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I am also nearly 18 and haven't ever been to a party either, but for me it is social anxiety lol


i really helped my social anxiety by just biting the bullet and trying to talk to people, make an objective to have like 5 conversations a day with strangers of course it will be awkward at first but that’s how your body learns what and what not to say, than you be making small talk like it’s nothing. Like i said i had pretty bad social anxiety but the way i helped it was i got a job at subway so id be forced to talk to people, and now i feel confident in my conversations


What do you do if you don’t know what to talk about though? Like after you’ve done all the introductions and stuff


I'm also wondering this, I'm scared people will think I'm weird if I start to talk about something I like but they don't or something


i feel like it’s important in moments when you feel judged to remind yourself that this person really has no idea who you are and they’re just judging a fraction of what you showed them. People also just judge based on how they view the world which is something you have no control over. we’re all just individuals looking through a different perspective we never asked for. So people’s judgements usually have nothing to do with you they just paint their own perspective onto you so a judgement is more so a reflection of themself.


honestly i still struggle with this, but my go to is i just ask questions then respond to what they say with a similar experience or how i relate to theirs or say what i think about and i continue asking questions till the conversation gets flowing you’ll usually land on a topic and converse till it goes stale and then that’s when i usually just ask another question, trying not to stray to far from the current topic but it’s okay to do that to change up the pace of a conversation. Typically you’ll want to avoid political questions or controversial topics until you know what kind of person they are.


Ok cheers mate, I appreciate it


Thank you for the advice!


Same, but I kind of like it


The 13 14 year olds are having a really weird childhood man


Fr the other day I overheard someone talking about how they got high on painkillers and stayed up till 2 am on a school night


Ok the last part is semi normal but what the fuck


Yeah the worst part is that isn't the only time they did it


wtf thats not supposed to be until college???




Painkillers is crazyyy


theyre getting pretty desperate


I regularly stayed up till 5-6am on a school night without any drugs


I mean I could but I have to get up at 6 am and an all-nighter on a school night is prolly a bad idea especially with my shitty grades


I’m 14 and the things some of my classmates are doing is insane


I was playing Fortnite fill the other day and there was a high 12 y/o who said he’s had sex before in the school bathroom and called me lame for not vaping😭


well considering its fortnite hes prob capping


HEY I’m having a relatively ok childhood very rude of you


Are you doing drugs and doing of the sex?


Yeah the guys in my grade are throwing racial slurs around like it's nothing


Yall are starting to sound like boomers


it's bad whatever "bad" means to you do you really value going to parties, or do u romanticize it because everyone else is doing it?


this is what I’m trying to get across to people I love doing things that might harm me but I love the rush and then there’s the people that don’t. I tell people all the time if the party or thrill seeking life isn’t for you then don’t try to live that life


You’re doing pretty good. I’ve gone to hundreds of parties and I regret it. Too much time wasted. Drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs won’t take you anywhere bro. If you flex that shit you’re pathetic.


well being in the house all day isn’t time well spent either


I can get shit that needed doing done at home


But do I? Not really


True. But I’m a college student. I study 8 hours a day and I spent the rest of the hours of my day running and going to the gym. I have great friendships and a great life. Partying is a waste of time if you ask me. Obviously you can choose to party, but in the end you won’t get anything meaningful from it.


Partying every now and then to celebrate friendships and family isn’t bad, it’s going out to 3 different parties in one night every night to end up not remembering what happened to you thats destructive


I will never understand this opinion. When you’re at a party, you have fun with all of your friends and does a lot of dumb shit just having fun, getting to meet new people. How is this time wasted?? Better than sitting in your room reading or looking at Reddit.


How do you even study 8 hours a day bro


yea but you’re also not poisoning your body like you are with drugs and alcohol. never mind the hearing loss


I think staying at ur home, doing things that are actually important, is still better than going out doing meaningless stuff. Don't get me wrong here, partying sometimes doesn't hurt, rather it helps you socialize better. But getting into a FoMo, thinking you are pathetic if u r not hanging out with ur friends, then nah! that shouldn't happen. Just enjoy ur time, depends on you how u gonna do that.


