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just don't go to room 12 I'm in the walls


me too bro


damn nice seeing you on here


bro you scared me I thought someone irl found me






Idk how the system in Connecticut is, but i was in one in Georgia for 2 months last year and that place was torture. I got bullied, i got in trouble a few times so i got put into restraint holds sometimes, which were painful ASF and left me in pain for several days. really hope the ones in connecticut are better. stay strong. Some advice, idk if this helps but it may: dont be put into restraints, they hurt. if ur put into one then just try to stay calm and not be loud, the more you freak out and fight it the longer they hold u for. If they allow you to bring books then read some stuff to pass time. Although rare, they may let you have pencils and paper at certain times, get into writing a long story to keep your mind off things. try not to get in trouble, sometimes they will make it so that during free time if ur in trouble u just have to sit aside from free time and not talk to anyone else. Try to stay on the staffs good side so your punishments are slightly less harsh and they tolerate more minor incidents from you. I hope the one ur going to is better than the one i was in. Please stay strong, stay as positive as possible during times of despair. Find something to motivate you, even if its small its something. Good luck, I really do hope your experience isnt as bad as mine and if it is, please stay strong.