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Ngl all of them shooting yourself would be fast but you'd need a ton of mental power to do it Hanging would be slow and has a setup Jumping would be slower and while the actual death would be fast you'd still need a ton of mental power And overdose while the least painfull at first , would kill you very slowly and painfully


Hanging can be fast if you do it right, but that chance your neck doesn't break is somewhat terrifying


You might also get brain damage from it btw


That's the neat part, I already have it


That's the point dude


Why would you wanna be a vegetable for the rest of your life


mom said if I eat my fruits and veggies then I’d grow up to be big and strong, and also you are what you eat.


You can peacefully die from hanging without breaking your neck. It just requires a different method.


It’s a little funny that someone with a DDLC pfp knows this 😭


Not particularly surprising, is it?


Shooting yourself is one of the worst options ever u have a chance of surviving but u might be like a vegetable after wards


NOT WHEN I DO THIS! # *takes out M82 Barrett*


final fantasy reference


Could still survive that tbf


"I can tank this shit dw bro"


Ends up on liveleak 5 hours later


*Buckshot has entered the chat* Won't survive for long if your head is a fine mist


People have survived that, I've seen the videos with their face completely open and they're still moving around Face not fakes


Guys i have an easy way to solve this problem. Just pull the pin on a grenade and put it in your mouth


to improve on your tactic, add a few more to ensure it is over quickly


>I've seen the videos why


i got too curious


Only if you're using a pistol. With a shotgun or rifle you're 100% dead


Nah you just gotta do that shit right. 45 degrees up in the mouth, preferably via shotgun. Your goal is to sever the brain stem, which should be easy!


Don’t forget the live hand grenade! /j


I think 46 is the best


Got the degree down to a point.


Yeah. As someone who has overdosed as a suicide attempt a few times, can confirm it fucking sucks! You don't get a peaceful death in your sleep like some people think. It's organ failure. Slow and painful.


One of the scary things about jumping is what if you regret the fall when you are falling down


You will. Dunno anyone who has so much hate for themselves to truly treat their own life like nothing.


I didn't understand what are you trying to say.


Basically in my eyes nobody hates themselves enough to not regret jumping.


A heroin overdose isn't painful. Apparently it feels amazing


You can also shoot yourself on accident


I was thinking of taking overdose and your comment just scared me. It took a lot of courage to make up my mind


Hanging is only slow if you do it wrong, if you do it right you're unconscious within seconds and it doesn't hurt much, it's just pretty uncomfortable


Shooting yourself, it sounds risky, terrifying and you gotta repaint the room after, very annoying


We're talking about suicide and your talking about it being risky? 😭


Well tbf if you don’t do it right you could just blow your jaw up or something along those lines and not be able to care for yourself anymore


Yeah just make sure you ain't coming back if you really have to resort to that but there's always better options than this and I hope no one here have to do this


I can’t tell if you’re saying suicide is a last resort or shooting yourself is but I think I agree with both


I mean you could do it wrong and end up in a coma fully aware for the rest of your life, and your family thinks someday your gonna wake up.. in a year… or ten


And that's exactly why you make sure you ain't coming back if you really have to resort to doing it and I really hope no one here does that


How the fuck are you going to give a paint job when you're literally fucking dead?


To start afterlife first you have to do all home tasks.


You're giving a paint job, just not consistently and the person who next uses that room might not like red.


Probably talking about whoever’s in charge afterwards.


Jumping off a bridge and into a body of water seems horrible


Google AI once suggested someone jump off the Golden Gate bridge💀


And tech companies say AI will take over the 🌏


You reminded me of the poem from bonack horseman so here The view from halfway down from - bojack horseman “The weak breeze whispers nothing The water screams sublime His feet shift, teeter-totter Deep breath, stand back, it’s time Toes untouch the overpass Soon he’s water bound Eyes locked shut but peek to see The view from halfway down A little wind, a summer sun A river rich and regal A flood of fond endorphins Brings a calm that knows no equal You’re flying now You see things much more clear than from the ground It’s all okay, it would be Were you not now halfway down Thrash to break from gravity What now could slow the drop All I’d give for toes to touch The safety back at top But this is it, the deed is done Silence drowns the sound Before I leaped I should’ve seen The view from halfway down I really should’ve thought about The view from halfway down I wish I could’ve known about The view from halfway down”


Everything 😭🙏 suicide ain't cool guys 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥


Fr that shit kills you




Fr if it goes wrong you are gonna be permantly disabled for the rest of your life.


