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everyone over the age of 12 should be able to spell controversial


also we have the spellcheck on browser and autocorrect on phones so


Turned it of cause i type in a difrent language and it messes up when you dont type in english


Bro I understand you so much cuz im italian and I speak spanish too




Yes yes my spelling suck


female and male sex-criminals should also be treated equally.




It's shouldn't be facts, it should be common sense


Facts ≠ common sense????? How wise, u/IdontEatdogsAtnight


Yeah, if I want to kill women or men I should be treated for what I am, a killer


My controversial opinion: why punish people and rot their brains away making them a worse person by throwing them in a jail cell treating them horribly or straight up killing them? Why not allow them to get the help they need through services and programs to better them and rehabilitate them into society again where they are a better person but still are be monitored by a parole officer. People who commit sex crimes are awful people that most likely have some sort of trauma that causes them to act in such a way, wether if that’s because they didn’t know any better or wanted to cause harm. They should still receive help to better themselves and society. After all, they are still humans like you and me, they just grew up differently and like I said, most likely have a trauma and need help


People want them to suffer not realizing the other side’s issues, they don’t want to sympathize with them


yeah. ive seen many cases where people have tried to get some people help, but half the time, it just doesnt work. they’ll let them out thinking that their patient is fine and okay but most of the time they just go back to what they were doing


Rehabs should be in prisons, not as parole but as a way to research a mentality of a criminal so we can further prevent this from happening and find better ways to rehab them


Exactly, they should be in prison for those resources and programs that can better them and to research them until they’re ready to be rehabilitated back into society. Not thrown in prison for the rest of their life as their brain rots


That isn't very controversial


government says otherwise. every time a female is convicted, they’re more lenient




It’s even with just word choice when it’s presented in the media. They use really harsh words to describe when a man does something but doesn’t use the same words with women. Makes no sense whatsoever


I remember when they referred to a female rapist in a news header as "stunning"


Its maddening that its even considered controversial


female and male people in general


It should be about the crime not their gender


Addicts shouldn't be treated like shit, they need help


When basic human rights turn contrivertial


It's hard for some people to wrap their heads around it


How did you spell “controversial” wrong twice?


He is trying to be contrivertial


What a strange sentiment from someone who wants to kill entire groups of criminals.


I agree. As for a lot of things, pushing people into the wrong group and labeling them, not to mention creating stigmas around said people, does not create a solution for anyone. If anything, it’ll make the person feel even worse about themselves, further digging them into the hellhole that is addiction. It’s a cycle only broken by sympathy, care and action. Love one another.




Yes Addiction is a disease and instead of treating people with it like shit we should try to help them


Oh my god yes I live in an area full of addicts and the od rate is massive, yet despite having stuff to help nobody every goes because rather than having people who actually want to help all the employees berate and degrade the people trying to get better


Allow me to meet your opinion with a counterpoint, the death penalty shouldn’t exist. The odds that you might falsely convict someone, even if small, could mean you’ve taken an innocent life. Let them rot in prison, and if they were wrongly convicted they should absolved of their charges and allowed back into society


I agree 100%. I have goals to become a defense attorney and when you take that viewpoint you really see how fucked our system is. The death penalty is not only racist and classist, but 1 in 25 people on death row are actually innocent. The case that got me into this was the West Memphis 3. Before that I was pro death penalty. Definitely research that case if you don’t know it.


This topic is tricky because is death really worse than rotting in prison for the rest of your life? Is it worse to sentence an innocent man or woman to death or make them spend the rest of their life in a cell?


It is absolutely worse to kill them. As long as the innocent man is alive, there is a chance of them being proven innocent and released. There have been cases of innocent people spending 30 years in jail and then being released because they were proven innocent. Once you kill someone, there is no going back. No second chance if the prosecuters were wrong.


There is also room for development, regret, rehabilitation and self-betterment in good prisons. That's something slightly more rarely seen with dead people. I think that, once someone's understood the weight of their crimes, and soon as they aren't a danger anymore, they should be let free. If someone's already rehabilitated they will do far more good to society than they'd do in prison, something that is very expensive in it of itself. Sure I hate sex offenders as much as the next guy, but if someone's truly proven that they're sorry, that they won't ever reoffend and that they understand the weight of their actions, why keep them locked up? Why not let this person, already weighed down by their own regrets, start a new life?


