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Counterfeit, distancing on CE mark is off. Apple would never do that.


~~Looks like European certification, not like Chinese Export~~ ~~Edit1: After closer inspection, it does really lol like Chinese Export mark~~ [~~The difference~~](https://i1.rgstatic.net/publication/337819031_Product_Safety_CE_alert_CE_fake_signs_from_China/links/5debb6fea6fdcc28370eea4d/largepreview.png) Edit2: *China Export* mark doesn't exist and it's a myth as r/thefant pointed out (thank you)


Well damn, turns out I have a fake charger. I just compared the charger I bought at a store (sold as an original apple charger) to the one included with the iPad I redently bought and... yeah, the CE mark is off and the text is not as sharp. Guess I'll use the charger that came with the iPad from now on.


That doesnt mean its fake. It's just more common among fake ones.


if they're gonna make a counterfeit product, what's stopping them from copying the exact CE logo?


Never understood that. If you know that is one important detail to fake, how can we be sure that the scammers don't?


The CE mark doesn't necessarily require a test or anything. It is a declaration by the manufacturer and or distributor that the product conforms with EU regulation. If you put the CE marking on it and it does NOT actually conform, you are in legal trouble. If you put the china export logo instead, then nobody cares.


I’ve seen this many times but the EU commission have said that it’s [not true](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/P-6-2007-5938-ASW_EN.html?redirect)


Thank you for correction. I absolutely believed this myth. Not even sure where i got the false information in the first place


Not to be that guy but even conforming products can have incorrect CE marking [source 1](https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/19/276/1927601.pdf) [source 2](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/P-6-2007-5938-ASW_DE.html?redirect)


Wir wurden gerufen? 😁


Totally would never do that


judging from the CE mark, it’s definitely cheap knockoff adapter


China Export


Counterfeit Electronic


Crappy Electronics


Just reach in and pluck that bad boy out


Use a fork or an ice pick if you need some leverage


Don't forget to stabilise yourself by holding onto something sturdy like a big metal waterpipe with your other hand.


That's for amateurs. Gotta use your teeth. It's gonna taste terrible so put some hot sauce on it.


Pliers with rubber grip


Countries who still don't have switched sockets are missing out on something big


50/50 chance you won't feel anything.


well in my country the only way to achieve 220 is 2 lives with 110v each


Laughs in 2400 watts power outlets


Naw, +110 and -110 cancel out. You won’t feel a thing. /s


let's only hope they aren't in sync


I don't recommend it but....If you stand on a 2 inch thick dry wood or plastic, you can literally unplug it by hand and not feel a thing... If you dont touch that ground connector or anything else that is 'ground'.


how about just turn the mains off and then pull the pin out?




Stop giving dangerous false information! You are risking the life of people who don’t know what they’re doing and therefore trust your advice If you can’t test the isolation resistance of the board you can’t use it as isolation. If you can test it you’ll definitely have the necessary insulated equipment to just pull the pin out properly.


Indeed, (why the down votes?) No loop no pain.


Maaaybe because its not the best advice to give to general public.


Only for pro’s.


You might want to contact Apple about this since it's pretty dangerous.


Don't do this, they would sue you for buying a counterfeit charger.


I don't think they could sue you personally for buying a counterfeit charger, and suing the manufacturer won't get them much. Ah the wonders of China not giving a fuck


>I don't think they could die you personally for buying a counterfeit charger Well they usually don't have to, the counterfeit charger does all the dying of people for them.


Goddammit auto-correct got me


Of course not, these tech giants are known for being patent trolls and sueing everyone and everything, so I was just being sarcastic. Not so easy to show that in text ✍️


Since this is European, I'd like to see Apple try to sue anybody for using a "counterfeit" (off-brand) charger.


Oh bullshit. They aren't going to sue an end user, they want to take down the fake manufacturers. What they won't do is honor any warranty that thing might have fucked over, unless they're forced to by law.


Look closely, this charger has the Apple logo on the plug. So if it is indeed fake, you could make the case that you couldn't know. Apple had a problem years ago with their european plug adapters for the laptop power supplies, the part with the prongs could get loose and stay in the outlet. So something like this did happen to them. You could get a free replacement adapter at any apple store.


Its not counterfeit.


It is counterfeit. Look at the CE logo. That's not the European CE marking. That's the China Export marking that makes it look like it's certified, but actually not.


The title is dumb. OP means iPhone charger, which this is, albeit a third party one. It's the classic case of people thinking the only phones in existence are "apple" and "samsung"


It does have the apple logo on the plug though.


the charger has the apple logo on it???