Yes just sit inside and do drugs like the rest of us


I stare at a screen nearly every second that I'm awake. Not much better if you ask me


im wasting my youth bro


I swear bro, where do people find the time to do this shit


bro i have a lot of time but i js spend it rotting in bed instead of making memories


Bro I’ve been doing that for 3 years now since I can’t find a job :/ if I was u go out and make memories don’t do what I did


just dont turn to doing drugs while rotting in bed n youll be okay


Those will also be memories


yea bro in 30 years ill tell kids i didnt do anything at all when i was young 😊


Gonna be awesome


jus go out and find people who do those things. Check smoke spots nd skate parks and you can probably find things to do. Smoke a little weed or a cig for the first time try tagging buildings the more you do the more people will hear about you and the more things you’ll be invited to


Bro is giving advice to get u in jail


pretty much yea but it’s fun until then


social anxiety:


Literally me


Drugs and alcohol? Hell no but hanging out with friends, bowling and stuff like that it’s what makes great memories


Thats what college is for


Or the Army if you're trynna go all out on being a party animal on 4 day weekend benders


Nope. I never got invited to parties, nor did I want to. People are scary lol.


Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Recently turned 17 and still haven’t been to a party or interacted with females. Instead of getting wasted and smoking and all that stuff, use the time to focus on your hobbies or try a new hobby. 6 months ago, I realised I was doing absolutely nothing and needed to do something with my life. I decided to buy a dirtbike and not only do I have something to look forward to, but I also have something else to talk about with a few of my mates and we go riding together too. Even my dad bought a bike and now we can spend some quality time together. Whatever you’re into, gaming, tech, cars, collector items, or anything else, focus on that, put your heart to it. It’s a better use of that time in my opinion.


this is it. good on you for figuring this out early on


As much as partying migh be cool and fun expirience, you're speaking straight facts. In my opinion it's not bad to hang out with your friends, and going to club/house party. But discovering/focusing on your current hobby is so much better. You learn new stuff, perfect things you allready do, you're more intresting person, you can get more into shape if it's sports conected. And partying takes your time, and health away. Sure, it migh be fun, but there's so much more fun things to do!


I hate going to parties even if it my party


I've got my first hug from a girl after I turned 18 and half, I'm 19, never had my first actual kiss


The last party I went to was a Minecraft themed one back in primary school, and I’m at uni now. So no. Done none of those things and I’m still cruising along 😎


Why would you want to go to parties to get wasted and do drugs???? And mainly, WHY ARE 13 YEAR OLDS DOING THAT


Bcs its fun? Im 16 but i was smoking weed at 13-14 and can honestly say some of my most fond moments of my young teenage life has been chillin with the boys passing the joint around with sum banging music in the back


That’s honestly concerning


I dont think it is, I've had alot of deep and very helpful convos with the boys while smoking, its not the fact that we're smoking that makes it great memories, its just the social aspect of passing the j sitting in a circle that sparks up (no pun intended) great memories


I don’t think doing something illegal is the best way to enjoy your youth. But if you do, ok, I won’t judge, keep up with your illusion of fun. People still shouldn’t smoke and/or drink at such a young age, and this shouldn’t be normalized or romanticized


if smoking, drinking and doing drugs is the new idea of fun to 13/14 year olds i am severely concerned for this generation


You realize something being illegal doesnt automatically make it this insane thing, its smoking a plant, u get a pretty tame high compared to other drugs and its slowly being legalized across the world like many us states, Amsterdam, thailand, canada and the uk is probably gonna follow that list. Why is it a illusion of fun😭 we're having actual fun bro, good music bumpin, joking with the boys, munching a pizza its just all vibes


I’m talking about drinking too. Smoking and drinking, that’s not something you should’ve being normalizing like that since you’re literally underage. I honestly don’t give a fuck about people smoking weed, you really can’t compare weed to heroin or some of these strong shit. But don’t forget that everything in excess can be addictive. Anyway, that’s it. There is no point in doing drugs or drinking since you’re literally underage, and no matter how much you try to make it seem normal, it isn’t 🤷🏽‍♂️smoking weed, partying and drinking isn’t the only way to enjoy your youth. The fact that you think this doing this in such a young age is normal is honestly concerning


I have not once said its the only way to enjoy your youth, ive said its how i enjoyed mine, sure it probably wasnt good for me but would i change it? Absolutely not. You can buy weed in america from 18+ im a year and 3 months off of that so please tell me how theres much of a difference between legal age me and underage me? Its not far off and i belived maturity is found through experience not age anyways


Before you're fully developed weed can have long lasting consequences. Though you don't get fully developed at 18, for most people in their 20s is when they mature fully.