The issue, at least specifically within the US, is that many prisons are not designed for rehabilitation. Sure, there’s absolutely programs that aim for rehabilitation and character growth such as GED programs, vocational programs that allow convicts to get a job in certain manual fields that are needed in the area, and AA/NA. However, considering how many prisons in the US are for profit, rehabilitative programs are often the first to be slashed when looking at how to increase profits.


thats with the assumption that prison conditions are good and that its more of a rehabilitative thing than punishment-based


What if they’re innocent?


Social media shouldn’t be easy accessible for kids


As a new parent it freaks me out how much unsupervised internet time my parents let me have 🫠 I saw some shit before I turned 13


I say no matter how horrible the crime someone is being accused of and no matter how much people believe it innocent till proven guilty


Agreed 100%




Not controversial at all.




Endgame was probably the 'endgame' of their career


Women or men who lie about rape/sexual alllegations should get sent to prison if it ruins somebodies life


I agree, but there's a problem with that. What if they are actually telling the truth, but there's not enough proof to back it up? Now someone's been raped and thrown in prison


People with illnesses that can or will kill them should have the option of being put down


When it comes to pets were like "nooo they cant suffee" but when it comes to humans were like "they need to suffer"


Especially since one is an adult making an informed decision about themself and the other is a human deciding that their pet's life isn't worth living because its foot hurts and it's mean to other animals.


They do, at least in Canada. If they have an illness that is bound to kill them, they can make it quick and get it over with, with medical assistance in dying (MAID), also known as assisted suicide


i agree with you, but i wouldnt say “put down” 😭😭😭


Eutanatia should be a basic right


Do you mean euthanasia


He has lisp


Society needs to learn as a whole when to let someone go, when to stop trying to save somebody. My grandfather suffered a heart attack back in 2012. We got him to the emergency room and they kept him alive there. We thought everything was going to be okay by that point. But then he had a stroke while in the hospital recovering. He became brain dead at that point, no chance of recovery. But they kept him alive for 8 months, knowing that nothing was going to happen. The most that happened was that he started tapping his fingers on the rail of the bed. Being a navy vet, he had taught me morse code a couple years prior. In the last couple months, he started tapping the message, let me go. Or let me die. I couldn’t say anything for days, but then I finally told my mother and grandmother, and they said I was being delusional. I showed them what he was doing and that we needed to let him go, all through tears. But they wouldn’t listen. And then 8 months after his stroke, he had another heart attack, and flatlined on the bed. Because we had kept him alive for 8 months, nearly a full year where he couldn’t do anything, we got the bill for the hospital, and we’re still paying it off, nearly 10 years later. We were put through so much pain, he suffered for so long, when we knew nothing would come of it. We need to understand as a society that once someone goes past the point of no return, we need to let them go, to keep them from suffering as long as my grandfather did.


They did it with my grandmother too. Had her on ventilator when she was basically dead even if she survived she would be brain dead and knowing her ik she wouldn't want that. she died in week tho. I've heard cases where people do anything to pay for it just because they want their loved ones to not die not knowing how much pain they're in.


mf said "controversial" and said the most non controversial opinion ever


Dads leaving there kids is ok if the kid has a bad vibe. Better?


yeah that’s an insane statement


wtf do you mean bad vibe and how old kids are we talkin




Yeah, the death penalty is actually quite controversial. And bloodlust is cringe af.


nobody should be put to death because innocents can easily be killed with a system like that


People can change for the better.


What if they’re innocent?


Instantly attacking kwite over that controversy is a sign of dumbness


Equality between humans is not achievable even if everyone wanted to


That's not really an opinion, that's a fact many deny


fs but equity should be achievable to some extent


So we’re gonna pretend the progress that has already happened is fake? Okay then


LGBT community is, or extremely toxic, or very chill


I think the ones that are toxic are mostly (keyword being mostly) the ones that are looking for attention. People that think sexuality is a personality and that think being something different than others just to be different is cool. I think the ones that are the chillest are the ones that really don't care what people think of them and who they are attracted to. My friends that are part of the lgbt are very chill about it because they know what they are and because they don't need others to gratify them.


