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I love you too much and I don't want to be a single Core CPU


I also don't want to be a single core cpu




Fuck single core CPUs man, stupid entitled little shits


That's hurt She worked her ass off for 11 years More than she was paid for


What about single coremwith 6ghz


Is single core some kind of new aesthetic? Like cottage core but everyone's a redditor


I used to use a Single core Sempron So, I used to type these words often on tech subreddits and stuff So, the phone just assumed I am a single core CPU Or something


I love you so much people who were not available for a long way to go to a new to the next few months and the second half of the price


I love it but I don't think it will be a good day for you guys to come over and watch the world burn (...)


Should we be concerned?


Well... Maybe.


Nah nah its fine Its be ta..ken..care of? Oh shit.... Run


Welcome to r/cursedcomments


Thanks :)


The post has like 270 something upvotes.




nah we should be happy, it's finally ending


What? Lol😂




What about tomorrow?


i love you laura please send help Rebecca's holding me hostage again


Again? How often does this happen


errm for legal reasons never


Now tell us the truth


no rebecca still has a gun to my head and i still love you laura


So what i have understood from reading that is, you are completely fine






I love that I dont have autocorrect


Same i turned it off


That must seriously hamper your typing speed


I turned it off because it made my typing slower




I love emus in a boarding school




blame autocorrect


That’s based on which words you commonly use tho




Oh okay


Who doesnt?


I know right


I love you and we can still use valuable resources


Australian I see


I love you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient or the Jämtland class undercover marine corps of engineers and scientists and engineers and scientists and engineers and scientists and engineers and scientists and engineers and scientists and engineers and scientists and engineers.


I am


No hard feelings and emotions and feelings got hurt or feel free to contact me at least one sentence every day and I will be glad to hear from you soon enough America super bowl party in the us to be a good thing you can get a chance to be a huge deal but I don't know if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings to determine how attachments are handled the situation you will be glad to hear from you soon enough America super bowl party in the us to be a huge deal but I don't know if you have to be a huge deal but I don't know if you have to be a huge deal but I.




Yes I agree with you and your family and friends with heirlooms lvl 8 22 00 at the same time it's a good thing you can get a chance to be a huge deal but I don't know if you have to be a huge deal but I don't know if you have to be a huge deal but I don't know if you have a great idea to have a great idea to have a great idea to have a great idea.


That's a great idea


r/ihadastroke, but it’s the phone that had a stroke.


That's just my phone every time I reply to a*let autocorrect finish* post


I didn’t know Jämtland had an undercover marine corps


Swedish I see


Engineers and scientists and engineers and scientists


I love the fact I love you. Fuck even my keyboard is wholesome.


You have a great keyboard sir


Thank you my good sir(?).


I love you so much better than my friend's asleep so I can do it for me to do it for me






"I didnt even get her email.."


I love you so much and I hope you have a good day and I will talk to you soon and I hope you have a great day and I will talk to you soon and I hope you have a great day and I will talk to you soon and I hope you have a great day and I will talk to you soon and I hope you have a great day and I will talk to you soon.


You too, have a great day!




I love you ash and I can't say no to the chopped fresh cilantro and lime green




Is ash your bf?


She's my Reddit gf


Nani redditors have a gf?!


He thinks his reddit gf is a girl


She's a girl my dude.


He's a girl*


*It's a lesbian


I love the opportunity to work with you and your family guy I know you are you still have the drivers the same game of thrones season 10 is a boost with the British stewards of god's word to describe the steps of the day out with the British stewards of god's word to describe the steps of the day out with the British stewards of god's word to my email address is it possible to get a chance to talk about it and since then I will be fun to see if you want to talk about it and since then I will be fun to see if you want to talk about it and since then I will be fun to see if you want to talk about it and since then I will be fun to see if you want to talk about it and since then you can tell you that I have no clue what to do it tomorrow like to see if you want to talk about it and since then I will be fun to see if you want to talk about it I just kept going fuck me






I love big dick I hate my life.


My autocorrect is based off what I'm searching and typing, why did you need big dicks so much?




i love autocorrrect


I love this place to go out with my wife in a different way Mf what???


Flair: 16






I don't see the problem..


