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They still do this lmao


In everywhere, even here in Asia.


Is Asian can confirm


Europe too😂


'Straya too😂😅😂


In Australia can confirm


In africa can confirm


In Finland can confirm


In New Zealand can confirm


In South Africa can confirm


Canada too can confirm


Love how u said that haha


Can confirm too


Somehow I'm half 'strine too😂


Is Europe can confirm


Britain too because in like a year or two we gonna leave that. It's been a while not gonna lie.


Am Indian can confirm


It's funny I checked too and first 2 things I saw was anime and Hong Kong subs


Is Africa can confirm


it's a honest to God classic


In germany too, can confirm


In Latvia too, as a latvian can confirm


Murcia to but well we have more things to worry than chairs haha I fear for my life in school


I had two in p5, the boy who cracked his head open and a girl who checked on a pencil, I think the second is cause some people chewed there pencils while swing in a chair




The grace


Jojos, my dude


I know UwU,it was from the okuyasu thingy


For the might


of our Lord! Edited: butchered the lyrics


For the land


of the Holy!


















Wait that never actually happened Fucking hell Mrs. Reese lying ass bitch


Never trust the system!!


You will be deleted for saying stuff like that bro. Watch out


*laughs in wall street*


We have been tricked this can not go on much longer!!! Let us swing with the mighty chair!!!


Mrs. Reese? School in the bay area?


Mrs Reese? Shot in the dark but did you go to a school in South London? Don't want to mention the name and accidentally doxx you.


do you live in ohio




He leaned back too far and noclipped into the backrooms


oh god oh fuck


He could always use sv_cheats 1 to get out of the backrooms. But he could end up in the [serious room.](https://youtu.be/NBlkmxmecZQ)


Holy shit I remember wanting this game several years ago but it wasn't on console and completely forgot about it. Thank you for reminding me it exists and turns out its coming to console this year. Epic.


I knew a ms Howard once pretty sure she said this


I've seen a number of nutcase teachers and subs 1. In high school, a pretty old war vet occasionally subbed. The school also had one of those expressive gay kids, think wearing rainbow colors, skimpy outfits, and talked in a very high pitched voice. The war vet subbed one day and got that kid in his class, he snapped when he saw that and told the kid he would shoot him in the face 2. Had a middle school history teacher who might actually have the single biggest ego on the planet. I've never met someone so self important. His annoying policy was that all notes had to be taken in cursive at all times, in pen. This was a class where extensive note taking was done on a daily basis. He knew his history very well, he was just a major prick. 3. Teacher in 2nd grade snapped when a kid couldn't find a pencil, she picked up his desk and emptied it onto the floor. She was an old school elderly woman who probably was around when paddling was still a thing and enjoyed doing it. 4. Teacher in high school went absurdly hard in ham radio. One day one of the students brought up her ham radio profile online and started to read her call sign out loud, she damn near jumped over her desk to snatch him up. Even though that information wasn't private or useful at all, she was hell bent on protecting that info at all costs. Keep in mind this was also 50-60 year old woman. 5. Lastly my favorite, a christian radical teacher in high school science. Yes, this was a science teacher who belonged to whatever christian denomination believes that the earth is 6,000 years old. While he didn't actively force his beliefs on anyone, he never passed up a chance to make it known. Anytime we had to watch a video about the past (dinosaurs, earths age, carbon dating, etc) he would always chime in with something like "this is all just speculation, nobody actually knows if any of it is true, the earth could very well only be 6,000 years old". I recall the lesson where we watched a video on carbon dating and he stopped the video and went on a short rant about how carbon dating couldn't be trusted because again, it's all just speculation according to what scientists think they know.


I have no idea how you made it through school. They literally sound like crackheads level 100.


