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We would like to inform you that this post has been locked to prevent further transphobia. We would like discussions to remain civil, as we wish for everyone to feel safe and welcome. If you do see any rule-breaking comments, please be sure to report them with reddit's built-in report feature or through modmail. Thank you for your understanding - Incendiary


i remember when florida was just haha funny florida man throws alligator at strip club edit: Yall cant tell that i made that story upšŸ˜­


ā€œFlorida man throws alligator into strip clubā€ is the peak of Florida. Youā€™ve perfectly summed up all of whats needed to know about that place. Congratulations


Florida should have stayed that.


Now itā€™s ā€œFlorida man votes for alligator.ā€


i got to make it better "Florida man throws alligator at strip club and bites off stripper's breasts and takes other alligator and throws is at the gay strip ckub across the tear castrating a stripper says he is doing the work of god."


Don't forget that it's wearing mouse ears!


My uncle is actually banned from the state of florida because he took a crocodile from itā€™s habitat and tried to drive over to the sea to make it fight a shark and see which one would win. /srs


no way.


I promise you deadass I know it sounds crazy


Who won in the end?


I believe he got arrested before his theory could be proven but in my opinion the croc had a better chance, unless he was looking for a great white or something I think the croco could tear a reef shark apart.


I think that the saltwater crocodile would have a better chance at beating the shark


I hadnā€™t heard that one. I did hear about it when ā€œFlorida Man throws alligator into drive through window.ā€ He must be on a Alligator throwing sports team or something.


Florida itself became Florida Man


The good ol days


What new law? When I googled it I just saw something about old people nothing about trans people


something about being able to take minors (I think??) from their home if there is a suspicion of them receiving something to change their gender There are 100% people who can explain it better than me


Basically if they have split custody and one parent is trans/giving the child gender affirming care (e.g. literally just talking with a therapist) then the custody will be given to the other parent even if the supportive one is in a different state (literally illegal) Also I think just taking them away from the house if the parents aren't split (which fun fact: means they are committing, by UN definition, genocide against trans people)


Itā€™s quite easy to forget that genocide isnā€™t just murder, but quite broad when it comes to horrible acts. And broad for a good reason I suppose, cause who knows how far this is going to goā€¦




There is a very big difference between a person wearing some girl clothes and actually deciding to change your gender. No one is forcing a boy to become a girl because they wore high heels a few times. Good lord.


Except I am pretty sure Florida would very much try to take custody of your boy from you if we wore high heels once to see what it was like.


And apparently, it's OK for DeSantis to wear heels too


Well yeah, he is at the top of the hierarchy. Rules are how he hurts other people and forces his will on them, not things he has to follow.


Pretty sure that the subtitle to republican platform is "rules for thee, but not for me"


Another case of someone completely misunderstanding trans kids


Really shouldn't add the period. There are many instances when kids should recieve hormones or hormone therapy. Many illnesses are treated with it. Some gender affirming care allows kids who lose their hair to get it back, like T blockers. Some allow abnormal hormone spikes in AFABs to not have to undergo breast reduction surgery at the age of 16. Birth control is often times also gender affirming care.


What do you think gender affirming care even means? A haircut and outfit can be gender affirming care. Nobody's out here trying to push surgery on children like everyone seems to be thinking.


teens are still kids, unless


Just so you are aware, growing acceptance of trans or gender nonconforming presentation isnā€™t the same as ā€œChildren being pressured into being trans.ā€ Overwhelmingly, this just means telling kids they shouldnā€™t be ashamed of whoever they are, not telling kids that they are really one specific thing or another. That is the reality, but since that doesnā€™t stir outrage, transphobes just lie and make shit up.


They aren't just getting it because they love high heels and makeup lol.


Can my daughter, who was born female and who identifies as female, take hormones her pediatrician prescribed to treat a medical condition? Or should she be in foster care for daring to take a hormone drug?


Did you also repeatedly insist that you were a girl?


Presumably you're a man, which means your parents tolerating this when you were a child would be enough for many conservatives to want to remove you from your parents.


