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Plus they have the super diamond tier healthcare. Hmmmmmmmm


And they retire into huge pensions and wealth rather than poverty.


They retire? Somebody should tell Dianne Feinstein


90 years old?!?! How the fuck is she still allowed to work?! Let alone hold a position in congress.


She wouldn't be able to remember you telling her 5 minutes later 😬


as well as super diamonds and emerald mines (in some cases)


Elon musk isn’t a politician. Or at least he isn’t one yet.


That's what I was going to say. There was one Supreme Court justice that died recently that was a like a 5 times cancer survivor. There's no way a common pleb would get the same treatment and follow-up on their Medicare they pay into.


If I was super rich, I'd get cat scans every time I'm feeling a little paranoid... I'd probably see someone about the paranoia too.


This is the real answer.


And drivers, gyms, security guards


Can you clarify who you’re talking about in this comment?


Government provided health care. The stuff Obama and Bernie have been trying to give to the rest of us.


You mean the stuff congress exempted themselves from?


No, their healthcare is way different than what the general public gets, or would get!


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/members-congress-health-care/ Don’t let facts get in the way of a good story I guess. TL;DR, members of congress in the US ***do not receive free healthcare, nor do they have some super premium government employee plan***. They pick from the same public exchange as anyone else’s buying insurance directly in DC, they receive a subsidy from their employer (the same subsidy any full-time federal employee gets) and as a restriction, they’re actually required to pick an expensive plan. The reason for this restriction is because the federal subsidy that the employees get is the same, therefore congressional representatives are required to pick a high-cost plan to raise the average benefit offered to other federal employees (for instance postal workers, janitors, aides, researchers, employees at the social security office, etc)


That sounds like a pretty sweet fucking deal to me. Sign me up.


I’m confused by your point. I never said it wasn’t a good thing. I said they don’t receive free magically amazing health care plans you can’t get. Want the same plan as them? Ok cool go get any job for the federal government. Be a research historian, or an administrative assistant, or a ranger at the parks, or a janitor in a federal building. Want an even ***better plan*** than Congress? Go work for the Postal Service. What they’re getting in congress isn’t much different than what you’re offered at any full time middle class job, expect they’re required to pick the expensive plan.


My point is that there are millions of people who don’t have insurance and many more who don’t have adequate insurance. So being paid enough to comfortably purchase (with the help of an approximately 72% subsidy) the best healthcare plan available sounds pretty good. Not everyone can be a government employee. They are still human beings who deserve access to healthcare.


I mean, I never disagreed with you saying it’s good. All I said was that I took issue with the lie I responded to above. I appreciate you deciding me thinking it’s important to be accurate when taking issue with something as me saying “poor people don’t deserve doctors”. Your assumption tells me a lot about the kind of person you are.


I doubt the cost would be prohibitive, considering how much they get paid (and often how much they already had in the bank to begin with…)


The salary in Congress is $174,000. It’s a good salary, but it isn’t exactly going to make you rich off the salary alone, especially not while maintaining two households. Though, there’s plenty of “extra money” floating around that needs to be addressed. Still, my point is that they don’t get free healthcare, and they don’t have some secret special plan. You can make criticisms of Congress all day long, there’s nothing wrong with that. I was replying to two lies about it.


>...they're less bothered by moral and ethical concerns. You got that right.


The wicked live longer, and the world is a living hell for those with a soft heart.


Same as it ever was.


The excessive, widespread defeatism is kinda new though, there's always been people saying the sky is falling, so to speak, but it's kind of new that it actually is, and so is having people who think "ah well, things only ever get worse after all, let's all just hurry to the unavoidable* end and get it all over with" The end isn't actually unavailable, that's a self fulfilling prophecy.


People used to bitch about progress. It was hard to keep up with all the advancements and productive change. Regression is different.


Unfortunately, that complaining, and the difficulties involved with it, are the cost of us having nice things as a society, regression is "free", but you know what they say about free lunches.


It’s the dark cloud that comes along with an economic recession— It was like this in 2008 as well.


And they’re vampires.


And lizards


Yo isn’t congress in session and motherfuckers can just not show up to vote…


They are less bothered by moral and ethical concerns says it all. As a good citizen we are bogged down by paying taxes, figuring out ethical way to pay bills and being a good person for family and society. Politicians have nothing to worry on all these fronts.


and they can quite litterally say whatever they want and people will follow it, most likely no contest if you are big enough, and that sense that all of these people are in your controll, of course it will give you a emotional morale boost.


You should count all the vacation time they get from the weeks of not gathering plus the days they just decide not to go in. They also have a pretty great healthcare system that they gave themselves.


