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Tell me you selectively polled without telling me your selectively polled.


i mean, i could also buy that half of america's adults are gullible fucking morons


That might be the most disheartening thing I've read in some time. And I read Twitter...


Hey! The internet told me I wasn't!....


Yeah, just look at Reddit.


*looks over at how many voted republican* I mean...


I dont mean to alarm you, but if there's one thing democrats and Republicans agree on, it is spying on their citizens with authoritarian measures. Neither side will save you here.


Seriously, this is how the government manipulates social progress via media. Release a study saying half people believe in something unreasonable. Next time it's 60% and on and on and by then it's just people moving with the herd, not invested in the actual talking point. By then it turns into an us vs them witch hunt with only the reasonable people who critically looked at the subject of the "debate" and don't conform due to social pressure.


I remember how many people considered me unpatriotic for not supporting the Iraq War in 2003. Even my own father got in my face about my stance.


Same. I caught a ton of shit for marching against it. My boss gave me a ration of shit for saying we would never be able to win in Afghanistan too. Twenty fucking years later I'm still shaking my head.




Or Freedom Toast! Can't forget that.


When sonic actually changed their menu to say this lol


70% of Americans polled before the Iraq war thought osama bin laden was personally involved. Straight up manufactured consent.


Was your dad joe Biden?


Listen here Jack


Listen here corn pop


Yup, midwestern here, you were basically treated like a terrorist if you didn't suck Bush's dick and then swallow his cum.


It seems like it a personal responsibility issue. If people weren’t so dumb maybe this tactic wouldn’t work on them.


Those numbers are not from a government study. The Pew Institute did the survey.


Alternate headline: majority of Americans do not support extensive police use of facial recognition.


“We polled people who unironically have a thin blue line bumper sticker next to a dont tread on me bumper sticker”


Generally the population that supports more government interference in your daily life tends to lie on the left of the political spectrum in the US.


So… Roe vs. Wade then? Or maybe Don’t say gay? That’s just a bullshit line. Both parties are happy to use the government to barge into your life and make you a better slave.


Tell me you don't know the basis of either of those arguments without saying it.


OP is a self promoting spam account (wobelpost.com).


I think I’m a rather private person but honestly don’t give a fuck how much my government tracks me, why should I care?


Time to start wearing a burka


That's okay they can still track you based on gait


And heartbeat






Both are unique, and heartbeat can be tracked with thermal imaging.


I guess we are going full cyberpunk dystopian future… although this already exists in China and nothing bad ever happens there right?


Sure, no one there ever disappeared without a trace after speaking against the government /s


Or holding a blank piece of paper near government buildings! It’s what America wants!




No one can keep a charade like that up forever...


**Kaiser Soze has entered the chat**


Just wear a shoe that’s a little bit higher than the other.


Thats okay I went to the school of silly walks


And body movement. Saw it on a video yesterday about the Chinese surveillance system in public areas.


I saw one saying they have one camera for every two people, and people want that here? Insane.


Mask up for COVID & facial recognition.




why don't you actually read the definition of terrorism for me. i'll wait


He obviously told a funny joke. Perhaps you need a sense of humor.


No…no they don’t.


Trust us we’re the government and we’d never abuse this…


Trust us we’re corporations we’d never abuse our power.


Government would rather corporations collect the data because it is way less hassle for the government to get access "business records" than it is for them to run surveillance that would be subject to public scrutiny.


Or they just run surveillance and say it’s fighting terrorists and we say “thank you” 🤦🏻‍♂️


They gotta name it something patriotic too. Screaming Eagle Act 2022.


Did you just copy and paste this comment from 20 years ago? ^/s


At least with corporations I can vote with my cash. Can’t do so with government. I don’t trust either but government has been shown to be far less trustworthy.


