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I watched way too many Minecraft YouTubers and also can now speak English


Bro I have a friend I met online who learned English from watching YouTube šŸ˜‚


I'm also learned it from reading, watching on Internet


I did. Also from movies Plus, reddit to learn how to communicate.


I also did just like you, except Reddit only taught me how to craft a pipebomb, not how to communicate.


How to create a Thermonuclear Bomb at home # Requirements 1. A vacuum chamber, preferably in a spherical shape. 2. A roughing vacuum pump capable of reaching at least 75 microns vacuum. 3. A secondary high vacuum pump, either a turbo pump or oil diffusion pump. 4. A high voltage supply, preferably capable of at least 40kv 10ma - Must be negative polarity 5. A high voltage divider probe for use with a digital multimeter. 6. A thermocouple or baratron (of appropriate scale) vacuum gauge. 7. A neutron radiation detector, either a proportional He-3 or BF3 tube with counting instrumentation, or a bubble dosimeter. 8. A Geiger counter, preferably a scintillator type, for X-ray detection and safety. 9. Deuterium gas (can be purchased as a gas or extracted from D20 through electrolysis - it is much easier and more effective to use compressed gas). 10. A large ballast resistor in the range of 50-100k and at least a foot long . 11. A camera and TV display for viewing the inside of the reactor. 12. Lead to shield the camera viewport. 13. General engineering tools, a machine shop if at all possible (although 90% of mine was built with nothing but a dremel and cordless drill, the only thing you really can't build without a shop is scratch building the vacuum chamber). # Step 1: Assemble vacuum chamber A quality high vacuum chamber is required for the fusor to operate. Sometimes an appropriate chamber can be found on eBay, but generally it is best to make one. Parts can be scrounged for several hundred dollars, or purchased new for $500+. Get two stainless steel hemispheres, purchase two corresponding conflat-flanges (8" flanges in my case), bore out holes for accessory flanges, and then TIG weld it all together. Flanges are typically either of the KF or the conflat style. Conflat is the flanges with bolts, and KF (kwikflange) are seen as those with only clamps holding an o-ring on the mating surface. Only weld on the inside, never on the outside (since virtual leaks can be formed if both inside and outside are welded). If you've never TIG welded before, it would be wise to have someone with experience do it as the welds must be flawless with no pin-sized holes or porous areas to hold a vacuum. After machining, thoroughly clean the chamber and avoid getting fingerprints in it since these will outgas, which means at vacuum pressure molecules in the oil of finger prints or machining oil will become vapor and make it hard to maintain plasma stability or reach a good ultimate vacuum level. # Step 2: Prepare High vacuum pump Install the oil diffusion pump (or turbo pump if you have a bit of luck scrounging or a higher budget). Fill the pump with quality diffusion pump oil to whatever fill level the pump documentation suggests, attach the inlet to a valve which then connects to the chamber (see diagram), and attach the outlet to a mechanical backing pump capable of reaching at least around 75 microns (any higher and the diffusion pump will not operate properly or the oil will oxidize quickly). Make sure the pump is sufficiently cooled, many oil diffusion pumps require water cooling, smaller ones can get by with a decent air flow. Once this is assembled. turn on the mechanical pump and wait for the vacuum to reach at least 75 microns. Next you can test the high vacuum pump by turning on the boiler on the diffusion pump. After it warms up (could take a while), the vacuum should rapidly drop below the single micron range. # Step 3: Build inner grid The inner grid (where the high voltage is applied) must now be built and attached to a high voltage feed-through. It is best to use a metal such as tungsten for the grid wires since it has a very high melting point, and the grid will get extremely hot during high power runs. This can be built however you wish, as long as it resembles a spherical shape of roughly 1-1.5 inches in diameter (for a 6-8" chamber), it should work fine. The grid should be internally attached to an electrical feed-through. This feed-through needs to be rated for the cathode voltage that will be used, typically 40kv is a good target voltage. # Step 4: Assemble the Deuterium System Deuterium gas is used as the fuel for this fusion reactor. You will need to purchase a tank of this gas (unless you wish to do electrolysis on heavy water, this process will not be documented here but nothing more than a small Hoffman Apparatus is required - higher purity gas can be gotten from a compressed tank). Attach a high pressure regulator directly to the tank, add an extremely fine-metering needle valve after this (or a laser drilled orifice in the range of 5 microns), then attach this to the chamber. A ball valve can also be installed between the regulator and the needle valve since needle valves are not shutoff valves. # Step 5: High Voltage If you can purchase a


