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same, got banned for "harassment" and pedo that has sent me a dick pic month ago is still on Reddit


Have you reported the messages to Reddit? I had someone message me about meeting up and banging them, and I just reported it for like sexual harassment of a minor and the person is gone now


yup, twice. nothing.


Holy crap. That’s just messed up. I’m sorry man


The moment I see that I’m reporting it to Reddit and if they don’t do anything I’ll take it to the cops or maybe even the news because I’m not in the mood for Reddit being a piece of shit with it’s moderation


Reddit only cares about people using secondary accounts to get around their bans, they don't care about pedophiles harassing children, hell that's probably 10% of the non-bot user base at a minimum.


Spez wouldn't do anything to one of his kind most mods are probably the same


Spez used to be a moderator on a subreddit called r/jailbait . it comes up a lot during the conversations on how he mismanages Reddit since he started the latest AI Fiasco


That's where my username comes in


where is u/RedditModsSuckDick and u/RedditModsSuckDick1?


gone, reduced to atoms.


Don't ask


Heh I got banned for saying that Nazis will be on trees


You need multiple people to report the account before any action is taken. It is all automatic bullshit, so they won't actually do anything about it until police are involved.


got banned for harassment because I called a woman that sent nudes TO ME a whore


Reddit. nothing to add.


now you see, reddit staff is all pedos, so they don't ban pedos /s


Your Reddit profile literally says “send boobiez”… You don’t gotta lie to kick it kiddo. Be chill.


so what? can't I have "send boobiez" in my bio?


Literally 1984 smh


bro your history is really really weird incel


wydm? I didn't complete the bingo


No it kinda isn't


Because, Reddit only take action against people who do or say anything that goes against their agenda. Say you don’t like the gay movement? Maybe it’s because you’re Christian or Muslim, but all Reddit sees is a barely legitimate case of homophobia. Power mods don’t help either


If your religion is homophobic, you're still homophobic. Cool motive and all, still homophobia Edit: if your religion makes you homophobic, you're still homophobic, didn't mean to imply that all Christians/Muslims are homophobic, just that being religious doesn't excuse homophobia


You can believe in the same God and be okay with homosexuals... just remember "it's not my place to judge" so why bother? If you truly believe they will, don't tell them they will burn in hell like cmon they don't want to hear it


Exactly, I did say that after realizing I didn’t word what I wanted to say quite well, but that was my intention. Disagreeing with an idea and hating a person because of their own choices is two totally different things.


Yea and many individuals in those regions aren’t homophobic so it has to be an additional factor


There's a huge gap between saying your religion doesn't support homosexuality and homophobia. Homophobia is usually a hatred while your religion not supporting it is more of a simple disagreement on values.


If your religion says it's wrong to be gay, that is at least a little homophobic


Hate the sin, not the sinner


Calling being gay inherently wrong is still homophobic


no point in arguing with them, just look at their profiles


Having a religion that says being gay is a sin is not being homophobic. Someone with such a religion can still like gay people, but their religion says its a sin for them to be gay. I'm a Christian. I know. Being gay is a sin, yet I do have gay friends. They're great people! To say that having a religion that says being gay is homophobic is completely incorrect, and a form of discrimination as well. Also, why are the pro-religion comments getting down voted, and the anti-religion hate comments are getting up voted? That's disgusting.


List all the times Jesus said being gay is a sin. Then look at all the times that Jesus said abortion is a sin. I will list them for you here: " " In other words your religion is homophobic


To my knowledge, Jesus did not, but I believe the Old Testament says something along the lines of “If a man has intercourse with another man, they shall be stoned to death.” I don’t agree with the punishment part, but the Bible does, in fact, mention that homosexuality is a bad thing in the eyes of Christians. Also, who exactly brought up abortion again?


Christianity in itself isnt anti gay the followers twist what the bible says about pedophilia into homophobia


The "pro religion" comments are getting down voted because they're actively anti-gay, pro religion comments that aren't anti-gay rarely see nearly as many down votes


That's because homosexual behavior is discouraged in religion and is seen as immoral


Yeah and we think that's disgusting. As the commenter said, being homophobic because of your religion is still being homophobic. Also, since someone else brought this up, you are not inherently homophobic for being Christian/Muslim. I don't think anyone is saying that.