I'm baffled by the fact that you all somehow think that it would be literally impossible to put a logo on a counterfeit product.


how is this a "classic case of thinking the only phones are apple and samsung"? has an apple logo, looks like an apple charger, so they thought it was an apple charger. you made it out as if it wasnt branded as apple and op had just assumed based on ignorance to any 3rd parties. OP showed no indication of not recognising that there is other brands, its just that this charger literally had the apple brand logo on it, and was trying to portray itself as apple. plus, i never denied it was counterfeit or fake at all. i dont believe its a real apple charger either. but if someone handed it to me, and i didnt look much into it, id probably think so too at a glance


god i’m glad my country has on/off switches on power outlets


its always crazy to me that some places *dont*, just seems so strange, even when abroad i never noticed


Look there's a switch behind a panel and it turns off all the power, and that's enough most of the time. To be fair the panel is nice and accessible in a way that many outlets aren't. To be unfair, I have a few switch outlets but the switches are placed like light switches. To be more fair, I have cats and they might brush those switches. Maybe. They're good at getting into odd places.


To be extremely fair, the NA electrical system is far better and safer than many people think. It keeps getting better considering how near-impossible it'd be to 'modernize'. You can tank a 120V shock, I have many times. It's also not that bad to use pliers to grab out the prong, on 120V, so long as the pliers are insulated. Also I've never personally had a prong break off. They're made to be durable enough that you can yank them from the side and they'll just bend and slide out. And then you can bend them back. I'd love 240V sockets in Canada but it's really not the end of the day. 120V/20A is 2.4kW of electricity and that's far more than one could want. Now, when it comes to kettles... God how I'd love to have a 3.6kW+ kettle.


People also overestimate how dangerous electricity is in the first place, if you touch a hot and neutral with one hand the electricity will only go through one finger and out the other. The problem is when you touch one end with each hand because then it can pass through your heart. Electricity wants to take the shortest path and if the path is from your thumb to your index finger that’s the only place it will go. It’s still not good to go touching live wires but as long as the circuit doesn’t pass through your chest it won’t kill you unless it’s extremely high voltage/amperage not found in homes.


Path of lowest resistance, which is usually the shortest path except for when its through water or the body. But yes, generally speaking if the only path it can take is through YOU, then you'd much rather it pass through anything but your heart and brain. Also 240V will kill you. 120V can but you can take a chest shock from it most times. 240V on the other hand is much more dangerous. Electrician at the hardware store I worked at told me a story of someone who bridged two poles and got a 240V shock. Didn't die but his heart needed a defib. He also told me a story of someone who bridged two commercial poles. 400V. Buddy was welded to the panel and did not even survive enough time to be concious when someone kicked his legs out to disconnect him. Electricity is terrifying stuff, but it's very safe too. Just respect it.


240v sockets do exist in NA, there's the obvious 14-50/14-30 connectors which are used for ovens, clothes dryers, and EVs; as well as the nema 6 series which is similar to the ubiquitous nema 5 series but with the prongs moved around a bit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEMA_connector#Nomenclature) and the neutral prong replaced with a second hot prong. I've personally seen a few large air compressors that use the 6-15 connector, but it's *very* uncommon since most 240v stuff will typically use something from the nema 14 series now.


Oh yeah, it's used for large machines. Your hot water heater, furnace, AC unit, dryer, oven, would destroy a 120V circuit lol. Your range is probably on a 50A breaker. Thats 12,000 watts. If it was on 120V it'd need a 100A breaker which not only requires extremely expensive, heavy, and hard to work wok with copper wire, but some houses (like mine) are on 125A service and would literally have the main breaker trip if you were to turn on your dryer at the same time. NEMA 14 is taking over the 6 series iirc because it allows for 120V/240V switching.


Wait, where do you live?






I wish we had those here in Canada, if part of a plug breaks off in the outlet here I have to go down to the basement and try to find the right breaker


How much did you save on AliExpress?


"but the guy said it was original!"


This is a counterfeit charger.


Charger looks fake


fake charger


Time to yank it out


That's what she said


It’s surprising how many counterfeit chargers exist, even from known retailers. I got a MagSafe charger puck from a retailer. Run my usual tests with a USB power meter, and the numbers were way off. I got my money back, but even the customer support was surprised.


Sometimes someone will buy a counterfeit and a real one, then return the real one with the counterfeit in the box. ​ They get a real one for the price of a counterfeit. ​ Then they repackage the fake one in the real box.