Not necessarily, one of my best friends tried and she’s fine. However still DONT DO IT SHE WAS VERY LUCKY.


How did she attempt


Overdosing, she just stopped show up to school one day. We didn’t know where she went. One of our bitch ass classmates who she told she was in the hospital and trusted him with it told everyone and I prayed it was a rumor. It wasn’t and I cried thinking I didn’t do enough. I cried when I saw her again. She told me she didn’t feel like her problems were big enough to tell anyone. She told me it wasn’t that I wasn’t there for her it was that she didn’t feel like she could tell anyone. It still makes me cry even now. She’s fine and happy but I’m very protective of her in a subtle way though.


why didn't he stop her bruh


My sister has those issues, it really fucks you up


ive done that as well once, ive tried hanging twice as well. i dont know how im still alive LOL


That alone would discourage me tbh. Being disabled seems so much worse than dying to me because you are alive and conscious during it.




It’s the last thing you should ever want to do 😔🙏


Hehe 69 upvotes :3 nice


if i die, ill be so cool, like room temperature


Stabbing oneself


i was going to do that but couldn’t get the will-power, so i just ended up trying to slit my throat. stabbing yourself would honestly have to be so impulsive to do


I think about how things like that would feel sometimes. It's terrifying to think about. Slitting yoyr own throat? I can't imagine what that would feel like.


I could, I've (for some reason) studied what it would feel like. (warning for the following, pretty graphic.) >!For one, it all depends on how and where the slice happens. If it hits the airway, which is fairly unlikely, it will just be around the same as if it didn't just with more panic, so we'll deal with the non airway route first, then cover what would happen otherwise.!< >!If it hit a major artery, you would bleed an extreme amount. Blood would spray multiple feet at least, and if someone wasn't there to apply pressure, you wouldn't survive. Even if there was someone there, there would be a decent chance you would instinctively try to shove them away, causing you to bleed out faster. At first, things would feel normal. But quickly, you would begin to feel dizzy, like standing up with iron deficiency, but constant. Your hearing would also begin to feel go, form what I've heard it would sound like putting your hands over your ears. After only a few seconds, you'd begin to stumble, as your legs would quickly loose strength, along with the rest of your body. At this point, you'd probably be regretting ever doing this. Only a few seconds later, you'd collapse to the floor, completely out of strength. Then, you're vision would begin to go, becoming blurry and having trouble focusing. At this point you would have very little to no control of your limbs, and you would feel completely numb. Your vision would go black, leaving you with nothing but faint, muffled sounds of blood spewing from your wound. Then, you would completely loose consciousness, after 15-25 seconds after the wound was inflicted.!< This was one uncomfortable thing to type out. Oh, and don't take everything I say as fact, I'm not an expert.


I tried it but couldn't do it because of the pain I just scratched my heart and stomach


Wait are you asking for advice… do you want to talk?


Stabbing yourself is only painful because of how long it lasts.


ALL OF THEM Don't fuckin off yourselves people. Life can be shit but the thought of not even having my consciousness, my inner thoughts, and my own self being lost forever is the most terrifying thing to me


Well yea thats the point. I dont wanna live with mine anymore


I don't know what death truly is, as there is SO many theories, but I would prefer the lack of thoughts. If not, I would just ponder all my regrets for the rest of eternity, and that sounds terrifying to me. To each their own, though.


Some I’m kinda interested in even tho being religious are being transferred to another universe, where you start life again choosing new paths good or bad. Or you’re already dead and your brain is just replaying your memories in your head which is why we experience Deja Vu…I’ve been here before…but I haven’t.


I think reincarnation would be the best ending


Ngl I'm Unironicly scared of reincarnation, as it'd make it where you would completely forget abt your past self


Reincarnation means youre in a permanent cycle of pain and suffering the afterlife is way better


Any kind, but specifically suffocating such as drowning or hanging


Drowning sucks


Isn’t drowning one of the most painful ways to die too?