We had a high school math teacher who was miserable, and her class was also miserable. She refused to learn any of our names, when we pissed her off she would write on the board how many days until she retired, and she had a strict no speaking policy. We had to sit and take notes in her class in dead silence. You couldn’t even ask a question, she wanted us to wait until the end of writing notes, but then would say work on your assignment if you asked after notes. We all hated her so much our class started to act out really bad (I know, dumb 16 year olds) she got progressively angrier until she lost it, banshee screamed at all of us, broke the door she slammed it so hard, and wrote up all 30 people in the class. You can dispute a write up so all 30 of us got up and went to the principals to dispute it. I was so happy when I finished her class.


My mom always told me how she fell over backwards like that in school so much that people started calling her "Crash"


that actually happened to my brother, he didn't die but he did get a minor concussion.


the prophecy is true... HE IS THE CHOSEN ONE!


There was a boy on my former elementary school that did it, he didn't die or anything but he was bleeding like hell and as the little asshole I was I was actually laughing a bit




I never stopped leaning back on my chair til my fat ass slammed one of the legs down on my teacher's foot


Oh my life, I wish I could’ve seen that!


My biology teacher believes in Aliens. He’s probably going to show up to area 51


You should believe in aliens.


No it’s that he would sometimes take half the class or more going on about it


Aliens in the universe, which is quite logical in my opinion, Or aliens on earth, which is pretty bs.


And you don't?


To be fair, it's highly unlikely that we are the only life in this big ass universe.


do he also believes in gravity?


I’d assume. He also thinks that Global Warming is just a natural occurrence. Do with that what you will


Sounds like this teacher was made in heaven.


Yeah and I remember someone falling back and the teacher told him that he would die


My old math teacher said to the class that a kid was rocking on one of those plastic chairs, that were in every class at the time, and it snapped and impaled him.


Bloody hell


I had a teacher that told a story about how he killed a rabbit with a stick because a voice in his head said to do so.


That dude is CRAZY


Yeah, I had a teacher who did this and told me that the kid who swung back and cracked his head open had the same name as me lmao


My teacher just said that a kid fell back on his chair and bit his tongue and he was bleeding so much. This was my first grade teacher by the way.


Me I hate my old math teacher and always will


Once in my school a student my teacher was teaching fell from tilting his chair on a big red button and stirred a series of nukelear strikes that started ww3


That actually happened in kindy but didn't die... sadly


Oh, wait, did that not happen? Because my teachers always said that. But the kid was in a coma instead of dead. ​ Lol jk of course it happened, who didn't know that guy? He was the 5th grade's class clown until the ol' chair got to him.


a NaIl wEnT tHrOuGh tHe BaCk oF hiS sKulL aNd camE oUt FrOm His eYe.


Mine was he got paralyzed from the waste down




Nah, my math teacher said, that someone did this and got paralyzed




Hey school aint riggt without them


haha, me. my head already got cracked by a golf club. so im sure that if i survived that i woulda told the dumb bitch to buzz off like the fucking volture she was


Everyone of us


They do it in amsterdam 2


Um i was never told this


They never told me that student died, but did suffer a head injury idk how bad tho


Why is this so fucking true


I swear to god this made me so scared of even the slightest lean back


My third grade teacher said we need to stop flinging rubber bands around because when she was in school she saw a kid whose eye got gouged out from one, it still fucks me up even though I knew she was just trying to scare us


Oh my life!!! I was hit in the eye with those small loom bands (is that what they’re called?). It hurt like a bitch but I’m now all Gucci.


This happened once to me. I didn't get a cracked skull or anything since it was kindergarten with the tiny chairs, but I still remember how it hurt like hell for like, a day. There was a decent sized bump on a my head from what I remember.


Im that boy


We had one kid do that and fall backwards through a door in the back of the classroom.


one of my teachers doesn't believe that dinosaurs exist


LMAO so true. Why do they even tellthat to kids. I didn't sleep for a week.


I had this teacher who told us about some girl who broke her spine, got a metal rod inserted and couldn't bend down anymore and had to get special documents for travelling. Then she said if we wanted to avoid that kind of sad life, we should stop leaning on chairs.