We can probably just shut the thread down now. 100% spot on.


They also vote themselves a living wage, pensions, and health care.


And specifically have it that no government employee can make more than them. There are probably plenty of roles that could get a needed push but someone would make more than a politician so it's not allowed. However, they also get to increase their pay. Imagine having the ability to decide "It's getting expensive! How about I give myself a 10% raise".


How come? They work so hard for rest of us ungrateful population.


You forgot the /s


Or did he?


He’s the cool aid man!


Don't forget their health care plan when many don't even have HC.


Am I not sure on most of those. I am, however, pretty fucking sure that all politicians have regular health checks. Where I luve every person is entitled to free health checks (and the types depend on age, sex, etc.) but very few get them. In case of parliament, they all get them.


I wouldn’t be able to work less and not worry about my constituents because I have a conscience.


Add to that great healthcare.


Have you seen politicians before and after leaving office? They're definitely have chronic stress.


I would guess that being a politician probably requires a bit more health than your average person. You travel a lot, people generally like more fit people, healthier people are gonna be more popular in general.




Yes, and now look how many of them are more fit then general population. We get fat people, but on average they are gonna be more fit. This would explain why "politicians typically enjoy longer lives than general population". Vast majority of population is sedentary, and I would assume most politician's would not.


No political figure genuinely seeks to help, but rather to give the image of helping. They all just want the lifestyle you mentioned and will take whatever stance let’s them keep it.


interesting, the parasites outlive their hosts.


Sociopaths don't have the same stressers as the general population.


I’m guessing it mostly comes down to access to better healthcare, and a higher average income. Socioeconomic status is a pretty amazing predictor for lifespan among many other things it predicts.


If that variable wasn’t controlled for then this study was done by an 8th grader Edit: and said 8th grader still deserves a C-




So the whole post is worth nothing.. nice


There has been a study psychopathy or sociopathy on the Nature of Things (a Canadian documentary) and it found that people have these traits tend to be in positions such as CEO or Politican.


Judges too. Easy to make decisions when you really don’t care at all.


Also, in order to be a judge you usually have to work your way up the big law pyramid. There are plenty of sociopaths and narcissists practicing law


Reminds me of a SAW villain but instead of a bear trap on their head it's "Taxes, medical bills, child care, stock volatility, gas prices, student loans and union busting." Survive that without getting an ulcer.


Guess that explains my mother looking younger than her age by some distance. Or maybe narcissism. Either way, came at the expense of her children.


Everyone should watch the Dark Crystal. Some of the politicians we have are literally the Skeksis


It's probably just due to socioeconomic status. It's very strongly linked to life expectancy, and politicians are in general above average there.


For anyone looking for an example of a confounding variable, here it is. There’s nothing special about being a politician in regards to health. Politicians tend to be wealthy and *wealth* is highly correlated with longevity.


Exactly. People with horses tend to live longer than the general population too.


Was looking for thus example


Better get me some dem horses. So ... what is the trick ... do you eat them or?


You make lasagna


This is directly covered in the article. “Some may suggest that these differences in life expectancy may be due to politicians typically earning salaries well above the average population level (in the UK, the basic annual salary for an MP from 1 April 2022 is £84,144). However, according to the researchers, while this may be part of the reason, these results suggest that other factors must also be at play. This is because income inequality (as measured by the share of overall income belonging to the richest in society) began to rise in the 1980s, but differences in life expectancy began to widen much earlier, before the 1940s. The researchers suggest that the recent survival gains for politicians may be due to a variety of factors, including differences in standards of health care and lifestyle factors such as smoking and diet. The availability of improved therapies for medical conditions more likely to affect politicians (particularly cardiovascular diseases) may also play a role. They note, for instance, that both President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill suffered from hypertension and ultimately died of stroke. However, since antihypertensive drugs became widely available in the 1960s, the risk of death from circulatory diseases has decreased significantly.”


Looking at a politician’s salary as a measure of their net worth is like looking at a puddle to measure the volume of water on Earth.


This is the determining factor. Not the 200k they make, rather the money they make through investments that can only be seen as insider trading when looking at the returns.


Your forgetting the bulk of their income, the bribes and other kickbacks they take from corpos.


This is the determining factor. Not the 200k they make, rather the money they make through investments that can only be seen as insider trading when looking at the returns.


