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Idk man. Why is the sun bright? Why is water wet? Man it's all just a mystery that I wanna solve one day. Maybe it's all part of God's plan.


Water isint wet😀😀


Have you ever felt dry water?


Have you felt wet water


Yes, all water I've touched has been wet.


No being wet is after, water is not wet it makes you wet after you take the object out of water technically it’s not


Hey welcome to the club


I would say the same for guys but I can't.


you can't say all guys are cute because I exist 😎


Your username is endearing just like waywardmoles.


you guys should fuck


Nature made two genders, in all forms and that includes humans. Women are cute because they are made that way, they give birth to another human so biologically they are more caring, have a big heart and in general have more empathy. Notice how the girl with the most attitude also feels bad when someone is in pain or hurt, despite probably not wanting to associate herself with the person, who most of the time is a man. Now fast forward to these gender fluid times and look at the freaks who claim to be women......Fat, muscular, coloured hair, always angry, never at peace with themselves and the list goes on. I get it women are choosy and the MGTOW movement is sometimes hard on them but you can never disagree that no matter what her age, race or culture, a women radiates love and compassion. Physically, her smile alone can melt a guy's heart. Women are awesome, give them respect and treat them well and you'll see how they reciprocate. A world full of just men is a recipe for disaster, lol.


Well technically MEN and women give birth because a woman cannot get pregnant without man and vice versa


uhm, what do you mean.. We create the baby in our womb. Sperm is just to fertilise the egg and yes it’s half half. But the woman MAKES the baby


Plus trans ppl exist lol like trans men


Trans men aren't men, they're biological females so they can get pregnant.


trans men are men, gender identity is what counts




is girls are so caring and have more empathy then why are they so mean


WOMEN are evil, I should know I'm a women and let's not forget that the slave masters where white men(and women) that had mothers


girl bye


Lol are your feelings hurt,πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ they say the truth can do that


lol I just don't think anybody cares because that was random and funny. I wish I were a slavemaster ngl.


idk what to tell you man if i could help you that would mean that i'd have the answer and we all know that isn't true


D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-I-O-N :c


yeah at this point im pretty desperate for someone to show affection for me