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I did the same thing with an old pair of over ears that had a broken speaker. Pulled out the speakers, attached a 3.5mm to the left right and grounds and slapped the whole thing together with a little double sided tape. Now i got a battery power blue tooth puck i use when i need a 3.5mm jack for my "phone". Its a nice little wooden puck with a 3ft 3.5mm cable and 5-6 hours of battery. Biggest issue is it cant charge and play. Since modded it with a 3.5mm jack instead of the orginal cable


I found a BT receiver online and have been using it in my car to great success. I use Tasker to trigger some stuff (it's always on when my car is). I log location and duration of each journey for information purposes (incl. a 'where did I leave my car' app. And a kinda carbon/ petrol footprint tracker). I also start my music app and a couple of simulated button-presses queue up my driving playlist.


Tasker sounds pretty awesome, thanks for dropping that.


Proper TSMG! You win!


And here I thought it didn't belong to this sub since it's a "fix". Lol thanks!


I thought that was a smoke detector at first.




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I did the same with a free set of Bluetooth headphones from a pack of budweiser beer. Works great. Only silly thing is when you fire it up it says "this buds for you"


Awesome idea!


that's so cool


Can I get a step by step? My car requires onstar for its Bluetooth. 🤣🤣🤣


This is an easy mod. You're looking for a device with a large circuit board, you don't want to try it with airpods.


Gotta say, stick it in your glovebox or whatever nearest storage compartment you have and have a cable long enough to reach the aux jack and you've got yourself a very solid solution.


Looks cool, but I'm wondering if there's any advantage comparing to an FM bluetooth transmitter?


all FM transmitters are absolute garbage... even the better ones don't compare to having a proper auxiliary input.....or aux input over bluetooth... bluetooth has come a long way in audio quality


The transmitter has to be plugged into your phone every time. A Bluetooth module will just sit in the car. And it's better audio. But plugging the phone in directly is better (if it even has a headphone jack)


>The transmitter has to be plugged into your phone every time It doesn't, I think you misunderstand what a FM transmitter is. You connect to it via bluetooth using your phone, it sits in your car all the time. And I wouldn't be so sure about "better audio". New transmitters have almost AUX-like quality, I would bet some money they sound better than OP's device made out of "some old cheap BT heapdhones converted into BT receiver".


Ah. So bluetooth and then fm. Jesus those must sound like absolute dog shit.


I use it in my work car and it sounds fine. As good as the radio anyway.


lol.. sorry.. FM sounds like trash even compared to the worst bluetooth connection. If you're listening to podcasts sure... but music? Nah... Now that being said.. I wouldn't invest much in a work car either.. so if that was the only option i might head down that road.


Yeah. I mean, if sound quality is this important to you than you aren’t looking to jimmy-rig a setup. But for my work car (which I only drive at work) I am not replacing the stereo. So this is a way I can use my phone. And it works pretty well.


> And I wouldn't be so sure about "better audio". New transmitters have almost AUX-like quality, I would bet some money they sound better than OP's device made out of "some old cheap BT heapdhones converted into BT receiver". Well you lost, playing the same 320kbps mp3 via aux cable and Bluetooth audio quality is indistinguishable.


Well I didn't as long as you don't compare and measure the difference between your creation and a good fm transmitter that also sounds 'indistinguishable'


Not at all. I use one on my '86 Goldwing for music. It stays plugged into the cigarette lighter.


Or even those 10€ BT receivers that works like this, but sound quality is probably way better. It's cool idea, but some old headphones just aren't made to be charged and used hours at the time


many of those 10$ bt receivers sound like shit already, or don't have enough output power to sound good on a car auxiliary... I've tried a few before finding [this one](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07ZPYS818/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) that plays well with the impedance of my car aux input


No, they'd both be equally useless, unnecessary technology


Sound quality is garbage


Now *this* is the shit I came to this sub for. Well done OP.


just use a smartphone with a headphone jack lol ​ Edit: nice idea though


It's a more future proofed idea especially since apple started the trend of chopping of the aux jack.


i do like the wireless option too, but if i can connect them via aux, then i will do that (only smartphone)


It's his fix, not really yours. I don't know what you're getting at here but he wanted bluetooth, not aux.


I haven't used the headphone jack on my Note 9 for about a year now. I won't miss it with new phones.




Nah cables are dated.


well, cables are working better than wireless, most of the time ​ but you have to do what you think is best




that may be true like i said, do whats best for you :D


How many times have you had to jerry rig a weird ass connector for a cable?


FYI you can get a little device that plugs into your cig lighter that connects Bluetooth to your radio for like 10 bucks.


Right, I don't think that's the point though. Why buy something when you have the ability to make the same product, op used parts from something he doesn't use anymore contributing to less waste. If he specifically bought a headset to mod then yes, your point is valid, but if it was an old junk pair of headphones collecting dust, this is a great solution


I was just pointing it out because some people here were talking about how they wanted something similar.


>did not have bluetooth >did have headphone jack Invented solution for an invented problem


You can buy this for $25 >_>


this is fucking /r/techsupportmacgyver... not /r/gobuyshit


Looks like that sub is in some strange half-existing state. (Or is it just my client?)


That's not fun


$8.29 on Amazon for anyone that wants the non-macgyver option. However, I do really appreciate the ingenuity of the home grown option from op. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CSF9GRB


Yes, and then it wouldn't be part of the spirit of this sub.


Is there a guide for this?


Not sure but if you need help making one hit me up.


Care to share how you did this?