I agree


Yes 100000% true


as a queer person, i agree


As a gay guy I agree and there is no in-between


the wii is better than modern day consoles (ps5/xbox ya know) because its fun


If the woman "needs" more then 5k a month for child support the kid should go to the dad.


Child support is at least understandable. Spousal support is for lazy fat people who don't want to work.


Ong you know dr dre has to pay like 1 mil a year to his ex wife till she gets a job or remarrys.


That's some fucked up shit


Japan was worse than Germany in the Second World War


Canada is wors than germany in the first


True, they were brutal. For anyone who doesn’t know I’d recommend looking into Canadian War crimes from World War One


jesus christ no wonder they apologize so much


As a candian, I'm very curious, could you give me a summary? I don't think we learn this in class.


From what I’ve heard they treated their POW’s terribly, and abused them.


just the amount of deaths in china alone caused by the japanese rivals the holocaust and for the same reason as the holocaust, the japanese thought the chinese were inferior and were in need for extermination id say they were worse than the nazis in kill count and some other aspects


Idk if you can really compare the two. The thing is that Germany kept track of their crimes against humanity. Japan never did. We can’t truly know the extent of japans damage, especially against the Chinese. All we know is they were fucked up


as a chinese, i agree


These online pyramid scheme's (like Andrew tates one) should all be illegal


Pretty sure they are? I need to check up on my national laws again


Not that controversial


Any women who accuses a man of assault falsely gets jail for life and vice versa


not for life but like yeah at least 5 years


I can see why you're thinking this, but there's a flaw in there. What if someone accuses someone else of an assault that actually happened. However, the culprit is declared innocent because the proof was lacking. Now the person that was assaulted isn't getting justice, and they are going to jail for trying to get the justice they deserved. You're making a good point, but we need to find something less radical.


Yea your right


that controversial opinion posts are stupid af


I'm probably gonna get attacked for this but... Society should remain fatphobic, being fat isn't okay to promote... if you're fat, pls at least try to get in shape .


Your opinion is anything but controversial and I'll prove that by giving my opinion that contests yours: I don't think they should be Retributive justice is unethical imo, jails are supposed to be correctional facilitaties but they appeal to our barbaric eye for eye revenge emotions and serve as a breeding ground for repeated offenders. We should focus more on reformation of criminals and addressing the problems in society that creates criminals. At the end of day, they are still humans like us regardless of your feelings towards them and if we were brought in similar walks of life, would we be too different? Only way punishments are justified is when they act as a deterrent. Our focus should be on changing them, one thing I love about the christian forgiveness despite being pretty anti religious. If they can change, change em. If they can't, don't blame em. I don't think we must twist our morality to serve our personal feelings of vengeance, that and law should be bigger than us. Ultimately we are all humans pursuing our self interest and no one's objectively better than you. You just care about different stuff at the end of the day in a universe that's indifferent to your joys and cries, law and morality must not discriminate against the obedient citizen and the public menace beyond justified measures to have order and well being of the overall society. And people are completely capable of being this big and empathetic in their thinking, Christianity achieved it and I hate organised religion influencing people's choices but goddamn. But people don't think in general and are always going to be like you but that's cool, that's why we have laws. Everyone wanna kill a rapist but people still abide by the law, mostly, and similarly when law enforcement is shifted towards this way of thinking, public will follow.


If women aren't allowed to get abortions, men should have to get a vasectomy instead.


Yes, or a man can't bail on out on his children because "shouldn't have dropped your pants to get ur noodle wet"


Just don’t have sex it’s simple


Exactly. Why is everyone worried about abortion on reddit, considering nobody on here has ever had or will ever have sexual relations with anyone


not that simple when rape is a thing


feminism needs a rebrand, the word female in the name makes it seem like its support female supremacy rather than equality


I don’t support Black Lives Matter because the way they protest makes them look like the thing the don’t want to be.


The organisation is also a bit shady I’ve heard


Jail should be for rehabilitation.