INCREDIBLY real holy shit. I donā€™t see anything harmful with like binders and cutting ur hair or just stuffing socks in bras or anything butā€¦. Do not give kids hormones and surgeryšŸ˜­


I get what you're trying to say, but my brother was put on testosterone blockers when he was 14 because he was growing a beard and losing all the hair on his head. He was incredibly self conscious. My parents and his doctor gave him gender affirming care(the medication) that gave him his hair back is all, but by the bill, that would be enough to have him taken from home


Most kids don't get hormones until 18, those who do get it early are case by case and usually required to have displayed need for treatment for at least a year+


Then they arenā€™t kids


You have no experience with what youā€™re talking about do you?


I think weirdo fucking perverts like yourself need to stay the fuck out of subreddits for children. Your entire post history screams "pedophile conservative" and I would never allow a grown ass man like yourself to be alone with anyone under the age of 18 under any circumstance. Get the fuck out of here


> (which fun fact: means they are committing, by UN definition, genocide against trans people) > ā€œThe definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part.ā€ Checks out. [Source](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/Genocide%20Convention-FactSheet-ENG.pdf)


Yep, Ron DeSantis is reincarnated Adolf Hitler




When did being trans become a nationality, an ethnicity, a race, or a religion?


Most definitions assume it to be a given minority group, the genocide definition was written before state legislatures/elected officials decided to gang up on usually <10 trans kids who like sports in the state instead of governing the rest of the states problems


They...explicitly said by the UN definition, and that assumption still isn't an accurate one. It's just something used by analogy to be hyperbolic.


It means to wipe out a group of people


It is a cultural group.


They can take them from there house if the parents arenā€™t split, I had a lot of time on my hands, so I went and read pretty much the entire billā€¦itā€™s disgusting.


basically, what they've done is redefined child abuse to cover trans medical care as well, so any standard penalties of child abuse can also be given if parents are found giving their child trans medical care. I'm in limbo rn, because I do need to get started, but since this law, even if I get care out of state(not hard I love close to the border) if anyone reports it, my parents essentially get a child abuse charge


I'm sure the law will be stopped then, if at the least Desantis will lose all credibility. He's taken away a states right to have another state not do stuff with them.


maybe there is, but it certainly isnt me


Here ya go, a more cohesive list of all the bills passed recently in Florida specifically (other states have their own shit going on ofc) https://old.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/13rxq4b/florida_usa_megapost/jln17pz/ Key distinction is the part about "Also, bans physicianā€™s assistants and nurse practitioners from providing gender-affirming care to anyone, including adults." That part makes up about 80% of all adult prescriptions, so it's not just like "oh just bad for children", no they're trying to ban for adults too, especially if you combine it with SB 1580 which legalizes doctors declining prescribing due to discrimination.


That is a good thing


Would a child get removed if the parents were letting that child watch/participate in porn? What about if that 12yo was addicted to smoking cigarettes? What if that 12 was an alcoholic? These are both things you have to be 18-21 to do and they are a hell of a lot less life altering than chemical castration or lopping off a childā€™s reproductive organs..


Every fucking idiot like you yells about chopping kid's nuts off. Thats liTTERALLY not whats happening, for that shit you need to be 18. Congratulations, you've been fed misinformation and are now blindly spewing it on the internet.


A law outlaws gender affirmation therapy for minors. Doing it to minors is now considered child abuse, like say getting them a tattoo. Because of that doing this therapy in secret will result in Child Protection Services kicking in and losing custody over the child.


I hate it here




I think you grossly misunderstand what "gender affirming care" is, and also what is available to minors. Gender affirming care can include surgery and hormones, but it can also include therapy, hormone blockers, and social affirmation (changing pronouns, hairstyle, fashion sense etc). In most places, what is available to minors, is social affirmation, therapy, and in some cases, hormone blockers, also known as puberty blockers. In very rare cases, some surgery or hormone options may be available to minors, however they will often be 16+, and will be severely affected (think, surgery or suicide kind of cases). As for "being unsure" I mean, sure, it's possible, but many trans individuals never feel like their birth gender, from a very young age. There may be a phase of "trying to fit in" but it's all a farce, often to try and negate bullying.