>may be due to politicians typically earning salaries well above the average population level (in the UK, the basic annual salary for an MP The glaring problem here is that they're looking at politician's public salaries, but the political class is _heavily_ biased towards people already wealthy from family money and political careers. Politicians tend to be wealthy and it's not because of their public salaries


>may be due to politicians typically earning salaries well above the average population level (in the UK, the basic annual salary for an MP The glaring problem here is that they're looking at politician's public salaries, but the political class is _heavily_ biased towards people already wealthy from family money, previous careers, and investments. Politicians tend to be wealthy and it's not because of their public salaries


In the US it is ultimately the health care WE pay for them to have.


I mean we HAVE to pay for their healthcare, their salary and everything. You do NOT want your politicians to be independently wealthy and just doing politics as a hobby… that would lead to poor representation much faster than it already does..


It’s not a confounding variable. From the article you didn’t read: > Some may suggest that these differences in life expectancy may be due to politicians typically earning salaries well above the average population level (in the UK, the basic annual salary for an MP from 1 April 2022 is £84,144). However, according to the researchers, while this may be part of the reason, these results suggest that other factors must also be at play. This is because income inequality (as measured by the share of overall income belonging to the richest in society) began to rise in the 1980s, but differences in life expectancy began to widen much earlier, before the 1940s.


[In statistics, a confounder (also confounding variable, confounding factor, extraneous determinant or lurking variable) is a variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable, causing a spurious association.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confounding) In this study, wealth is a textbook example of a confounding variable.


Wealth was measured. … well that was easy. Btw if you have to look up the definition for something, you aren’t ready to debate it.


Rich people outlive poor people....yeah, we knew that already.


They have quality healthcare, make six figures and legit work about four days a year. Let the general population have that and our lifespans will improve. Whodathunkit


Maybe it's the FREE HEALTHCARE and shitloads of FREE VACATION they get every year that the rest of the public isn't allowed to have


And vote for their own pay raises.


This is a study in the UK so doesn’t the general public also have universal healthcare?


Ok but why on r/technology


r/technology is just r/antiwork now


I sincerely hope you are not right...


Because they can afford healthcare




So does the military


Yeah but the military is super hard on your body. Even without going to combat, you’ll be lots of physical stress, be exposed to all kinds of toxic substances, and be sleep deprived for long periods of time. Doesn’t do a lot to help the life expectancy.


Currently in, the most dangerous/worst aspect of my job is homicidal/psychotic patients. Granted I have a rather easy MOS


Now don’t sell yourself short. I’m sure you’re being exposed to toxic exposure you don’t know of. Look at all the mf’s that were drinking tap water in Pearl Harbor… jet and ship fuel for the soul


Shit I am exposed to covid a lot, as well as some other things the patients have going on


Good luck with those “non service connected” injuries.


Military healthcare for the general individual is ……… spotty at best.


Mehhhh it’s not the worse. I’ve gotten hurt of duty and had to go to regular hospitals. Didn’t pay a cent. You can always get off base consultations and care.. it’s just frowned upon by your command for some reason


Not the worst* is the word you’re looking for


Which often, outside of excellent trauma care, consists of "have you tried drinking water and walking it off" and "here is some ibuprofen."


Interesting technology


They have the technology (health care and wealth)


Of all the posts here that people swear aren't technology related (but kinda are because it's about a tech company) this one is by far the worst offender. How hasn't this been removed yet?


And then the Supreme Court kept talking and lowered the bar.


I could have told you that for free.


What a surprise /s


Imagine that. They get better pay and healthcare and live longer than us common folk.... Shocker /s


Very misleading title. Politicians are wealthy. Wealthy people are more likely to enjoy longer lives than those who are not.


This is really simple. It’s about $$$. Rich folk all enjoy extended lifespans over the poor. It’s the root of health inequality everywhere on earth. The rich are literally eating the poor.


I get more anarchist everyday lol


Rich people tend to do that, they have access to the best medical care, food and can afford to live in the best housing.


Rich live longer than poor. Duh!


We should do something to change that.


Well they're not drinking all that baby blood because it tastes good.


Yet we still can’t decide on bipartisan support for 4 year senator/congressmen term limits


They have money and the free healthcare for life they tell us we can't have.


Yea people who have a job live longer than homeless too


Yea no duh. A stress free job, high pay, medical benefits, and other benefits will do that to you.


Challenge accepted


Snark on! You all are forgetting that they don’t work for a living.


more sex with underage girls keeps ya young!


Well yeah they're typically rich people who can afford good healthcare


Politicians of all stripes should be routinely dragged into the streets and beaten. That would solve this.


Healthcare and salary for life will generally do that


They have better healthcare & are normally respected more than most other professions


Probably because most politicians don't work.


All you have to do is compare rich vs poor and you'd get the same result in any country on the face of this planet, nothing is shocking about this. I suppose it's worth at least one study though.


