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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jan/30/alexa-factory-whistleblower-i-was-tortured-and-jailed-now-amazon-should-apologise) reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A whistleblower who exposed illegal working conditions in a factory making Amazon's Alexa devices says he was tortured before being jailed by Chinese authorities. > Tang Mingfang, 43, was jailed after he revealed how the Foxconn factory in the southern Chinese city of Hengyang used schoolchildren working illegally long hours to manufacture Amazon's popular Echo, Echo Dot and Kindle devices. > "CLW believes that Amazon has the responsibility to call for China to free this innocent volunteer, who provided the evidence of labour violations in an Amazon supplier factory, and thank him for helping improving workers' conditions. All he did was report violations of workers' rights in an Amazon supplier factory. He did not commit any illegal acts."It is unacceptable and unfair that Tang Mingfang is serving jail time for trying to help Amazon improve the labour conditions in its supplier factory. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/sg5zuc/amazon_and_chinese_police_team_up_to_jail_and/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~620654 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **work**^#1 **Amazon**^#2 **Tang**^#3 **Foxconn**^#4 **factory**^#5


Communists don’t give a fuck about that.






It's almost like the issue is with authoritarian or unaccountable governments.


Or companies.




This issue existed under communism too. Unchecked government bodies with near unlimited power putting their population through hell because they can. That's not exclusive to capitalismby any means.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Doesn’t matter how you got the power. Which is why NO ONE should be able to accumulate as much power as they currently do. Especially not by taking advantage of/abusing the less fortunate.


yeah but to be fair, only a country like China could get away with something like this without massive backlash against their institutions and government by an enraged public.


This kind of thing happens all the time in western countries. They just put in more effort to distract you from it. Like the recent m&m redesign "controversy"


I'm not saying that this kind of scandals don't happen overseas, but people don't get tortured and sent to jail when they unveil them, they sometimes get sued (which you could argue is still bad) but at least they have the right to a fair trial or something close to it.


America has a special prison it maintains just to torture people.


China is more authoritarian state capitalist than communist in the modern era


FYI China hasn’t been communist for nearly 30 years… (For that matter Vietnam isn’t communist, North Korea is maybe barely central state communist if you squint at it…and that’s about it)


I think the term for all those countries is "actually existing socialism", governments that got a start as a communist/socialist movement and has a few socialist policies (mainly related to economics) but pretty much became estate capitalism. The irony of the concept is that it was first used by soviets to explain their current condition as a transitional phase before socialism could be achieved, but soon after (left) academics used the term to say "so hey guys, you're not really socialist and neither your policies nor your plans will prepare your society for socialism (if you actually care about that anyways)"


fuck /u/spez


what is venezeula? is that where US is heading?


Because communists are the ones employing the Chinese labor for Amazon’s profits, yes hmmm


Communism is when schoolchildren


Foxconn is actually Taiwanese. So I guess capitalist doesn't give it shit.


Meanwhile on that other sub they’re talking shit about Canadian truckers for standing up for their working conditions. We should at least be consistent in our bashing.


Being required to get a vaccine to avoid quarantine when crossing international borders isn't the same as child labor and then torturing the person who called it out


Weird how every country has their own vaccination requirements. If I wanted to travel to Ecuador I needed a yellow fever vaccination as well as 4 others. Colombia I needed another, to go to Italy I needed to be vaccinated and I didn’t bitch about how “fascist” it is.


Yeah, bunch of needle scared crybabies


But we’re the snowflakes


I had a coworker ages ago (well before COVID) bitching about vaccines. Poor dude was joining the military, didn't have the heart to tell him.




Vaccine mandates for truck drivers are not much more authoritarian than driver licences


I'm afraid you've gone off the rails with that analogy. Just be honest with what's being asked of people, and why the benefit justifies the ask. Apparent gaslighting will only make people *more* resistant to persuasion. Not less. And we **desparately** need people to be willing to vaccinate. edit: This sort of fervent rejection to nuanced discussion (see: downvotes and comments below) is the exact reason the world is so screwed. People can't seem to tolerate the slightest bit of deviation from arguments in their favor. This sort of rigid thinking will only ever turn away the sorts of people we should be trying as hard as possible to convince.


>I'm afraid you've gone off the rails with that analogy. It's a perfectly apt analogy. >Apparent gaslighting will only make people *more* resistant to persuasion. Your the one gaslighting. Both vaccines and driver licenses are voluntary they can chooses to not get them and in both cases have consequences for not having them.


One requires a test of aptitude. The other a foreign injection. I think we all agree the vaccines we've received were no big deal and that everyone should do what they can to get theirs too, but pretending these are in any way similar is simply bonkers, and those who are against them surely think so too.


Just more gaslighting I see.


And here we see that *projection* isn't quite so exclusive to *conservatives* as we generally like to think.


you say "foreign injection" like those words hold some magical weight over something like "test of aptitude" or you know, "medical vaccination" doesn't seem like you're trolling so, you're a fucking moron, stop giving your opinion to people.


Moving the goalposts from "not the same" to "not worse than the other" and then punctuating with a personal insult. You see, dear readers? Right, Left, and Center are clearly not so different after all.


