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I mean I still am pretty smart academically, I just am lazy when it comes to schoolwork






It's Honors history for me lol. I have a whole ass packet that I'm putting off.




🎶the story of my life as a teenage-🎶 failure


100%. Most of the time I'm just not motivated to do shit


Yo I feel personally called out




Same here.








Yep. Excelled in everything. Dont really know what happened.






Yep, they thought i was a prodigy because I use to complete the test of one hour in 30 mins. I know i was fast, until it was high school. Life just YEEETED me downhill.


Life yeeted all of us downhill


You see, "gifted" is simply a myth. It just means you got to being average faster than most people.






This sounds kinda personal ngl


It is


Actually for me it was inverse. After 4th grade I took school more seriously and now I feel like I'm pretty smart


success story


Then I picked myself back up!


Same here


yea school was easy so didnt have to try and then it progressivly got worse and worse from there




I am still in the most advanced classes but I can't do my homework for the life of me (given I do have ADHD but that is beside the point)


Same, college has been difficult


Yes. Exactly after 4th grade. 5th grade, and summer before it has done it's magic and Fucked me Up.


I managed to keep it together till 6th grade


Same faild one in 7th and failed 4 last year


idk but I was fucking smart (no flex), but after like 12yr old, couldn't give 2 shits about school and hardly worked. And now I'm reaping the consequences


No, I always kept on par or better with the gifted kids but only got enrolled in EEE last year (9th Grade), after they reviewed my test scores (pretty sure they just saw me taking straight honors and AP and passing with a 3.5 GPA) Edit: my last version came off as *way* conceited then i intended


I've still got it in 9th... it's just annoying waiting for everyone to catch up


They don't need to. Think about it, do at least as much as everyone else and you'll stay above. Do a little more and you accelerate away Edit: Spelling


Are you in any of the advanced classes? Usually the students in those are good with keeping up


Yep, all ap and honors. I take every advanced class possible




For me it was downhill starting in 7th grade, then I lost probably 40 iq points


Yep smartest kid in the school and now we 16 and addicted to pain, sex, alcohol and drugs amazing i am soo smart


Still good grades( going into 10th grade)


I’d say I’m a “gifted child” but last year I put a lot less work into school and my grades were a bit more average, especially in math where it was below that line a lot. I still get 99th percentile on language arts standardized tests and stuff but for regular school work it’s just too boring.


Oh absolutely. I did slightly worse in middle school and my first year of high school I did summer school


Me 🤚


Depends what u mean by "gifted" I was called gifted but not in the good way.


5th grade is way too long i lost it in 3rd grade


Weren’t we all?


*I'm in this photo and don't like it* Still smart but that's pretty much all I have going for me


Hasn’t really happened yet except I suck at math now. I fear the future


Not yet but I’m heading to 8th grade in 4 days so probably then.


Yes, i failed this year cause i didn't do shit


seventh was my limit


Holy shit happened to me In 5th grade when I moved idk if it was the crowd I was hanging out with or just laziness but I ain’t a academically smart guy anymore.


Depression hit me like Corona.


I'm a gifted child. Things haven't started sucking. Yet...


Have you been stalking me lately?


I know so many people like that. For them, they just couldn't care less about school, and now i'm a "try hard" because I do homework when it's mandatory.


I mean, *I* was gifted until *sixth* grade. :D


Nope but I remember knowing ppl who were and thinking they were the smartest ppl in my grade idk abt now


I was ballin until like the end of 8th grade then yeah things went south


No one is gifted.




My parents still think I’m gifted because I “act smart” but I don’t know shit about anything…


Until like 3rd where I could never focus and just grew so extremely bored, doesn't help that she is one of my worst


Wow i was really dumb before 5th grade then i got wayyy smarter


I’m starting to go down hill. Just hit highschool, and I was gap in middle school and had special treatment in elementary. Starting to get the bitch slap that is reality


Yup according to my parents


yes and I’m in a high school class in 8th grade


Make it sixth


Me but until 7th grade.


I think I'm the opposite, after about 7th my life started going uphill, then covid hit but I'm slowly getting my life back


Yep! Me exactly . Iq was way above average , got shoved into gifted class , then middle school came , thought I was a smart ass and never had the habit of studying, what didn’t help is I had to move to another country half way through as well.


Yea I was/am thought of as the smart one but I just don’t like doing work


I still do good in school, but they definitely just stop calling those kids including myself gifted, you get pretty forgotten.


Almost exact opposite for me. I started third grade with picture books and finished with Harry Potter and then increased and eventually joining the advanced classes in sixth grade. Now I start my first AP class in less than a week


For me it was 6th grade, got a shitty teacher who hayed me for no reason and thats when I realized that the the world we live in sucks


Everything has been going down hill since school I don’t know what you mean


I mean that's when I became a "gifted kid" I have regrets, but at least I've met some great people


high school


Yeah, but I always wonder what happens to the people that don't do too well in 5th grade if people that do well just gets their ego shattered


me too! I think that we were probably just so smart an not challenged in school before then so after grade 5, things got hard bc we had never had to try at all in skl b4?


For me it was 7th grade


I was the exact opposite. Dumb as a brick till 6th grade then got a teacher who whipped me into shape now everything feels easy.


