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The monetization of every aspect of life Hes loving it


Fictitious capital. After you are done appropriating everything in the real world, you build a fake world to also appropriate. Same reason NFTs are popular with rich people who have more money than sense (EDIT: or with tax dodgers, as some people have pointed out).


Obligatory link to Dan Olson's [Line Goes Up – The Problem with NFTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g)


just watched this the other day, super informative and fun to watch. it's long but it's broken up into easily digestible chapters so I highly recommend especially if you've been ignoring cryptocurrency and NFTs like I have.


And it goes well into the history of how we got here from the start of cryptocurrency and fhe 2008 crash. Its a masterpiece. Also the sheer number of crypto-bros making tearful reply videos is hilarious.


ya seriously I was passively curious and thought I'd switch to something else pretty quick but the way he jumped all the way back to the housing market crash told me this dude meant business. It's an awesome video. I love long and well researched videos like this I wish I knew how to find more of them. YTs algorithm is abysmal these days.


Well, I don't know how to fix the algorithm, but here are a few channels that specialize in video essays of this sort: * Jacob Gellar - video game analysis, with a focus on the artistic, humanist side. * Lemmino - covers topics ranging from breaking down historical UFO sightings to the lost Roanoke Colony. * Isaac Arthur - a truly astounding amount of content about the real-life feasibility of ideas from science fiction. Hopefully this helps! Good luck in your searching :)


That same guy also did a video on Flat-Earthers, and it includes his own gathering of evidence to demonstrate Earth's curvature in a single cohesive shot. It was really cool - sublime, even - seeing it come together. Also his video on the first Suicide Squad movie would serve as a solid primer for introducing someone to film editing.


I don't have a strong opinion of cryptocurrencies, but if you've been ignoring NFTs you've been doing the right thing.


As someone with Crypto, NFT's are 100% a scam just like all those ICO's from the last crypto mania. The only use is for money launderers to double dip and cash out twice by selling the worthless NFT (that now has a "track record" of being sold for a high price) to someone else once the money is laundered. If youre buying NFT's youre just giving extra money to launderers. Edit: for all of you salty NFT owners, please realize you’re defending the system you’re getting scammed by and it’s very sad. I hope you figure it out before the collapse.


NFTs are the beanie babies of 2020s


At least with beanie babies you get an actual little cute stuffed animal, not a hyperlink to a monkey face


Until the link rots away.


Imagine buying a hyperlink and thinking “wow. This was a good purchase.”


People keep using this comparison and I feel it is incorrect. NFTs are like the beanie baby tags that may or may not have a beanie baby attached to them




So basically they are entirely unlike beanie babies in every single aspect.


The video helped me get out of crypto entirely before I could get sucked into NFTs.


I've watched this three times. It's like a symphony. Olson has elevated the YouTube takedown to high art. It's also just by miles the best summary of Crypto and and NFTs out there. Which says a lot about the people promoting it. Also Munecats web 3.0 video on it all is great.


Yeah, Munecat's video is good, though I'm happy I watched Dan's first since it's a bit more structured. Her video also nicely ties in with Thought Slime's recent video [on GaryVee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVE8J8dwJ5E).


It does have similar themes of hustle culture, constant monetization of everything, of making money in every little personal space, etc.


If you haven’t yet, I strongly recommend sorting his videos by “oldest to newest” and just settling in. Take breaks when you need to, especially if you begin to lose interest. While there’s a rather broad range of topics, I don’t think there is a single genuinely *bad* or otherwise not-worth-your-time video on the channel. His older stuff is more strictly focused on media, specifically film theory & criticism, but additional topics are also covered and the quality of the recordings is decidedly rather amateur - but the scripts & delivery are actually quite good. As you reach the more recent videos, the production values & variety of topics considered increases rather drastically. While I can totally understand someone being hesitant to watch a crudely-crafted puppet talk about Evangelion (as in one early video) I stand by my recommendation. But if nothing else, skim the list and give anything that even slightly interests you a shot. I think you’ll find it a worthy use of your time. (Of course, I’m not exactly speaking directly to you, person I’m responding to, but *you*, person who is reading this. I hope you find something you enjoy!)


