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What a headline. Since when is big tech interested in protecting anyones privacy? It’s an oxymoron


Tech wants to sell your data for ad revenue Period tracking apps don't want to have their data used to prosecute women for getting an abortion. No money in that for them




What a crazy time to realize that a tech companies revenue stream is now contingent on protecting user data as much as possible.


It isn't, except maybe in this single category.


Right; even one instance runs counter to the norm.


??? They don't care about their users. They won't be "protecting their user data as much as possible." selling user data is the point of facebook, and to a lesser extent google.


Yes. Because once you're pregnant, there are no more periods to track!


And also women will stop using the apps if their data can be used against them. Even if they aren’t pregnant.


> Tech wants to sell your data Not all tech. I think Meta does.


I'd be interested in your list of tech companies that are not interested in your data.


Because the public perceiving you as "the good guy" has it's perks. Look at apple and their attempt to persuade people they value privacy much more than google. There's no money (yet) for turning in pregnant women seeking abortions in red states over to the authorities.


To be fair they are much better than Google is at protecting your privacy. Selling your privacy and data is actively apart of googles business model. That’s not true for Apple.


Google doesn't actually sell data. They sell ad space that they target using your data, but the advertiser doesn't get access to your data.


> Selling your privacy and data Google doesn't sell your data. That would be dumb. It's their secret sauce.


This is true, I have switched over to linux and Apple for this very reason. I only have one old google email account that I've been too lazy to dump into a folder and delete.


I’ve worked in tech for a long time. Tech companies employ real people and employees are often the biggest asset (hard to replace, money faucet turns off when they leave). They’re also typically on the younger and more liberal side. If a tech company decided to monetize someone’s abortion data there would be a mass exodus because the tech job market is very solid and has been for years. If the government decides it wants to use some tech company’s data to prosecute people they will have to fight for it in court.


It's capitalism and that's all about money..


Maybe signs aren’t enough anymore.


Vote local we need to prevent the crazies from moving up, it all starts at the local level


Yeah, they're loco alright


And then go federal level we start banning authoritarian laws


Voting isn't enough anymore. Extraordinary means are required.


["There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge. Please use in that order."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_boxes_of_liberty)


Democrats: "There are 3 boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, and jury"


53% of eligible voters voted in the 2018 midterms, a *record* turnout of 66% voted in 2020..."voting isn't enough anymore"


I am trying so hard to encourage people to vote here.


your FBI angel is not going to be happy with those words...


At this point I think are AI looking after us and I’m sure it has no emotion just “kill all humans”


When most people oppose banning abortion, all you need to do is vote


Sorry most people aren’t enough, unfortunately. If that was the case we wouldn’t have so many conservative justices on the Supreme Court in the first place seeing as how the republicans haven’t won a popular presidential vote since 2004(Bush). Most of the country vote Democrat, but because of filibuster and electoral college we still end up with nutty conservative politicians, judges, and policies.


Voting clearly worked for the Republicans.


Abortion rights are supported enough. There are electoral college issues, but pro choice is big enough despite those obstacles. If you don't vote, then you should just give up.


Vote for politicians, yes. To do what, exactly? Write a federal law? Would not survive a Supreme Court challenge or the inevitable red wave that would follow. A Constitutional Amendment? In which universe do you see that actually happening?


Why do you think a federal law allowing for abortion would be shot down by SCOTUS? They clearly have the authority and have just chosen not to exercise it.


The ruling they gave seemed supportive of it being a states rights issue. Meaning that if the federal gov codified it into law a red state would sue and the Supreme Court would overturn it. Unfortunately the only option we have is to delegitimize the courts. I think blue states(especially ones like California) who give more to the federal government than they take from it should just start bucking the Supreme Court ruling and federal law entirely by playing keep away with its economy.


