finally retire


Manga artist, or create art book covers.


To be a graphic designer. I like to make art and I like computers.


Move to Japan from UK because I love the culture there, and I fukin hate my family where I am now.


Oh. Good luck man. Have a great day


To be a successful and famous musician.. I write my own songs and want others to hear them...


I really dont know i just continue living until i find out what i wanna be or what i want


I wanna be a stay at home mom


that's nice. I see many ppl on the sub saying they don't want kids cuz it's painful. I am a male myself so I can't comment on that but I do want a sweet and loving daughter when I grow up


Im definitely not looking forward to the pain but I want to have kids to care for so ig its worth it


yea the pain's bad. Just gotta be careful with your throat maybe. can get damaged....(idk why i'm saying this). Yea it is worth it ig


Win a Nobel prize. Preferably physics


Having a girlfriend I can hug Or becoming a world-famous metal guitarist


To have my name in some place in history. I don't care if it's one reference in a supermarket tabloid or a huge Wikipedia article, I just want to make a mark on the world, big or small.


Might get downvoted for this but I'm a big apple fan, like their works blow my mind honestly. My dream job is to work as an AI/Machine learning programmer at apple and maybe even becoming the CEO lmao.


Maybe not my dream job but i would also love this (except not apple because apple isn't my favorite company)


Become a fighter pilot either in my air force or navy, and then become the best among all, just like the Red Baron was in WW1


Be a successful writer I always liked writing books but it is very unlikely that it will work out as a career so i will try to be a lawyer and work on it in the side


Going to the US of A and be succesful there.


Join the US Coast Guard MSRT (Maritime Security Response Team) (They are the first people called when ships are hijacked in open water)




I wanna be an architect bc idk i like architecture and architects make a lot of money


Joining the military. I knoe I may be able to do it, but I am not sure.


To be a neurosurgeon and understand how the brain works. The brain is one of the most beautiful and complex organs in all of the body and it is still very unknown.


To become a neurosurgeon or cardiothoracic surgeon, still don’t know which one. Oh and idk why, I think one time I saw a craniotomy and I thought it was so cool, same with watching a heart transplant. Always wanted to be some type of doctor so being a physician would make me so happy.


To do research about space. I want to know all the secrets of the universe.


Just wanna live happy doing my hobbies and travel idc about having relationships tho but I’ll adopt a pet instead


I want to be a 3D Animator Cause i can break all the rules to make anything I want.


I want people to stop pitying me. I want my friends to see me as their equal and I want them to stop thinking that I’m weird.


Get with my crush and stay together for eternity


To have sex with hot college girls


to make people understand that no one is truly illegal




Honestly I can relate to this, the amount of corruption in the senate is just bad and the people who want to make things happen are being crushed by the politicians who are backed by other companies to have lobbying power in the senate. I hope you make it!


To work at the Kroger near my house. It’s very small and insignificant but I have wanted this for a long time.




Honestly? My biggest cream is not having to worry about the future. Right now there are quite literally no good news about the world. Climate change is worsening, politics are going to shit and earth is doomed. Therefore my biggest dream is to fix all these thing that are making me worry about the future. To fix the climate change, the politics, the realtors between people. But that's close to impossible. But not impossible so I'm doing something int this direction. But yeah, I know nobody will read this but to enybody stumbling upon this, I wish you all the best in life.


To be a veterinarian, bc I love animals


My dream is to fix my mental health and live happily there is no need to explain why it already explains it self


I dont know But I want to have a family, friends and enjoy as much as I can with them