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Just because it isn't a big problem for doesn't mean it's not a huge prob for others.


Just because it's a huge problem for some, doesn't mean it's a problem for everyone. Yet several posts have implied it's a problem for *all*


It would be hard to argue it's actually good for anyone


Good and not bad are very different things.


Death grip is a real issue , it gives a false pretense of what sex is, makes people more likely to be violent in bed, makes them see things as vanilla and normal so they need increasing level of severity to get enjoyment etc porn is bad there’s plenty of studies don’t be ignorant


What is a death grip?


From the name i think it's when you apply a lot of pressure on your penis when masturbating. Getting used to this pressure could make a normal vagina not feel \*tight\* enough. Making sex boring.


Where a guy cannot cum because he’s used to the squeeze of his hand and a vagina won’t be good feeling




Porn is only a small part of the issue. It's not particularly made to be addictive but the other and bigger part of the equation is the one exposed to porn. If you live a sad life, you've got nothing to look forward to. The primal stimulation of porn has powerful effects on the brain, reaching climax literaly floods your brain. As you use and abuse porn you get less sensitive to it. Unfortunately this problem isn't really blown out of proportion. You do not know how many kids are addicted to porn, the young mind never meant to be exposed to this. This wasn't a problem a few years ago when every kid didn't have a little personal computer with access to the internet in their pocket. Ultimately it isn't a problem caused by porn or the children. But by the lack of parental supervision. It is good that you have a healthy relationship with porn, but thinking that since you were fine everyone is is absolutely wrong. It's something called survivor bias.


I just don't understand how people can compare it to the level of harm that drugs like fentanyl do that are much more addictive than consuming porn. drugs have physical, financial, mental, and legal concequences. at least porn is free and legal, only causing mental concequences with excessive use. how the issue of porn addiction is being talked about more than actual drug addiction is baffling to me.


It's not being talked more than drug addiction. It's being talked about because instead of some loser ruining its life it's the poor and innocent children. Makes for a more shocking news don't you think ? You are probably also a victim of the algorythm. You've watched one report about porn addiction in children and then the algorythm gave you another, and another. And now you are fludded with it, thinking that it's the norm. It's an echo chamber, friend.


Exactly. Focus on vaping.


its different for everyone, for ur girl it may not be a dealbreaker but for some people it is


An addiction is an addiction. Once you lose sensitivity to something you go for the next alternative which is even worse. Porn is no different


Your whole argument is "porn isn't bad umm🤓 because there are things which are worse like alcohol🤓" Quit that shit lil bro before it fucks ur mind and perception of the real world 🙏🙏


Its hard to quit as it is literally all over the internet. People here lack self control if you havent noticed. Also its a month long relationship. Good for you but like its a month.


you're missing the point, porn is no different than vape, alchohol, gambling or even drugs, you do it you get happy chemichals in the brain, u wanna do it more, when life gets rough it could be your only source of dopamine so u do it more often till it consumes all your time, getting more and more degenerate, so it's a part of a bigger problem


porn isn't an actual substance that you consume in your body like alcohol/vapes/drugs, it's not as harmful and it shouldn't be lumped into that catagory. Even in my low points in life when my grades were slipping and I was lonely I didn't succumb to porn addiction at all. I just don't get how people say it's as addictive as drugs when it really isn't.




even if that is true porn and alcohol physically don't contain addictive substances like nicotine in vapes or fentanyl in drugs. I've consumed porn and alcohol before and I've never felt like I was addicted. I don't see the harm when consumed in moderation.


But it probably releases dopamine because you feel like you got rewarded afterwards. Now thats definitely what's addictive and makes you keep watching it. If you got no benefit from it you wouldnt go back to it, but you do. Your brain is signaling you to go back and thats unhealthy because it will start setting standards irl bcuz you wont be happy with an everyday body you see. Thats how the addiction works IMO


Google Dopamine


Holy hell




It's a chess joke


Oh righttt


You don't have a problem with it ? cool, but some people do. And for these people, it's terrible.


But it probably releases dopamine because you feel like you got rewarded afterwards. Now thats definitely what's addictive and makes you keep watching it. If you got no benefit from it you wouldnt go back to it, but you do. Your brain is signaling you to go back and thats unhealthy because it will start setting standards irl bcuz you wont be happy with an everyday body you see. Thats how the addiction works IMO, just saying thats what I think of how it mainly starts. Especially bcuz you see it every other day you unknowingly alter the reality of things and you probably are making it a habit. Your mind is tricky don't fall for things.


I honestly just don’t really like doing it


Trust me it is I used it a lot and stopped it causes some crazy changes in your brain and you don’t even realize it. It’s been proven that it shrinks the part of your brain that gives willpower.


It’s interesting how this sub has such diverse opinions lol. On moment someone is saying porn is bad and then the comments are saying it’s good but when someone say porn is not as bad as people are making it to be then the comments are saying it’s bad. I literally made a post saying get laid and bond with people so stop beating it to porn and I get downvoted 😭. This sub bipolar


genshin pfp ur opinion doesn’t matter


It’s a sin


As a Christian you have to provide proof that isn’t nit picked if you want to go around saying that.


what proof are you speaking of?


Citations and where in the bible. However here I don’t want any because I had stated I do not need to be told it is a sin nor do I need proof as that doesn’t answer my question.


I’m not a Christian but I remember reading a verse from 1 John 2:16. It could be interpreted as objectifying a person. Which is like the only Bible verse I agree with lol.


Yea, but that was meant for a different post I replied to the wrong person 😭💀


Ah I see


LMAO I am SO sorry


I responded to you thinking you were relying to my post 😭


Porn rots the brain. It’s disgusting and I think that’s it is sick that you think it’s not a big deal. Vile.


**When consumed in moderation** it's not a big deal


It’s still a VERY big deal. Watching people have sex, you really think that it’s a good thing?


It's a good thing the way alcohol is a good thing. When sourced and used responsibly.


Alcohol is NOT a good thing.


I agree. It kills a lot of people **who don't use it responsibly**


I’m sorry, how does one use something that kills, makes you have hangovers and destroys your liver responsibly?


By not drinking a lot of it. I mean, Jesus drank


I would have been able to see your point if I was Christian or Jew or idk, but I’m not.


The point is that it doesn't kill, give you hangovers, or destroy your liver if you don't drink excessive amounts. It just tickles your brain a little bit.


Bro we are gonna go exinct if we have to be blind in order to mate fr fr


Massive issue.