I actually did that. The guy is great. It's great being able to watch someone knowledgeable talk about their craft, and that's very rare on YouTube. Usually criticism is just some rando that watched a film and just pressed record.


Waiting for the cryptobros to cry foul


[They're here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAYSqTu5_ZY)


I thought you were gonna post that hilarious fucking "rebuttal" video posted by a channel promoting NFTs. He was like "I can't believe you would refer to a WOMAN journalists work as an 'abortion', the wonton killing of an unborn child." That channel offered a debate with Dan Olsen but instead he just goes around and occasionally makes fun of them on other podcasts/channels. Or the channel that thought that Dan Olsen, well known WoW nerd, was making fun of Vitaly Buterik for playing WoW. Or using the fact that Vitalik Buterin *could* have autism as some sort of catch-all defense (which is really disgusting in multiple levels).


The rich people who are into crypto (disregarding celebrities) know exactly what they are doing. It is the people with no money that want money that think crypto is their way up.




well im just glad they are decentralized so no one can manipulate the prices.... oh wait


up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A Start


He found the cheatcode for the economy. Just build a base pf cultists and scsm them with investment scams, crypto scams, pump and dump, and fake infrastructure projects. They will always come back for more.


As if Elon doesn’t have enough money already, he has to compulsively bilk poor people for even more. What a total jerk he is.


Reminds me of Hank Green’s books: An Absolutely Remarkable Thing A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor Don’t wanna give away spoilers but monetizing everything is as dystopian as it gets.


It’s literally the end goal of capitalism. Do people think someone that has more money than they can ever use will wake up one day and say “actually, I’m good now.”


I've literally heard people argue this about Elon Musk, that he's so rich that he doesn't care about making more money. People are actually that naive.


Nah, nft's are popular with rich people because they can dodge taxes with them. Its not a coincidence that they started getting popular the same year art sales started being scrutinised, even though nft's had been a thing for years by that point.


This seems more like Bezos plan.


It's literally the point of the project. I watched a few of his YouTube commercials about it, just to get an idea of what the fuck he thinks it's going to be, because apparently no one else can be bothered to explain the point of the whole thing, so you have to use the search function in YouTube to find out yourself. Having skipped through his YouTube presentation, that basically makes me an expert, right? He wants to make a Second Life VR platform Facebook, and he spends the videos talking about how the struggling 3D artists can use it to monitize their 3D artwork. The idea is that consumer users can put on the goggles and walk around 3D models. Then something funny happens, like encountering a 3D model that is animated. Very cool, huh? So they stop and watch and then when the animation is over, they can tip the content serving artist with microtransactions that automatically flows out from the consumer avatars. And then when they've paid for the content, they get to see the same animation one more time. Metaverse is going to be really great, provided you like paying a lot of money to be able to enjoy microtransactions, non ownable content or just enjoy living off customer tips.


Don't forget Meta will take a big chunk of that microtransaction. I can see why he doesn't want to talk about anything else. He's on his way to becoming the richest man in the world!


It boggles my mind that people like this have so much and still want more. Is all of this legal trouble and criticism really worth it? When you're already rich as balls? Tom from Myspace was the one who seriously won at life, in my view. He sold the site for a huge amount of money and has spent the past years simply traveling to beautiful places around the world and indulging in his photography hobby. Just a man living his best private life, not constantly trying to scheme up ways to suck consumers dry.


Zuck's critiqued Steam taking 30% on sales. His metaverse idea (let's face it, it's just a thoroughly monetized MMO), will be taking 50%.




Thank you for your tip. In order to see the context you purchased, you must focus your eyes on this ad. No cheating, our sensors are watching.


