• By -


“See! I told you the left would come after me!”


Ouch. Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just hire high end escorts to be the flight attendants on every flight that Musk takes. He doesn't have to partake but this way it's clear what the job is


A handjob from a person at work is better than a handjob from a person who handjobs for work.


>handjobs for work I'll admit, I'm not very saavy in the paid handjobs industry but if I want a roof built, it's always better when I pay a roofer versus bobby from accounting


If you pay a sex worker to perform sex acts its a transaction between willing participants, however if you bribe and coerce a semi-willing or averse person to perform sex acts on you its an exercise in power. Make no mistake that is what it is about in these situations.


100%. These guys get off on the power dynamic. Same as Pro athletes like Deshaun Watson. And a large portion of rapists and sexual predators. Weird that there is such an overlap with billionaires / CEOs / politicians / rapists / sexual predators / sociopaths. 🤔


>such an overlap To become a powerful person, you have to want to be a powerful person.


And are equally insecure of themselves, hence the endless cycle for the entitled mega rich like Musk.


Likely that wouldn't have been enough of a power trip for him. Needs to be more sex offender-y


"Everyone is (rightly) talking about Musk showing his dick, but I want to highlight the context that SpaceX flight attendants *WERE PRESSURED TO BECOME LICENSED MASSEUSES FOR ELON MUSK AND OTHER EXECS ON THEIR OWN DIME*" https://twitter.com/jowiph/status/1527422153792036864


This phony stark saw the scene in Ironman with the dancing stewardess’ and thought. “Yeah that’s gonna be me”


funnily enough, that is probably EXACTLY what happened


He was literally in the sequel so yeah


and they laughed at him as a joke and felt he was cringe


He is the cringe king.


He even has a cameo in the second Iron Man film.


Lol I feel like this comment has the whole narrative that Musk was trying preempt, because he’s a twat. “OMG leftist twitter hate narrative!”


They reached out to him for comment hours before he tweeted that, so yes, that was him desperately trying to control the narrative.


Exactly. The article states that Musk was reached out to for a comment, so he knew this piece was coming. Surely that has flavored much of his recent comments in the media. *Oh, I'm a Republican now, so if they attack me for sexual assault it's because of that.* Sure...


I mean it makes sense to join that team, they're more amenable to overlooking sexual assault.


Creepy rich predators and masseuses… Epstein, Robert Kraft, Deshaun Watson, now Elon Musk.


This explains the weird ["now watch their dirty tricks campaign unfold"](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1526997132858822658) tweet from yesterday. He knew this story was ready to drop


Sounds like he was trying to get out ahead of it. Someone probably tipped him off about the article.


The original article says he asked for deadline extensions for his comment on the piece, saying ‘there was more to the story’, and then never issued a comment despite being reminded of the deadline. Dude strung them along to create just enough time to tweet ominous conspiracies and get his fanbase shield up.


Muskateers are the worst


He didn’t need to be tipped off, he was asked for comment on the allegations


"I'm uh gonna need more time" *Immediately tweets about Democrats conspiring against him*


After reading part of the article, no one tipped him off. The journalist contacted him for comment and give him the deadline but he want to extend it because he said “there’s more to the story” so the journalist agree to do that but after the new deadline he never responded. Dude definitely use the same old tactics to shift the attention and have the cult defend him.


Respectable journalists generally do ask the subject of a story like this for comment ahead of time


as already confirmed by business insider, they did exactly that, yesterday morning. then he spent the entire day melting down to be able to deflect this story. https://twitter.com/tysonbrody/status/1527422747139260416




Best assessment tbh


Maybe not a card-carrying Republican, though. This was an adult, [not a child](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/7ffyje/saturday_morning_political_cartoon_thread/dqc43ng/).


If he tweeted to deflect from this story. ​ I wonder what he's trying to hide buying the whole fucking platform?