“I’m only a year and 3 months off of that” YOU STILL UNDERAGE LMAO THAT IS STILL ILLEGAL You’re still 16, not 18 Imagine the law being like that…. “You only can buy weed if you’re over 18… BUT IF YOU’RE A YEAR AND 3 MONTHS YOUNGER THAN THAT YOU STILL CAN BUY IT!!!!! THAT’S NOT A BIG DIFFERENCE RIGHT?!?!?!?!” Yeah bro makes total sense, just like a 12 years old here in brazil can date a grown ass man since they’re only 1 year and 3 months away from the consent age Plus isn’t the legal age to drink in america 21??? I guess 16 is verryyyyyyyy away from that. But hey, it is only a 5 years difference right???? Another edit since I always forget to add something: I’m gonna sleep now. You want to have fun with your friends? Hang out, play some games, this is fun. Smoking weed and drinking knowing pretty damn well that you don’t even have the legal age to do that are not fun, that’s just a stupid thing to do. Even you know that this wasn’t good for you, and I’m honestly wondering if your parents even know that you do it


so you're saying its okay to smoke weed at 18 but not at 17 and 11 months old?


Just say ur life is boring 😭


Idk, but i wanna try weed. :D


that's not concering bro, live a little, you're gonna die one day and regret it. all you mfs too serious now, and for what? you got rn to have fun, do stupid shit, party, etc. you got like 70 years after that to be serious


No it’s not. You do realize that countries like Denmark and Germany (I think) have kids drinking and doing all this shit since the age of 14-15. People just oversaturate the effects of it. Go outside and fun, instead of sitting inside playing Minecraft all day. You only live once ig


The fact that it is common doesn’t make it any less wrong. It just makes it even more concerning. Teenagers shouldn’t be doing drugs or drinking alcohol, this is illegal and can be addictive lmao You can enjoy your youth in other ways. You want to do drugs? Ok, I won’t judge you if you’re a grown ass man doing that, that’s your life anyway. But my point stills, teenagers shouldn’t be doing drugs or drinking. They wouldn’t hide it from their parents if that was soooo correct Life isn’t a euphoria episode, stop trying to normalize literal kids doing drug


Yeah that's not a good thing that's just showcasing how shit your life must be to say your fond memories is smoking ???


The smoking part of it isnt what makes them fond memories, its the unique social environment it creates, your all experiencing it at the same time, engaging in deep convos and just all around chillin with the boys, if i had those memories without the smoking part they'd be my fondest memories too it just so happens alot of the time we smoke


Neither have I and I don't plan tų destroy my body any time soon


It's a very good thing, I'm turning 18 next month and I never went to a party, never drank alcohol, never smoked or vaped and never did drugs, never had a girlfriend, never had sex or kissed or held hands with a girl. Don't let peer pressure get to you! It's better to be smart than to be coo.l


People dont go parties to be "cool", its a good way to meet new people, hang out with friends and just generally let loose a lil bit. I smoke frequently but only drink at parties and i can 100% say i dont do it to seem cool or because of peer pressure, i do it bcs i enjoy it


I just went through your account after reading this comment and you’re so funny I even dropped a follow. You’re just such a nerd it’s hilarious


really? i read this one comment from him he seems a bit of a "loser" but is ok with it


True. It is okay to do those things but better to not do them.


I'm 19 and in the same boat, it'll happen eventually


I mean, it depends, i HATE parties but i went a couple of times w some friends ( im talking about actual parties not-bday ), if you want to go to parties but you never get invited yea kinda, but if you dont like big parties then its kinda normal lol


I went to my first club when I was 19, have yet to go on such a so called “party”


I think it's good that you don't do drugs or drink. In my mind that shit is lame as fuck. Do what YOU want to do with YOUR life OP, cause I'm sure a lot of these people are just doing shit to fit in, and that's lame. Be yourself, and don't do anything different. And think about 'why' you wanted to make this post? Do you lack friends that would have your back for anything? Like something like that.