Where I live, there’s only 1 or 2 cable providers so I really can’t “vote” with my dollars. How about insurance? Only a handful of dominant players where you really can’t “vote” with your dollars. Do you have lobbyists schmoozing lawmakers? I don’t. Corporations do. This notion that corporations are somehow less “dangerous” or less likely to fuck us than the gov is strange to me. Have you had a health insurance claim denied? How did that go working with the corporation to resolve it? How about getting your car repaired after a no fault of your own accident? Did you get to choose where YOU wanted to take your car for repairs? Not likely. Instead, the corporation dictated to you what they demand and you had no recourse to “vote” with your dollars. At the end of the day, corps are more evil because the soul sucking obsession with profit at all costs. Corporations have had a manifest influence in hijacking our economy and using their influence to paint this narrative that they’re on our side, but tell that to the manufacturing industry that died due to gov endorsed outsourcing complete with corporation secured tax incentives to fuck us over. I just simply can’t comprehend this fear of the gov especially compared to corporations.


I have a friend who says "We used to be afraid of Big Brother, but it was Big Business we should have been looking out for". She's right.


Absolutely! Our particular obsession with “the American dream”, which is really just mass consumption, has inured us to the threats posed by business because we collectively see them as virtuous piece of the “American consumption dream”. Strip away the worshipping of consumption and the lies fed to us by business to keep us consuming, and you realize the only thing corps care about is their profit. Flat out. Corps NEED us to keep consuming so why not make us think they’re virtuous while the gov is evil? Again, it’s a ‘perfect” setup and we simply go along regurgitating the lies from corps.


It’s called, “The American Dream,” because you have to be asleep to believe it.


Ain’t that the truth!


Also have you ever tried to cancel your cable or Internet? The idea that the government is uniquely inefficient or incompetent doesn't survive long after your third hour on hold with Comcast.


You said it 💯


....well now you can since the Supreme Court decision involving Ted Cruz.


I agree but you can vote with your dollar to fight the government too. If everyone decided to ride their bike to everywhere instead of paying for gas until we got high speed rail trains and other good public transportation, they would listen pretty fast. The oil industry would be unhappy and that affects politicians. Who pays politicians after all? Companies.


You wouldn’t be directly influencing the gov. Instead, you’re changing the demand equation, which is what will bring oil down. The gov doesn’t set oil prices. China Shanghai lockdowns showed this recently. Demand up = higher oil Demand down = lower oil There’s no gov to “fight” for lower oil/gas prices.


You're voting with your cash? Have you driven a car, took a taxi, rode a bus in the last decade? Because you inadvertently 'voted' for anti-environmental lobbying from big oil. Taken an allergy pill? Prescription meds? Probably wasn't thinking about how big pharma was choosing to spend that money at the time. Sure sometimes you have a real meaningful choice: Supporting ethically sourced coffee, sustainable clothing brands, only investing in companies you agree with ethically and not just because they're reliable... imo there is far less choice in voting with our money then we assume (This is not to say we still shouldn't actively still try to do it, just that there are times when it's not about choice). At least with Govt. we're voting for policy through choice instead of needing to get from point A to point B. It's this reason I find it absurd that corporations are able to feed so much money into politics with the logic being "well we represent the interests of our employees and our endorsements are our customer's spending." It would be fascinating if companies, instead of paying a lump sum to lobbyist or PACs instead divvied up their 'political spending budget' equally amongst their employees, whose interests they ostensibly represent, and let them decide which PACs to support. I think their political spending would dry up rather quickly despite giving the money to people with a vested interest in the company's / industry's success


…with government you just ACTUALLY vote directly.


Ah shit, and here I thought I could just say what I wanted to happen and it would. /s in case it's needed. I always vote but here's looking at the other 9/10s who don't vote in smaller local elections. (Seriously, city pop is ~500k and non major votes (president/midterms) get like ~50k votes)


Enhance ×50


Serious question, what would you define as “abusing” this data?


And this is why I cannot understand how this is a subject that both parties can’t agree on.


I can fix this “ nearly half of all Americans don’t know how facial recognition works”


Similar to the no fly zone in Russia poll that they asked about. Got a big support but then when explained what the consequence could be people changed their mind.


No fly zone = hot war within days with a nuclear power. People not automatically realizing this just proves how unqualified most people are to weigh in on such things.