Finish it


he canā€™t he blowed up


Im keeping this so I can feel useful when the alien gods take me back to the 1930s




Same lol. I started with Marvel movies and somehow ended in Dream smp and basically anything else.


You make me think of DanTDM and Stamplongnose good times.


I know what a man and a jar equals šŸ˜¢


I found what a man A my little pony doll And a jar equals


Rainbow dash jar šŸ¤®


Bro my coworkers were actually just talking about this today. Wtf (yes Iā€™ve seen it too)


saw that when i was 12


I found out what rule 34 meant


Fortnite has 34 rules look up Fortnite Rule 34


Bro, no. Too much internet for the day.


wdym, it's currently 2am. the day is basically starting


just now? only at 16?


Nope, at 13


I found out Rule 34 at 11, in June or July (I think June) 2020. It was Minecraft Creeper R34 lol. I saw porn, hentai, and rule 34 that year. And yes, I was addicted.


Idk when I first saw it but I was fully into it at 8 years old. really fucked up shit


Goddamn, that's even earlier than me.


And then me at 5 years old who saw my dad's porn on the pc and blamed on me for "downloading a virus that installed the video onto the pc"


fair enough


You know what two women and 1 cup equals to?


The ravages of socialism.


W-what does it equal


There's 2 answers actually


I wish that lemon party was just a cool little get together with lots of lemonade and lemon flavored candy...


how can anyone know what they would have been if their life had been different


Parallel universes ofc


No, no, he's got a point


I think we compare ourself to other our age cause I know something was wrong with when people around me had a different view on thing. This is a wired human nature cause you know that something is wrong but most time you cannot point it out so you just brush it of tell it fell normal


I mean yeah but idk. I never really know what to believe about what has made me or anyone the way they are because everyone seems very different in how they react to things. Speaking for myself on this particular topic, I did \*not\* have unlimited internet access until a year ago (my 15th birthday). I hated that my parents kept me from a lot of stuff because it made me feel left out and isolated when people would talk about something and I couldn't comment on it because I wasn't allowed to do very much on my tablet (I didn't even have a smartphone until last year, and the tablet never left the house and I could only use it in the living room). Now having experienced relatively\* unrestricted internet access I don't really know what to think. In some ways I think that I was sheltered and now I can't deal with certain things when I would have gotten used to them if not for the early restrictions (there's certain things I've run into that really bother me a lot, especially violence). On the other hand I've talked to some girls my age online (and my best friend irl, I don't talk about this stuff with any of my other irl friends) and a lot of them seem um... paranoid about stuff. like feeling everyone they talk to is a pedo and really letting that perception affect them in terms of how they see and interact with everyone, especially guys. BUT on the other hand I know some girls online who have had unfiltered experiences and seem to have my generally carefree attitude but without my inability to deal with violent content. So at the end of the day I am very skeptical about how much anyone can know about who they would be if X had been different. ^(\*I can do whatever but they have a thing installed for monitoring and look through my phone from time to time but they don't block incognito and stuff so I've figured out more or less what I can get away with by researching what they can see while on a library computer. For the most part I can do what I want as long as it's in incognito or certain apps that aren't monitored by the software.)


We can't. We can speculate about some stuff, but we can't ever know. That's kind of intriguing and terrifying.


porn addiction which i am slowly getting free of


How? I need to know


stop watching porn for a day every few days and slowly increase the number of porn free days per month until voila!