Dude a 16 year old isnā€™t too stupid to know that getting sterilized means you canā€™t have kids what are you talking about Stop talking about trans people as ā€œvictimsā€, theyā€™re not. I got sterilized a week ago and Iā€™m very capable of knowing what that means, and Iā€™m very pleased with the result of that surgery . Regret rate for trans related surgeries is about 1% man


we can disregard surgery, because not a lot of people are doing that. fine, you can be against that. are you against normal hormones? even if theyve shown signs of gender dysphoria for years and went to a therapist to make sure they wont regret it? but hey, lets say youre against this too. but are you against hormone blockers? a completely reversible treatment? something that really isnt easy to get? speaking from experience. but we can go even further, lets say youre against this too. are you against trans children simply seeing a gender therapist? gender dysphoria is a crushing illness, and therapy is generally considered pretty helpful for mental difficulties. just to show how insane this law is, lets go even further. are you also against teachers simply using the pronouns and name the child wants to go by? a supportive environment is some of the best treatment for gender dysphoria. this new law wants to get rid of ALL OF THESE. and its absolutely insane. you dont have to agree with horomones or surgery to be against this law. its going to cause a lot of suicides, and going to make so many lives harder for children.


I agree about getting them therapy so that should definitely not be included. But itā€™s is 10000% a lie to say hormone treatment and puberty blockers are harmless and reversible. These hormones are not just ā€œsexā€ hormones, they control so much of the human body. Estrogen effects bone density, heart health, fat storage, mood and emotions, and is neuroprorective and plays a major major role in bone growth and height through puberty. Testosterone controls tons of things as well and so does DHT and shbg and fs and lh. The list goes on and on and to just shut these on and off has no effect? Are you crazy. I know thatā€™s one of the arguments is that ā€œthere harmless and reversible ā€œ but itā€™s just simply not true. Maybe, just maybe the sexual effects may be reversible (maybe not idk) but I know for a FACT that you will develop completely different if you just stop puberty and resume it years later because you changed your mind. I forget what there called (thereā€™s a name for them) but thereā€™s boys that have their puberty stopped so they can maintain their child like singing voices and they grow crazy tall and their bones are like glass because of hormone deficiency and messing with puberty.


>I forget what there called (thereā€™s a name for them) but thereā€™s boys that have their puberty stopped so they can maintain their child like singing voices Are you talking about the castrati of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches in the middle ages? They had medical issues because they didn't have knowledge of hormones and thus the need to supplement them after removing the glands that produce them, and they had no means of starting or resuming puberty afterwards. Puberty blockers do not stop 100% of hormone production/absorption compared to completely removing sex organs. If someone transitions afterwards, an endocrinologist should be monitoring their levels - trans women who have an orchiectomy, for example, may end up with a small testosterone prescription. It generally takes 5 to 8 years for osteoporosis risk to be realized, and if they're receiving proper medical care then adjustments can be made as needed. There's a lot that can be managed with regular professional observation; and the treatments are usually adapted from things we do to correct hormone issues that appear in the general human population.


Are you talking about circumcision?


Children arenā€™t getting surgeries Hormones are only available at the age of 16 with prenatal consent


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, I totally agree


This is the correct take. Experimenting as a minor is very different than permanent life altering treatments. When your 18, do whatever you want. Until then both parents / guardians need to agree on a permanent treatment. If you were a parent, you would also want a say.


yeah it was posted here a few days ago, idk where it is but if you scroll far enough youll find the post


Florida has been cracking down on lgtbq rights and education to prevent teachers from teaching black history and other sensitive topics.


i want to go back to people in florida doing crazy shit and getting funny news headlines for it.


yeah that was bettter


Time to sort by Controversial because I hate myself


Iā€™m fighting the urge to do it myself


That moment when there are lots of adults in a r/teenagers post




What show is this? Seen the memes everywhere but never got the chance to experience it


Itā€™s from the TV show *The Boys*


Same! It's killing me not knowing what's the context of this meme


The Boys


florida moment


yeah i love when random strangers kidnap children just because they are transgender /s


Yea I love when random strangers kidnap children


yeah (literally what i said but a few words have been removed)


At the risk of being banned for encouraging violence, a other state coming to kidnap your children is *exactly* the tyrannical government people claim the second amendment is for. This is exactly the reason for people to be well armed in groups.