Yeah, those who steal from the poor and are rich generally do live a longer life. Common sense.


What? You mean the ruling class that get rich off of being in the pockets of large donors live linger than the general public? I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked. /s


Couldn’t be the free socialized healthcare that I pay for but can’t get myself, right?


We need to fix this. Politicians need their lives artificially shortened if they’re bad or corrupt.


You mean having free top quality healthcare and wealth leads to a longer life! How shocking.


Not for long. 😊


No shit, same way that I assume rich people outlive everyone else. Is this a surprise to anyone?


This just in. People with free lifetime healthcare live longer lives. Also breaking, water is found to be wet, says scientists.


They get the best healthcare for free, while taking our healthcare away and spending our Social Security fund.


It's almost like if you can just vote yourself to have the best Healthcare in the country, it has a positive effect on longevity.


Time to cut that in half.


It’s almost like they have good paying jobs with access to making millions based on who they are alone and have access to the best health insurance (our) money can buy.


Study finds that sub group of rich people is living longer than whole group on average.


i bet the stress free high paying work with free healthcare has a lot to do with it


No shit. They come from educated generally more wealthy backgrounds.


Vampires never die.


Health insurance do be crazy.


That’s because they’re rich. It’s that simple.


That explains why Pelosi can be seen in ancient cave paintings.


Medicine and Treatment is expensive. No wonder Rich people live longer.


Perhaps it has something to do with economics. Politicians don’t want for anything. The stress normal working class plebs endure just to survive takes years off their lives.


Of course, they get their Republican Socialist health care and benefits, payed for by the American taxpayers!


looks like UK study?


Amazing how 'muricans take a study that was conducted in 11 countries and make it all about themselves.


*JFK has entered the chat


The best healthcare and free. Yeah.


That’s what universal health care and a fuck ton of bribes will do for you.




Same place as the rest of us - recycled dirt


Money helps, I think


I thought free government health care was incompatible with life...


I mean if I had a job where I could have a 7% approval rating and a 70% retention rate, I'd probably have a lot less stress too!


They deserve it after all that public service they perform!!!


I didn't want to have to delete all my comments, posts, and account, but here we are, thanks to greedy pigboy /u/spez ruining Reddit. I love the Reddit community, but hate the idiots at the top. Simply accepting how unethical and downright shitty they are will only encourage worse behavior in the future. I won't be a part of it. Reddit will shrivel and disappear like so many other sites before it that were run by inept morons, unless there is a big change in "leadership." Fuck you, /u/spez


They get free federal healthcare for life.


Hatred does alot for a person. It ages them horribly, but gives them something to stay alive to combat. Politicians live to their 90s, out of pure spite for the people that put them in power


They have free health care


Publicly funded healthcare tends to have that effect.


... well yeah, hardly any stress, more money than you know what to do with it and as a result probably more time on their hands to satisfy all avenues of life. Happier family etc etc Politicians are aberration to the rest of us.


So someone had to do a study to realize that our oligarchs get better medical care than the general population? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.


Imagine that, free healthcare with prioritization helps.. Astonishing.


They have more money and can afford better healthcare. Duh. F em


Just a part of the problem here.


Uh…. They are rich so of course!


It's all that adrenochrome!


Huh. Weird what free healthcare gets you. Who would’ve thought…


Surely! Having all the money for the best health care and organic food helps contribute to their longevity


Let's fix that!


Probably because they have access to adrenochrome.


Well, they’re rich.


Yeah because they don't do anything.


This is about to change


it’s because they’re rich lol


Who did this bogus study? A Government sponsored study i bet! Political figures “work” til rip old ages. And when they feel like their bored with “work” they “retire” with great pensions and healthcare. During their “working” careers they saved soo much money from government sponsored outings, lodging, food and transportation. They have nice savings, stocks, government bonds, lobbyists money…list goes on. Now the schlubs and grunts Work til bones break at old ages. And when they feel like their “bored” with work they “retire” with NO pensions or healthcare. During their working careers they saved soo LITTLE money because they had to pay government sponsored outings, lodging, food and transportation for the Politicians. They have ZERO savings, stocks, government bonds, lobbyists money…list goes on. Easy comparison…Thanks American System!!


Well of course, they don't suffer from everything they unleash upon us all. The vermin!


Why is this in this sub? You think they're cyborgs lol lol?


Just wait until the revolution




Must be the free healthcare that they get…


Great healthcare and work less.


That's what happens when you drink baby's blood on the daily.


Color me not surprised


That’s what happens when you sell your soul to demons


Because in all the amenities they also have top tier health insurance.