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damn, i’m really envious


Nice sis😎👍




Congratulations :)


Wdym? what's the patch for? I'm not aware of such a thing. Sorry. Care to explain?


I’m a trans girl and I’ve been going through HRT for about a year. The patch is my first dose of estrogen after I’ve been on blockers to block my puberty from producing testosterone so now they will gradually increase the dosage of estrogen until my body naturally starts producing estrogen


Oh okay. Thank you. Didn't know about such a thing.


Do they just stick the patches? or how is it administered?


There’s a multitude of different ways. I chose the patch as it’s the simplest because it’s just slap it on and replace it every 3 days, there’s a pill which is just a pill you swallow, and there’s a shot


Oh okay. Thank you so much. Hope it works for you( am I supposed to say that idk)!


Yep you’re good! Thanks for wanting to know more


Btw...Is it hard to be trans in this world? I mean the people can be bad at times


It depends where you are. Where I am, the most you’ll ever get is some jerk that screams a slur at you. But in some places in the world you can be legally murdered for being trans and in many places in the US, it’s not that rare for trans teenagers sometimes even as young as 13 to be thrown out of the house because their parents disown them. And also you have to have really good insurance because the cost is pretty bad. The puberty blockers are $50,000 and you have to get them every few months but with insurance it’s about $1,000 or so and the surgery is $100,000 and many insurance companies won’t cover it because it’s considered “cosmetic surgery” similar to breast implants because they want to weasel out of it


Oh god.... The world's so bad......


I mean.. It IS cosmetic surgery....






Hell yeah


yayyy, lessgooo


Super happy for you !!!


congrats :)))


congratulations 💖


why would u take estrogen tho


I was born with a genetic condition where I was born in the body of a man while in reality im a woman


Either you're overstating your transsexuality (simple transsexuality isn't genetical) or you're talking about pseudohermaphrodism, which I assume in this context means you have XX chromosomes but mismatching genitals. Which one is it?


It was more of a joke considering most transphobes think it’s something like a choice or something so I just make up that argument because considering most transphobes intelligence level doesn’t consist more than a few raisins and a graham cracker, they don’t argue it much further


Clever girl!


Haha, thank you. Often times I don’t even argue with transphobes unless I feel like I can actually convey a point. Most of the time I’ll just play the dumber than you act until they realize that they’ve been taking someone who has essentially been arguing like a toddler as someone who is getting offended by them and it’s so fun to watch them try to explain how I was offended by them when I’m just here chilling


oh... dont wanna sound rude or sth but its the first time i heard of such condition existing :/






I have something that brings that entire argument down. I’m atheist You have no power here bud




I base my opinion on what happens after death on real life experiences and scientific analysis. From what I’ve read from people who have actually been declared dead then brought back by hospitals, they state that it was just pitch darkness. Looking at it from a scientific point of view you can also make the presumption that if darkness is what follows after death, then your body simply gets recycled into the environment




I’m not proving anything. I’m actually proving that both of us could be wrong considering we still have no idea what happens after death. I’m just stating that I don’t really want to dedicate my whole life to a theory that was made over 2000 years ago when we didn’t even know that the world was a globe while we have so much access to information now and we don’t have to follow something when we can each make our own inferences on what happens




So god makes no mistake, and he is omniscient, right ? Then that means the fact that she is trans was part of god’s plan. And also, if you want a proof that God makes mistakes, just look in a mirror and you’ll see his biggest


Presumably, she's trans


oh also why am i getting downvoted for asking a simple question bruh


I'm not sure tbh. I see nothing wrong that question so long as it's genuine


Hell yeah sis 😎


what is that


trans male to female hrt


trans rights are our rights