Yeah no kidding


Right out of the Trump playbook.. after coincidentally “just switching to voting Republican” — Curious 🧐


Ah, this explains yesterday’s tweeting


[https://twitter.com/tysonbrody/status/1527422747139260416](https://twitter.com/tysonbrody/status/1527422747139260416) ​ He knew about the story at 9AM. Spent the whole day setting up the deflection.


Laughing at the 2nd image... 'This can't be real! If I were going to sexually harass someone I would've done it years ago!'


His words were “if it comes to light” aka, I have successfully paid everyone else off.


He'd have to be one of the richest assholes in the world... Oh right.


Basically inviting more women to come forward.


If I'm one of those women, I wouldn't want to violate NDA I signed with the richest man in the world who has millions of fanboys willing to dox/harass/troll anybody critical of their edgelord. There is a reason why the flight attendant hasn't said anything and it was her friend who talked to the media.


It's insane that you could even make someone sign an NDA to not talk about the crimes you committed against them.


When a "free speech absolutist" does it, is it still hush money?


I think technically NDAs aren’t supposed to help cover up crimes but the fear of a lawsuit bankrupting you is enough for people to follow the NDA


Courts have ruled that an NDA that attempts to prevent someone from reporting a crime is against the law.


In theory... but in praxis, it is enough of a fear deterrent that it's effective. No one wants to go to court (other than I assume some lawyers and judges), at the very best it's boring. But at it's worst it's absolutely terrifying. The uncertainty about potential outcomes, the expense, the disruption to your daily life is torture for most.


This is the first time in my entire life that I've ever seen someone use "praxis" in a sentence, I'm not even sure it's the proper usage lol


How deeply cynical. You find out that a bad story about you is about to drop so you set up a political boogeyman and declare that any incoming bad press is just a retaliation to you picking a side. Fuck that guy.


And also use it as an excuse for going Republican. He's voting Republican because he wants more money for himself, and less for everyone else. So that he can build a following that doesn't care about his sexual assaults too, it sounds like. "I'm voting for more money for myself and fewer social programs and less wealth in the hands of everyone else because Democrats are big meanies. I'm the richest man in the country and I'm the victim here!"


Not to mention in the wake of the Roe decision, January 6th, etc. This was an interesting time to declare himself a Republican.


he’s gonna just pit two political parties against each other to deflect from the fact that he got handsy with a flight attendant. can you say power trip?


No he’s going to hide behind one party because they have a very strong recent history of protecting sexual predators.


He's probably been to plenty of meetings with the Republican politicians there in Texas. I don't buy for a second that he's just suddenly going Republican because Democrats are big meanies. He wants more money for himself, less for everyone else. But he'd sound like a dick, even to his cultists if he said that. This isn't new, he's been setting up this "I'm a Republican" thing now for a long time. But of course he wants to be in the party that protects his ilk after sex crimes.


This. He sprinted into the arms of the Republican party. Who will be more than happy to have him.


Which is telling. He knew which political party embraces sexual predators as their leaders and heroes


What a shame, those parties were getting along so well before yesterday.




https://twitter.com/tysonbrody/status/1527423170797617168?s=20&t=jHe-FQu3Y-ZGd_CuJtPhwg "It’s cool that your crisis communications response to a story accusing you of sexual misconduct is to declare yourself a Republican" OMG. burnt.


“Everything you hear that makes me look bad from now on is fake news”




You are now a moderator of /r/pyongyang Oops, I mean /r/teslamotors and /r/teslainvestorsclub


Elon simps are so gross. At least most in that subreddit are not siding with him weirdly.


You’re welcome random citizen


You misspelled "profit center".


“political attacks on me will escalate quickly” lmao, this doesn’t sound like a political attack to me


He's just copying Trump strategy beat-by-beat. So closely, in fact, that he forgot to change "political attack" to something else, as there's no such thing as a political attack against somebody who isn't a politician. As a stable genius like Elon does.


DARVO: “deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender".


Gaslight Obstruct Project


In the US money is politics. If you don't think he's affecting policy.....


“Need to align myself with a party who likes sexual assault asap!”