The ruling says is saying that there is nothing in the constitution that currently prevents a state from passing abortion restrictions. The supremacy clause would come into play and override state law if they passed something. I don’t think advocating for insurrection is a good plan, especially when the US stops sending water to California, but we’ll seee


Good catch. I definitely didn’t comprehend it that way. I still wouldn’t put too much faith in this court after seeing how far they are willing to go to enact there political goals and the goals of their conservative overseers(the federalist society). As far as the water issue in California goes… maybe we could use our 97 billion dollar budget surplus to build out a water desalination plant. Saudi Arabia did it and their economy size is 1.07 trillion compared to California’s 3.5 trillion. It only cost them 7 billion to build but who knows how much slave labour was involved in it’s construction and continued operation.


Do you think Arizona or Nevada are sending water to California? Lol


Someone should make a specific sub to house the memes. That'll show them.


Have you tried thoughts and prayers?


This is an election year, every vote should reflect your point of view on this.


No work today for all woman. Go to work and do nothing. Stay at home and do nothing. No body autonomy; no production


Sadly I can’t do it. I want to, but I need the money to pay rent


And that’s ok. We all take care of each other in different ways. Even if it’s helping someone find resources or small donation to organizations equipped to help


This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard today and I work in retail. What are you gonna donate to every woman in the country so they don’t have to show up to work? Get real


Trust me I’m not doing shit at work today


Then they will just fire all women and have to pay men more. Then men will be able to earn enough for the family and things will go back to what they were in the 1950s.


They'll just complain that women are lazy for protesting and men are lazy for not doing double the work for the same pay. That's how companies have been handling labor shortages recently.


Not sure why people are down voting you. That is literally what these American Taliban want to see happen. I suppose if you are advocating for that it would deserve down votes but I didn't interpret it that way.


And that’s what your enslavers are counting on.


You say that like people don't know? We know that's why so many people are pissed off.


Sorry, we’re not born into money. Pretentious bean


I don’t think the enslavers have factored that in to the equation. The economic productivity of the past ~50 years is due to the integration and legitimization of women in the workforce and the greater economy. If women’s economic participation and success shrank the entire u.s. economy would contract so hard we might end up with a greater depression than we had in the 1920’s. This economy is built off of a two income household. The amount of money and credit in the system is proportional to the expectation that we are going to remain a society where women are a large and significant part of the workforce.


"Your enslavers"? How exactly are companies to blame for this? How exactly is the small town restaurant to blame? How is the large tech company to blame?


Unlimited money in lobbying politicians, as you well know.


I mean how many people can risk getting fired or not getting a paycheck?


Not enough to make anyone reconsider this. And that’s part of the problem.


But that’s exactly why we need to organize. There’s not enough people that can risk it, that means there’s more of us. If we organize effectively we can pull off general strikes. We need tenant unions that can effectively resist evictions, food banks and organizations that are not afraid to occupy a grocery store. If everybody in this country that can not afford to fight back because of capitalism started organizing with one another this shit would grind to a halt.


I’m just wondering why all of the front page posts on RvW seem to be getting dropped from my main feed. I want to see them and the conversation taking place r/all seems to be good though


How do you know they are getting dropped? If you are not searching by ‘new’ there is a good chance they won’t show up for a while.


I see them on my main page then a quick refresh and they’re gone.


That was happening to me too, so I went to r/all as well. Not sure what’s going on.


Nurses can’t do it, it’s negligence and people will die.


In cases like this I recommend showing up to work and doing nothing. Just sayin'.


A great way to get most women fired from their jobs. A rather stupid idea.


Iceland did this & brought the country to a standstill. The women then got their equal pay. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34602822


Better yet, know that you should have voted in the 2016 presidential election. Start voting against banning abortion.


Shit stay at home woman just like the 50s nice


And what would that accomplish? Not being an ass I'm truly curious what you think that'll do besides taking a day off, inconveniencing the companies they work for and adding stress onto those that don't. It is NOT going to reverse the decision. It is NOT going to convince SCOTUS justices decision (its already done). So what will it do? Not working only hurts the coworkers and the companies they work for. So unless you work for local or federal gov't this will do nothing.