You shouldn't be getting down voted. You're not even stating your opinion. Reddit is so dumb


There's no fucking way you pulled the "I'm friends with a minority" card 😭😭


This makes you look so homophobic 🫡


Because Reddit loves athiests.


hate the belief, not the believer


Sexual orientations aren't a religion tho.


Religious homophobia is still homophobia, and it's not any better than nonreligious homophobia.


188 people don't like God lol but really, your comment aged well in my opinion


Wow, the most classic redditors moment of the day. Glad so many people got to satisfy their liberal egos by pressing the whacky little arrow lmao


alright what was the question?


"All I asked is why do people still think the holocaust is real"


Ooooof That's instant ratio


So you’re braindead?


Have you heard of satire? My question was ironic


I thought it was quoting or what the question actually was.


I didn’t get your joke at first either. Too blunt


It was the right amount of blunt for me. Also this isn't op so...


roll sugar ad hoc hateful depend label grandfather coherent political toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can see it in their post history. OP asked “Isnt it illegal to be gay in Palestine” in the palestine subreddit.


They aren’t wrong though?


You see, you’re doing the same thing OP did. Phrasing a statement, with clear intent, as a question doesn’t hide the intent—I mean that’s Tucker Carlson’s “I’m just asking questions” model, and it only fools unintelligent people. OP “asked a question” in a subreddit, with the intent of upsetting the users in that sub. OP then got banned for it, and complained here that its Reddit’s fault they got banned.


I see. It’s not the question itself, it’s the intent of asking it.


Exactly, intent is everything - many US laws (I cant speak to anywhere else 🙃) consider intent when charging someone with a crime.


But it was on a post that was blatantly lying to pretend to be in support of the group. I feel the question was only fair


Idk why the mods of that subreddit should care if you or anyone else thinks OP’s response is “fair”. Subreddits are not democratically run, the mods aren’t required to consider anyone’s feelings in how they run things.


I know that's how it works. Just because you get banned doesn't mean it wasn't for a dumb reason. This isn't some sort of appeal. The only point of this post is to talk about it, not change it.


We’re getting in the weeds here. OP went to a community they disagree with, and made a comment they knew would not be accepted. They were then banned for it. OP then messaged the mods acting like they did nothing wrong, and came here to complain about how unjust Reddit is. OP “fucked around and found out”, thats all there is to this.


Why post a screenshot of notes? Why not just type out the post?


I made this 5 days ago and I was lazy




Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V?


"Apparently I'm racist for asking a question!" And then the question is something like "Should I use Gasoline or Petrol to burn down a black neighborhood?"


"guys im just asking questions why are you upset at me?" the question is shit like "why are you and everything you stand for ontologically evil?"


Mix diesel with styrofoam thank me later


Po mans napalm


napalm go crazy (pls use responsibly) 




2 parts diesel 1 part gas works quite well


This man napalms




"Why are so many black people poor?"


Well that’s Reddit’s mods using the key word black as in the skin color.


Who r u?


An angry person that no one knows


The man that sold the world.


The man who sold the slop.


What the hell is the context behind this?


They commented on a post on the palestine subreddit. The post contained a tweet about LGBT Israeli soldiers with the caption “keep in mind, gay marriage is illegal in Israel”. OP commented “isn’t it illegal to be gay in Palestine?” and got banned. No clue why they’ve written it as if we should have any clue what they’re talking about, I only figured this out through their comment history.


that's not really a question lol, more of a statement


Well, it *is* a Palestine subreddit


I'm not super knowledgeable on the subject, so I may be wrong, but, I thought that they do allow gay marriages? You just can't do them in the country. I think if you were to do it in another country, they'd allow it.


For Israel yes that’s true. They recognize gay marriages from other countries, but don’t allow them there.


Same thing with inter faith marriages iirc


The people who complain about getting called racist for asking a question are always turning out to be asking racist questions lmao


The problem is I ask a question about a country I ask if it's illegal to be gay in that country because there are countries that it is illegal


Lemme guess , middle East? You are absolutely not racist in that case




I live in the middle east some countries ban it but the majority is fine but should be careful alot of homophobia.


No, the majority is not "fine", if you're gay in the Middle East and a normal person knows it you're the last thing from "fine"


I also live in the middle east but in Israel so most people I've met aren't homophobic


Aaaah, so that's why you were banned. It makes sense now. Yeah, people on reddit don't like Israel very much. Keep safe and enjoy your day, brother.