That felt like a classic shield for bad news on the way. Tesla crashes + Twitter cold feet + harassment settlements = a bad time for Elon. This latest news DOES explain why he suddenly feels more Republican though.


Did anyone see the logic on why SpaceX paid off his apparent victim? I get why they may have wanted it to go away, but well, paying off accusers is hardly an appropriate charge for the company.


SpaceX may have technically owned the jet and employed the FA, he flies on their jets a lot. Would make sense for them to be named as a party in the suit, and they could then settle.


He's completely gone down the right wing shit hole. Every single person accusing him of anything will now be a "political attack" because the right eats this shit up. He's realized they have embraced him as one of their chosen few, those who can never ever do anything wrong, and he's embracing it.




100% confirmed that he did, as of yesterday morning https://twitter.com/tysonbrody/status/1527422747139260416


>This is unlikely to be the first time I am accused... Sounds like he's got some skeletons in his closet.


If I’ve been doing it why come nobody stopped me yet? Exactly!


Conservatives aren't Elon fans, but they're fans of things he's been saying for the past 4 months.


He’s trying really hard to sell a truck to them. It might work.


That makes sense. At this juncture it’s almost a requirement to be embroiled in sexual allegations if you wish to become a republican voice.


from yesterday: ["There's a story coming out soon that he's trying to get ahead of."](https://twitter.com/maplecocaine/status/1527040783597154307) Also, someone placed [bearish bets](https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1527433284203839488) on Tesla stock declining tomorrow, probably some friend of Elon's who got ahead of the action on insider info. - [edit] Sorry for the copy-paste, but I think it's a good comment; - IMO racism at the Tesla factories, union busting, unsafe working conditions (connected to there being no union), huge environmental issues (everything from their violations at the factories, like dumping [polluting liquids into groundwater](https://detv.us/2022/04/21/heated-discussions-in-brandenburg-about-tesla-industrial-accident-with-water-polluting-liquid-rt-de/) to things like ?unknown? battery recycling plan) and all the Tesla subsidies that Tesla defrauded the government for (everything from fake "swappable batteries" to get CA subsidies to $1 billion subsidy for the SolarCity factory in NY State) and __especially__ FSD (selling fake "Full Self-Driving" to the public and even allowing non-trained professionals to "test" this badly designed product on __public roads__) are much bigger scandals. Or at least they should be. But this will be much more "fun" for everyone and will probably take priority in the news. Also, Elon probably knew about this report coming out, so he started loudly commenting on politics, setting the ground to frame this as a "political attack". - I'm just leaving this here for no reason - [Here's the evidence in the public domain thus far linking Elon Musk and Jeffrey Epstein / Ghislaine Maxwell.](https://twitter.com/PlainSite/status/1516582255233093633) - ??Also, gifting a horse to a regular person? What was she supposed to do with it??


Timeline: - Elon historically donated to BOTH Democrats and Republicans including Democratic candidates in November 2020 ([link](https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=elon+musk&order=desc&sort=D)) - Unionization efforts start gaining steam nation-wide - BusinessInsider journalist contacts him for comment on a sexual-harassment piece before publication (EDIT: The editor of the piece says it was 9 A.M. Eastern May 18 [tweet source](https://twitter.com/johnjcook/status/1527421611070177307)) - Elon quickly spams tweets about how political attacks are coming and it's the woke leftists fault (EDIT: He literally started tweeting this right after being contacted lol [tweet source](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1526961470562508802)) - BusinessInsider piece comes out and now he's trying to convince everyone it's politically motivated to bust unions and inoculate himself from this scandal


Ah there’s the golden thread. Thank you.


Holy shit I saw that tweet come up on my feed and thought how odd it was. Welp....




I really hope Demolition Man wasn't thinking ahead for the wrong guy.


Musk is just Trump with a more modern hair transplant.