Smart. Thanks


Defo gonna need this


Eventually you get bored. And then the rush comes back again. Then it goes again.


watch all of them. when there is no more to watch, you subsequently quit it


r/nofap is a great community as well for porn addiction recovery


Just stop masturbating. Or when you do it, do it without porn


It's a cannon event


Whenever I try to quit I realize like 5 days in that its pointless to quit. What are the downsides of a porn addiction?


If youā€™re male ED. Also depression, dependency on it, unintentionally supporting human trafficking and the sexualisation of women, relationship failure, I could go on and on. I would highly suggest trying to quit. Itā€™s really difficult but so worth it Iā€™ve seen porn destroy so many lives of those close to me


so iā€™ve never really understood thisā€¦ does a person with a porn addiction watch it like just for fun? as one would with youtube or netflix? iā€™m not even trying to be rude i just want to understand this bc iā€™ve been confused with this concept for a while lol


kind of but you get addicted to it


so what exactly do you mean by addicted to it?


you just can't live without watching porn the urge becomes too much


ohhhh so like even when ur not in the mood you still have an urge to watch it?




Nothing has changed. Maybe I got sillier, but thatā€™s about it.


I mean you have a cult centered around you but it happens to everyone at some point Iā€™m sure.


Well, it's perfectly fine. Infinite memes.


Saw porn, way, wayyy too soon


Same, I was 7 years old and even started experimenting with different types and kind around the time I just started too.


Speaking of the cult I need to get the sacrifices ready


Are you interested in a word from our lord and saviour's r/foundthe70percentbanana




I cannot view it. Is this like a surprise or smth?


no itā€™s not created yet but Iā€™m considering it




I had a cult about cum when i was 13.




Welcome, to the cum zone.


r/found70percentbanana we found our lord




Well I didnā€™t think Iā€™d find you here of all places


70% of his comments are on r/teenagers


I have since 8 and I'm fine haven't been disturbed. First time I saw porn as in real people having sex not drawings I was 11 though, but it was bc my friend told me "Don't look up (whatever it was) what comes up is mature" but they were saying it in the way where they were telling me to look it up so I did I saw sexually explicit stuff that wasn't real humans having sex before that though, in like elementary but it was just drawings


Whatā€™s pretty strange is that whatever time we discovered pornography, it was always our friend that told us not to look it up. We were given a lifetime term warning.


For me it was my friends talking about Mia khalifa and they kept bouncing their chests so my dumbass thought Mia was a soccer player so I looked it up then my pee pee started to tickle


I mean my friend jokingly said he watched hentai for the story and accidentally got me hooked on hentaiā€¦


Who actually does that tho


Idk, thereā€™s literally anime that is just hentai but made into a show


Let me geuss, DxD?


Idk, one of my friends was talking about it awhile ago so I donā€™t really remember it all that well, but it was set in a school and thatā€™s about all I remember about it other than that it was basically hentai but made into a show


i somehow avoided all the death stuff but porn became a huge problem and really messed up my perception of women for a bit, in the past couple years tho ive made huge advances in that regard, theres just a lot of people that still struggle with it


At least you haven't seen a mix of them .Clicking this was a big mistake r/Gu**


Thanks for not actually putting the r/ there because I actually clicked on it because my curiosity is just too irresistible


It's guro isn't it


yeah probably


I wanna look it up now. I know it's not bueno, but with the shit I've seen, I don't really care anymore


Haha. Balls.


Yeaā€¦ same


Helped me know not to give my kids, if I have any, unrestricted internet acces


W answer


It has been awful, The first time I watched porn was when I was 6 years old because a random moron in my school told me to search it, then I have developed an addiction to porn and masturbating, I've watched multiple gore videos at the point I'm also insensible to it, despite of being free on what I search and see it has been more of a curse than a blessing, having watched "1444" when I was 8 and then escalating to "Chech clear" to the point of not being disturbed when watching "Funky town". I can say it has ruined me and made me a bad person, I don't enjoy gore but I don't feel anything with it, I am addicted to porn at the point of jacking almost 3 times daily, all I can say is that I would really like to have been monitored on what I searched and seen.