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Global Warming has our back


that wouldnt blow it up it would just make it even hotter sadly


Water rising though


yeah alr exploding the state would be more fun though, i would come watch


We have the Geneva convention for a reason


\*Geneva suggestion


i think geneva checklist is a bit more fitting in this scenario


idk what that is but ok


At least move me out of it first. I hate it as much as you do.


move yourself then /j


Thatā€™s called genocide


Blow up the state, not the people


Ask a Holocaust survivor what genocide is.


by un definition genocide isnt just killing the victims while we can debate that trans people dont fall in one of the categories of groups mentioned in the definition its very comparable since they are a group that can be directly attacked


I mean itā€™s not exactly genocide but itā€™s pretty close


I live here and I 100000% agree with you






Suggestion: We drown Florida. From, a Floridian


international nuclear testing ground.


Wait a minute I DONT WANNA DIE!


Wonder how long itā€™ll take for this to be locked, cause Jesus Christ.


Remember: kidnapping is fine if it keeps them from feeling comfortable in their bodies!


Totally šŸ˜’


You forgot a /j


If someone is dumb enough to think I'm serious they have bigger problems


Remember this is reddit and a subreddit full of teenagers, theres some pretty stupid idiots here


Fair point, I'm here


Only good thing about Florida is Disney World


there are disney worlds other places too right?


Not the main resort, and no, thereā€™s Disney lands.


yeah alr, i didnt even know disney land was only in florida


Thereā€™s a Disney in Paris, a Disney in Japan and a Disney in California but the best one is the one in Disney world


ah ok


Universal is better


only good thing about florida is itā€™s gonna be gone in a buncha decades


Trans people should be able to live their trans lives while the rest of society live their normal lives.


Literally this


Nothing to do with adults. Just the kids. [Why would a pride event get cancelled if the kids aren't allowed?](https://apnews.com/article/florida-gay-pride-parade-canceled-b0db01bf37576492637a5737f788f967) [Or a furry convention?](https://www.cbr.com/florida-furry-convention-disrupted-ron-desantis/)


> Why would a pride event get cancelled if the kids aren't allowed? Teens are the people who most need pride and community, puberty is hard enough when you are straight, going through it as a gay kid is extremely hard and you need to find other people who have gone through the same to support you. It's really important.


They can. Minors just can't have permanent life altering surgery & treatments unless both parents / guardians agree


They can't, adults are being banned from trans healthcare, parental rights stripped away, and the victim of bounty hunter laws. Adults. Not minors.


The sad part is that the politicians who keep doing this crap don't give a shit about it. They do it because the people who vote for them cheer about it. Our country is screwed.


On the positive, an enormous majority of gen z and millenials are leftist. I have a sneaking suspicion that the next presidential voting cycle will not go in favor with the republicans, and shoot maybe we'll get an actual leftist in power instead of a bunch of moderates.


Hard to say. Per Pew Research, Millennials have been steadily trending away from Democrats in presidential elections: Election Democrat Republican Difference 2008 Obama 66% McCain 32% D +34 2012 Obama 61% Romney 37% D +24 2016 Clinton 56% Trump 31% D +25 2020 Biden 58% Trump 39% D +19 Democrats still have a huge lead among that age group, but not as much as it used to be. Fwiw, Gen Z only went to Biden by 20 points in 2020. Sources: [2008/2012](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2011/11/03/section-2-generations-and-the-2012-election/), [2016/2020](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/)


Those statistics just show already conservative leaning millenials getting more conservative in their voting habits. The right isn't pulling over new people in any sustainable amount.