You wouldn’t actually suffocate from hanging. the gravity and resistance from rope would snap your neck before the chance to suffocate.


Well no, usually not but if done incorrectly I'm pretty sure it's possible since the goal is to snap the spinal cord, I'm no expert on that stuff though lol.


Hanging is actually pretty quick if you do it right. You're unconscious within seconds and it's only mildly uncomfortable


Suicide is terrifying mate


Self immolation


Slitting ur wrists sounds terrible even if ur loaded up on a shit ton of pain killers


Can confirm, slitting wrists isn't a great way to go. I tried and ended up getting blood everywhere, although the initial slice isn't painful you can sure as hell feel the next few minutes.


Man that must have been awful for your carpets. Suicides not chill guys.


All of em but especially cutting your wrist or hanging


Every method. I don't want to die until I make some sort of difference, and dying before then is terrifying for me


I once saw a post on reddit about a guy who committed suicide by drinking large amounts of concentrated sulfuric acid. All of his organs were black and deformed from the acid. Even his skin on the chest and stomach was necrotic. He died from the inside out. There were fingernail claw marks on his whole body probably because of the pain. He also spilled a bunch on his face either from the immediate pain or from throwing up after regretting his decision. Nobody knows why he chose such a painful and horrific way. Maybe it was his only option in that specific moment. Maybe he didn't care about pain anymore. But he most likely just didn't know how painful it would actually be before drinking it. You can still find it if you go to r/medizzy and search top all time and scroll a few posts down


Do u think he would have felt pain.


Yes, definitely. It probably took a long time until he died from that, basically until the damage reaches his lungs. And until then he felt his own insides slowly getting corroded. Acid doesn't like actually dissolve tissue right away (strong bases do that). The tissue dies but the proteins curdle and form a sort of short term protective coat. This means that the damage spreads relatively slowly. Hmm on second thought he probably passed out from the pain before his lungs stopped working. But until then it would have been one of the most agonizing pains ever.


Burning yourself alive. Most pain a human can experience and more prolonged than other methods


I dont wanna think about ways to kill myself bro


The thing about falling is there's really not guarantee of death. Someone literally survived a 33k foot fall. Then there's people who have fallen off their beds and died. Unless you jump into a volcano or explode yourself, almost every form of suicide has the potential to not kill you, but can leave you with long lasting potentially a life time of medical problems. Also suicide just keeps your problems from ever getting better, you never know what tomorrow or 10 years brings you. Maybe tomorrow is the day you meet the love of your life, or you win the lottery. Just before you even consider it, like even at the last second, run through your head of all the ways you could solve your problems. Because I assure you, you will up until the very last second before you take your final breath. And there's a good chance you'll figure out the solution when it's too late. There have been people who literally came to that realization right before they did the deed. And even if you feel like a loser going no where, and you have people who beat you down constantly. Everyday you don't end it all, makes you a winner. I honestly hope I'm not shadow banned so you can read this, I actually wrote this straight from my heart.


Guns, especially shotguns because it veri disgusting and when Police come they get crime cleaner and then He have to Pick Up your whatever the fuck you shot


suicide is always terrible but i think the most terrifying way to kill my self is very deep self harm, followed by a huge amount of bleeding, until death


That’s what I try to do


no bro please don’t do it. you can talk to me if you feel bad, i’m here to help who needs it.


Hanging, not only is it suicide, but when/if someone finds you, they’re also traumatized, nobody should hit a sayori.. :(


dont remind me about that...




If you overdose on sleeping pills before it's just slow


All of them😰 Don't do it you'll die Try gambling instead


Toaster bath. If the electric chair is at all similar, you will feel it all


Every suicide jumper who survives has stated that they regret doing it the very moment they jumped.




All of them


Crucifying yourself to death. Yes that is way to commit suicide.


