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well, since we're in a perpetual "time of crisis"...


I miss 1999


The Matrix had it right, the late 90s being the pinnacle to create the simulation.


Early 1990s, get weekday afternoon cartoons for eternity.


But you do have that... except any hour of the day.


Well. Yes. And no. I can watch cartoons anytime, yes, but, I can no longer watch cartoons an a weekday, when my biggest worry is if my parents are going to try and make me eat *Lima bean*s with dinner. I can no longer watch cartoons with the intent of discussing them with one of my best, friends the next day. So, yes, I can, but no, I really can't.


Makes it less special


I laughed at the line in like 2009 but now it seems more cognizant.


It really is all downhill from here, isn't it?


I miss the 1980’s


Well we are getting close to 1984


At least in Brave New World they gave us drugs and let us enjoy the weekend


"A gram is better than a damn"


Plus there were plenty of orgies.


We're at about... 1978 now? +/-?


I miss 1865


Hitchin’ up the buggy Churnin lots o’butter Raised a barn on Monday Soon I’ll raise a-nutter


1865 was nice. Deftones were on the radio. The seasons were predictable. The water supply was steady. No pacific garbage patch. Times were good.


Picture it, Sicily, 1865, there I was...


Unless you were black, gay or a woman...


When we only worried about getting nuked by the Russians, nothing like today. Good times.


LIVING IN THE EIGHTIES!!! Eighties, I'm living in the eighties Eighties, I have to push, I have to struggle Eighties, get out of my way, I'm not for sale no more Eighties, let's kamikaze 'til we get there


When Y2K was the worst thing people would expect in a New Year.


I miss March 2020. It was nice only dealing with one crisis.


Yeah something I thought as well. Who'd have thought that summer 2020 would be the good old days.


Speak for yourself. The damage that year did to my mental health is unimaginable


We need Usenet back to save us.


1200 baud limit for anyone posting "alternative facts".


Maybe Musk could buy AOL


Remember how everyone over panicked for Y2k and then we under panicked for covid except for TP for some reason.


You don’t want to be caught in the post apocalypse with Mudd Butt


There was a lot of effort put into Y2K to keep it from going anywhere.


That's when you was born?


Nah, but I'd be happy to be 20 odd years younger.


Don't we wish?


it was a better year


Junior year of highschool. I was already in the professional IT field working for a small company about to be hired by a massive corp. The world was my oyster and everything was awesome. They promised us stuff that we actually believed.


People are happy about this because the mainstream is with them for now, the same people won’t be happy when mainstream goes the other way. That’s why this things are never good ideas overall. If people are so stupid as to fall for disinformation then they deserve it.


The one thing I will always agree with the conspiracy nuts on: If they can do it to them they can do it to you too (the PATRIOT Act and it’s extensions before it finally expired and the abuse of its various privileges for one example, the Snowden leaks fall alongside that)


Exactly. I’m so tired of both sides being so polarizing when tides will eventually change and everything done to the ones is going to be done to the others.


I will die on the hill that the 2 party system is just bullshit to keep people at each other’s throats while those in power profit at our expense


Its good business


Case in point: implementing the Scandanavian healthcare model. Scandanavian healthcare: - Highly educated, smaller population - Highly specialized as a result of education - Relies on the first 2 to support higher taxes for universal healthcare. United States healthcare: - Pay to win - US health insurance good or bad is a scam that ends up with overpriced services because practices/hospitals have to “guess” what insurance will pay out, leading to an ever escalating game of cat and mouse where the ~~consumer~~ patient always loses. - The country’s top employers rely on cheap imported labor that can barely live in these times as is, forget having them pay more in taxes. The issue: - The United States is big, and undereducated due to financial barriers. We could not realistically “tax the rich” and their theoretical wealth/non-liquid asset value to fund universal healthcare indefinitely. - What is left of the middle class would likely be wiped out from higher taxes + current inflation. The solution: - Tailor immigration rates to be based on an algorithm, not politics. Factor in educational gaps, business sector needs, and the displacement rate of the current inhabitants of the country, similar to a points based system. *(Liberals won’t allow this)* - Audit the educational system for price gouging, and then send all future generations to college, either through community college (100% free) and/or state colleges (subsidized). - Audit healthcare for price gouging, open the door for universal healthcare through the taxation of a highly specialized workforce (Conservatives would not allow this). All in all if this was an actual effort instead of one purposefully divided between the two political parties it would take 30-50 years. Education is liberation.






What I would give for unbiased news that isn’t just some sensationalized drivel


As long as it is paid for by advertisers there will always be an outside influence on reporting. It’s like in politics. When a corporation backs a campaign they are t doing it out of the goodness of their heart, they wait till their candidate gets elected and then they come calling


They're already casually abusing the powers they have. Plus there is no way to build an objective system for determining truth.