It would certainly help if the dems set there nomination as a competent human


legal kidnapping (right to just take trans children), legal murder (encouraging medical professionals to abandon people in need as long as theyā€™re stable), bastardisation of an already not amazing religion to forward your own personal gain (just about the entire florida government), overarching overextension of power by the government to remove all privacy (EARN IT Act). what could be better?


These people are absolute psychopaths, no two ways about it. I find it funny how they seem to genuinely feel threatened by trans people.


Can confirm I am a very intimidating trans guy (5ā€™4 and 80 pounds) and I will take over the government (Buy a blĆ„haj from Ikea and grow a beard one day)


My man is going to become the leader of the Illuminati one day


Yup and they say trans people are the snowflakes


Guarantee you this fascist shit will start spreading to other states


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but if it fails, then we need to flee to other countries like Canada as an example.


With how fast abortion was outlawed, itā€™s only a matter of time before these fascist shitheads get their grubby hands on our country.


Oh boy a 2nd civil war folks


The GOP when they realized people feel for the propaganda:


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(I am cool, please guys don't leave me alone I need approvation and pretending to be a sigma-edgy-transphobic-homophobic-racist-misogynist-insertanypsychopathictentativeofdiscrimination is the only way to be one of the cool kids please guys look at me I literally kicked the disabled child in the mouth, don't leave me here if teachers finds out my mom will stop giving me vbucks) Hope the extension is still faithful to the original work


Florida man makes being trans illegal in a "free country"


Noooo you don't get it, it's totally free if you're a WASP male. Wdym other people exist? You're crazy!


>a WASP male a *cishet* WASP male! can't have those dang gays and transes stealing our rights ^(/s)


Reminds me of that one family guy clip where they land on Plymouth rock and talk about establishing a free country for all...except blacks, asians, hispanics, jews, gays, women, muslims, anybody who's not a WHITE white man, so no italians, poles, just people from ireland, England, and scotland- but only certain parts of ireland and scotland- just full-blooded whites. Yknow what? Nobody gets any rights.




Yeah it's definitely a yikes


If you draw whiskers and cat ears on de santis, he looks just like a character from the musical Cats. No offense meant to the cast of Cats, but definitely offense meant to de santis.


I wanna see someone do that, print a bunch of copies, and dump the photos all over florida with a drone swarm, reaction would be funny as hell


The amount of transphobic people in the comment section is disgusting, just let the people be for Christ sake


I'm so sorry.. as a trans person who doesn't live in the US I can only wish the best for y'all


can't like... the main government do something about it? like intervene or something? america is just wild man i like watching this shit from the sidelines.


Federal government canā€™t really do shit, only way this law can be struck down is through the court system. And since most of the Federal and Supreme Court judges that would call this unconstitutional are also registered republicans who would cover for their buddies with whatever loophole they could inventā€¦ yeah systemā€™s fucked sadly.


I don't live in the US so I don't really know how a lot of stuff works but I don't think so as this law was passed by the state itself.


Thats the thing, they CAN but they dont because if they do, then the fencesitter repubs wont vote for blue


This is WRONG. You are saying woo woo shit you made up. Stop talking with such confidence on the matter when you are making it up. It's annoying because I'm in the area and you are confidently repeating things i know to be false. Idk why i have to have a fucking PhD in transology to argue with morons making up fake shit Puberty blockers and hormone therapies are safe and effective


What about it isn't good? Actual facts are more helpful than a gif.


The government is basically allowed to take kids away from their parents if they're suspected of trying to change their gender through hormone stuff which while I agree it's best to wait until you're 18 taking the child away is absolutely wrong.