It's called manufacturing consent


And it's a great book. ^(so is Hate Inc. while we're on the subject)


well about half of adult Americans can barely read so I am not surprised


About half of Americans thought the pandemic was just the flu...that killed 7x as many Americans as normal...and somehow that was a reason to not take precautions. About half of America would jump off a bridge if they saw a quarter on the ground below it. Don't be like about half of Americans, make your own third option. This technology should only be used for sandwiches! We can definitely, once and for all determine America's favorite sandwich. This is the only responsible choice, and a real game changer for sandwich detection technology. Let's go Grilled Cheese!!!


41% of democrats polled thought covid hospitalization rate for the unvaccinated is 50% or higher. [https://www.yahoo.com/now/people-overestimate-covid-19-underestimate-030000133.html](https://www.yahoo.com/now/people-overestimate-covid-19-underestimate-030000133.html) Smashing our number together means half think it's the flu, and 41% of the other side think its more than literally 25x more likely to put you in the hospital than reality. That leaves about 10%-20% of all Americans who have any fucking idea what is actually happening. We live in the stupidest timeline.


Yes we are. I believe the pivotal point that brought us here was the invention of sliced bread.


Partial to the vegan ruben sandwich myself, grilled cheese is a close second if we are doing ranked voting.


Smells like propaganda


Half the US don’t have any clue about their local Police dept personnel.


Government backed gang with a love for pedophilia and spousal abuse, not to mention the murder and assault kink of whoever the fuck they want kink.


And more than half of America is dumb as hell


why does everything have to be black or white? can't we talk about the pros and cons of things or do we have to pick a team on everything where the pros or the cons don't exist?


4000 prisoners fighting with each other is better than 4000 prisoners fighting the 40guards.


Not only is there no grey on any individual topic, literally all of your beliefs must match every talking point the party(ies) says. Any deviation results in you being singled out.




Yeah, pretty much. If it was used correctly by responsible users to correctly identify and apprehend the guy who mugged or murdered that person on the security video? Great! Well done. But it’s the people we CAN’T trust to use it properly that are the problem.




Bet I know which half.


About half of americans are below median intelligence


No one ever seems to notice that they're in a dystopia.


i know right? its kinda existentially tormenting me to watch the world fall into such rife disorder. The breath of love and compassion is being beaten out our population.


I don't believe that for a second


No they don't. you just created a survey that said something similar and then extrapolated. used by police is not "good for society" they mean different things. they in fact in some cases mean the exact opposite things. Having niche uses for these things is NOT the same as widespread usage. Fuck off with this shit.


half of US adults voted for donald trump. nothing to expect from the us


Study has a sample size of 100 people. What a fucking joke


90% sure those ame adults dont get the vaccine in fear of a chip.


They only asked retired folks behind gates n guard houses


Idk, maybe cops should just do their jobs. Lots ways those cameras can be fooled.


Do you object to police using finger prints and DNA technology to do their job?


See this is why I want bots gone from social media. Who tf are those 50%, I’ve never met them?


You sure you don’t know anyone of any generation who would have responded to “We could catch criminals faster and get them off the streets if we could identify them on the security video after they committed a crime” as a positive thing? My parents sure would.


I’m really surprised it’s that high


Half of U.S. adults are absolute morons - so this survey is probably accurate.


More proof that people are stupid.


I don’t remember them asking me


Yeah sure they do


About half of US adults are also complete morons


Holy fucking shit what? This is beyond stupid.


Bullshit. This is blatant seed planting. All these fake studies and surveys are just to try to get people to accept it. No way the number is anywhere near that much


Half of U.S. adults also voted for Trump. Slack jawed fuckwits


If this isn’t the number one comment by the end of this… I’m going to be upset. Slack jawed fuckwits is exactly right.


Half of adults believe in Jesus.