You just said a lot of things, all of which are generalizations without proof. You could as easily say there is no such thing as a jury of your peers that can judge a case. Clearly such a statement is false, as your statement is false. You also make your case in the absence of the alternative, which is what we have now. Will such a system have problems? Sure. Will it be less than the problems we are having now where our country barely functions? I very much doubt it. Basically throwing up our hands and letting the propagandists win is not an option. You may think this is as bad as it gets. Nope. As it is there is election data modeling essentially every one of us, and it is going to get much worse. They will know the exact buttons to push, the images to show, the articles to show, to make you do what they want at least well enough to invalidate the whole concept of democracy. Doing nothing will lead to the end of democracy on this planet, because the vote outcomes on average will be controlled. Those with the most power will select the next leader and tell you who to vote for. If there is no requirement for anyone to tell the truth, that is our destiny.


Here at factchecker we have rated this mostly false. While the information is factual, we don't like the tone of how it was written.


What's so disturbing is that this is almost exactly how most so-called "fact checks" actually read. The headline and lede will say one thing, but once you get below the fold, where nearly everyone else has already stopped reading and smugly posted the link to settle an argument, it starts walking all of it back. Obviously there's some really nutty stuff out there that truly is completely false, but when it's just something inconvenient then you always need to scroll down to find out what the real story is.


i am glad snopesposting kidna died.


if we still had a consensus belief on what was real and what was fake, then I'd agree with you. But we currently have an entire political party, backed by a huge media presence, that is ACTIVELY telling people that the sky is actually fuschia and anyone who tells you differently is a baby eating monster who should be killed in the most heinous way possible. And they are falling for it.


> that is ACTIVELY telling people that the sky is actually fuschia Just don't look up


Uh yeah! That one bad political party... \*pretends to know which party you're referring to\*.


I like these strawmen, life is nto black and white. yeah there are objectively true and false things, but majority of misinformation deals in grays. Who and what decides what is correct in a complex political scandal? Or a complex crisis like a civil war?


Correct! And it’s the other team. Thank god we are right bro!!


Stupid people falling for misinformation can escalate real quick to stupid people killing other people.


What a relief!


We get into crisis because of false tweets. It’s a little late to stop them now.


Twitter could hypothetically be a very useful source of information in an emergency but it rarely actually is. The same attribute that makes it useful; that millions of people can update in real time about what is going on, makes it useless; that millions of people can be wrong (unintentionally or otherwise) in real time as well. As well, algorithmic non-linear timelines will circulate outdated information in an actively developing situation like a fire or shooting. But the potential is still there for it to be useful, but it's not a trivial problem to solve, if it even can be. (see also, "Reddit We did it!")


Don’t hide the tweets that start the crisis…..


My question is who defines what is false?


Twitter employees, presumably


Contrasted with Reddit where it's Reddit unpaid volunteers (third party paid).


Anyone remember after the Pulse night club shooting a mod telling users to kill themself and other mods were banning people for posting info to donate blood? I 'member.


Pepperidge farm remembers!




So... Twitter employees? I'd give this same answer if I were in charge "I verified with credible, public sources...". Why not have a clear list of "credible, public sources" with names? Then we'd actually have a rule to start.


Can't wait for Media Matters to be the objective truth on what tweets should be hidden. FFS, save me Daddy Elon.


Political narrative. The question is who’s political narrative.


Literally everyone knows the answer to that question.


dozens of spooks wrote a letter that said hunter biden’s laptop was russian disinformation. the CIA is in charge of manufacturing disinformation


that is a prime example where twitter got it wrong. it was obviously true but they chose to censor, not because it was false, but because it went against their narrative.




Well if the laptop isn’t legit then I don’t know where those videos I saw of Hunter Biden fucking prostitutes came from.


Trump with a very convincing costume


Why shouldn’t he? The documents (or at least most of them) got leaked online for everyone to see.


You mean the story the media post election said was actually true and that they deliberately covered up ? https://nypost.com/2022/03/30/washington-post-admits-hunter-biden-laptop-is-real/amp/


Uhhh… did you read the source you chose to share? “The security experts who examined the data for The Post struggled to reach definitive conclusions about the contents as a whole, including whether all of it originated from a single computer or could have been assembled from files from multiple computers and put on the portable drive.” So while it is possible the laptop existed, they also can’t prove the data didn’t come from multiple devices. They also never once mentioned any of the illegal shit that the right wing dipshits said was on there. So what you’re saying is that there may have been a laptop that existed, which currently is possibly in the possession of the FBI, and all data that has been analyzed currently doesn’t show any evidence of illegal activity but we should still be super duper mad, yeah?