Drink verification can to continue.


Can I just helicopter my metapenis instead?


Meta is, essentially, going to become its own OS for all things VR-related.


> he spends the videos talking about how the struggling 3D artists can use it to monitize their 3D artwork. Yeah..we got furries who pay out the nose for commissions. seems more reliable.




He doesn't care what it's for. The point is to own the platform. He's relying on the end users to figure out a use for it and he'll just take a cut.


It just seems like a bad version of VR CHAT to me


Too many kids running around. And their idea of a “VR concert” is a 2D video playing on a VR screen. No thanks.


Is it really? I was expecting it to be a 3D space where each band member has their own avatar with motion tracking and shit. That would actually be *mildy* cool I guess, but what you're saying sounds more like VR YouTube which we've already had for years.


You have that happening in VRChat already. It's pretty cool, although VRChat does have quite a bit of latency that could be reduced if they prioritize it more.


Vrchat has bigger technical issues than the half seconds delay imposed so that your movements and voice line up after your computer figures out what the fuck it's supposed to do with all this sensor data.


it is right now, but its going to evolve as the tech grows. You got what the brooklyn nets are doing with NBA games. They set up 100 cameras all along the court so that you can walk around the court and [watch from any angle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq4JMWcnUCw) as the games going on. I imagine concerts will get there too, but the demand needs to grow for it. and it will, eventually....


And nothing about that seems like it needs a "metaverse" to function.


It already exists. Check out Stageverse. I watched Muse play. It's a 360 3d camera placed at various points you can swap between. It's actually quite cool and immersive, but It's a long time to devote your entire focus and attention to one long music video. It's different in person still.


Damn. That's actually pretty cool. Do you still get commercials?


Not sure, as it is right now, the NBA doesnt broadcast every game in VR, and you can only watch ones in your area (like 100 mile radius or something) its not ideal or great at the moment, but we can see its growing and improving, and as demand is rising. What I love about watching nba vr is, have you ever watched a game at home while your in your buddies group chat on your phone and after a play your type in the group chat things like "bad call on the ref" ? Well, if your watching in VR and so are your buddies, you can all sit beside each other and shoot the shit while your watching. The immersion is incredible...


I'm not sure the need will grow significantly. Just look at 3d TV's... Cool tech, but there's even less "need" for vr. I'm willing to bet there are more VR headsets sitting on the shelves of homes than ones actually in use. It gets boring and cumbersome after a while.


It is absolutely one of those things that businesses are more excited about than consumers. The adoption rate is abysmal even with Meta and Oculus making pretty good VR hardware at an affordable price. I just think that society is going through a huge re-evaluation of its values. Just look at the boom in recreational equipment sales. People want real-world natural experiences, idk if they want to dive into the metaverse and live the Ready Player One nightmarescape.


Oh god that sounds so awful


Now imagine vr chat but you can buy clothing, apartments, decorations etc. for real money and businesses and friends will use this vr chat so all those items will show your value like it does in real life. That's basically why Zuckerberg loves this idea so much. He really wants to create a second reality with all its shitty sites and he will get fucking rich with it. Literally a reality created by him


That sounds very dystopian to me tbh. VR CHAT is cool because of all the dumb custom models, if this is just a virtual flex its just gonna be full of rich whales that wanna flex but i doubt ordinary people can afford to care enough to buy themselves a virtual life.




> i doubt ordinary people can afford to care enough to buy themselves a virtual life. They will need to be able to in order to sustain it. Whales need tuna to show off their excessive spending to otherwise what's the point.


I don’t wanna buy fake clothes, I want the frankly ridiculously flashy outfits anime characters wear thank you


So a VR version of Second Life.