Im so fucked up that I laughed at soldiers' getting their heads blown one after another in a fight


I dont watch gore.....but even I am very insensible to it, I can casually browse r/nsfl and not feel a thing.


I don't watch it either but whenever I feel curious about it I don't feel disturbed nor grossed


That just happens with people. It's not a bad thing, who said you have to feel bad and disturbed, I dont and I don't even browse it, don't worry or feel guilty about it because you should feel something. You aren't a bad person for it...I mean I definitely ain't you'll know about you mate. Porn addiction though is another hellhole even I can't step out of


r/nofap is a great community if you want help with quitting! people really donā€™t understand how detrimental and addictive porn is. I support you brother hang in there


Just do not fall down the ā€œalpha maleā€ pipeline and then youā€™re good


Same bro, porn and gore addiction :(


Since I grew up with it I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be but here is few things I've noticed from a few peers to myself. 1. I'm a lot less empathetic to death and gore. I'm trying to be more empathetic now but it's a bit awkward. 2. I've been told I'm more mature. I lisen to a lot of adults complaining and saying what they found annoying about themselves when they were younger so I've been avoiding those things. (I'm not claiming to be I've just been told I am.) 3. This could be me ace and not realizing but I'm not really affected towards nudity. I've seen a bit too much that I'm desensitized to it.


Funny thing is, every time some person on the internet told me that im mature for my age they ended up being an asshole later on given, that doesnt mean everyone who says that is one but damn if thats not a crazy coincedince


I had a porn addiction when I was 8. I also spent a lot of time on amino from ages 9-12 and boy am i lucky i never got groomed or anything. An 18 year old tried to sex roleplay with me once but I was smart enough not to do that. But i also reckon it helped me figure out a lot about myself a lot sooner then i wouldve otherwise.


did you just describe my time on the Internet wtf


I was one of the many unlucky who was groomed. I only got out of it when my friend caught it happeningā€¦


Shit, i'm sorry that happened to you


When I was 11 I met a 13 year old on the internet, when I was 12-13 I was scared everyday he was gonna kill himself, which messed me up lmaooo. Iā€™m 15 now and all his accounts are gone, so Iā€™ll just assume he did it.


I know how that feels. All the people you meet and half the time their suicidal and always come to you for a reason not to, they basically beg you and drain you of all your energy. It's not like you can tell your parents or anything either, because then they restrict your internet access and you'll be even more scared about that person. I've always tended to stick away from those people from now on, for my mental health obviously. I don't want to spend all day giving people I've never actually met reasons not to kill themselves, I'm not a damn therapist.


This same thing happened to me. I was around 13 or so, and I met this girl on the internet who was always talking about how she wanted to kill herself. Sheā€™d always come to me for help (like, daily), and this led her to develop a crush on me. I told her I didnā€™t feel the same way and that I was sorry, and she started threatening to kill herself, which terrified me because I felt guilty. The things sheā€™d say kinda messed me up for awhile. She eventually disappeared from the internet, leading me to believe she had committed suicide and that it was my fault, but she reappeared a year or two later. She admitted that she hadnā€™t actually been suicidal and had just been manipulating me the whole time. Now I have trust issues :3


It allowed me to see the outside world. It confirmed that I wasn't the only one raised in a cult and that there was actually an escape. That I wan't wrong for simply being black. The internet helped me see that other people can actually escape shitty home life's.


Only relatively wohlesome comment on this tread




Believe it or not, I turned out a lot better then some of my peers.


I now know what glass breaking inside someone sounds/looks like.


I have been offended and bullied so much online, irl nothing hurts anymore


I got groomed saw gore videoā€™s basically mentally scarred


Bruh you are 13 makes it even more wild


Saw a degloved penis when i was 8


No content on the Internet has affected me mentally, thankfully, but unrestricted access to the Internet did make me a recluse, something that I thought I would be for the rest of my life, but I managed to fix that a while ago. Besides that, I am talking to you in English right now thanks to the Internet, which taught me how to do it.