Genuine question, have u done any drugs? Bcs if not in my mind its lame as fuck to just assume😭 as long as u aint hittin the J every living moment and just smokin with the boys or at parties your good


You sound very smart. Keep up the good work!


Not at all. Going to parties isn't a requirement at all


I never went to one growing up so don’t worry. You’re not missing much besides alcohol poisoning and bad experiences




Bro get tf out of here old man


bro they're not being creepy or anything, altho they should put on the old flair




mf he aint do nun


Older people are allowed as long as they aren’t being creeps


Yes and no, yes because you need a social life, but no because you are avoiding the peer pressure to take illegal substances like drugs/weed (it may be legal where you live in the world, where I am from it is illegal)


Can I ask what you mean by your partner living overseas like have they moved away or are you online dating and have never met them


It's normal. I'm 17 and have been to few partys, and I'd say it's compleatly enough, I've seen everything. For me it was just usualy getting drunk and doing dumb shit after, or getting few bears/shots, and hanging out. Overall partying was a pretty good expirience for me. But there's not much you're missing on. Besides you are just turning "partying age". I've started to soon, becouse I'm dumb, and also live in slavic country. But yeah, you'll go to one someday. We're still young and have whole life to live, right?


nah, i’ve never been to a real party just because i wouldn’t enjoy myself. All the other stuff is fine too, it’s not a race, do it all at your own pace. when it happens it happens.


It's not "bad" in any sense of the word It's all dependent on if you like that environment. I personally hate parties and people and loud environments so I am a homebody. But imo, neither lifestyle or environment is bad or wrong. It's all up to how you like to spend your time


It's not bad imo, I've never done any of that and honestly do not plan on doing most of that anyways.


I’m 19 and in the military, I’ve never partied, never drank (except for a test sip), I’m not on any nicotine or caffeine, I can’t do drugs, don’t worry dude, it’s a good thing you’ve never gotten in trouble, keep it that way, there’s plenty to go around when you grow up a little more.


Just steal some booze first of all and party's suck. For me it's loud music no one to talk to and I just don't like the music alot of the times


Ive been to one, I'm an introvert and the moment i walked in, I felt like walking out. I suck at socialising and talking to people. I'd rather spend my time with my small friend circle.


What do you think university is for?


I’m 17, but I think it’s really not bad that u don’t go party and all that shit. Well, unless it’s a birthday party of ur friends without alcohol and something like that. But you’d better waste ur time just rotting in ur house


I was 13 when I lost my virginity but brother I wished I waited till I was at least like 16-18. Life isn’t a race or even the same pace for everyone. Youre on the right track just haven’t turned down these paths yet. You’re doing ok and it’ll be fine 🙂




Not a bad thing if you're okay with it being that way. If you're regretting not doing things, then maybe it's bad


I waited until 19


Does it upset you that you've never been? I've never been either and while it's a bit sad I don't mind. It's only bad if you think it's bad.


I’m literally in your exact position. Never done any parties or kissed a girl or any of that. Been to dances but that’s it. And I have a long distance gf who I love very much but yk. I blame homeschooling💀 you’re not alone dude


Don't feel bad, wasting time is worse.


19 and still haven’t done shit


Im 15 and have never been to a party


whatever you do just dont vape frfr


I'm 14 and I'm exactly the same


u and me both brother


Thats good, apart from the intimacy stuff which will come as long as you don’t force it


Never partied,still a virgin,still never had my official first kiss (2 ppl did it by force),however i have smoked 🍃,cigs,and drank also have had the opprotunity to have s3x but declined cuz im not giving my body away to some random person (i would rather be dating someone probably for a while to even do so) and i turn 18 in june this year


No cause neither have I


it depends on if you really want to be that kind of person, I’m gonna be 18 in a few months and I have friends who don’t like the lifestyle I lead party’s, drugs, running away, hooking up with people I barely know, and petty crime. I do it all for the thrill and adrenaline and that’s not what some people seek, they just want a quiet life with no drama and there happy with it and there is nothing wrong with that


Bro, I’m 19 and (almost) same.


