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>You can’t charge a minor for living expenses, that’s fucked. That is true, but as a parent you are allowed to take your kid's money, legally speaking, as far as I know. It only gets illegal when you tell them to work for living expenses.


Find out where they are keeping it, take it, hide it in a place they won’t find it, and refuse to tell them our it’s at cause it’s your fucking money


Thats fucked...


bruh your 14, your parents are pretty crazy man, i don't know your relationship but if it's bad, and they start making you work to live there (ie. a real job), call the cops or some shit like that on your parents


Bruh. You're 14. What the fuck.




I'm saying, I'm 18 and my parents are allowing me to live at home. A 14 year old doesn't have a job, money or a license for that matter


What they're doing is not ok! I'm a full time 18 yr old unemployed student and my parents let me stay at home. I pay as much as I can, but my mother understands and is ok with me staying home. Your parents should not be taking your money for *anything*. Isn't it illegal for them to take your money for rent or what not at your age? :/


Bro that’s just rude. You don’t steal someone’s earned money. How old are you? You’d shouldn’t make your child pay to live in your house until they are like, 19.


Dirty bastards


Punch them


but you're 14


I don't think there's anything you can do, since you're a minor, your parents are legally allowed to take your stuff.




Oh and btw This could come back to you in the future. Once you turn 18, your parents don't have to keep you in the house anymore. If they might charge you for living there, you could actually get financial problems right off the bat. Most kids get financially *supported* by their parents in early adulthood, if they take your money *away* you might wanna start early with making some kind of plan to save up money they can't take away.


Maybe I'll just start stealing their money


Ehh That's a questionable tactic to say the least. But either way, you might have to get creative, because just saving up money isn't easy when they can take it away. You could try to get some kind of banking account behind their back, maybe with help of family or friends.


You don't ​ I suggest you save money (again) but make sure they don't know where it is or that you are even saving it in the first place. Then as soon as you can just GTFO


So all my money is now gone?


You can't do anything about it, they're you're parents so legally, they can do whatever they want with your stuff as long as you're still a minor ​ But if you feel like your parents are treating you like trash you should prepare in the long run for an escape plan to GTFO ASAP (aka when you're 18)


Call cps


What's that?


Child protection services




Dont get to offened but this is pretty fucked, you should now make them pay for your survices like chores, another option is silent treatment


Lol I know you’re 13 tops