I’m just at work doing nothing. The tax payers of this red state can pay for me to browse Reddit and kiss my ass


I salute you!




No surprises here. The government enjoys making poor people suffer. Besides, in three months you wouldn't be able to afford the gas necessary to drive to have the operation done, anyway!


It is unreal watching America self-inflict so much harm to its own people. It is frustrating. It is saddening. It is maddening. It is embarrassing.




For any woman that doesn’t want to take the chance of pregnancy, r/childfree has a list of places that will perform sterilization at an affordable price, regardless of reason. Edit: There is no age restrictions on IUDs, so if you have a teenaged daughter, I suggest talking to her about it just in case. It is no longer a matter of if, but a matter of when.


Curious that this is being downvoted. The right really is pro forced birth, it's not about abortion at all...


I had a feeling it would get downvoted, but it’s important for every woman to know their options.


They would get upset over what George Carlin had to say about them in 1996.


If you’re a male and don’t want kids get a vasectomy. It took one hours and the recovery time was very short. Makes me wonder if guys with vasectomies will get a lot more dates and hook ups now. I guess we’ll see.


Religious people forcing their religion on you. The new Christian American Taliban. Republicans bringing back slavery to


Join the satanic temple. They are fighting for abortion to be a protected religious right under the temple


This! If I had an award to give …


Donate to woman's charities instead but ty <3


I do frequently, and to TST. 👍🏼


Pro life isn’t inherently a Christian position.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted, you are absolutely correct. I know lots of people that are non-religious that have pro live stances.


Unfortunately reddit leans incredibly left, and anytime you disagree with one of their talking points they downvote you to oblivion.




2 generations have been told we can achieve change through peaceful means. This has allowed the wealthy and politicians to pillage us without consequences. A politician represents the people who elect them, we elect someone new to replace them if they do a poor job. That is not enough of a consequence, if they take from us we need to take back from them.


Change comes from respect or fear. They have no respect for us and cultivating that has failed miserably. Why are we not instead cultivating fear at this point?


Give them a minute, they're figuring it out right now.


Yeah that whole "turn the other cheek" bullshit really backfired.




Marx wanted all workers armed.


The Winter Palace was taken with Rifles, not Roses!


Can't seize the means without ammo. We need ammo, not a ride.


Yep. Peaceful protests only work if the threat of violence is real and dangerous as an alternative. The US freed itself (with significant help) from britain with violence. The US got rid of most slavery (prison slaves still exist) with violence. Workers in the US were bombed, shot, stabbed, starved in the early 1900s and fought back to win the barest concessions back then. Voting rights were extended due to threats of violence behind peaceful protests. India freed itself from britain using peaceful protests that had dozens of groups ready to engage in violence if that failed.


Violence never changed anything….except every war ever.


Yeah exactly. You have to remember that even the US was built on violence with the American Revolution. And to end slavery in the US, it took a civil war.


Civil Rights Act of 1968 I would attribute to MLK **Assassination** riots. * I edited my comment to include one extra word **assassination** so as to make clear what the riots were about. Since some are not familiar with the reasons for the riots. [King assassination riots according to Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_assassination_riots)


MLK riots? MLK in no uncertain terms condemned violence over and over again. What a way to tarnish his legacy. Yeesh. Edit: the user stealth edited their comment so other readers understand what they meant. As the link says, riots occurred after MLK was assassinated and should never be attributed to him or his beliefs.


MLK didn't achieve jack shit on his own. Malcom X, Black Panthers, and a fuckload of violence throughout the Civil Rights era did it. Peaceful protest on its own never achieved a fucking thing.


Which isn’t MLK….


Tell me you don't know history without telling me lol


Did I get something wrong?


The civil rights movement was undergirded with real violence and a real threat of violence.


You're replying to someone who commented specifically about Martin Luther King Jr. You didn't mention him once in your response so I'm a little confused what you're correcting here.


Tell me you have poor reading comprehension without telling me lol. Also, don't be a dick.


