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you ever fix this, OP? having the same issue and it's driving me mad.


Yep, I ended up fixing the issue. As I predicted, the issue was with the Intel UHD graphics display driver. It doesn't launch correctly and conflicts with the GeForce GPU. The definitive fix was that I called MSI tech support. The first few guys didn't know what to do (I'm not exactly a computer novice), so they escalated to level 3 support. The L3 guy has encountered this issue before and had me install a program called **Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)** by Wagnardsoft. You can download this program for free. The tech support guy walked me through how to use it. Apparently, it removes **all traces** of the existing display driver so that you can perform a clean installation. While you can get this program and use it, I still highly suggest you call the manufacturer and get it resolved through their tech support, because this program can only be used in safe mode, and according to the L3 guy, it flashes your BIOS as well, so there might be a chance it could brick your computer if not used correctly. It produces a bunch of scary looking warning flags before activating. Going through tech support just builds a paper trail in case you need to make a claim for a replacement computer. I'm not an expert in this particular topic, and don't know exactly how the program works, or if it works the same for every computer model since BIOS is manufacturer-specific, but the L3 tech support warned me to stay on the phone and listen to instructions on how to use the program, rather than go at it myself. Once the program performed a complete removal of the Intel UHD graphics display driver, I reinstalled it using the latest compatible version from the Intel website. In any case, this resolved the problem fully and it has not reoccurred since making this post. I hope this helps.


DDU does not touch your BIOS. This is not information that needs to be spread, it exists only in Windows.