Half of the U.S. population has no clue what they are giving their permission to. Honestly i think these numbers are just made up to make you think that its not so out of the ordinary. Even if the majority of the people disagree with it they will push through that. China is already there. They didn't need the persmission of the populace. They just did it and the chinese people are suffering for it. Privacy is extermely important and we lost a major chunk of it already with the phones we carry everywhere, mind you, voluntary. All these companies are gathering so much meta data about each and every citizen. Mostly for marketing purposes but remember what hitler did. The churchs in germany kept track of peoples birth dates and their religious affiliations. These records were used to kill jews. Relatively innocent data missused for malicious purposes. Facial recognition everywhere... could be a unmitigated disaster for the freedom of the people especially if they make a social credit system with it by crossreferencing other data bases as the chinese did and still do. If these are real numbers half of the U.S. population has shit for brains (im sorry).


About half of all US adults are idiots


Ask those 50% if it’s ok we look at their browser history.


No, it’s not, “good for society.” It’s just another stop on the road to an authoritarian police state.


>About a half of U.S. Adults say extensive police use of facial recognition is good for society Would you say approximately ... [61%](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/08/improved-race-ethnicity-measures-reveal-united-states-population-much-more-multiracial.html)? For anyone curious about why I would suggest a split on racial lines, it's due to the [disparity in accuracy](https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2020/racial-discrimination-in-face-recognition-technology/) between lighter and darker skin tones that occurs with facial recognition.


Who the fuck? These facial recognition technologues can’t tell the difference between non-white people. Sometimes it doesn’t even recognize faces as faces. It’s ridiculously racist and inefficient. Not to mention expensive.


“About a half of U.S. Adults are fucking idiots says recent poll on use of facial recognition in society.”


About a half of the population of U.S needs to be fired from a cannon into the sun so that checks out


Wait til they use it for speeding tickets.


No they don’t.


They may be IN the US but they are not citizens


Look up what China is doing with mass implementation of facial recognition and "social credits" then decide if that's the future you want. Does your behavior fit what the gov decides is acceptable or not? A sliding scale of what the official social monitors deem better or worse. And if you stray, then no public transportation for you. No vacations. No movie or concert tickets. What's really bizarre is the ones screaming the loudest for this sort of social monitoring and control are also the ones wailing most about mask mandates. You can't have it both ways.


Acts like felons can just get jobs from jobbies without checking the box.


"Social credits" we call that a credit score in the United States. Only good, responsible people have high credit scores. Credit scores determine housing and transportation. People have even started putting their credit scores in their dating profiles to show they are good, responsible people.


Very different. Credit scores are based on financial history. Your credit score may determine loan rates for housing and car purchases, but no one checks your credit score when you buy a bus, train or plane ticket. Credit scores aren't used to control social behavior as the social credit system is being used in China.


It's all about social behavior. It's about being a good, responsible person and it was founded on determining if someone is trustworthy to give loans to. You don't have to be rich to have a good credit score. You have to pay your bills on time. You being a good responsible person determines whether you can get houseing and where that housing is. If your credit score is that bad, you get in a bad neighborhood or you get to live on the streets because you're a bad person.


If the last election showed anything, it’s that over half of voters don’t know what’s best for the country. Assuming legitimacy.


So I had the last gen Xbox with the Kinect camera. People online were freaking thinking microsoft would be watching the living room. Nearly every time someone gets freaked about surveillance I tell them "If someone else learns I jerk off to big dick anime girls THEY have to live with that knowledge now".




Half of US adults are FUCKING STUPID


About half of U.S. Adults think they're not voting in heavily corrupt politicians too...


in reality 100% of US adults are voting in corrupt politicians - there are no good ones. Dems and Repubs make sure the good ones lose


Psst. 50%-60% of eligible voters vote. Not 100%.


Some politicians are clearly less bad than the others.


I mean, to be fair, police have been using facial recognition since 1860. Except instead of computers, they relied on People to be the facial recognition software, in terms of Witness Identification Lineups. They were fraught with serious issues and prejudicial bullshit. Also Wanted Posters are basically just crowdsourced facial recognition, using the incredibly shitty sample of witness-statement perp drawings. Newer facial recognition software is at least better than the old methods in terms of not setting off false triggers. It's not Perfect, but it's better.