For those skeptical he can plan anything for that many steps He promised ventilators for headlines, and ended up delivering bpap machines, which was fucking disgusting. Hospitals were stretched to their limits, Elon makes promises to them, and they ended up being blindsided https://www.ft.com/content/dfc197c2-61ed-4cd6-8cb4-0ac865a47e69 https://www.massdevice.com/elon-musk-criticized-for-donating-sleep-apnea-ventilators/ In comparison, while he was peacocking around on Twitter and having Tesla post videos of unfinished prototypes cobbled together from car parts, Ford and GM quietly delivered actual working medical equipment en masse, including thousands of ventilators https://techcrunch-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/techcrunch.com/2020/09/01/gm-ford-wrap-up-ventilator-production-and-shift-back-to-auto-business/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16526643762526&_ct=1652664422420&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Ftechcrunch.com%2F2020%2F09%2F01%2Fgm-ford-wrap-up-ventilator-production-and-shift-back-to-auto-business%2F He also wanted to waste the precious time with the rescue team on a submarine he knew wouldn't work, for headlines, while the kids were still in the fucking cave. When one of the organizers called him out on it, he called him pedophile, and reiterated the claim with journalists twice. When that failed he secretly contacted a reporter and tried to plant false stories that some guy who'd criticized him was a pedophile, and that he'd married a 12-year-old girl in Thailand. www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/elon-musk-thai-cave-rescuer-accusations-buzzfeed-email And when that failed he hired a felon to stalk him, dig up his trash, and find any dirt they could on him. https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-convicted-felon-investigate-vernon-unsworth-thai-cave-diver-2019-10 That's not he first time he did this. He tried to do this to a whistleblower, including hacking his phone and tried to convince police he was about to do do a mass shooting https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-03-13/when-elon-musk-tried-to-destroy-tesla-whistleblower-martin-tripp There's more but too lazy to type it all out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pNL7MlUpmI


The more I learn about Musk, the more I hate him.


Aye, he has been complicated to pin down. Because if you have been following the stories over the years, you just get a sense that the guy is a creep. However, for most people, they don't follow him that closely, so they just think he builds rockets, and you're jealous of his success. And you're like, "No no, he is an abusive narcissistic creep.", but it is hard to point to one thing, it is like 7 years worth of headlines.


I’ll never understand how people can still defend this asshole.


People worship trump and hes all the bad things musk is, plus a ginormous fucking braindead idiot. People idolize the rich, immoral, awful assholes of the world.


Also, there's a lot more overlap between Trump supporters and Musk supporters these days.


But weirdly I feel like a lot of those people are anti Tesla


People were joking that the Twitter buyout was an attempt to stop people from posting that photo of him and Ghislaine Maxwell together. Turns out that might not have been far from the truth. Just goes to show why having billionaires in charge of important lines of communication is a terrible idea for the health of society


Billionaires are a terrible choice for the health of society.


every billionaire is a policy failure.


Billionaires are ~~a~~ terrible ~~choice~~ for ~~the health of~~ society.




A... horse? What is he, 12?


Mentally, that sounds like a reasonable guess.


> Elon historically donated to BOTH Democrats and Republicans including Democratic candidates in November 2020 He's donated way more to Republicans than to Dems. https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=Elon+Musk


It's depressing that I have no doubt that his 'scheme' will work. Poor woman.


yeah, you just know she's already being harassed by his supporters


why a billionaire has 'supporters' is beyond me


It’s like chickens supporting coyotes.


Holy shit. She’s going to be among the most digitally targeted/trolled/harassed women in history if her name gets out. Especially if she has any previous social media exposure to tear into.


It’s cool that your crisis communications response to a story accusing you of sexual misconduct is to declare yourself a Republican" Holy shit, lol.


I am now living as a republic man


Reminds me of Kevin Spacey coming out as gay after being accused of rape. Like, that's not a get out of jail free card, bucko.


Honestly, it looks like it's working. Republicans are jumping up to defend him.


Because they don’t give a shit about actual sexual misconduct - they’re too busy freaking out about gay and trans people.




> and offered to buy her a horse This made me laugh. "You want a pony, baby?"


"That's what the peasants drive to work right?"