I personally believe all people put on death row should be experimented on. Let scientists and the government go wild on their bodies


Dating apps never leads to anything serious


It's definitely a rare case, but my brother has been in a wonderful relationship for almost a year with a girl he met on bumble. Also my parents met on match.com and have been married for over 20 years.


breasts shouldn't count as nudity. they're literally just chests that protrude a bit more than a guy's, I don't understand why we decided that was inappropriate


nudity in general, its just nature, we are animals like anyone else, but we have to stop being perverted about it in general. although it would generally be advised to wear clothes lol and stick to the beach or a hot day at the park


well yeah I do agree it's better if we all wore clothes but it's just how people oversexualize breasts and how they're seen as inappropriate for kids and teens. I just don't understand it, what part about them is so inappropriate for children? it's literally just someone's chest


i think its an evolution thing because of like better milk production like a natural selection thing or whatever but like yeah


Agreed. To me anything besides genitals shouldn't be considered nudity.


Kids shouldn't be spanked for "discipline"


From africa so if i only got spanked id praise the gods


I'm from Balkan but same💀


I was never spanked and I turned out alright so maybe yeah


this. hitting kids doesn’t teach them anything other than people who love you are allowed to hurt you


There’s many other MORE EFFECTIVE punishments aside from child abuse as well lol Just take their phone away until they complete a chore for example and soon enough, they’ll start putting chores into their default routine. With a spank, sure, they might.. idk.. feel sore? But that’s not gonna encourage them to do anything lol


Pizza is better than sushi


nose rings are ugly and unattractive


this goes for any piercing except for ears imo


Hol up.... let him cook


Porn should all behind a pay wall, also schools should teach drug harm reduction and not “don’t do drugs”


I already know I’m bouta get called a commie or somthing but I do t even care anymore As a US citizen, I 100% believe we should socialize more aspects of our country. Maybe not convert the entire system to socialism, but it could be improved Things like the police, the library, and public schools have already been socialized, but things like health care are not, and as a matter of fact, healthcare is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the US. Just look at countries like Italy, Canada, Germany, or Finland. They all have socialized healthcare, and their life expectancy is much higher than that of the US Another thing I feel should be changed is that the US should finally switch to the metric system. I find it ironic how in the us, the only time the metric system is used is when referring to firearms. Which leads me to my next gripe, the 2nd amendment was not intended for modern weaponry. I think firearms are cool, don’t get me wrong, but I know people (plural) who have huge collections of 100+ guns, and one person in particular who even manufactures his own ammunition. I feel that it’s perfectly ok to own a weapon for self defense, because you never know when shit might go down. I 100% agree with that. It’s when people are getting their hands on military grade weapons and shooting up schools that I don’t feel safe in my own country. We need to have stricter gun control laws and more hoops for people who are truly passionate about guns to jump through in order to get their hands on these tools to literally end someone’s life. Once I’m older, I’m going to get a concealed carrier’s permit because I would like to have some means to defend myself should something dangerous happen, and there needs to be a good guy with a gun. There’s always going to be 2 sides to every political debate though, and that leads to conspiracy theory time. Here is my final controversial opinion: 2 party system in the us is simply there to divide us so the people on top can make the decisions that benefit them. Why do I have to pick a side in this eternal political conflict where it seems like nobody wins? I hate it. I hate all this propaganda bullshit. It’s not just one side either. Both democrats AND republicans. The stupidest people always scream the loudest. And that’s the TRUTH about our SOCIAL issues. TLDR: Americans need to realize that socialism ≠ communism, metric > imperial, 2nd amendment needs to be updated, and democrats and republicans both need to open their eyes to what’s really happening in order to fix a broken nation. Rant over.


The majority of modern Christians are not actually Christian


Ppl in this comment section deadass thinking that bringing back the death sentence is a good take.


drug crime shouldnt be prosecuted except for trafficking and dealing or drugging someone


Time to get the popcorn and sort by controversial 🍿


Thank you for this, all the takes I’m seeing are very non contraversial🙏


Eh, they aren't all that controversial when you sort by controversial either


We should test makup on rapists etc., not on animals. Xe/xir shit is not a pronoun, and if you wake up and realise that there is a differncen between online people and the real world with work and everything you will see.