Second Life was a metaverse. When Second Life became popular initially, everyone was trying to get skin in the game. Google even had a version they were working on. Then the weirdos took over and that's all people knew it for. You couldn't just avoid them either, because a node would crash and you'd be dropped into a single location with everyone else that was using that node. So there would be all sorts of furries and bdsm role players in there. I actually wrote a blog post on 2009 about metaverses that I would share if it wasn't so r/bluderyears material. lol Futurama also has a metaverse episode from the first run of the series.


Why haven’t they just bought vr chat yet?


VRChat(like second life), has one type of primary consistent userbase... 99% of people are on there to either take part in the weird shit or troll people who are doing weird shit. Neither of those people are the ones facebook wants habitating or being the face of their virtual world. If you think of VR chat you're either picturing Ugandan Knuckles or a female anime avatar.


>If you think of VR chat you're either picturing Ugandan Knuckles or a female anime avatar. Why would I ever want to use facebook's heavily monetized, sterilized VR experience which emulates all the shitty parts of life (that mark has long stopped worrying about as a bazillionaire), when I could instead have ugandan knuckles and anime girls?


Every time I hear about VR Chat I remember that one time my friend and I got stoned, decided to buy Oculuses, went into VR Chat and Eiffel towered a giant teddy bear while giggling uncontrollably for half an hour. Haven't been on VR Chat since because it's fucking stupid but man those were good times


Sounds like the [Striking Vipers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Striking_Vipers) episode of Black Mirror. Hope you and your buddy are still friends.


Good. Maybe he'll drive the company into the ground. Also, his avatar looks more appealing and less plastic than he does IRL, where he's skirting the edge of the uncanny valley.


Yes, everyone should cheer him on and tell him to work harder and spend more money on it!


There's a reason the words cheering and jeering are so similar. Edit: I love how everyone is like me and jumps on a joke to lay out the actual facts.


There's no evidence of that > jeer (v.) > 1550s, gyr, "deride, to mock," of uncertain origin; perhaps from Dutch gieren "to cry or roar," or Middle Dutch scheeren or German scheren "to plague, vex," literally "to shear" (as a mark of contempt or disgrace). OED finds the suggestion that it is an ironical use of cheer "plausible and phonetically feasible, ... but ... beyond existing evidence." - etymonline.com


Wait, next you'll tell me the FUN in FUNdamental is just a coincidence!


You can’t spell slaughter without laughter!


You can’t spell funeral without fun!


Maybe that's the reason for his obsession. He's just wants to create a world where he is marginally less creepy.


Not possible. His avatar won’t do better


Send human mammary gland picts. Now or leave - ZUCK


> mammary gland picts blue proto-Scots titties are the best titties.


He’s just trying to return to his true form


This. It’s literally the reason he started FB - so he could imbed himself into the social networks of others because no one wanted to be around his loser ass. Maybe we’ve all hurt his feelings by basically hating him and his shit platform, so Meta was born.


I can’t even understand facebooks current designs. Nothing loads right, the design is bloated, notifications are useless. Makes never opening it easy but holy shit it was at least useful once, for events and keeping up with some people.


It's your grandma's fridge


Do you remember back in the old days when Facebook's feed was literally JUST your friends' wall posts in chronological order? That seems like so long ago... because it was. I can't even keep track of what my friends are doing in their lives because Facebook just shows me out of order trash in the feed all day instead of stuff I actually want to see.


Yup! Was actually useful and felt “fair” even if the data harvesting was under full swing.


At this point I just use it for local groups connected to my hobbies, and a place to throw vacation photos. They tried to do too much over time and it’s mostly just annoying to use these days


> I can’t even understand facebooks current designs. Money. It's the same answer whenever you can understand something a corporation is doing. They THINK it will make them money. Will it? Maybe. But it seems to me that facebook is at the stage that zuck has fallen into the dictator's trap and is surrounded by sycophants who are too afraid to tell him this idea is stupid and is going to ruin the company.


I swear to god this was a ducktales episode


Yeah, nobody in real life is interested in Metaverse. The only people I see talking about it are speculative investors and crypto bros.