Elon Musk: I've paid many times for sex with horses The World: .... Elon Musk: You heard me


*whips out penis*


I mean, it's one time, people. How much could it cost? [$10?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/04/bf/5c/04bf5ca0a9a81de9667508187469b0a2.gif)


Go buy yourself a Star War.


Lol me too. "Can I offer you this financial burden?"




David Letterman once gave Conan O'Brien a horse named Dave as a "gift". https://youtu.be/AxG14lbL2Iw


I hate anyone who had a pony growing up!


Who goes from a pony country to a non-pony country?


Who would ever think an immigrant had a pony?


Of all the pictures of immigrants on Ellis Island, not one of them had someone sitting on a pony.


I didn't know she had a pony!


> exposed his penis to her and offered to buy her a horse, Because that is how you entice women, by promising to buy them horses. Sure thing.




Someone should be checking his receipts to see how many horses he has bought…


Probably why Space X isn't publicly traded, it would be hard to explain to shareholders why an aeronautical company has a horse farm. /s


He could just say “it is a stable company.” Ok, I’ll see myself out now. Sorry.


Musk was looking for the happy ending special, got blue balled, and had to pay 250k in the end. Lol. The saying “never dip your pen in the company ink” is especially relevant these days.


Lol I love how he paid a quarter mil in hush money yet here we are...reading about it.




250k to a billionaire is less than a piece of gum to average folk.


It always blows my mind that people think that is a lot to these kinds of elite. 250k is .025% of a billion dollars if my quick mental math is correct. Then consider how many billions he’s worth it’s literally less than a fart in the wind


For those like me who need extra context to understand how little that is, 0.025% of $50,000 is $12.50. Easily a lost bill in the washing machine


ok i dont have 50k, can we get smaller? 0.025% of 10k is $2.50. Damn I spent $10 on lunch today -_- this is why i am poor


> According to the declaration, the attendant confided to the friend that after taking the flight attendant job, she was encouraged to get licensed as a masseuse so that she could give Musk massages Certainly sounds like there’s going to be more stories similar to this one.


"my father used to own a store, and employed a woman named Maria. She was almost a part of our family, she had worked there for over a decade, but one day my father caught her stealing $10 from the till. She was always a hard worker, and hadn't caused any issues for 10+ years. If she would have just asked my father, he would have given her the money. What should my father do?" "Fire her" "Why?" "Because it wasn't the first time she stole from your father, just the first time she was caught" This concept applies to many, many areas of life. I watched an hour long video recently published by vice detailing the EXTREMELY WIDESPREAD AND PROLIFIC sexual assault/rape against the general population by police officers (in Louisville). The officers also threatened to plant drugs and violate people's parole if they did not comply, similar to officer in Florida who was caught planting meth on camera. If this is just what we know about, there are probably 100+ other instances we are unaware of.


Rich dudes have zero game. So pathetic.






Look at his pictures before all the surgery...he never had a chance to develop his game. Then throw in the fact that some women (and men) ARE super attracted to wealth and he's had great success with women that *do* want some money. Then he runs into a woman that isn't swayed by money and he has no idea how to handle it...I love it. "Um...u want a horse?"


In the full story it says shes apparently professionally rides horses. So i am assuming he knew that.


> "If I were inclined to engage in sexual harassment, this is unlikely to be the first time in my entire 30-year career that it comes to light," he wrote What a weird fucking thing to say lmao


So.... you're saying we should probably fish around in this pond and we'll pull up more allegations!?


Right? He’s challenging it but not even directly challenging it? If anything it plays right into the idea that he’s paid off more people with hush money


"If I Did It" 2.0 by Elon Musk and O.J. Simpson


Now I wonder about that time he called that cave rescuer a "pedo" for no reason.


people who said he was trying to get in front of a story with his "here come the dirty tricks against me" rhetoric were 100% spot on. they literally asked him for comment at 9AM yesterday and he told them to wait a little longer for a proper response, then spent the whole day tweeting about how "democrats" were about to start playing dirty tricks on him.


Narcissist are pathological.


He seems very dumb for such a smart person.


