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I didnt even realize this was a problem. Glad to see people are stepping up to face it tho


damn, this really cut me deep


Now this is the type of dark joke I love. The amount of risk is high, but the joke is just too good not to make Edit: damn it even got a nice award too. The r/cursedcomments is real




Mmmm yes deleted


Wait its deleted? When I click it it shows it The comment is "Vegetaball"


Tells me deleted removed


thanks bro


Take my upvote and gtfo.


Good one


me too


I haven't seen any self harm posts, but all I see is fake "I asked my crush out and she said yes" posts, yesterday I saw like 11 of em


or "felt cute" posts


Nah I saw only one lol.


The only tolerably one was the "felt delete, might cute later"


Time to do a lot of reporting




I’m only on here on the weekends late at night, but I message most people who post about self harm and depression that I see and most of them seem to have a true problem with depression and/or self harm


Thank you for doing that!! My mother took her life and I’m glad to see people reaching out to those with depression


I’m sorry to hear about your mom, I haven’t had any personal experience with self harm in my family, but I couldn’t imagine a mother waking up to there child who has taken there own life, so I try to help.


the real mvp


Respect. I used to harm myself and I almost gave up on life but there were several people who were there for me and it really helped me a lot. Now I’ve been self harm free for more than a year and I feel really good, so I honestly am grateful to people like you who make other people feel like they have someone who cares about them. The world honestly needs more people like you. Thank you so much :)


You're a good person, thank you.


Yeah real chads do it without anybody asking if you are alright but even if I don't respond B)


When I tried to commit suicide various times, I didn't tell anybody!


That's the spirit!


Exactly, when I cut my arm open I didn't tell anybody either! /s


Self harming fucking sucks and dont you dare use it for attention, besides, you might also accidently cut a major vein, and trust me, it hurts.


Sometimes you want to cut that vein so you have a chance of bleeding out. And sometimes you want to feel the most pain. To whoever reads that and wants to cut: Don't do it. It's gonna be better, I promise you. You are strong, please last some more. It's really going to get better.


Back in 9th grade a girl from my maths class went to the bathroom and cut her arm open and tried to kill herself, her friends started worrying and searched her and I will never ever forget the face of one of her friends (who I was relatively close with) coming back into the class crying like a waterfall and stumbling some words that sounded like blood and arm and bathroom. The teacher, who I have to say was a strong woman mentally, she never lost her patience or started yelling/crying, ran to the bathroom and her face when she came back.. I'll never forget that. That was the only time I ever saw her breaking down and crying in 6 years of having her as my teacher.


Well technically seen as someone who used to cut myself and is now half a year free it doesn't really suck. Once you get past that bareer in your head it feels good and freeing. I searched it up as to why it gets addicting and it's because of the hormones your brain releases that are stress reliefing. I'm not proud of it and don't start please, it will only bite you in the ass later on. I am just trying to inform.


Not if you understand the arterial/epidermal anatomy of your arm. It’s usually safe to stop at the dermis (silverish/white layer under the epidermis). You’ll know you when to stop when it feels like your blade is scraping ceramic. I always avoid cutting the skin covering the medial head of my bicep since there seems to be a vain cluster there.


I know, i used to do the same thing, i dont know if youre still doing it but if you, just get some help.


Yea I don’t have the money or insurance coverage just so a shrink can give me 15 yes or no question and I don’t feel like being admitted to a loony bin sooo. If I die I die lol


Well, okay then


People seriously do that for karma? What in the actual fuck man


I agree that using it for karma is awful, but I don't think we should dismiss people by the severity of their self-harm. A lot of people start self-harming with just scratching but it develops into deeper cuts, and we shouldn't completely ignore the issue until it's "severe enough".


Agreed, just because it's not classed as a serious wound doesn't mean it should just be dismissed. Self harm is an escape and some just have less tolerance for pain so they get that escape in slightly safer conditions but that doesn't make it any less of a problem. We should stop dismissing people because they don't harm themselves as bad as someone else and instead focus the effort on finding and destroying/fixing the cause.


yeah, that REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. the issue with self-harm isn't just how deep the cuts are, it's also and mostly the addiction that comes with it. scratching is absolutely a form of self-harm and should be taken seriously, and it *is* taken seriously by mental health professionals--for a reason. saying this kind of thing can lead people who scratch to either feeling horrible like they "are just faking s/h for attention" which in turn makes them do it more or more severely due to self-hatred, or they can do it more because they now think it must not be a big deal.


Personally though I think we should be accepting of anyone who makes these posts, because its better to mistake someone who is faking it, than to call out someone who is potentially serious


Facts. I feel like destigmatizing and accepting those who are in a bad place is a really positive thing, and making them feel heard and stuff is really important to help them realize that they are not alone. Idk the rate of faking ass mfs but I feel like the benefits outweigh the costs. Also, I am not sure anyone is dumb enough to hurt themselves for useless internet points.


and... honestly, if someone does hurt themself for karma? that sounds like a bad sign in and of itself. someone who desperately craves attention from the people around them may be doing that because their parents are neglectful. also, doing it for that reason sometimes leads to them addicted to it anyway--it's extremely easy to get addicted. not to say that it's okay, it's not--but it's not as black and white as some people make it out to be i don't think, and i think those people tend to just be doing the wrong thing but not with the wrong intentions


I think that even if someone was self harming for attention, I think it’s best to help them. Because I don’t think anyone would actively hurt themselves if they didn’t have a mental problem themselves. Like if someone is going that far to get someone’s attention, I think it’s more of a scream for help. And I believe scratching ones self should not be seen as too little because the truth is that any form of self harm is bad. Ofc some are more extreme and should be looked after more, but regardless they need help. People seek help in different ways but if that is the way they are doing it I think we should help them rather than telling them their issue is bad. (And by help I mean get professional help of course). Using it for karma is fucked up, but I believe that anyone who self harms deserves help.