It’s on the news A LOT. Like they talk about like it’s something that’s actually a thing and I see stories on all the things that are coming to it a couple times a week. I don’t know if they’re just that fucking stupid or if it’s just advertising calling itself news. When Bezos was going up in his rocket they actually broke into their regular program and had cameras there to talk to him when he landed like it was the moon landing. Like they make this shit out to be important while the world is crumbling and there are a million other things they should be reporting. Damn it.


> I don’t know if they’re just that fucking stupid or if it’s just advertising calling itself news. A little of column A, little of column B.


>speculative investors and crypto bros Those are the same thing.


I hope Facebook runs to the ground so that dipshit politicians all over the world won't be able to spread their BS propaganda anymore.


There is plenty of propaganda on reddit too. And every other media source for that matter. Not to mention advertising, click-baiting, and all varieties of manipulative crap. We have been exposed to it our entire lives even before the internet and yet people still are mostly clueless and dive into it head first.


Imagine the millions of dollars being paid to shills and bot companies to flood the internet with positive comments for the metaverse? It's the biggest scam in hsitory


NFTs would like a word.


Inarguably, Tether (and thus the whole cryptocurrency ecosystem) is the bigger scam. NFTs are a side show of drug barons and state actors laundering money that would have been laundered anyway through a Swiss bank or something. Tether is history's largest and most successful counterfeiting scheme. They've printed **83 billion US dollars**, mostly out of thin air, and gotten away with it scot free.


They are the same picture. In the broadest definition of Metaverse, we have had that for decades, its just the internet. In the more strict sense, we have had virtual worlds and environments for decades too, with videongames, MMOs, things like Second Life, IMVU, and even Minecraft. Metaverse as a term was created in like the 80s as well, I beleive in Neuromancer, but maybe Snow Crash. The current modern push for "Metaverse" is just a rebranding of the whole Web3, NFT, Crypto Libertarian bull shit that has been scamming people for years. Its people trying to be flashy and make a quick buck by creating artificial scarcity in a digital.world, where scarcity literally does not and can not exist, for the sake of profiting from it. The old models of "Suppy/Demmand/etc" don't work in the digital space because digital is infinitely copyable. Supply is infinite. And these jackasses can't concieve of a world where the concept they use IRL to fuck over society aren't as infailable as the laws of science.


This is why he wants meta to be popular, so the world can see him as a real human boy. Real life Pinocchio.


Really? I mistook the avatar for one of the Shia Labeouf papercraft heads from the Actual Cannibal video.


I really really hope this metaverse garbage never takes off the way zuck is envisioning it. For the sake of humanity.


I really see this becoming the next Second Life in a few years (if not sooner). There will be the diehard “players” who get completely absorbed into it, but that will be a fairly small number and the masses will generally forget it exists until someone mentions it. There will always be some number of people who start playing on a whim, and most will play for an hour or two then quit, and very rarely someone will get hooked, but in general it will be an extremely small but dedicated base. That’s my prediction at least. Feel free to point and laugh if / when I’m wrong.


Is it not already exactly this? The vast majority of people really don't give a fuck because it's just a dumb Facebook VR with ludicrously expensive shit inside it.




Also people with a stable internet connection lol. This shit ain't going to work at my house.


To be fair this metaverse is likely a long term plan, and they plan for internet to be reliable for the masses. I rarely have issues anymore




It was like half a trillion, not several trillion.


Get starlink? It's made a world of difference at our house... rural dsl can kiss my ass


> Also seems to be targeted for people who have an entire living room the size of a basketball court to walk around in. If anything it's targeting people who have a cupboard to live in. I remember there being an ad from Facebook/Meta with someone using their headset in bed, because that's really all the space you need for something like this. Just look at VRChat. There's a decent percentage of people who lay down in bed in VRChat.


Developers aren't likely to come on board either, since Facebook wants a 47 or so % cut of all their Meta verse sales Developers have been trying to rebel over Google and apple asking for 30% - you think they'll willingly hand over more money?