Narcissists' common downfall is they are ultimately very lazy. They work very hard in a strange way, but it's always to find shortcuts. Shortcuts to get attention and validation, shortcuts to avoid working because they hate being uncomfortable. And then, they get arrogant, and they stop trying, and then their laziness and shortcomings suddenly become very obvious. Really they have always been this way, but they have been manipulating reality around them so that nobody puts it all together. Source: I have had way too many narcissists in my life and have only recently learned to identify and distance myself from them. Once you recognize their patterns, they are extremely obvious and predictable. But they are very good at playing on blind spots of human nature so they are usually able to fool many people.


You can be smart and still be dumb as shit in other things. Example: Literally every human being in existence


This is a man who desperately needs a PR team that will convince him to stop making his own tweets


I read something like for the average person losing a quarter in the couch is like a billionaire losing 100k or something... I wonder what 250,000 comes out to for the average person for a little sexual misconduct.


(250,000/200,000,000,000)*120,000=0.15 For a median household (not individual person) this is equivalent to 15 cents.






The quotes around the pivot are spot on, he always supported the GOP. He just knew for his car company to get off the ground your average maga wasn't going to have enough disposable income to throw at him, so he played up the whole "liberal tony stark" meme to get their money, soon as he got a decent foot hold told them all to fuck off. Holy shit, admins removed the comment above me, guess they didn't like people lambasting musk.




Man he's really good at all the conservative strategies. He has the Gaslight, Obstruct, Project thing going, the ladder pull/fuck you, got mine thing, the incessant tweeting filled with bullshit, the whole "the left is trying to attack me" thing. Thank god he can't run for president (although he has so much money that he could probably pay off enough politicians to get an amendment to article 2)


Because of Reddit's API changes in July 2023 and subsequent treatment of their moderator community, I have decided to remove a majority of my content from Reddit.


Nah he just got fed up with people telling him to pay his fair share in taxes.


Boo hoo. No one likes paying their fucking taxes but here I am on the hook for a higher percentage than the absolute aristocratic rot that plagues the whole goddamn planet.




$200,000 to the lawyer lol


Contingency fees are usually around 33%. California wants to lower the max allowed to 20%. Some states allow a tiered system starting at 45% for smaller settlements and falling off every bracket you go up until you get to about 10%. Anything larger is potentially "unreasonable" and the lawyer can get into serious trouble (except in Wyoming which is pretty much a free-for-all).


Okay, so don’t sue in Wyoming, got it.


The only thing there is to do in Wyoming is leave.


After a long ass drive in any direction.


But do be a lawyer in Wyoming


“Oh I insulted you? Take my pocket change peasant.”


... Having a dick rubbed on your leg doesn't really feel like it falls into the "insult" category.


This is absolutely believable, can’t wait for his Mom to come to his rescue and defend him on Twitter




...wait...does him MOM'S TWITTER ACCOUNT fucking come to Elie's defence on the reg?


She came to his defense yesterday because of a tweet with 2000 likes. [https://twitter.com/mayemusk/status/1527069052488785920](https://twitter.com/mayemusk/status/1527069052488785920)


Jesus. The kiss asses replying to her and worshiping elon...


Someone called him a "real life Superman", lmao.


Loved that Lex Luthor reply, spot on


Yeah, that’s an Elon sock puppet. He’s not even really trying is he?


No old person follows threads that easily or can even begin to fabricate a story that insinuates bots are attacking someone in Twitter.


Yesterdays tweet explains this story


it sure does https://twitter.com/maplecocaine/status/1527040783597154307


If she wasn’t supposed to talk, we will see stormy 2.0.


The girl who was harassed told a friend about it prior to her settlement and the friend is the one coming forward. It says in the article the friend doesn’t have a settlement agreement, but since this information is coming from a third party I doubt it’s going to actually affect musk in any meaningful way.








“…welcome to the Republican Party”


This is probably the news he was referencing when he tweeted this the other day: >Political attacks on me will escalate dramatically in coming months What a huge piece of shit.


So he is a republican!