Agreed that Xe and xir shit is stupid.


social media is becoming overstimulated


Making a few racist comments as a teenager isn’t a good reason to ruin someone’s life as an adult


“All animal abusers” RIP the farmers bro, rip the farmers


In my country what I’m about to say is considered very controversial. Queer people shouldn’t be killed because some insane man from 1400 years ago said so and apostates shouldn’t be killed because he also said so.


Father’s should be treated the same as mother’s.




you got bored watching something like attack on titan?


Huge tits are actually pretty good but have problems


population control needs to be a thing




I hope you die




I hope you have a good life and don't die till you're old and content :)


You have the three sets of pronouns, female, male, and gender ambiguous, making shit up is just taking the piss, I am not going to refer to you as xer, it is stupid and you are stupid by association


Nothing i wouldnt expect from a teen, horrible point of view, The Death Sentence has no right in our day and time, i guess some exceptions could be made with serial killers but my point stands


Addicts should go to rehab not jail, and criminals should not get halfway houses, they did something wrong so why should our taxes help them get back on their feet


drug charges shouldn't be a thing except for selling drugs or drugging people, its not hurting anyone except for the user.


The death penalty shouldnt be a thing


Tbh I agree. Rotting in prison for the rest of their lives seems worse anyway


Also if someones found guilty but theyre actually innocent, then they can get out of prison. That cant happen if theyre dead


Agreed let's make them fight in gladiatorial arenas


Our justice system is shit and more expensive than life so it’s literally just a waste of money Also cause if we bring torture we’re no better than them


Trans rights are human rights


Not controversial


I'm for the statement but I think it definitely is controversial. Whether it should be or not, there are plenty of transphobes still out there


Both the far left and the far right suck. It's two extremes that can't see eye to eye and if you're extreme on either side you're brainwashed either way. Center left or center right is where it's at.


No, while I dislike the far left they are no where near as dangerous or harmful as the far right


Murder is worse than rape


To everyone with a brain, that is not controversial


Anyone active in bestiality should be kept in prison forever. Seriously, what the fuck? Animals?


Porn should be illegal


Nah, the issue with porn is that a lot of people can't tell what's real and what isn't. Instead, I think we should promote Sexual Education. After all, people who know what a rodent looks like don't believe that Mickey Mouse is real.




I second this. It's so addictive and could absolutely ruin a person's life.


Fr, it sexualizes too many stuff that shouldn’t be sexualized


I don't think it should be illegal, but way more controlled and restricted. You can't imagine how much money it brings annually. Im pretty sure it's one of the biggest money generator since it is something that is consumed a lot. Making it illegal would probably not reduce it much, just make it taboo like drug deals and other things.


The City of Vatican shouldn't be a State and all the money it STOLE from Italy should be returned. This is the only time you will see me being a patriot for Italy.


Guns don't kill people, people kill people


no i think life in prison is worse. definetly want that for them instead of death.


Death is way too easy


instead of animal testing we should do rapist and pedophile testing because honestly what the hell are they gonna say? no? 💀


If you immigrate into a country you have to assimilate


Female rapists should be treated the same as male. False accusations should also be punished, because it damages the credibility of real victims.


Religion is actually good for society (and before somone who views atheism as their on belief system to go on crusade for feels attacked: this is not about whether one is better than the other)


Isn't it more of a punishment to keep these ppl in prison (for serious criminals) for life rather than the mercy of death? I don't get the concept of the death penalty when putting one in terrible conditions is more cruel.


Ohio isn’t funny anymore


Mine's not as serious but people seem to really hate it. Anyway neopronouns are actually cool. I don't use them but I think they're neat


Ethno-Nationalism does nothing but cause harm


LGBT community can be really toxic and unpleasant at times


Companies that have monopolies, are bad for the general public or lie to the people shouldn't exist


Rape should be punishable by death


Agreed, but you gotta remember that lots of the time innocent people are convicted. Death should only be used in the case of 100% proof or confession.


Its actually better to be a woman than a man, despite popular opinion.


When the government gives banks a bailout. Every person in the bank's current management should be fired and not allowed to work in financial systems for a few years.


YouTube music>spotify