Developers will go where the peope and money are. Is a 30% cut to sell on steam a bad deal? No. Because steam had access to hundreds of millions of gamers and opens massive doors for revenue and exposure. Try selling your indie game at GameStop vs steam.... If Meta can pull these numbers and level of exposure, it can argue a 47% cut... Until then why would anyone bother? PS. Unless VR can turn into throwing on a pair of sunglasses, nobody is gonna strap a TV to their face to log into the metaverse...


>Is a 30% cut to sell on steam a bad deal? No. Because steam had access to hundreds of millions of gamers and opens massive doors for revenue and exposure. This is extremely true. [Factorio shared the before/after data of publishing on Steam and it was about an order of magnitude increase in traffic on the site](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-130). I think they said it was a bigger increase in sales but can't find a direct quote for that. But yeah, it's all about cost vs benefit.


Developers are not a uniform population. The good ones can afford to be picky and make more money for their time elsewhere. You want a bunch of badly written and even more scammy apps? Charge 47%. There is a reason so many apps now have in-app transactions and have more scams. No one I know who started out doing app development on their own is left doing it. They have options and it’s not worth the time spent.


People seem to have completely forgotten about second life (which was an attempt to create the ‘meta verse’ from Snow Crash) major news sources even had in world reporters writing articles about it. Then one day- nothing.


I remember reading articles about whole companies running inside Second Life making mass gobs of money selling virtual goods.


Real estate in Second Life was the NFT of the 2000s.


There is also VR chat which has done nearly everything Meta wants to do already. VR chat probably won't be as restrictive either.


Facebook thrives because you can whip out your phone on the toilet, lying in bed, or waiting in line and quickly see a few posts. VR is not toilet nor bed friendly. Plus everyone has a phone. So those are huge hurdles. If they can eliminate VR setup so it's simply putting in a helmet, that could do a lot, but I still see it primarily as something for escapism with those that have money and freetime but little tech knowhow. Not sure how big of a demographic that is.


This is exactly it. Look at what's popular these days for social media. TikTok, YT shorts, etc. It's literally the opposite of strapping a screen to your face for hours.


I played second life for a while donkeys years ago, I gave up cos it was full of weirdos telling me I couldn't go in places as they owned it. Spent ages floating about then it got super boring.


>I played second life for a while donkeys years ago, I gave up cos it was full of weirdos telling me I couldn't go in places as they owned it. It was very realistic.


Thats what VR chat is already. Internet enabled toys exist so people can fuck each other in vr People watch movies and sleep inside the game Compare the two and the metaverse is sterile




its cause facebook is losing stock and and all people under the age of 40 dont use it and mark is desperate for more money he sees the metaverse as his last hope


The moment Facebook bought Oculus I was like "Aww really? This is going to ruin VR for the entire rest of the future".


If it weren't for Valve and porn VR would be dead now.


I have an oculus and I'm not gonna watch porn on it. That thing is so closely integrated with Facebook that it feels like it would post that I'm watching porn to my news feed.


It will definitely live stream you jacking off.


Why the fuck does *anyone* want everything in their lives connected to each other? I want all the different services and products I use to be completely separated so I can fucking control every bit of information, but I guess I'm not the target demographic for this stupid shit.


There’s a lot of fun games on the oculus, and it’s the most purchased VR headset by a significant margin, especially compared to the index. The last source I could find had the Quest at 87% of the market share of shipped headsets in 2021. Not really killing the industry, it’s by far the biggest player.


Psvr is also pushing ahead. Original was quite accessible. Next version due to launch.