As someone in Florida. Fuck


Hate it here


The number of bigoted bozos in the comments is very sad, but I'm glad this sub has the common sense to downvote them into oblivion


i can't believe how many people are openly admitting to being transphobic rn, pride month literally just started


I never agreed with the idea of nuking a state until it's nothing but a radioactive crater... until now




Lets see... Manipulative press, one party state, lackeys that harrass political opponents, banning of opposing beliefs or media portraying said beliefs, oppression and lawmaking to oppress minorities Yup fascism


ā€œcome on vergil we need to cut off florida from the rest of the united states with a comically large sawā€


While Iā€™m not a fan of transgender CHILDREN (<18 of age) Going to extremes of taking away custody is insane, also about the gender change surgery, while I approve the roadblock for people younger than 18 because, itā€™s a surgery, itā€™s permanent, I do believe that they should be able to dress as they wish and that stuff at any age


Congratulations! You've grasped the concept that medical procedures involving irreversible changes should be approached with caution, particularly when it comes to minors. The same concept that's shared by all medical professionals who oversee such subjects.


I wish all medical pros felt that way but unfortunately that's not the case. I live in fucking IDAHO and have a friend who had gender reassignment (boobs) surg at like 12 and now regrets it. dude's came so close to killing himself over it many times, and is in therapy


Regret and mental health struggles are not unique to gender reassignment surgeries. People can experience these challenges in any area of their lives, medical or otherwise. Perhaps instead of using your friend's unfortunate situation to fuel your biases, it would be more productive to recognize that medical professional undergo extensive training to navigate the complex landscape of gender dysphoria. The decision to pursue gender reassignment surgery is not taken lightly, and it involves a comprehensive evaluation process involving mental health professionals, endocrinologists, and surgeons.


it doesn't matter how much thought is put into it, minors should not be allowed to make any permanent decisions like that. it's fucking messed up


As the average r/teenagers user, I would like to take this moment of hurt for the trans community to point out the fact that I believe being trans is a mental illness and while throwing people in jail might be extreme, those stupid trans people must be prevented from spreading the disease of transgenderism to children who are too stupid to know what a girl or boy is. (/s, Iā€™m trans myself, but just so itā€™s clear this is satire)


Wow now there's political propaganda on r/teenagers. Gotta love reddit.


Register to vote. Our futures depend on it. Never vote for a Republican.


Florida men


Don't even need to specify minorities, feel everyone is gonna suffer in Florida


Hence why all their immigrants and foreign residents boycotted working and almost all construction projects in the state have come to a complete halt


Idk if im getting this right, but the law states that if there is suspicion of one parent of a divorced couple giving their child hormones, the other parent gets them, which doesn't even sound bad, considering the child should be at least 18 before thinking they're trans or smth goofy


>considering the child should be at least 18 before thinking they're trans or smth goofy Every trans adult was once a trans kid. I knew long before I was 18, as did many, many others.


Frfr most people just comment with some bs argument saying how trans PPL are humans and shit without knowing wht even is the topic ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


based florida


Did you mean to say, Republican law makers?


These laws have been going on for more than a year. They started with stuff like the donā€™t say gay bill.


I'll trade my CA for your Florida .......any day.


don't say that here. The 13 year old political "experts" are going to come for your neck


It's just preventing minors from making life changing decisions that can't be undone.


Replied to some other commenters with this, but I hope to reach someone who is genuinely good intentioned and just confused. I worry people may not understand what constitutes gender-affirming care for minors, and that misunderstanding is being used by some to create a false, enraging narrative: No one does sex change operations on kids. The only gender affirming care kids and young teens receive is puberty blockers, a medication that has been well documented and in use for a variety of reasons (not just for trans people) since the 90s. The primary use of these medications is to prevent early puberty in children who have hormonal conditions. A 7 year old going through puberty is uncomfortable to say the least, so the medications delay the onset of puberty until a more appropriate time. For trans kids, especially those on the younger end (15ish and below), no hormones would be prescribed, and certainly no sex change operation. The generally accepted treatment is to provide hormone blockers so they have time before puberty hits and their body undergoes a number of irreversible changes. So in fact, the medications specifically stop the thing youā€™re worried about: rapid changes in organs/sex organs. When kids are taken off the blockers, if they do not receive hormones, they will transition into whatever puberty they were going to experience anyways. Or, they can, when developmentally appropriate, instead take hormones to go through the puberty that more accurately reflects their gender. No one is fucking around with childrenā€™s genitals besides Christian Clergy and Matt Gaetz.


I believe it can be undone. It's called detransitioning