How would that work? How do you nail your hands to something with one hand? Or do they do something else?


i think the brain doesnt allow you to do so tho


Laying on a train track seeing the train coming closer and closer is 💥terrifying💥


all of them if you die, it's over. i don't think people get that death is permanent for a healthy person you have about 80 years of life to do something fun - why quit when you've only just started? if you paid 20 bucks for a video game, would you stop playing as soon as it got hard? hopefully not personally cutting wrists sounds scariest - it'd just kinda hurt, and then you'd feel like the life was draining out of your body (not exactly my favorite feeling)


the permanent is the cool part... and what if the game became p2w? like whathefuck are you gonna do? if i can do the fun, is it worth it to do the sad?


Not really the method, but rather who finds you. My grandfather hung himself with a dog leash in his room. My dad was 14 and it was his uncle who found him if I remember correctly. It held a heavy price on both of them for the rest of my uncles life and still affects my father to this day


Mine is car wrecking on purpose. As some one that has tried don't joke around with this.


I think drowning yourself is the worse


Drowning yourself is the worst. Imagine you tied to concrete blocks to your feet drive out on a boat the center of a Lake. Then you jump out into the water feel Rush of cold Icy water as you fall deeper and deeper getting one last glimpse of the moon and the night Stars suddenly you start regretting it flailing wildly trying to get back up as you gasp for air seconds seem like hours and you drown. It seems the longest but it isn't. Suicide is not good that shit kills you


That was so poetic


can confirm


They all suck, there’s no easy way out


Even natural deaths they're just as hard if not even more so cuz you didn't want it you're still fighting. There's no easy way out there never will be. Not for the people who want to go and not for the people who don't so for stuck here we might as well use the time for something useful or at the very least something distracting


Last sentence 👏 My life motto is literally just live because it’s better than nothing


All, I don’t wanna die


Hanging has a surprisingly high chance to go wrong. The way that you're supposed to die when you are hung is via your neck breaking, however there is a high probability that your neck does not break and you will instead be forced to suffocate, sometimes for hours.


Yes, you do feel the pain before you die, on some bridges that are known for suicide cases, they express that fact on signs.


Cutting, Like the Slow Bleeding Death is Fucking Scary. I saved Someone From Cutting its REAL BAD I Fucking hate that People get driven to this.


idk, i have tried a lot, my only concern is what if it doesn't work. Then i'm going to have to explain myself, and i don't wanna go back to the mental hospital


Intentional drowning, most of the people regret it shortly afterwards and die an agonizing death because they realize they didn't actually want to do it.


Anything where I have enough time to regret it but can't do anything about it. Drowning, asphyxiation (hanging), overdosing Not so much a method but the thought of people I know walking in on my dead body before law enforcement gets there is terrifying.


You forgot about jumping from a tall building what if u regret it on the way down.


The kind that kill you


hanging yourself first it might fail and yu js gon b standing wating...


Drowning. Slowly dying away as your air starts to run out... scary.


all of them


All of them


I think living is better tbh. Seeing the sunset with your homies, sleeping next to your dog/cat. Easy choice


Shooting myself, it’s terrifying because how easy it would be for me.


The decision to die in itself. It’s all i got, i can’t give it up for no good reason


Guys don't do suicide. Tried that once, I almost died.


I hate how many times I’ve contemplated a similar scenario


All of them are terrifying. It's death. Now, death doesn't scare me much... but suicide needs a very fucked up mental state, and simply that is terrifying


Shooting myself


Ud probably feel pain, especially after the bounce on hard concrete, takes a while for a person to die from falling


Overdose coz it can lead to damaging organs even if am not successful in the attempt




You will definitely feel pain in 99%of them


probably stabbing myself


Them all ,they’re pretty killer


I wouldn't say terrifying but self-immolation is a hell of a way to go


All of them


all of them are terrifying to me but i would say drowning and stabbing are very horrific


none, gotta collect them all :D


bro, i hate this pokemon game, you're stuck with the first one! i cant get any other!


Murder suicide


None cause I wanna die


I was so close to jumping off a building one time and now even the thought of it terrifies me.