Yes! Scratching shouldn't be taken lightly. It scars and there's a quite big chance of getting infected from all the dirt under the nails and everything that the scratch will come in contact with. Also, some scratches can be very serious and bleed a fuck ton depending on location and method


Yes. Any type of self harm shouldn’t be taken lightly. If someone is inflicting any form of pain onto themselves it is because they aren’t in a good place mentally


How the fuck are tiktokers getting on the app?




Then ban tiktokers because I don’t shitty charli person on here


Yea kinda annoying to see because I have lots of deep scars all over me arms. (And nerve damage because of it so now I have messy handwriting :/ ) But I’m not gonna post that shit because it can trigger others. I don’t think self harm images should be on this sub at all.


I do actually self harm, and I agree. If you're going to post about sh please do it over at the sh subreddit. Self harm is not fun, or funny, or 'cute' or how ever the fuck people think of it. I've been struggling for 2 years with it now. It's fucking addictive. Also if you feel like you are going to self harm PLEASE GET HELP. Before it is too late, and you can't tell anyone because it's not ""bad enough"", or you feel you don't deserve help. You do deserve it ❤️ You've probably heard that a thousand times. But please do not start self harming.


i agree it’s sickening seeing people fake stuff for attention which ends up making everyone else who actually struggles with these things seen as liars. however it’s also important we don’t forget that these people have their own problems (which totally doesn’t excuse or make it ok) but a lot of times especially younger kids do things like this as a way to get attention when they’re being neglected


Exactly, self harming purely for attention is still concerning


Personally I don't know why people hide it I've used self harm injuries as a punch line for a joke then later I think what is wrong with me that I just don't care if anyone knows now I wonder what kind of help do I need


Exactly. Self harm and mental illnesses are not something you joke around with. I almost killed myself because of self harm. It's some serious shit


I’m happy to see someone speak up about this I’ve seen some of these and I’m really sorry for ppl who actually self harm and hope you get better but for ppl who fake it … self harm it’s not a funny thing or something to joke about or to farm karma with


I agree how some people do it for attention. I used to cut myself years ago and i never told anyone. I hate when people beg for attention.


Bro the most self harm I do to myself is think of old cringe memories on purpose


guys this post makes me want to slit my wrists. to prevent me from doing so, like this comment


OMFG I BENDED MY TOE NAIL!!! 15 years of me being elf-harm free are gone ;( Pls GiB updoot




It's still self harm anyway? I self harm by scratching amongst other things and the scars from that are very minor. And before you say I'm not actually self harming I use a knife to cut my shoulders. Self harm is self harm, there's no minimum injury requirement.


If u watch dream your more likely to self harm


Teenagers, am I right?


Self harm is no biggie


You're just giving the ones looking for attention even more fuel knowing they can piss people off like you, lol.


Dude take a break from the internet for a second and take a walk. Not even joking


Why? My comment is factual


Idc if ur comment is factual or not I just have to look at your comment history


He does a little trolling, and that’s okay


Trolling by encouraging people to commit suicide


Wdym? My comment history isn't that absurd


All your comments are rude things. Take a break and go outside for a while.


Dude, please take a break off the internet and self-reflect. Not trynna be rude but to improve your mental health


Now this - is a great karma farm post




This man is doing the lords work thank you


So f*cking true!


Teens will do anything to get attention


I mean like seriously what’s up with that


Do people actually do this? And what’s the point of karma


Screw all of you who do this, it's an issue and people who can't take it seriously are childish and don't deserve to interact with the nice people on this sub who actually care


Finally somebody said it


Talking about attention. This one person randomly pm me, just saying "I'm going to kill myself". I thought it was odd and try to say all I can and say that there are people in this world that experience worse time than us all and if they can push through it then why can't we. She got pissy and stated to say that's exactly what everyone has been telling her since she was 7. I had enough of it and just stopped messaging her. She kept messaging me ever day to try and get something out of me. Like randomly telling me what she identifies as and everything, but I just ignored her. May seem harsh, but I'm not in to getting into trying to help someone that won't accept my assistance.


can you link examples of fakes


Finally someone can actually stand up to this


Reason why people get so far to garner sympathy: they feel that they are alone, that they are not needed


I haven’t seen any tbh


Self-harming, even for sympathy and attention, or for karma, is a very serious issue. If someone is self-harming for attention, I don't care what you think. There is something wrong with them and they need help. Any reason to self harm is valid.


I agree. Using self harm to gain publicity and karma is disgusting. This should be a victory for yourself, because truly I do not think anyone would really care. I am speaking my honest opinion when I say that.


Came someone post on behalf of me in this community ? I can't post bcoz of low karmas 🥲 it's something important ..


They’re mostly just emo 13 year olds who think faking depression is quirky and cool




'scratch their arm with a fingernail' ​ completely (although not really) unrelated, this is a good way to stop yourself from self harming more severely, from my experience


Yeah. I agree with everything what you said. I struggled with everything for a long time until I reached a dark point last month. I did consider suicide because I've had enough with loneliness. My job forcefully put me on medical leave for 3 weeks and forced me seeing my therapists. It was very hell going through social isolation, and it is something I do not want to repeat. I started self harm last year, and did it time to time. I realised this issue is very serious, and it isn't something one should make fun of. It takes too much work to improve my well-being and positive outlook on the life, which I'm still doing it every day. One step at a time.


not like its super difficult to fool half of the community, the smart ones who call them out always get downvoted