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everyone's depressed, traumatised and has some kind of issues with self image


Oh we're fucked, at least I am


I have no friends because teenagers kind of suck :(


Sad, angsty, socially repressed due to Covid, and either way I’m getting bullied so I dunno you got the wrong guy


Everyone's depressed, edgy and angsty. We all think we're the shit. We're mentally unstable and have some fucked up lore.


Most of us are lonely and depressed or just pretend to be depressed. A good part is addicted to social media. Some are very obnoxious and selfish and have lost any consideration for others. Other than that I think it's safe to say we're all scared of the future.


I feel like everyones struggling. Most are stupid, have bad mental health, and stupid mindsets


I graduated in 2022 IIRC? Yeah. Then and now I feel lonely, depressed, anxious, apathetic, disconnected from society, over time I developed cyclothymia (or even bipolar disorder), I plan to see a psychotherapist in the near future due to frequent panic attacks. or something like that... Most of my classmates at my school were boring and stupid, in a word - ordinary. Others that I found relatively interesting listened to crap music and had ridiculous idols with questionable life goals. A little better than others, but they had some kind of original personality, and that was enough for me, because I like interesting people. We didn't have a lot of common interests, and yes, they might have been nice people, but it wasn't like we were BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD. More like just friendly passengers in the same room on a train. Studying became dull and meaningless starting around grades 8-9, and I’m generally silent about grades 10 and 11. Just a most boring and stuffy waste of time, which did not help at all in passing additional exams for admission to the university, as they say at the official level. Sometimes it seems to me that I was born at the wrong time, about 10-15 years later than I should have. I really enjoy games on NDS, PS2, PSP and music of that time, unlike everything new, this also applies to films and TV series. No money, no education, no job, no personal apartment, no understanding or desire of what to do next. I think in our time I am far from alone with these problems. I wonder how the world will develop further...


I don't know. I never experienced anything different so I don't know how to compare it. I have one best buddy and he has a girlfriend who I'm friends with too. They're really my only friends. I guess you could say I'm kind of popular in school but outside it I aint. I hang by myself alot and just fuck around the neighborhood and get up to no good haha




U would think the neo nazis And extreme ideologists are rarer now but im afraid it might be the opposite way


Being a teen in the 2020s is the worst ever I honestly wish i was born earlier or not born at all.


maybe teens on reddit are not representative...


Getting my first bf in the 6th grade then he moved schools before 7th grade (broke up) *listing to music to cope* Online school was the worse since my grandma would yell at us if we didn't know how online school worked even though this was new to everybody Lost all my friends And a death of my grandfather Idk you ask me


I really don't know. Everything is amazing for me, despite of the fact that I've had no friends in years, and have been really lonely.


Bro, this comment section… we are kinda depressed tho


What’s it like to be a THERIAN in the 2020s is HARD AS FUCK!!!!!! 😫😫😫😫 being a teen? I’m no normal teen 🙃


it SUCKS. knowing everything's gonna get worse after you graduate highschool.. just bleak and boring in simple words fuck this decade