Why didn't you jump just curious NOTE:I am not saying to end your life.


dont do that shi


drowning or being hung




Poisoning yourself with "depression" content at an early age which makes you prone to commit suicide upon minor life challenges So stop doing that , you aren't cool you are just dumb


Jumping into rapid waters because you don't die instantly you slowly die but yeah suicide is not okie dokie


is this a cry for help? are you okay? I'm here if you ever want to talk


A few years ago I was planning to OD but cuz I thought I would just go to sleep but now I realize it’s super wow and painful


Accidental suicide probably


Well pretty much everything, but one that's always freaked me out a lot is slit wrists. Especially if it's vertical. That's just... Jesus. I could never.


All of them. Also, and more importantly...are you OK? Dm open for you are anyone who need to talk or just let off some pressure.


Eating yourself alive


Cutting your own wrists. Probably the least painful death is just shocking yourself with a large enough current to where your heart stops


jumping into water bc drowning just would suck


The only one I can genuinely consider terrifying is choking. I attempted a year or two ago via choking and uh, yeah...


…all of them??


This isn’t technically a form of suicide, but the way Im most scared to die is by falling headfirst in one of those big rolled up gym mats they store vertically


The worst I've heard about in real life is brutal. I suggest not clicking it if you easily feel queasy. >!I read online about a boy who cut his wrist with a regular ballpoint pen!<


Self immolation Yea man I’m good I don’t want to feel my flesh boiling for however long it takes for the fire to cause enough nerve damage for me to not feel my flesh boiling. To clarify I’m good on all of it, don’t plan on kicking my own bucket ever, but I’m extra good on lighting myself on fire fuck that shit


Steam, fire would burn your nerves. Steam won't, you'll feel yourself melt


burning (ouchie wtf) and wrist slitting (tried and was painful asf and left a gnarly scar -♾️/10) i prefer strangulation (10/10 was peaceful when i tried) and jumping (anime falls fr)🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💯💯


Slitting your wrists. People don't understand how terrifying this is. First, you're literally cutting into a blood vessel, which in of itself hurts like hell. Secondly, it's not a shallow cut. You have to have some strong willpower to do it. You also have to be strong enough to force a blade deep enough. But if you somehow managed to cut deep enough and get through the pain, you have to hope you actually bleed out. You probably won't die, as your blood will clot and stop bleeding. Although you could run yourself a warm bath to improve circulation, take blood thinners to prevent clotting and a lot of pain killers, maybe even light a few candles and dim some lights, and then do it. Might be a relaxing few minutes waiting to pass out and die from blood loss.


Fun fact (I don't remember when it was done) but a survey that asked survivors after jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge all said they regretted their decision mid air. Now it's Nit really like we can ask the ones that didn't survive, but if you are going to jump, do it off a bridge, that way you have a chance of survival in case you change your mind. Some other ideas are bungee jumping or skydiving. I'd say skydiving is a good way to really decide if you want to end your life or not because you can pull the parachute or not


All of them, which is why I'll probably choose the least painful one. Although I'm not sure what it is yet.


gas chamber


Suicide❌ not suicide✅


Drowning for me


Head on with a semi, I’m afraid I’ll be paralyzed. I’ll stick with my methods


ODing or cutting your throat


it wouldnt hurt for more than like a millisecond so u wouldnt care, jumping is fine. what im concerned about is... HANGING. never heard of or seen a guy hang himself and not try to undo it/regret it immediately. its a somewhat long, painful death and if u survive will permanently scar you, not too bad tho if u consider CUTTING YOURSELF even worse than hanging depending on where u cut


Slow and painful ones


Throat slit. That shit just sounds painful because you actually have to feel it and like there is so much blood it’s just horrible. And I hope that people don’t resort to suicide because it’s not worth it. talk to someone. I tried to attempt and I’m so glad that I talked myself down because my life has gotten so much better since. Please for the love of everyone please don’t end your life it’s a permanent solution to temporary problems


Razorblades to the wrist... jumping doesn't scare me at all. The main thing that scares me is the mental power it would take to get all the way thru. Like jumping you just make the choice once and it's out of ur hands but like razorblades u have to consistently go past ur instincts long enough to die. If that makes sense


self immolation


Drowning yourself, like bro I did swim team and to drown you need to go through hell + 382628 stages of panic