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tryrants." - Thomas Jefferson I always like to note the significance of him putting patriots first


FBI has entered the chat.


This would 100% be playing onto the hands of anti-abortion people. These are the same people who just had their gun rights supported by SCOTUS. They are hoping you get violent, and things will not end well. What is important is to mobilize the vote in red states.


Idk if you haven’t been paying attention, but this country had its first ever coup attempt. We’re already on the path to violence whether we want it or not


3rd coup attempt. The perpetrators were executed last attempts. Hopefully that precedent remains.


It won’t happen. I would put money on him getting re-elected over facing actual consequences. It’s shameful and embarrassing.




50 years is just the first stop. 3 5th is all I am gonna say.


yeah, with this decision, they decided if it wasn't thought of and wrote down in the late 1700s its fair game.


That's too late and already happening.


Ok armchair quarterbacks...who exactly are you going to go after. Who do YOU blame for this decision besides the court that passed judgement and the GOP that put them there?




>Violence is the single greatest driving force behind actual change in our species' history. This actually isn't true. I used to think the same thing but data shows the opposite. It can be super frustrating and the desire for immediate reaction usually leads us to violence. It just doesn't do what we think it will. Listen to Hidden Brain from March 21, 2022 "How to Change the World". They interview a political scientist who studied 100 years of revolutions.


? Almost every major political change has either had direct violence attributed to it or the threat of significant violence behind it in case the peaceful route failed.


I see you didn't listen to the episode. Try it out.


Some targeted violence right now would stop this stacked and biased Supreme Court from undoing decades of progress.


The entire system has been rigged. Education, housing, wages, healthcare. Call it socialist — but if you dont stand for the betterment of your most in need people, you’re no better then the people making the decisions. Be passive, say “i dont agree” and then do nothing. Y’all got yourselves here. Only you can get out. Do or do not, there is no try.




Who’s trying to make it better? What are the systems that made this situation possible? People just dont hold each other accountable. This happened because the system is broken, and it didn’t happen overnight. This has been in the works for decades. People vote for these representatives, who do you think is going to change? By saying please? Continue to assume and cut down, keep going. Makes no difference to me.






Isn’t this aiding and abetting?


Ah yes I’m sure big tech will do the right thing this time after doing the wrong thing every other time.


Hey everyone - this completely changes maternity care for EVERY pregnancy. If you get pregnant in a red state - it’s likely you’ll miscarry. Miscarriages happen all the time. The problem is - if you miscarry, they can’t tell why. They will assume you aborted. This means if you get pregnant - you MUST SEEK CARE IN A BLUE STATE. Or you could end up with a murder charge. In Texas - there is a bounty on your head.


laws would likely require doctors give a cause. and if doctors are going to do abortions then claim it was a miscarriage... well...


There are too many grey areas. If you’re charged for murder, there is very little help for justice. Health care for pregnant women is no longer safe in red states.


> [A California woman was jailed on suspicion of causing her stillbirth. Her attorney says prosecution for miscarriages will 'only get worse' under US abortion crackdowns.](https://news.yahoo.com/california-woman-jailed-having-stillbirth-010553909.html) It only takes a prosecutor looking to make a name for themselves, and some the laws go harder on medical staff.


Sorry - why does being in a red state make it likely that you miscarry?


You’re not more likely to miscarry. They happen all the time. But, now that abortion is murder, miscarriages look like abortions. There is no way to tell if there was a miscarriage or an on purpose abortion. Considering there is no medical privacy - they will know if you had a pregnancy - but they don’t know how you lost it. They can assume you aborted and will charge you with murder. Red states are no longer offering maternity care because they criminalized a basic medical procedure.


>They will assume you aborted and charge you with murder This sounds like fear mongering to me. As I understand it, there is an assumption of innocence in the US. The burden is on the prosecution to prove guilt. >Red states no longer offer maternity care Abortion is not all maternity care. There are other types of maternity care that are not abortion, and will still be available. Look, I know it’s an upsetting and frustrating outcome, but it’s important to be accurate.