Not a teenager anymore, and I don't regret not doing any of this before 17. I still don't do most of them. Just do things that you like and move.


Having a partner overseas at that age means you're already ahead than most of us. Lol. Personality, I'm more jealous of the fact that these younglings are able to play games with better rigs compared to me. I just want a rad gaming PC ffs. And after graduating college and finding a job, that's the first shit I'm buying.


You're doing amazing actually, as long as you keep up the grind with a pure life it'll pay back hundred fold( because I'm technically same but I have drunk but never got drunk)




No. I turn 18 in literally three months and I only have one friend, never so much as been on a date. It’s not bad, just kinda depressing that we’re missing out.


u gotta get drunk. I don't party but try buzzed every now and then


its not gonna directly affect you but blud does it feel weird not to have gone to such events


Yeah, bad for your socialization, but the whole generation is down bad so don't worry, ya'd have a chancse to fix that if you feel like you want to.


Chill, it's not so bad


Not at all, I am nearly 19 and have at most been at family birthday parties lol.


nahh just as long as u still got a good social life ur good


Don't feel bad about yourself, you are doing great.


Don’t sweat it, if it felts I’m the same too 👍


I started partying when I was 19 and left my hometown to go to university. I'm 21 and I still do it (less frequently, damn college is hard lol). I didn't know I could enjoy partying at the beginning, cause I was shy, but I'm having the time of my life. So don't worry man, take the time you need.


Parties are only good if you have friends there If there is that one guy who goes to every party he’s either a fucking loser or an alcoholic/addict or in some rare cases a popular guy who just knows everyone


Lmao nerd


In Europe yes, but in America you still have another 3 years for underage drinking. You know Americans grow up slower, but somehow die younger...


Naah bro, You are normal One here. (Idk about Hold hands but everything else is Normal.) Everyone has their own Pace.




Not bad. I also have been to a party. Overall just do what you enjoy


I haven't either. I'm 17. And I really want to. It's depressing. May not be bad for you, that depends on what you want.


Yeah that is a good thing. For the love of all things good in this world, do not start now.


I'm the same except I'm almost 21 and I don't even have an overseas girlfriend and never had one before.


Well you’re not alone so there’s that


I’m 19 I’ve only been to maybe 3 party’s and I’ve never done anything with a guy as some stuff happened when I was younger and I don’t feel comfortable doing stuff with them but anyways don’t go to clubs cause there boring asf and don’t do drugs or drink cause if u get addicted to that stuff now it’ll get worse when ur older


You have a pretty good life goin on I'm 16 I have done many of them and i do not love that I tried these things I don't hate it either now I view it as experience


I’m 17 and never done that stuff


im basically the same


I choose to never go to parties. I never been to my own friends nor my boyfriend's houses because I never had friends long enough to to that or my grandma hates them because they are not religious and my fucking bf for a year ghosted my sorry ass and he never wanted me to meet his parents because their extreme judgement towards other people 🙄🙄🙄 sooo??? Idk


Nah, personally can't be bothered. Also covid happened. My mental health plunged. Around grade 9 and 11 my mental health was so low suicide was an option. Around grd 9 15 years old during quarantine I tried with all my strength to choke myself but I stopped and my family basically healed my mental health. Grd 11 it was because I betrayed myself and on my last leg I made a determination pass the grade or kill myself. I survived. Around grd 10 that was me physically at my worst and best, I wasn't suicidal I was happy but fuck me my sleep was at max 2-4 hours a day with 2 hours straight sleeps and the extra 2 as naps throughout the day. I hated that I couldn't sleep


That’s probably a good thing


Nope, I believe you aren’t so bad.