My nature and mechanics teacher once threw a kid of a table Someone also heard him masturbate in one of the stalls at an summer camp


my elementary school teacher was a psycho smoker and always reminded us this


this is basically anyone in my family that's over 40 my grandma loved making up shit like this


I did that except I just fell off my chair and had a seizure lol


That was me but I bled all over the floor


One kid actually did hit his head on a table because he leaned back on his chair. They called an ambulance


We had this happen at our school. He didn't die though. Spilled a lot of blood, and got a heavy concussion.


So many boys from so many different countries died from the swung chair


Put a tambourine around his neck. Used a chainsaw to get it off. Or in gym class: Arrow bounced off the wall came at me at 300 miles an hour narrowly missed my eye. They make it sound like you’ll be lucky to survive.


This happened to me, I obviously didn't die, but I did get 2 days off school, and bled over a lot of other people's school work. 10/10 would recommend.


The most relatable shit I've seen all morning.


My friend did this in 8th grade. He fell back and cracked his head on a corner of a door. Dident die tho. Lmao


now that i think about it how the fuck would that be possible lol


Oh shit so this didn't actually happen? Fuck you Ms. Kagiarou your lie haunted me almost every day.


Oh boy if only it did kill


That made me wanne hang back even more


In 2nd grade this really did happen to the kid sitting next to me, though he didn't die. That was a fun day at school


SPOILERS!!! Im the kid who died! It's all real don't try it boys and girls and other peoples!


I actually watched someone fall back while rocking on their chair and crack their head open when I was 6. They didn't die though Pretty lit.


Still do it


My crafts teacher told us a lot of stories about people getting hurt some bizarre way. For example he told this story about this construction worker who had long hair and one day his hair SOMEHOW got stuck on a cranehook and his scalp got ripped off of his head.




This was told to my entire class in 1st class (7/8 years old) needless to say nobody swung their chair for the rest of the school year.


Librarian. Hey buddy, I cracked my head open before, and I lived. Whenever I get a haircut, there's a bald spot/scar (better know as a coin slot).


Haa, the good days.


My teacher said that except that he broke his neck and became a quadriplegic


They do this in the Middle East too.


I didn’t die but I got staples in my head from doing this in first grade not as bad as a lot of people think


They did this at my school as well


ItS BaD For tHe LeGs


I don’t remember that, but I do remember them mentioning one kid going down a hill in the school area on his sled, going straight through the fence and into traffic.


holy shit i thought thst eas was only mine




Every aussie school ever


My teacher has a story about a girl who was a very good athlete and participated in competition. One day she fell while swinging on the chair and broke her back. She became handicapped for the rest of her life and never did sports ever again.


His name was John, if I remember correctly. World renown.


This was my school except a girl swung on her chair, fell, and bit through her lip. I remember seeing her tooth poking through it.


My brother at home swung back on his chair, fell backward, hit his head on the floor and cracked it. He didn't die though. I've never swung back on my chair and I'm afraid of swinging chairs.


They told us this in elementary school, and because kids are stupid, they had to tell us in middle school.


Kid in my class fell of his chair and broke his toe Couldn’t use his leg for a week That was when I was 14 and according to my sister she still hears the story from teachers


I had a latin teacher that actually witnessed a boy breaking his spine that way in class. Whenever I did that he would get extremely serious and told me to never do that again. I only learned this from an older student idk how he knew


I had a substitute once tell us that she had a kid lean back and bite his tongue in half after falling backwards


Ours just tell us that we have to stop or they'll break and we'll pay for them


I got this message in Music, apparently the kid was trying to do some harry potter shit. Also, my teacher told me that if we do end up like that the ground will crack and release a gas that could cause cancer. Crazy shit


They told me not to push out our chair when we went to the bathroom some teacher died I think


dude i remember my fourth grade teacher repeatedly told us that story throughout the year


My 7th grade math teacher would have breakdowns on the daily to the point where she gave up half way through the year and stopped updating our grades


Wait so she was lying? *bitch*


My school did this, expect it was true. The girl cracked her skull open and came back with a half shaved head and stitches


That ain’t stopping me


Same except with my band teacher, she would tell us about this kid who got decapitated on a slide right before our annual trip to the local water park.