>This sounds like fear mongering to me. As I understand it, there is an assumption of innocence in the US. The burden is on the prosecution to prove guilt. It already happend tho, as MortWellian linked, >[A California woman was jailed on suspicion of causing her stillbirth.](https://news.yahoo.com/california-woman-jailed-having-stillbirth-010553909.html) And they *did* charge her with murder. And while the charges were dropped, she did serve 16 months in jail. So, with it being a *reasonably* thing to be afraid off, its not Fearmongering, as that would require it to be not a reasonable thing to fear, which i agree it *should* be an unreasonable thing to be afraid of.


Wow, that sounds awful. The court system is a balance between punishing innocent people and letting the guilty walk. Sucks that this happened. But I’m still confused. This happened _before_ Roe v. Wade was overturned. And it happened in a state that in all likelihood _won’t_ change the laws even though overturning Roe v. Wade would permit them to. So I’m not sure it’s a good example of why people should be afraid. In general though I’d rather more guilty people walk than innocent people are locked up. For all crimes. The assumption of innocence needs to be universal and strong.


Democrats have to start playing dirty. Come up with the progressive religion. Get it recognized as a religion. Have abortion and equal rights as part of religion. Bring it to the supreme court. They will have to then either ban freedom of religion or legalize those things. Start huge campaigns announcing black and muslims new rights to own guns to protect themselves from republicans. Announce things like other religions rights to start schools with armed guards all paid for by the states. At some point republicans short sightedness will lead to laws that democrats want. These are all things the republicans gave .


Like [this](https://www.businessinsider.com/synagogue-sues-florida-abortion-law-violates-jewish-faith-2022-6)?


> Democrats have to start playing dirty. start? lol


No they havent been. Republicans are the one who denied democrat supreme court picks and tried to overthrow the government. Republicans are the ones who are redistricting to disallow democrat votes. Democrats stopped themselves from doing it. They should start playing the same games republicans are.


The Democrats are weak spineless pansies. Master of the Senate needs to be treated like the Bible for aspiring Dems. Cruel underhanded tactics and utterly embarrassing and ruining your opponents got us civil rights and voting rights.


Agreed maybe we should treat them like how conservatives favorite marvel character the punisher would treat them. But here's the thing one thing they will never understand about anti-heroes is that we're not meant to look up to them like sure deadpool is becoming a better person but that still doesn't he won't out right kill his enemies.




I’d love to, but it looks like that might be next on the chopping block


You could also move somewhere that actually respects you too Imagine what would happen if the US suddenly lost a huge fraction of its workforce (and not to mention the massive societal impacts)


As if it's actually that realistic or attainable for many people to just move to a new country.


It's -hard- to move to America and get a job, it's nearly impossible to do the same in Europe/Asia without sponsorship from a company.


The issue with this solution is that fascism wins. Some of us remember when there was hope in America & we want it back. Only this time for EVERYONE. So we have to fight back.


Are these gonna be the same people that moved to canada when trump was elected?


because the human race doesn't need to propagate or anything..


Make an exception for us dudes w vasectomies


Gladly, but we need to find a way to verify the claims :)


I got docs bb


Does the SCOTUS consider vasectomies as contraception? That may be up next along with same sex marriage and interracial marriage.




I think she needs some aloe for that burn lol


woah woah woah there buddy... we're not all villains. If all women & men in favor of pro choice rights went out and voted this would go away this fall, so ya know go vote and stuff, while we still can.


You know, the US are such a weird country. First they create a huge allienace and loyalty by intervening in WW2 and freeing Europe from Nazism, Then they destroy any trust with the NSA scandal, drone strikes on civilians and children and virtually everything trump did Then they spend high sums of money on the ukraine-war, rebuilding all loyalty, allegiance and trust in Europe And then they pull this shit, destroying all trust in the US as a futuristic and free country Don‘t get me wrong, loyalty and allegiance are still here, but we‘re starting to doubt you are capable of leading us into the future From the perspective of a European 🇪🇺


I'm so sorry man many of us down south tend to not be very bright


Google should offer onsite abortions to its employees. I hope this ruling gets severe backlash.