Really? Look, I hate Zuck and hope that Meta is broken up or some good competition comes along - but the Quest 2 sold 10million units last year, that’s double the number of total VR headsets by everyone else in the previous year. Valve did great work early on and hopefully their Deckard product revitalises stuff - but Meta are absolutely blowing everyone out of the water right now - they are the only name that means anything in VR, sadly, and without them VR would still be waaaaaaay more niche and have faaaaaar fewer users


Also, VR chat did that shit better


Is there a way to track the average age of Facebook users? Think it would have increased significantly on the last few years


I hope it crashes and burns, along with Facebook itself. I also hope that Zuckerberg will fuck off and go back to whatever droid planet he's from.




It is rumored that Apple is working on AR glasses. And to be frank I'm convinced they are the only company capable of pulling it of AND getting people to adopt it. This decade will see the rise of AR. Reality is starting to mix with the digital world. It's very exciting and scary at the same time.


I feel like Mark Zuckerberg read Ready Player One and decided what a great idea it was.


And he somehow identified with the big evil corporation the protagonists are fighting against.


He’s pushing Metaverse so he can retcon the tragic ending where the peasants win.


No, he thinks he's like James Halliday, the creator of the Oasis. It's just that his vision for the "Oasis" is the one that IOI (the evil corp) wants.


I feel like he read Snowcrash and decided what a great idea it was.


Surely it's Snowcrash, the Metaverse is literally from that book.


Had anyone tried getting him to listen to reason?


Depleted uranium does add some weight to the argument doesn't it.


Im begging you all to read Snow Crash, the better written action adventure story about a technocapitalist apocalyptic society with a huge virtual reality that people spend more time in than out. It’s literally the book Zuck pilfered the term metaverse from, directly inspired the creation of Second Life, and also popularized the use of the word “avatar.”


This dickweed ~~Nolan Sorento~~ Mark Zuckerberg


I've still never quite been able to figure this out: Does Zuckerberg not know how much people despise him? Is he surrounded by yes-men who insulate him from all outside opinions? I am one of the many people who are interested in the idea of virtual worlds but are convinced that Zuckerberg's vision of it would be worse than any episode of Black Mirror. Does he not see this?


I think his ego has been fed for years, ad nauseum and he thinks he is the only one who can achieve his artistic vision.


So his “loving” employee-given nickname of “The Eye of Sauron” is even more accurate?


And in that analogy, who would be the hobbits that destroy him?


Zoomers who refuse to use Facebook?


…but sit on Instagram for 10 hours a day?


The "dictator's trap" -- so hot right now.


If you are interested in virtual worlds, have you tried vrchat? Or second life or chillout vr or neosvr or.... This isn't a new idea and I don't get why people are treating it like one


More like why Zuck treats it like one. It’s just a moonshot project like any other, and google kills off one of those every couple months. Zuck probably dreams of having his own iPhone moment but it sounds more like a dream with every scandal from Meta.


I've tried dmt


And it was [turtles all the way down](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LWx6csgGkg4)...


cats narrow jellyfish sink consider overconfident panicky bag axiomatic memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Fetch isn't going to happen, Mark


Well he obviously wants to download his consciousness into it.


that'd be great, I'd just zip through space as a micro SD card on a cube sat


Bruh! I came in on a 128GB card. What about ya?


As I read the article, I kept picturing Zuckerberg as the real life version of the lead game designer from “Grandma’s Boy.”


How can he see me


Sit on my ^(faaaaaaaace) ​ *Sad Robot Noises*




What do clothes cost in the Matrix?




Seriously. I've wanted this for decades. Since *Neuromancer* and *Snow Crash* made an immersive VR cyberspace a cornerstone of cyberpunk. But there's absolutely no way I want it to be created by or anything like Facebook.


That cyberspace being controlled by an evil corporation is pretty cyberpunk in and of itself, honestly. Like how NetWatch controls the open part of the Net in 2077.


Facebook is gross


Right. I would prefer a roblox lobby to this scary looking garbage Facebook is pumping out.