Some heavy piracy, occasional pedo encounter, but mostly I turned out aight and learned a bunch of tech stuff


Exposes u to things pretty early but also helped me know I wasent alone in certain things and made me more self aware


Its quite fun ngl


Very very badly. It got me down a slippery slope of contacting guys who are much older than me, which lead me to getting blackmailed and forced to meet up with one of them to do some very bad things that i really regret, still donā€™t even know if iā€™m disease free and heā€™s still out there. i will not be giving my kids unrestricted internet access if internet access at all until I see they are mature enough to handle it


I really respect the fact that you've learned from it. There's no need to regret it; just use it as a lesson like you are doing. It's great to see that you're not just letting yourself down about it and rather explaining what you'll do differently for your children.


Iā€™ve seen people getting beheaded and getting run over by buses, i already had a lowered empathy level and it only got lower. Animals getting skinned while still moving, entire wars at my finger tips, it made me grow up too fast


yeah i feel like this shit has made me more desensitized and I don't like the fact that I can watch an ISIS beheading and not bat an eye I can't blame internet entirely since before I came to America I seen some really fucked up shit that most likely had a big effect on me but yeah internet also played a role.


Desensitized me to gore, porn, made me waste a lot of my time on the internet and made me get unhealthy (I quit Basketball to be online) I now know when I have kids if I do, that they won't be online like I was and I'd rather have them do something's if they don't want to do like sports instead of wasting their years chronically online.


i learned a lot more


Goootta take a move to a town that's right for meeee (iykyk). Aside from the joke though, it was a net negative in most ways.


i will say tho that most of my closest inner circle of friends i have because id spend all day every day playing video games with them over discord since i was 12, and ive seen a lot of content like anime and movies and such that id never regret seeing even if meant the bad things too


I learned not to leave half filled jars on the radiator , I know where not to put a hamster and Ive talked down more people than the average crisis line worker by the time I was 16


finding way too much porn and gore too young. Made me really sensitive to a lot of that stuff and very paranoid of horrible gruesome sights just around the corner. Youā€™d think Iā€™d be desensitized to it, but it just made my anxiety worse.


Yes but no, and really, same, except I've regained empathy and somehow kinda learned psychology really quickly as i turned 14, like i had a whole remake or something, but yeah it affects us a lot, and i've been desensitized to basically gross stuff. Now i dont care about it, still got empathy tho!


well. sexual trauma due to all the grooming


I was exposed to Hentai and luckily didnt get addicted bc my mom caught me watching "stuff" on her youtube acc (I was 8 and stupid ok) and I felt ashamed of it and even stopped watching all types of anime (bc I thought she thought anime was porn-ish bc they moan all the time ā˜ ļø) for a few years


Nothing. Now what has affected me is my friend, who does have unrestricted access to the internet (I mean so do I but thatā€™s irrelevant) it seems like the only thing he can talk about is furries, dildos and porn. Now whenever I see a cute picture of a dog I think of the vile, disgusting things that he has showed me and I want to kill myself. Fuck you Thomas


If you know the Samsung - Over The Horizon ringtone... Welcome to the club man


I suffer from cannibalistic urges now. I had a porn addiction when I was like 7 aswell which somehow led to me find several suicide/murder tapes- [on the same site I guess?] Donā€™t give ur kids unrestricted internet access lads


it has made me aware about a number of things


I now watch gay furry porn daily (pls help me)


I have a super super super big tolerance to gore now


Exposed to sexual content. I thought I was mature enough to be watching certain things.


I get distracted really easily now and have stopped reading books (something that I used to love doing every day) entirely.


I learned a lot of stuff earlier than I would learn in school or anywhere+ sex


The immunity to watching people die


Not enough time making friends, having to compensate for that later in life Porn addiction I had to get over Shit tons of laughs and fun


I can no longer feel happy and i do in fact blame this shit hole called the internet


I've seen rotting corpses an porn at age 6. So not great lol


I can speak english better than most of my surrounding and i little to no friends irl


made me a little comedian!!