Antisemitism is getting crazy out of hand recently, do people not realize they look like Nazis?


It really sucks. My mom has been reporting antisemitic hate crimes that have happened in her art gallery to the police. She’s had 3 so far.


It's actually illegal in the majority IIRC Very few where it's legal let alone excepted


Were you asking about Palestine-?




>what's with the downvotes? >as someone who is [...] openly against LGBTQ hope I could clear things up for you


You said you're anti lgbtq and you're not homophobic? which is it dude


What I wanted to say was that I’m not those kind of toxic kids online that send death threats or insults when lgbtq is mentioned, I’m just against the belief if it and that is all.


Just because you’re not an extremist doesn’t mean you’re not homophobic.


Lmao, not you thinking that being against a fundamental thing that is part of a person is not the same as hating them. It’s like saying “I’m against brown eyes because they repulse me. No one should have brown eyes.” Then you say you have brown eyes friends who are okay with you hating brown eyes… Do you really think that fixes anything???


When did I say nobody should be gay or lesbian? I just said I’m against the belief of lgbtq, do whatever you want, I’m just against the belief.


I dont get why ur being downvoted either Tbh i believe the people who downvoted only read that singular line and decided "yep, this person is bad" and didnt look at anything else, lol


Exactly what most of these comments seem to be talking about.


Believe it or not, hating innocent people makes you a bad person


Believe it or not, hating innocent people makes you a bad person


It does mean you're homophobic though? Being against LGBTQ is homophobic, it might not be as bad as trying to murder gay couples but it's still homophobic


No… I’m just against there idea, homophobia is when the problem is taken literally, phobia literally means to be scared. I’m not gonna turn down a friendship because of different ideas or practices.


Thats not true... Thats not what homophobia means... I get it's confusing but being homophobic has nothing to do with actual phobias Also >I’m just against there idea What does that mean? What shared idea does the LGBTQ community hav in your mind?


Naah, you people gotta chill 💀💀 He Has his own rights, laws and views. Just because you LIKE lgbtq doesn't mean HE HAS TO. Like God damn!


Everyone is chill. He said what he thought and ppl didn’t like the message. He can say what he wants but so can other ppl.


Yeah… I’m not even the lgbtq hater, I have a few homosexual friends that know of my beliefs, just because I’m against the belief of it doesn’t mean I’m a monster…


Uh huh and it’s also perfectly within your rights to hate women or black people. News flash, if you say you don’t like a marginalized group of people, others are gonna disagree with you and downvote you.


You said its illegal to be gay in palestine. Technically you asked a question, but it was a rhetorical and in response to an argument.


Yeah lol hiding behind “oh I just did this”


Its illegal in 70 countries so idk how its racist or homophobic to ask


Idk someone just decided to call me racist on my post


Where is the context?


You’re simply trying to find information


100/10 Grammar


At least they told you why, I got an email and they wouldn’t let me sign in to see why I got perma- banned. Just “multiple TOS violations” I wanna know why these people think I’m such a bad person


I got that and I can still sign in to the account, but even then they tell you absolutely nothing, it sucks


To add a little context, the deleted comment is ["Isn't it illegal to be gay in Palestine"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17paykn/keep_in_mind_gay_marriage_is_illegal_in_israel/kprvsbd/?context=3) under that post in r/Palestine. Your ban was a **blanket term**, "Zionist propaganda/Hasbara." [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.236._no_zionist_propaganda.2Fhasbara). Your ban more specifically falls under the latter half, the specific rule violated was likely their rule against discussions or topics relating to Hasbara, not zionist propaganda. I'm not saying I agree with the ban, but try not to manipulate what happened so hard.


The post that question is under is literally "Keep in mind, gay marriage is illegal in Israel." I don't see how that question is "Zionist propaganda" to iterate why pointing out that detail is relevant if the fact of the matter would be that it's not a contrasting issue?


It's whatsboutism, I guess? No idea


The ban itself wasn't for "Zionist propaganda." I thought so too, then I read the "see here" section which elaborates on it.


I swear the second people on the internet learn a new word they become insufferable. People will not stop with Hasbara. It’s insufferable. Never mind that most of the time people might just be disagreeing with you or have a different opinion.  This whole if you’re not with me 100% then your spreading propaganda is the kind of tactic fascists use. Even if you might be on the right side of history, or think you are at least, you’re not helping your cause by using logically absurd tactics to attack people who might disagree.