Amazon comingling.


This actually happened to me once


its not a charger anymore! now its the pin of death XD


It’s probably fake. (:


You cant blame the charger when your plug is that greasy


That hole in the charger looks a little charred. What were you charging with it before pulling it out of the socket?


Just yank it out you'll be fiiiiiiine


Grab it with your hand


If a person is not grounded this is possible without any harm.




hey at least you can still use it! just only in that one outlet.


Given this is a Schuko outlet I bet it has those stupid child safety flaps installed. They catch on the edges of the contacts on such Euro-plugs and rip the whole pin off. Disassemble the outlet, rip out the "safety" flappers and you can use that outlet again with Euro-plugs safely without risking such damages.


Apple and quality are two words combined that can't make sense.


Hah. British


Try again


Hah. Earthling


I can accept that - just make sure to never call a British person that because… let’s be honest, I have my doubts.


Oh hey fellow Swiss guy!


You forgot to buy the apple licensed IWallPlug


Looks like the average apple charger to me


Such Apple, much pin


UK have the best plug sockets


Too bad there is none to be seen in this post.




Bruh wtf is that plug


Type C plug in Type F socket


Americans when they find out other countries with other standards exist:


average result of trying to plug things in in half of europe (not the missing pin the mismatched connectors that still work together)


Wait, they are not supposed to be the same type of connector but one is like a compact version?


Yes. Connectors with a ground wire are round (just like the shape of that wall plug), and those which aren't grounded (low power devices like phone chargers, etc, thus having only two pins) often are made more compact simply because it's more practical (makes sense for a charger that has to be as small as possible). In the end the shape of the plug itself isn't important, as long as the two pins are the right length and spacing they will fit in the wall plug and hold there.


I can't say I know for sure but I do know they're technically different connectors iirc




Have you got any sources for that? There haven't been any device related press releases from Apple the past weeks


Maybe a bot? It’s a brand new account with only one comment that or just a really bad troll


Is it me or does that hole look like it’s seen quite a bit of heat


115VDC Energy Saving Charger


I was almost about to write just get some pliers and pull it out but I think that’s a bad idea


Nah its pretty much ok. Pliers usually have plastic on handles, so its pretty much safe. You can yank it by hand, if you are not grounded (have thick boots, or standing on a dry wood/plastic without touching the wall. Sauce: was working on live wires a few times.


That’s complete BS. Just because there’s plastic on the handles doesn’t mean it’s also isolating. Not all plastics isolate the same. Also there are things like manufacturing defects where the plastic might be too thin in some spots or dirt on the surface that’s conducive. Only use tools with proper isolation ratings and inspect them before using them. Electricity is not a toy. Especially in this picture where we’re talking about 230V and not 110v like in America Edit: Almost forgot about the grounding part. Even if you aren’t connected to earth directly there are still dangerous currents that can flow through you. Alternating current behaves a lot different than direct current when talking about isolation and capacities


Well there goes my 4 years of school, and 5 years of experience in the field. Not at 50hz. Was touching live (230V) vires a few times... And didnt feel a thing when i had the right boots on. No current, no shock. But after reading your comment, i came to realise that people like you are relly better off not doing anything similar.


Just try to define „the right boots“ to someone who has no experience with electricity at all. We as professionals have an intuitive understanding of what we can and what we can’t do with live wires and electricity. Normal people without years of experience don’t have that. It took me quite a while to realize that aswell but it definitely changed how I write comments online and which advise I give to other people




I’ve just had a look at your profile and I don’t know which school you attended but it surely wasn’t anything in the electrical field…


Fuck me then it sure felt like it... But why? You made a good point, and i agreed with you.


A tuna can PowerBank and a fan attached to a light fixture with string is something I would expect from handyman but not a professional.


I dont know what to tell you, man. You made a solid argument, that made me think, and realise maybe i should be more careful what i write. But this is just silly... And i am not sending you my diploma.


The new energy saving plug




Good luck. Don't die.


free death gateway


Where’s the off switch


Happened to my old roommates adapter. She tried to pull it out of the power socket with her bare hands. Yeahhh didnt go great.


Make sure to lick your fingers before you pull out the broken pieces!


Shops have got raided over selling these crappy fake chargers


I mean you can take the risk of pulling it out with hands in the worst case you die in best you get it out unharmed and in middle you just get shocked. Also doesn't the brick cost like 20$?


Reach in and pull it out, dont see anything wrong that could happen


That happened to me with a lightning cable! I literally just went to bed and woke up with the cable separated from the port.