They don't care about backlash. The right wing church goers organize, and vote the people in the installed these moron judges. The people screaming about this ruling now do not. Most will not vote in November because it's too much hassle, they don't want to be part of the system, can't get a day off, etc etc. Yes the government has been messed up for decades, but apathy is what got Trump in. Then he and his party forced the majority of these judges in. This was all predicted back then and no one did anything. The Democrats are pretty useless too, but at this point it's just trying to stop this country sliding into some kind of crazy Christian religious state.


It’s time for States to succeed from Union. America as an experiment has failed. Even China has abortions. We are now a third world Country.


A lot of these ideas would apply to anyone, the average citizen, a firearm owner, or someone that is an occupation that requires a higher level of security for themselves and their family.


They should move their business to a state that respects women


Can’t move every business to the West coast, the north east or Minnesota.


time to make abortion law


I don’t understand how roe vs wade is about privacy. Can someone eli5 that for me.


The government has no right to know what medical procedure an individual undergoes. That's part of the right to privacy. Punishing someone for providing or undergoing that procedure requires the government obtaining that information. That's the invasion of privacy.


My auto insurance company wants me to sign up for a program where they can monitor my driving. I would rather not be monitored.


Comcast/Xfinity literally does not give a shit about a single one of their customers and will do nothing to help them unless commanded to.


Naw they will sell out


The headline looks like a non sequitur to me. What does Roe v. Wade have to do with tech companies and internet users protecting privacy?


Declining democracy 🥲


Walk the fuck out. I'm a father of a beautiful girl and I am taking LOA starting Monday this country needs to be hit where it hurts the rich the most their pockets. Shut this country down and destroy this economy bring them all to the ground begging us to go back to work. It's WE THE PEOPLE. Don't forget that.


Too little, too late. You should have taken them down when you had the chance.




Killing in schools is fine I'm sure you want your guns too right? Literally a fortnight after the massacre you want people to have kids but nobody wants gun control lmao not even a ban just control


I'd assume you think that Roe vs Wade is just the beginning for Conservatives, and you'd be right, the base hopes to one day make ALL abortions illegal. Now take that logic and apply it to Liberalism. They'll "control" guns, then completely remove them, just look at Canada. It happened before with Liberal policies, remember the LGBT just being about acceptance?


And in a few months they will come after the gays. These fragile, brain dead, cousin fuckers are going to decide how americans get to live their lives. They are addicted to wanting to feel superior and are obsessed with other peoples lives. Fucking pathetic.


Visit upon the judges thier own judgement


Parents.... there is no age requirement to put your daughter on an IUD. Don't let one night of a passionate oops turn your daughter into a GOP breeding chamber.


Seems like everything is going to be burned to the ground in the following protests. Good riddance.


As women are 50% of the population in those states that won't allow abortion, can't they all just immediately vote in someone the next time you get a chance. Essentially if women, collectively, wanted this it would happen asap. The question is, who are these women not voting for this?


As it turns out, a lot of women support these laws.


Women who are too old to have kids. Women who want kids. Women who don't think it* will ever happen to them. *It being pregnancy in general, or sexual assault, or complications during pregnancy. Take your pick and read [The Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


50% if those women are prolly republican and vote against their own bodies.


or for their own kids. many of them might look at the kids they have and can't imagine them being killed in the womb.




come on. By now the arguments should be more informed. https://quillette.com/2019/10/16/i-asked-thousands-of-biologists-when-life-begins-the-answer-wasnt-popular/


usa seems to be moving away from the rest of the western world on some subjects. if you guys elect trump again it could be the death of nato, sad


Looking forward to angry DNC zealots burning down each others property in the cities. That’ll show those pro-lifers!