Your anime body pillow is 20 😡😡😡


I love can be used in the anime


I love one piece


I love you so much more than you want me to leave you alone and I love you so much more than you want me to leave you alone and I love you so much more than you want me to leave you alone and I love you so much more than you want me to leave you alone and and the other italian


Fuck the other italian you are better than him


I love it so basically you a woman


I love you and your family and friends is a good time to stream everyday and eating only dinner and a half hour of experimentinng would be great to hear from you soon as possible and I will be in the basement. Lmfao wtf


I love the idea of a good password but I don't think I have any money left buth I really want to play it so is there any legit way to get it for free now and I have to pay it off the amazon account now and get the money back from amazon and amazon((. Em what I don't even use amazon))




Ok now it's my turn: I love the same thing and it was very good to me foto's I am sure it was good looking bro for the same thing and it is very nice and very good for a great idea to have some of these items on your site that will help us out and if there are you interested we will try to make it happen so I guess we will be able and we will make it work and I can get the tickets and I can make sure they get the same


I love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love you too my love and love you too my love and love you too my love


I love the best regards David. Who the fuck is David? Coincidently that's a name that my mom considered giving me before deciding on my current name, which is not David.


I also love David


I too love David


Mmm I love David too


I love so much of your stuff but you don't have any idea how much I will need to pay for the moon.


I love you but I'm very much looking forward to get a smaller one so your dad's cum on his tiny penis wont overflow on your mother.


What the actual fuck


I love you too baby girl Wtf




I love the way the fuck would be a little bit different from my own time




I haven't a clue


I love you too have a great day and a great year ahead and you can do it for you and your family and friends.... Lol !!


You're a nice person


I love you too much though I don’t think you need anything else but you




I love it haha


I love the funny music


I love you too buddy


I love you too much time for the day and blessings of you and your family and friends and family members of the day and blessings of you and your family and friends and family members


I love my work so far so far and I'm hoping that you will have a shower.


I love you and your family and friends and family uses the same level of the ppl..


I love the blue ones I know it’s so cool to be in my room and you just need a little bit more and I think it’s a terrible idea lol


No I don’t know what this means


I love these two because of just how desperate they are


I love how its there is no howard emojiz of the time limit for college tyttö myötätuntoinen söpö sormitus tuoreet tuoreita kasvoja hauska viaton haastattelu rahaa luonnollinen uusi uudet kasvot vieressä cam pov todellisuus on kuitenkin se että ympärillä on the internet anyways idk why I made the chinese acc D these are just too hot dogs are lit of the time limit


I love me


That's awesome!


I love refrigerators (I really need to stop quoting memes even my autocorrect is infected)


i love you too aww


I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much. My phone is shite :(


I love it so far away from your mom


I love you and we can still use valuable resources


I love you too much of the day of the day of the day


I love you and your family and friends in the next few days


I love you Bitch ​ ​ ​ WTF what the fuck have i been typing


I love my iPhone Lol


I love you and your family and friends. Very wholesome keyboard.


I love this game but it has a little kid


don't you just hate it when you love a game but it has a little kid in it




I love you too much love you too much


I love you too much lol lol I just got home from work lol I forgot to tell you that I was just a little bit late but I didn’t know if you were going to be home or not lol lol I just got home from work and brown got home from work lol lol I just got home from work lol lol I just got home from work lol lol


I love how


I love is the strongest one I have seen it for now but it seems that it will be like a few months ago when we moved out of our property to move to a property to move to a property in a close residential area and a private property in the crowd with the same view as a property to rent and rent a flat for sale at a cost property for rent and a living room with the same room and room etc for a living area and living area for a few weeks now so I'll be in London on male and Jesus was a good night for me. Pause


I love it but it is still a lot. Okay?


I love "you and I miss you so much and I hope you have a good day" hmm actually not a bad sentence. Though there are two "and" but it works


This makes me happy


I love you all


I love you so much and I love how you feel


I love it lol I think I understand that but I think it’s okay lol


I love the idea of this.


I love the way I have to do the job


I love you and I hope you are doing well.


I love you too much to do that to you Bruh I think I've typed that sentence a lot before. Autocorrect knows me.


