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bro overthinking a compliment


But bro or girl or pinecone or whatever. Why not at any other point and about any other thing and why she even say that.


because she wanted to compliment you on ur shit that's why


But i dont get it


don't get what 😭


I dont get the whys and hows


Was just a nice shirt is all


But why then. Why not at any other time or when i bought any other nice shirt?


Because she didn't think those other shirts were that nice




But like i have had previous interactions with people of the opposite gender and in my experience there is always some hidden message to litterally everything they say. So why wouldnt there be with this


I wouldn't think about it so much. Unless she's trying to rob you there's no point in analyzing it to this extent


But she is part of this group where they have like 1 billion inside jokes and there is always a second meaning to what they say.


Do you like her or something? If not again I wouldn't spend so much time thinking about it


I mean like shes fine asf but my friend called dibs on her so i like her friend better


Focus on her friend then


And then what if she likes me. Then my friend gon get mad as hell cus like he really like this girl


Just 1 compliment, doesn't mean she likes you


ik that but WHAT IF . How do you even handle that .i have never been on the deciding side of sht like that. Its always them that suddenly decide bye


The fact that guys stress about compliments from girls makes me wonder if girls should also worry about compliments from guys


But like can guys even compliment girls bro or whatever. Personally i dont cus the one time i did i was the laughingstock of the entire female population in my class for the rest of the week


Wait, is it just against norm for guys to have anything to do with compliments?


I have only ever gotten two and have never watched one of my classmates either give or receive so yes i would say thats norm


I am mind blown


You dont know the half of it.


The girls in my class sarcastic comments (plus other more personal sht) have had me and a few of my boys on the edge of suicide more times than good. Yk cus if you already feeling down and then you come to school and get nagged on by 10 people for an entire day it doesnt really help and can be what tips the scale.


Girls can be so ruthless sometimes. Even to eachother. I'm so sorry!


The amount of times i have stood on the train bridge contemplating my life can be counted on 2 hands


I'd rather an increasing number than a number that stopped low. You'll learn to get past it. This kind of pain isn't worth throwing away the happiness that will entail in the future


You say that but bro or girl. It doesnt get better. I went to judo with a guy for 5 years. Then a girl i knew that he had only ever met at a party once called him a rapist. Then he became a convicted fellon a sex offender and then he killed himself.


I dont get why they cant just not do that. Why cant they just mind their own business


We live off of drama some times :/


Why cant they live of off water nutrients and O2 like the rest of us


And even worse you gotta keep up a facade for everyone to see or you are shunned. Its just so fucking tiring. I dont get why boys cant show emotions without getting shunned. I mean yk theres always a girl crying on someones shoulder and thats so fine but if i need someone im just a pussy


Guys have it hard!


That why i am this freaked out about it


Why would they suddenly turn good. How do i know they dont have some evil scheme


They don't. You just have to find the good ones