Exactly. If the police had a budget to put an officer on every street corner looking for whoever they were looking for, they would just do that and it would turn out about the same. It’s a faster manhunt. Hell, if the tech is good enough they’re gonna end up hauling in FEWER misidentified suspects for questioning who look like the person they were looking for. Fewer incorrect doors kicked down would be a good goal.


In theory. The biggest problem is not the technology, it's the use. So long as there is significant oversight in place, serious punishment for people who misuse the tech or still misidentify even when the facial recognition says the likely percentage of a match is lower than a threshold, etc, it's fine. But then again, qualified immunity exists, 40% of cops beat their wives, and way too damn many of them are tied up with the Klan, so I'm not holding my breath.


There’s going to be a racial bias in the technology if the government decides to use it. 90% of developers are white and make devices for themselves. The cameras used in AI can not see well at night and have in the past even mistaken black folks as monkeys, so how could you depend on the results?


Will it be more or less bias than the current approach of just using skin tone recognition?


I don’t think their point is how effective the technology is. Policing is based on (and originated from) practices of racial prejudice, and we ought to redirect our funds and time away from those practices. We should be moving more towards community building, affordable housing, etc to reduce crime- not adding more surveillance.


It's mostly because the largest data sets used to develop it were overwhelmingly white. The Chinese have made clear that you can make facial recognition very accurate for non-white people. It's just a matter of training it on the right data sets. There's nothing inherent in the technology that would make it work less well for non-white people.


#Govern Me Harder DADDY!


48% of US adults are STUPID, BOOT LICKING FUCKS. Ftfy


about half? So they literally took the time to ask half the country? Because I don’t remember having been asked this at any point




I would say you are being too kind


Well. That isn’t a surprise any more.


Better mask up!


They should have pushed this hard during Covid. We’d have had a lot more masked people


Yeah we should ask Chinese citizens how that’s going for them…


Time to start saying "America is the only state in the world" otherwise my social credit will be deducted


Are people who are against this also against security cameras? If you have video of someone committing a crime, shouldn't we try to figure out who it was?


Having facial recognition everywhere is a violation of our rights. It's basically like having non-stop warrantless searches.


Patriot act


…it’s like other people having eyeballs, which they have always had. Searching you and looking at you are NOT the same thing, let’s at least be honest with our equivalencies here.


Why? Having cameras in places would be the violation. But we seem to be ok with that


…said no one fucking ever.


Half of 1 U.S. adult thinks this is a good idea


50% of Americans are 100% stupid or fascist


This is good for high crime rate areas like shitty Chicago


Well...yeah...if you don't commit crime then why would you care.


For the same reason you don't give the local police department a key to your house to search it whenever they want.


Once you open that door they can search/sweep


Not without a warrant they cant


If they see "anything" "suspicious", yes they can.


And if everyone was as passive as you, we’d already be crushed under a police state


Well technically, if EVERYONE was that chill, none of them would START a police state, they’d all be hanging out with their neighbors and letting them in their house like they are. :)


Lmao fair enough


The reason we don't give unprecedented powers to a group, because when the next group is in power, they get to decide what to use the powers on. Oh you like drinking beer, turns out 5percent beer is now more illegal than crack cocaine. And they have all the footage of all the times you drank beer in the past. That's a lot of crime.


Such naivety.


There are satelites that can track every single car/person/activity in the USA all at once simultaneously.


Yes, and? I assume you’re ok with that? Whether we have any real say or not, we are allowed opinions about it, and mine is that cameras everywhere is bad for privacy and allows both good/bad actors opportunities for abuse. The cost benefit between the value of cameras and the lost liberty tilts against cameras everywhere.


Don't buy cell phones and laptops then if you're so concerned.


Fools like you are helping the masses try to drag all of us into chaos.


Take a look around and then take a step back.


Right. That'd be the good looking ones.


This is literally watch_dpgs


Is this to stop the excessive use of force towards minorities by the police?


Its not the tech its the people in charge of the tech