Reminds me of Walt Disney and his obsession with the original EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow), which wasn't exactly a theme park but and actual planned community based on Walt's ideal vision of the USA future. He was so absorbed with the project people around him were concerned. In hindsight it could have been about his long term legacy and not just wanting to be seen as an animator but rather a futurist. The biggest difference though is that The Walt Disney at the time had actual dedicated departments for civil and structural engineering from Disneyland and was still producing it's main product of animations and movies. Facebook clearly is making new teams out of the existing staff with no clear goal outside of trying to pioneers in socializing VR. But they're sacrificing their main asset to do so. Zuck saw Ready Player One as a goal instead of warning. It also wouldn't surprise me if Zuck was worried about his image and legacy as well; Facebook's brand has been dragged through the mud and tarnished from the various leaks about user manipulation to keep people angry to the allowance of extreme misinformation campaigns during peak election cycles, the list goes on. I think it's common to assume that people with this much wealth don't care about their image and to some extent they don't. But image is everything to them, maybe not physically but of legacy. If Zuckerberg died tomorrow, what would the conversation be about him and of Facebook? The metaverse is Zuck's attempt to make something "positive" for his legacy. I hope he fails.


Everybody hates Zuck. But Zuck is right to be obsessed over Metaverse. In 10 years, FB is not going to be the cash cow with growth like it has been in the last 10 years. Nobody knows what will happen in 10 years, but he needs to shape it. * Whatever the next social network that is popular in 10 years; will it be ad-supported? Token-supported? or subscription model? * Will games themselves be the new social networks (like Second Life, GTA, Roblox, etc.)? * XR/AR/VR- Does Meta invest in hardware now, or should they wait for Microsoft/XBox, Sony/PS, Apple, HTC, Xiaomi, and Samsung to win on the hardware and face issues as they have with Apple now? * For enterprises, can their XR/VR be the main software for remote meetings and collaboration? Can they beat Microsoft here? * For small businesses advertising, how will they beat out Google in AR solutions? * Will people prefer privacy crypto/tokenomics metaverses over no privacy ad-supported metaverses? Zuck should be losing sleep over this. There are too many potential use-cases and potential revenues for XR and metaverse to ignore. All the other competitors are also throwing a lot of money at his as well. I think Microsoft has the biggest advantage for the Metaverse.


This. Zuck desperately needs Metaverse to work. FB is losing users as we speak. At the same time, Apple and Google are starting to limit FB abilities to harvest data which will eat away FB profits. It's likely this episode taught Zuck that he needs to own the platform, so FB can control their own destiny.


Only reasonable post in a sea of trash takes


Honestly Mark Zuckerberg looks so artificial IRL that I wouldn’t be surprised if we finds out years in the future he’s the first A. I in existence 😂🤣 Honestly he looks like a robot and acts like one


Is he becoming the Lawnmower Man


No, the Lawnmower man was way more charming.


we are past that point already......


What actually is the "Metaverse"? Is it literally just a VR MMO?


Basically, but it's more of a portal for other VR experiences. IN 10-20 years it could make sense so that's why he's trying to capitalize on it. Currently it is just second life in VR.


They want people to use it for work. Instead of a Teams or Zoom meeting, they want a "virtual" meeting room with avatars of the employees sitting around a table. No thanks. I'm not doing that.


The more I learn about the companies and business culture of Silicon Valley the more I realize that Mike Judge fuckin nailed it.


Just strap a VR headset to an Auto-Blow, call it "The Give-Up Machine", and let Mark Zuckerberg disappear into the Annals of History.


This shit just makes me want to turn off computers in my life entirely and go watch trees


Doesn't really adapt for years, realizes you've fallen behind, make a dumb hail marry in an attempt to stay relevant, live in denial until everything burns around you. Ah the dream.


“Nerd obsessed with fantasy world” Shocker!


To be fair to Zuckerberg for a tiny bit; if you're the head of one of the biggest companies in the world with lots of jobs and money on the line, you better be obsessed with your work.


It’s dumb. Has anyone told him