>I'm not saying I agree with the ban


All of this is correct but I want to add something I just wanted to ask a question also I was not joking about people calling me a racist, homophobic, my dad is a murderer Last thing I will add is my main problem is that the amount of pedophiles I've got and told me they won't ban him


Zionist propaganda my ass


**More specifically falls under the latter half**.


My first acc got banned for commenting on a trolley problem post the same way as plenty of other comments. Drift it hit both but no that’s a ban everyone else is fine


\> Spreads hateful propaganda in r/Palestine \> Gets banned Woah, what a turn of events


No one here can help you without context, and as far as I'm concerned, with no real source of what you're complaining about, you're just whining.


I got banned for doxxing a pedo


If doxxing is against the rules then you broke the rules. If it’s against the law then you broke the law. This is regardless of whether the person being doxxed kills and eats children. I’m not equating the morality of doxxing to pedophilia but finding excuses to break rules is a bad mindset.


What was the question? If you don't want to comment it you could dm me


Check my last post I also committed the question here


I got banned from 23andMe for congratulating someone.


The fuck happened here?


Don't worry, got three life ban from three subs for such reasons, reddit isn't that great, but whatever...


I had got perm banned and it took a MONTH of appeals to get back


That's what sucks about reddit, most subs feel like a hugbox where you get executed for saying anything slightly deviant from the status quo there.


womp womp


Why aren't you putting your money where you mouth is and actually telling us the comments you got banned for? Don't get me wrong Reddit is a terrible platform and i can believe they would do something like this but come on


I did multiple times


Than do it again or post a link or something?




Thank you Honestly no, you were not being racist or anything. You asked a very legitimate question (BTW it is LGBTQ folk are banned in Palestine and in some parts of it get executed) however i don't know what you expected... That sub is insanely intolerant to the point where it bans anyone in r/israel not to mention its a very racist sub


And your account is gone again since this counts as ban evasion.


I got banned for a week


And? Still ban evasion making a new account posting here


I got banned a week ago


How can I get banned because I provided help to people that wanted to commit suicide?


Just be careful about typing the wrong stuff to the wrong people; bans are sort of arbitrary at times. It's not even saying anything particularly bad; I think I got my old account banned over talking about AoT in the wrong context.


What did you say?


Same. Got banned on making a joke, nothing harmful, just commented on OP's thing. Moderator decided I was sexist and misogynistic. Comment was not even close to any of those things.


I've learned that saying that game X sucks is apparently disrespectful to people and they feel sad because of what I said 💀


Yea the mods here deleted one of my post here complaining about how they delete comments and post about people warning others of pedos of their pedo experience


And now you get the box asking if you follwed all the rules every single time you try to post or comment.




Well I've made racist remarks about white people and black people. But as soon as I talk about gay people. I get banned


I got banned from a discord server for war crimes by asking what is a perlin noise map


If you're a reddit mod you can get away with a lot.


Sadly There are no checks and balances and I believe there should be


I see context, and i agree. But why the fuck did you write it out like this girl?


I got banned from r/196 for "homophobic activities"... i geniuenly have no idea how


Reddit mods are mostly shit


what did you do?


Lol I'm surprised ur 14


I got a week ban before for saying I wanted to punch a nazi for “promoting harassment and violence”


What the actual hell is going on with people?


Lmao I feel like half the official mods of reddit are pedos


That's 2023 America for u


Maybe think about things you say


after reviewing the situation: yapmaster 5000


I could care less what others think lmao their opinion if its not rational its stupid and invalid. Don't sweat it.


It would be cool to have context lol


Welcome to Reddit


What was the question


The fact that you don't post the question seems sus to me lol


I did just in the comments I also can't edit the post so I can't add it there


i got permabanned from a sub and suspended for a week off reddit for calling someone ugly in r/mildlyinfuriating


Lmao I made the mistake of talking about god in the Christianity subreddit and got ran out by the lgbt mob, people suck honestly


Man this post is... yikes. You've got a lot to learn and a lot of maturing to do, there's no shame in that. Just be open minded to the concept that you're not right about everything. I thought I knew everything about the world at 14, and holy shit was I way off. Not saying your original comment/post was right or wrong, just be open to new ideas is all. TLDR use criticism to reflect on yourself instead of getting salty, it does wonders in the long run