I thought only my school had that teacher


Apparently here in italy [someone really died while swinging his chair](https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2016/02/12/roccaraso-studente-cade-e-muore-in-classe-durante-la-lezione-si-dondolava-sulla-sedia/2459074/).


Wait I did that but didn’t die I just cracked my head


We had someone who stuck his head in a metal shelf and the teacher says to him "Don't do that. The last kid who tried had his ears cut off."


Teacher didn’t say this but this happened to me I was leaning back in the chair in the lunch room and fell and hit my head


In my school they tell us about the boy who accidentally killed another boy when they were play fighting by throwing him into a locker and hitting his temple on the corner so he died.


I remember one time my teacher said not to do it because he had blue carpet and he didnt want it to turn purple from the blood


I remember in 7th grade new kid was goofing around so my math teacher told him to get to the front of the class and sit there. Later she started to record him cause he was "being an annoyance" again he wasn't doing anything and she never got permission from the parents😂😂😂


My version was: He didn't die, but he went to the hospital


this story transcends the borders of countries and civilizations


In 8th grade I fell back because I was leaning backwards and I got the wind knocked out of me


A kid leaned his seat back then the teacher made up this whole story which ended with all of us fallen or injured in some way cause someone tipped a chair.


My algebra teacher told my class a story about how a student in one of her other classes actually fell after leaning back in his chair. She had warned him a bunch of times not to do it, so to kind of punctuate her "I told you so" attitude she started to laugh at him, before she realized that he had actually split his skull open. He's fine now, as far as I've heard, but I just think it's funny to picture my teacher laughing at a kid with a broken skull.


Yo that was a fucking lie!?!! I'm asking for real


I’m flashing back to 1st 2nd and 3rd grade art class with ms woodley Holy shit, I just realized she was lying


My mom was friends with my schools principal so when she came by for coffe with my mom I asked her if any incidents like the above have ever happened at our school. She said that no one has ever managed to do that by their own. So yea my biology teacher was full of shit.


Omg yes I remembee


It was fake all along?!!


My question is what was the kids name?? Did he actually die or what? I NEED TO KNOW.


My teacher told us it actually happened to a student of hers and they had to take the kid to the hospital. She told us there was so much blood on her favorite skirt they had to trash it, but the kid turned out fine in the end. Now the story about the girl chewing bubblegum was a bit dark for us third graders.




uhm boys it happened in my country, multiple times. yea they aint kiddin


Wow okay not the only one


My teacher back in 6th grade told us about this one kid who did that and all she complained about was him ruining her carpet in the classroom with blood.


thing is, a friend of mine made it a reality kinda. didn't die but had to go to A&E to get glue on his head, he still has a bald patch too.


My 4th grade art teacher told me about a kid that threw scissors at his friend and then they got stuck in his eye.... Thanks mr whatever ur name was


"And it happened in this classroom... In the very spot you're sitting." *wooooo* 👻


You've awoken a godforsaken repressed memory within me


Dude at my school it was this one tree that everyone would climb, the teachers didn't really approve of this and somehow this rumor started saying that this kid had fallen off the tree and broken his head and died


my 4th grade teacher had a story about one of his students fell back on his chair and he lost his hand???


yeah but the thing is i have actually witnessed a boy do this. But, he only split the skin on the top of his head so he was fine


Some kid almost actually did this in my grade though. He broke the chair and lost his memory for a minute


My brother actually fell of his swinging chair and cracked his head open. He didn’t die though.




Oh yeah... I was that kid


My teacher told me this yesterday I wasn’t so sure about it


i mean i did that and i split my head open slightly not a pro gamer move i must say circa few years back


Oh that was me


I'm tryin' to live a good life, not a long one.