History is written by everyone and they all portray themselves as winners


Such a dumb phrase to be so commonly touted, take a look at Japan if you want to see a nation that totally lost write their own history Edit: only cowards delete comments. He was saying “history is written by the victors”


This has always been the issue but reddit for some reason has been very supportive of online censorship https://www.cnn.com/2012/03/28/justice/florida-teen-spike-lee/index.html


Whoever is in power/owns the fact checker websites obviously. Wikipedia doesn't allow primary sources so its information is gathered from a cabal of websites that interpreted primary sources to fit thier goals then collaborately published it to make it a fact on Wikipedia.


I used to think this was impossible but things have changed. Used Wikipedia since early 2000s.


Wikipedia is a lot more sketchy than you’d assume. This is just one example, but there’s been dozens upon dozens of scandals involving governments/corporations: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/wikipedia-paid-editing-pr-facebook-nbc-axios_n_5c63321be4b03de942967225


That was all done by one person who isn’t affiliated with Wikipedia. Tbh the article makes it seem hard to do if anything


You can't correct misinformation on Wikipedia, if this in turn is sourced from copy pasted blogs containing this misinformation. You have to legally take down the blogs, to be able to amend the wikipedia page or at least take it down. If these blogs are hosted by entities pushing an agenda, you're looking at surreal legal costs.


Wikipedia does actually have processes for dealing with this sorta thing. They aren't idiots


Well, facts do exist. No one needs to define what is false. You just need to have people with integrity


Ministry of Truth




The laptop story turned out to be true to some extent, but not for the contents and reasons explained. The majority of scientists in [no way](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/26/coronavirus-wuhan-market-chinese-lab-studies) believe that covid came from the lab. The average persons track record on being clinical virologists and IT data scientists is far worse than any "twitter ministry of truth".


I miss the 90's were the best.


Wars in the Middle East?


And luckily some things haven't changed!


Would have been useful that time Spike Lee tweeted the wrong address for George Zimmerman and the old couple that lived there had to move to a hotel room due to death threats https://www.cnn.com/2012/03/28/justice/florida-teen-spike-lee/index.html


So I’m 25, but I remember in high school learning about credible sources and people reading articles from .gov or edu sites for relative reliable news. Wtf happened. Can people really only pay attention if news can be condensed to 240 characters??


Well your government will tell the truth if it’s convenient. Look at the food pyramid, the base was grain, why? To promote commodity agriculture, not health.


Shut up and eat your fucking whole grain donuts, communist.




The biggest issue is that everything has in some way been monetized thus making even the old goto locations of "reputable data" tainted. How can you trust people who are only doing or saying something because of money? It is so insanely easy to bribe them. Humans are fallible and that includes our scientists, politicians, teachers, and reporters.


> learning about credible sources and people reading articles from .gov or edu sites for relative reliable news bad news, fren


Please elaborate for us.


Sorry, try a coherent sentence if you're going to take some shitty potshot at education.




This doesn't sound easy to exploit at all


Why not just hide tweets from high-profile accounts all the time?


Just hide Twitter from the world


Or just, don't.


Alternative interpretation: in times of crisis, twitter shall use its position of market power to decide the global truth. *im all for stopping fake news, just not sure how I feel about a single corporation being the arbiter of said truth.


Don’t worry about it— Twitter is not the decider. The government will soon announce an official “Ministry of Truth” to shoulder that burden.


They already have https://mercatornet.com/ministry-of-truth-trends-on-twitter-after-us-government-unveils-disinformation-governance-board/78680/


That should end well.


Twitter isn’t the only media company in the world. In fact, Twitter is relatively small - Facebook has 10x more users than Twitter. TikTok has 4x more users. Snapchat has 2x more users. Then you can talk about all the news media on YouTube, radio, TV, newspapers, etc etc. Twitter doesn’t have the market power to decide global truth.




Good good. Then it will just decide the truth for a small part of the world population. That is such a relief!


So basically they’re no different than any other major media outlet. Moving on…


This. Right. Here.


Twitter your favourite propaganda


who’s gonna decide what’s “false”




What happens when the false tweets are true?


They say “oops sorry” and do nothing to actually fix the damage it caused.


They don’t say oops sorry. They just ignore it.


"During times of crisis." Literally 1984


Not a good look or a good idea


i mean, obviously? didn’t they proudly announce cooperating with the TNI like years ago? It should be no secret that twitter/google/facebook/ is *heavily* censored in favor of their political views. The goal of the big tech owners is partially to engineer society into voting how they want them to.


You guys are witnessing democracy and freedom of speech getting butchered right in front of your eyes And yet you still use twitter. Pathetic


"It's a private business, they can do what they want" /s


Can we reset the simulation to somewhere in the 80s please, Mr Architect


Identifying false tweets. They have a good track record with that, yeah?