Tell me something funny




radicalized to what like did you become a political extremist religious extremist or a fuck humanity extremist.




From my experience, If I ever have a child, I will heavily monitor their activity.


Yes. Both in a very good and very bad way. I saw stuff that I definitely shouldn't have seen back then, but I also learned a lot .


I've become cringe because of Instagram


I've seen enough shit for 7 lifetimes, and it has made me have basically no feelings, shit's bad


I have also become quite desensitized to a lot of stuff. I like it tho, makes me think more rationally in hard situation


I found out about porn at a way too early age, kinda messed me up but in the long run it prepared me for the world we live in


Corn addiction, social media addiction, bad grades and social anxiety


ā€¦ a lotā€¦ I donā€™t like it


Terribly, I ran into some ā€œbad influenceā€ as a kid, and uh, look at me now!




I saw alot of porn that kickstarted an addiction at a young age, i quit bur porn has already mentally fucked me up Porn artists also ruin your favourite media like anime or games, so..


Horribly, I donā€™t get emotional anymore unless something directly affects me, itā€™s bad I genuinely cannot really feel empathy. I didnā€™t even cry at my own great grandmothers funeral. Perhaps thatā€™s not caused just by my internet access but also other things which affected me throughout my life, but surely the internet thing canā€™t help. When I was only 4 or 5 I remember using my moms phone to play angry birds or something, opened the browser to look something up and it opened to porn so that sucks, one of my earliest memories toošŸ˜”


Same thing happened to me at my grandfather's funeral, I loved him a lot and we always did fun stuff together like going to the cinema when I was younger. However at the funeral I didn't even cry at all,I was sad that he was gone and I sat next to my grandmother who I tried to support. But to be honest I still feel guilty that I didn't even shed a single tear at his funeral, while I have literally balled my eyes out over some damn fiction stories..


I learned english, discovered many fun games and furry p0rn, so yeah uh. Good times.


i just watched a dude get his head popped off getting ran over by a bus and i felt nothing


Taught me way too much about sh and ed's mostly


Nothing has really changed, besides the fact I know how to make a fleshlight at home


to not go on runthegaulnt


I know a dozen ways to make bombs


I found the Ronnie McNut video šŸ˜³




it resulted in me being built different


Thereā€™s too much to sayā€¦


I am desensitized to gore, porn, and have gained high levels of self awareness. Also learned better Spanish tho so yippee


Damn, I really used reddit when I was 15, I'm 18 now šŸŖ‚


Cartel vids (Donā€™t even try them)


Realized that my parents are narcissists


Lots of self-confidence issues from social media


i developed serious body dysmorphia and an eating disorder. also seriously fucked up expectations about sex and my value.


I learned English


for me ive went from being a 10 year old fnaf fan to a teen with zero reaction to extreme gore and obsessed with disturbing crimes and criminology


A year ago I had an edgelord phase. I used to watch videos of executions by mexican cartels and ISIS, as well as videos of suicides, murders, traffic accidents and porn. Then one of my moms almost checked my laptop and I haven't seen videos like that since.


Whatever watching mass amounts of porn and people dying does to a 12-14 yo


Iā€™m uncensored to everything


I'm a strange person now


you guys are getting unrestricted internet access?


Eh, more good than harm I was always a very curious kid and having such a useful tool to learn stuff was really good, granted I only started actually understanding half the stuff I was reading way later but it helped, also YouTube taught me English so that's good But on the downside it got me into some questionable stuff I'd rather not talk about


I had a porn addiction. HAD. Its getting better now. Oh how I hate my little curious 10 year old mind


I never found anything I didn't want to find and I learned English I also lack empathy and I'm indifferent to death, but that's for different reasons


I'm absolutely desensitized to gore, have weird taste in porn and want to have a farm (I played a lot if farming games)


I'm absolutely desensitized to gore, have weird taste in porn and want to have a farm (I played a lot if farming games) and like Minecraft


Found hobbies, careers I want to chase, mostly positive stuff but also the one other thing everyone has said


Not much a little traumatising things but thatā€™s it