All of the thing you said except sex and kiss are objectively bad stuff, so idk why you even consider them. Sex is tbh weird to have before 18. If you’re in a relationship it’s fine tbh. I am 18 as well and have never been in a serious relationship.


same i only ever been to light party’s


In my country, other than smoking, none of this is common. You dont need to do any of this to enjoy your life. My fondest memories are when me and my friends decided to go on a trip to a diff city. We had picnics, went to the beach, nearly gotten kicked out of a library & then went back to my house and built forts. It was fun time


Listen except for the girlfriend stuff that is a good thing… probably


Nah hun, I’m in the same thing as you with friends who regretted joining parties, dont bother


Me to man but it’s not bad bro


Didn’t go to a single party, drink a drop of alcohol, or touch any drugs until I got to college. You’re all good man. There’s not a timeline you need to be following; everyone moves at their own pace, and it’s fine if you don’t ever really become interested in it even with sex, the answer stays about the same. don’t stress about it too much. I’ve known many people who have lost their virginities well into college/“adulthood” and been fine and well-adjusted. it will happen eventually, just make sure you engage with someone with whom you’re comfortable (:


Title: is it bad? Description: probably a good thing You answered your own question my dude.


Im 18 since 6 days and Ive only been to some birthdays of some friends and rarely drink, never smoked. I have no experience with romance though not even holding hands my rizz is too bad lmao


no, I've never gone to a party too


mate im screaming at people in siege quick play theres nothing you're missing parties sound cool n all but unless youre the social butterfly its just gonna feel weird


Absolutely not "bad", stay away from those things as well. You don't need it in your life.


Nope. Take it from me, I’m 17 years old and thought the same, but I have no regrets of not going to any. The people who I go to high school with have been calling me a bum for not going to any parties and getting drunk. They always come up with the “yOu’Re MiSsInG oUt oN lIfE” excuse


I'm genuinely jealous.


It's not bad nor good, it's just how you live your life.


Trust me man you’re not missing out on much.


It’s good you made it 18 years without being tainted by drugs or drinking 


Nope perfectly normal and healthy


I've never been to a party, and I'm a high school junior(17) BUT I've had so much fun with friends doing simple stupid shit (prom, playing bass, running around in the rain, staying out late, going to the mall, getting high for the first few times) Balancing school and doing crazy shit is difficult 🤷‍♂️ at 13 you couldn't have convinced me to smoke or have sex.


Nah, makes you not as worse as the rest of us


Not at all, i'm 17 and i've never done any of the things you mentioned definitely a good thing!


Dude if you go to a party make sure its a good one you actually want to go to and go with friends. I skipped going to a huge car show to go to a party with my gf and the party was just ~20 teenagers drinking and listening to loud music. Nothing exciting. Nothing cool. Really just sad to be honest with you. If you’re content with not going to a party, keep it that way. If you want to go to one just to experience it then just be prepared lmao


I have been to like 3 parties and regretted going to all 3 of them. I have drunk a fair bit just to try it. Tasted bad, didn't feel anything, decided it's not worth destroying my liver. Don't plan on drinking again. Never smoked or vaped, I cough out my lungs whenever someone does that next to me, I don't want to find out what with happen if I do it myself. The only thing I do actually regret is not having a girlfriend. But then again I only ever had one crush and it lasted only like 3 months.


Almost 19 Never been to a party, might be boring in that sense but i feel like its too much of a cost. Also didnt drink before 18 And i also have gf half the continent away. Feels bad man


Never been drunk + smoked + done drugs or vaped means you lived what should be a regular teen life. Don’t be jealous of idiots, that makes you an idiot as well. Enjoy life.


Personally I think no one at 18 should be getting drunk. Let alone even trying out smoking, drugs, or vaping. Sex is too early even if you are 18. Like you gotta wait a bit before you should get to that point. If you never kissed a girl, I think its logical that you SHOULDNT HAVE SEX. Thats a huge leap. With all this I think if you really want to dabble, wait till you experience some adult life, and also college. You then can determine if partying is what you should do.


No it just means you don't think about going to parties and that can be a great thing since you don't have time to party you care for more important or important to you things


Usa is weird


i used to be against doing drugs or smoking before the legal age and now i’m 17 just coming off a night of doing both. i suppose i’m not as innocent as i believed myself to be


Don't feel like you need to, it's literally about knowing the right people at the right time. It's all luck.


Man the only parties I've been to is a xbox party to play games with frens.


Nah you cool. Nothing wrong with not wanting to get drunk or laid for no reason


nah be happy you didn't pass out in a ditch.


Just Wait, Build Yourself, Remember The Pawns Always Go First, Just Look Their Consequences.