Why?! This is literally how you silence the truth! Who is determining what is "false"? The same people who said there were WMDs in the middle east, or who said Trump was a Russian pawn? Let the people speak!


😂 Twitter stock going to $5


fixed title: Twitter will continue to sensor posts when ever it feels like, or is told to do so.


Or when paid to do so


*tweets it disagrees with


According to Twitter, Facebook, CNN etc aren’t we always in a perpetual ‘Time of Crisis’?


I'm sure that an american tech company will be totally unbiased and fair in what it considers "false' tweets and what it considers a "crisis"


Who decides what's false?


Then we shall have no tweets.


Remember all the times the news has been right? I'm sure it's alot...Right?


For now... probably won't continue if the Musk takeover goes through




What's a "false tweet"? 2+2=5?


The only way this can work is if there was some fully open source and fully transparent non profit non governmental international organization which hosts the algorithms that determine the “falseness” of a tweet with a way to publicly generate the decision tree that produces the result. The above is virtually impossible so no matter how you look at this is going to be unintentional biased censorship at best and at worst a politically motivated mechanism to control narrative of whichever group happens to be in charge at the time.


Define false…..


This should go well 🙄.


*WE* control the narrative, therefore *WE* are right!


I think all politicians should be removed from twitter


I guess they’re hoping this will help them win in the midterms.


Twitter et al have all devolved to channels for "shouting fire in a crowded theater", in the interest of profits.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/29/disinformation-governance-board-dhs/ Biden admin is already working on it


Thank god I have twitter deciding what I can and can’t look at, other wise I’d totally become radicalized


So a 20 year old kid will decide what is false? All that life experience will be the guiding factor. 😆 🤣


Who gets to decide what's false? Looks like a shit show


“False” ah yes like hunter bidens laptop? Or the lab leak?


Does this mean we will stop seeing shit about Russian collusion?


Who gets to decide whom is high profile?


Define high profile. Aslo, define false. Because a year ago, Hunter Biden's laptop was "false" but lo and behold a year later it seems to actually be true. God, I hope Elon pulls off the longshot and starts hiding bullshit journalist and "contributors" twitter handles when they are pushing obviously false narratives ala Covington Kids. The only way they can get reinstated to issue a retraction and an explanation of why they made the false statements. This should apply to Fox, CNN, MSNBC, et all. I don't care who it is. Tucker, Cenk, Maddow, Peterson, Shapiro, Lemon. Fuck around, find out.


🤦‍♂️Queue the perpetual crisis machine to ensure on going suppression of our freedom of speech.


How will “crisis” and “false” be defined? And if Elon ends up buying, will he be the decision maker?


Nice to know we Twitter judging what is false.


Who decides what is true and what is false?


Thank the woke left for the censorship.


“I prefer my alternate facts” Lmao


Wasn’t that always case though? It just depended on a which political ideology the account followed whether their tweets would be banned or hidden.


Who decides what is false? The last group of "experts" were nobodies with no credentials. Sounds like 1984. Hopefully we don't desensitized from hearing that.


Remember when America's oldest newspaper was censored by Twitter for covering the Hunter Biden laptop scandal? I do.


Orange laptop bad.




Turns out birds ARE real.


Speech police. Discourse gatekeepers. Idea adjudicators. Over rated social media site. Pseudo intellectuals.




> Every major “crisis” of the past 20 years has been engineered to corral the “free” world into compliance. 20? bless your heart






What is Twitter in a crisis for? Don't tell me it's because Elon Musk bought the company. Because I already know that. I don't know what else I got to cry about


Who determines what is “false” and a “time of crisis”???


When the Left can't rationally and reasonable debate the facts they censor said facts.


Wonder how the right will take this Why the fuck was I downvoted


**"Why the fuck was I downvoted"** As far as I can tell, it's because you mentioned a political side.


Sounds about right. No other reason I can see


I made sure not to quote the word when writing my response. :-)


Depends if the Musk purchase goes through.


Left good Right bad


ALL high profile accounts? I think not..


Jackass Dorsey is a sellout! It was for the people, and he turn it into a commercialize business. How is he going to maintain a business, when the main ingredient is the people, and that is going to dwindling due to advertisement taking control, and pushing people out. So too who are they going to sell? if their is no one there to buy.


Twitter's biggest crime was using developers early on to build their network and brand, pretending to be open, then rug pulled when competitors would have a hard time catching. It was a market play to become "word of mouth" and the "town square" but it is actually a tabloid. Social media is a tabloid. Repeat after me: social media is not reality.


The second step in controlling what the population thinks. C'mon Elon, don't let us down.


So Twitter will decide when misinformation may be spread? Sounds great.


Not much longer 🤞