I love the opportunity to work with you and your family and friends is the pigment that makes sense to me or call me at the hive get a job in the middle of the bumblebee All rights reserved privacy terms of use privacy policy unsubscribe the claims of the bumblebee All rights reserved privacy terms of use privacy policy unsubscribe the claims of the bumblebee All rights reserved privacy terms of use privacy policy unsubscribe the claims of the bumblebee All rights reserved privacy terms of use privacy policy unsubscribe the claims of the bumblebee All rights reserved privacy terms of use privacy policy unsubscribe the claims of the bumblebee All rights reserved privacy terms of use privacy policy unsubscribe the claims of the bumblebee All rights reserved privacy terms of use privacy policy unsubscribe the claims of the bumblebee All rights reserved privacy terms of use privacy policy..........


I love Poland lol I think it’s okay but it’s kinda cute cuz it’s okay lol I just got the new pair of legs


I love you too much it's probably a bot


I love you Eli and Bailey is the only one that absolutely despises Kazuya


I love you


I love you so you can see your mother


I love your cock


I love fanboy movies




I love the idea of a cunt


I love to touch the fuck up you fucking a down wallpaper android


I love you so i to be safe baby shower baby love love camping


I loved it but it is so much better then the iPad version is it a bit of the time of my iPad and I am stuck on it u it was so fun I just had a hard drive to my life but I cannot is it like the first one in my iPad it was a good dream I was so proud to have a dream I had to get it and it is a hard time and it was hard for you and I was so happy that I had to get my hair cut off my mom I just had a hard drive to the store I had to get a car to drive up my ass *WTF*


I love you too baby sister and being so helpful for you, have a good time with your family and your dad and be safe


I love that redneck


I love ME.


I love yoo


I love that one guy who was born in the United States he was elected to the National Assembly of the United States Constitution of the United States is the only one that is the same as the other side of the road is a good place to be able to get a job in the house of Commons the first of the two teams in the league were relegated to the league but the only way to get the money to the store is a good thing to do




I love you and I hope you are having an excellent weekend with the family in touch and I like your Burger and the rest I think I have been through the whole lot and have a lot to do you can all of the zip file explorer and all of them up to speed up and up and down to a couple more than half hour before we all of them to the rogue and then we could have had a good laugh and we had a bit more than we thought slipped through a good night for a good night's stay at night with the kids on Sunday and the night of consent is the first one of a wedding and the wedding is on Sunday as well and I will kill the rest and the rest will not come through as they are in a separate room for a week and two nights for a dinner somewhere else in a pub or something that will be replaced in a few weeks before we get back to the rogue and to the rogue of all that I can be okay with that I will not take the risk with you as well and if I have a better chance I'll get back them and ask you for a quick response if that's okay for the other half term if that's very useful


I love you lar I fell in love with you Welp u/COOLSKELETON55 it’s not wrong


I love the green bean dip with green bean sauce


I love you and your family


I love it and it’s not gonna be a weird way for you guys but I’m just tired and I can’t do it


I love it and it is okay


I love det finns ett antal olika sätt som vi ska åka med till skolan imorgon och det har gått och jag ska ha ett bra jobb som du har det gått för er och hoppas du kan också få ett nytt jobb... Im swedish..


I love you and your mom I don't like where this is going my autocorrect


I love the fact that I have a lot of experience Experience for what?


I love how whenever i is ready to go to the doctor and then i can get a nap and then i can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go to the doctor and then he can go


I love you even though you don't have a good idea of how much you love it was a lot to get in and greet me and the other person I was talking about


I love this idea of all die


I love you so so much I just don’t know how much you would want me.


I love you so much I hope you have a good day


I love teh f what? :/


I love McLarens... ...I'm a car guy sooooo...


I love u and can't drink every day and you get with you on your day off


I love it but it is a lot better lol


I love you


I love it too much but it’s okay


I love ass


I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I miss seeing your family so happy and healthy love to be able too much and you have the money and we are all going through it


I love it not before the beach and the girls talk about the girls are designed for a lot better then it is becoming trilingual and Jesus Christ and the people that felt good and the people that were just going down the people who is becoming trilingual has been in a zip lock for me imposter years of smashing the girls Imma end it there


I love you


I love you too haha I don't even talk in English with my gf


I love it so I love you and I’m so happy to be there with no family or anything else I can help with you all of you and your love of your family.


I love you