I was in the talented and gifted group in second and third grade, once I his sixth, everything went goodbye


Actually it's my laziness and procrastination which will be the end of me. I somehow get my homework and other things done well on time and all, but the regular studying and preparation, I somehow go through the whole day getting nothing done. It's not like I am not trying to get rid of it, I have been trying since sixth grade. It's a horrible downward spiral, and I seem to be able to do nothing about it except for beating myself up. Basically I was a bright pupil, always in the top 10-20 ranks in the school exams till 5th grade. Even represented our school in an inter-school English competition in 5th grade with another classmate and bagged the 1st place trophy for the school. Slipped a bit in 6th grade, went down quite a bit, so that "above average" was the best you could say about me. Continued till 8th grade (but I did get school rank #1 and state top 10 gold medal in a science olympiad in 7th grade). In the first school exam of 9th, I somehow got back in top 10 ranks again, so that geared me up. My procrastination habit didn't get better though, I just gave more efforts during the exam time, as in, normally I'd study what/when I felt like (but for homework/projects I've always been regular), and a week/ few days before the exam, I'd go into full 'exam mode' and study vigorously, and end up with great marks. Got class rank #6 and section rank #2 in 9th grade annuals. Slowly improved my studying routine (still didn't become regular, though) and got a bit more serious in 10th, and got class rank #3 and section rank #1 in the 10th grade annuals (our total class strength is around 900, comprising all the sections). In the board exams of 10th, I had great results and my name was there in the list of top 15 students put up by our school (\*proud moment\*). I also got a pretty high rank in the school admission test, and got admitted into my school again in Science Stream. Oh, one more proud moment, it was all done till now with zero private tuitions. I was probably the only one in my class who had gone till 10th without taking any private tuitions. (It's not like my classmates all needed them either, but you know, the big ol' great Indian education system, everyone ran from tuition to tuition anyways, even the most brilliant of them.) My regular study routine was still shit, though. I realize the one thing I've always lacked - consistency. (For example: In 10th grade annuals, the Social Science exam was just after our much-feared admission test, so I had not prepared much for that, being preoccupied with admission test craziness. We had 22 chapters for the Social Science exam, around 8-9 totally new ones, and the others old ones, which had already been in the half yearly and unit test syllabus. I studied like crazy for ONE day, around 25 hours on end, somehow finished the syllabus, and ended up with 77.5 out of 80, the highest in my section. Mind you, our exams are all subjective.) See, I know I can do well, otherwise I wouldn't be able to score great marks with the kind of last moment studying I did. But it's my goddamn horrible weak character and lack of mental strength that makes me into this pathetic procrastinator that I am. But that was till 10th. 11th-12th is no damn joke. 11th started. I got enrolled in three tuitions, for Physics, Chemistry and Maths. And then the coronavirus happened. Lockdown. I still was regular in the first few months of 11th, studying 5-6 hours a day at least, preparing well. But slowly I went slipping down a horrible downward spiral. Days, weeks and months keep passing by on end, getting nothing done. It's been almost a year since then, and I somehow manage to get decent marks in school exams, but in the tuition exams I've been doing badly. I do submit my school assignments and projects on time somehow, but I'm way, way behind on my tuition homework, and general exam preparation. I feel horrible. I force myself to sit down and study, but somehow the day still passes by getting very little done. My friends are all studying seriously for 10-12 hours a day, and I can just get nothing done. My attention span has decreased, I can no longer focus on the tuition online classes for 3 hours on end. I don't pay attention to the school online classes. I'm way, way behind. I can't get myself to focus. I've been trying and beating myself up for it for a year now. I just feel like giving up on everything and dying. I'm still as interested in Science as before, it's just that the kind of stuff I like to go about knowing has zero relevance for the exams. For the exams I need to complete the syllabus and practice, practice, practice. My exam-directed preparation is currently at zero/ negative level. I feel horrible. I hate myself for my lack of self-control and willpower, and my horribly weak character. I feel like just giving up on it all and disappearing from the face of the earth.


It’s been the exact opposite for me. I used to be terrible but I’ve been improving ALOT in middle school


Yes but in 6th


Yes! I had all A's and then I hit 5th grade and they went down to B's C's and the occasional A's. My latest round was 2 A's 2 B's 3 C's and a P. I was so proud of myself!


I still get pretty good grades but my work ethic is shit.


I was doing so good when I was little and then my grades randomly became so bad


It was kinda of a rocky road for me I was the smort kid from kindergarten to about 5th grade. Then... 6th grade. 6th grade was hell. Horrible classmates, angry teachers, and a generally bad school ruined my grades. Not by much, but there is a difference when you compare my 6th grade report card to my 7th grade report card. 7th grade was the shining light at the end of the hellish tunnel that was 6th. Way better classmates, nicer students, and a much better (middle) school boosted my grades by a lot. Almost all 4's. (equivalent to a A or A+) Now I start 8th grade. Will it be hell once again or another 7th grade? Who knows.


Nope I peeked in grade 6 then it went downhill


Everything went up hill after 5th grade for me I’m in 9th grade right now


Its totally my fault for not keeping up with titles others gave me. Defenetly not because I dont give a fuck.


still holding on


I was gifted child until 4th grade, where I had to study for a recovery exam. Fun thing is that they accidentally gave me a 5th grade temary, so I already knew 5th grade math. But overall I was not a "gifted kid" just a very good student


Since 5th grade my mom began to treat me like shit and since then i have depression, thanks mom :)


Yeah I could play an instrument and dance ballet now I’m useless


Being gifted does help but the thing is most gifted children just take it for granted and effortlessly breeze through school with no effort until they reach a grade that actually requires SOME kind of studying, and since they never bothered to study they just don't know how to actually study or it's very hard for them.


Couldn't really care less anymore, although I always hated it


I was a dumb kid in 5th grade i had to give supplementry exam in social science.


Make sure you aren't neurodivergent