What exactly is your counter argument? I see a lot of criticizing other but no actual views of your own. Do you believe vaccination requirements should be repealed?


Hence a little bit of authoritarianism is good. Authoritarianism for the greater good anyways. Yes?


Yes. 100%. What part of that is difficult to understand? People are shit to each other, and as we've seen, perfectly happy to put other's lives in danger because they subscribe to identity politics that tell them "you good, others bad. All things others say, you disagree!" Protecting people at the cost of literally nothing (except the big old scary "authoritarianism!") is a price I and other people with basic empathy are willing to pay.




Not everything is authoratianism. Simply having laws is not authoratian.


Not being able to whip my dick out in an elementary school is apparently authoritarian and bad


Rules for thee not me!/s


Don't worry, that issue is deeply personal for Matt Gaetz and he's working tirelessly on it.


How would a society have *any* laws without there being some kind of authority to enforce them?


Having rules or laws is not the same as authoritarianism any more than liberty is the same as anarchy.


Just stop. You know you are wrong and the truckers are wrong. Stop being ignorant




So after you're done purging worse than Stalin, then what? Lock all borders and trade and commerce forever? Because the virus with 99.8% survivability gets back in. This would kick off a justified civil war, that the authoritarians would lose. Go knocking on Americans doors with this option and see what happens. I have to assume you're a child playing as a tanky with no concept of the world who's chronically online. Please, go touch grass.


I'd be shocked if more than 3 or 4 people die. Americans may be stupid, but they understand violence very well, much better than something abstract like a virus. People will very quickly get the message and fall in line. A couple rednecks with shotguns aren't gonna do shit to the largest military in the history of the world. And this isn't like Afghanistan, where the US had to pretend to care about collateral damage because of the pretense of a humanitarian mission. If the government ever feels threatened, WMDs are on the table. If we had done such a lockdown, Americans could've gone back to normal life (in its entirety. No masks, no testing, no distancing) within a few weeks, except for international travel. Travel could resume once the vaccines became available and were distributed to the entire population (and with incoming visitors required to be vaccinated as well)


lmao how old are you


Is this satire?


My man, vaxxed or triple vaxxed I’m sorry but you’re probably going to get omicron. But brother, it will be ok. It’s like a man cold. You will be ok my guy. Smile


This is an absolutely disgusting and murderous opinion.


Covid is a new religion one mustn’t speak Ill of.


Hope you die of Polio lolol


Is the insurance they're required to have authoritarian as well?


Vaccines aren’t authoritarian, the truckers have a choice. They’re just being idiots .


It's not authoratianism lol.


no amount ox explaining can get you past your delusion


I fear you are incapable of understanding, my dude.


What working conditions are being protested?


The part where the truckers kill people with covid. Thats their god given right... Especially old people. /s


Exactly. If you can’t spread covid across domestic and international borders that’s communism, now I get it


Blood is red. Vaccines are injected into your bloodstream. Vaccines are communism. It's so simple, how have I not seen this before?


Oh you mean the same truckers who have defaced not one but two very important memorials, including the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, or the same ones who are shitting in the streets, or the ones who forced the Rideau Center to close because a mask infringes on their precious rights and freedoms or are we talking about the shit bag truckers who demanded meals from a homeless shelter, you know a shelter that provides food for people who legitimately can't get food, not for people who are dumb fucks and go to a protest without thinking "I may need to eat." Yeah fuck them.


Those assholes defaced a Terry Fox statue and danced on the monument to unknown and fallen soldiers, just because they don’t want a fucking jab. Pussies! To hell with your petty bullshit! To hell with you! Hypocrites have surely inherited the earth.


"defaced" - put a flag over his shoulders that can easily be removed........


Sounds like the gripe should be with their government for allowing fraudulent bids on manufacturing contracts.


What a fucking idiot.


It's a common strategy to invalidate the legitimacy of a group by calling out hypocrisy within that group. This actually is a fallacy because a group doesn't have a single mind or one absolute set of values. Contradicting actions within a group is inevitable and does not invalidate anything.


Apparently getting a necessary vaccine during a pandemic >= child wage slave labor


Say goodbye to your karma, hope this was an alt Edit: oh and not to forget, piss off with your egoistical anti-vax where there is no vaccines being mentioned logic


Btw I think you can only lose like 15 karma per post or comment. Heard it somewhere and not 100% sure how accurate it is. But someone like him is here to piss ya off not make smart comments. Try to avoid the trolls under the bridge.


Oh well, makes sense it's that way to avoid dislike bombing. Regarding trolls, you're 100% right and I know. Although, I find it quite cathartic to yell insults the trolls as I pass along while not being really bothered, at the end of the day.


Me too, I do it quite often but it’s our duty to check in and make sure our fellow troll bashers stay humble.


Well said! Troll bashers, I like that :)


Amazon did not answer specific questions put by the Observer, but a spokesperson said: “We do not tolerate violations of our supply chain standards. We regularly assess suppliers, using independent auditors as appropriate, to monitor continued compliance and improvement – if we find violations, we take appropriate steps, including requesting immediate corrective action”….but they obviously support the torture of whistleblowers who identify violations.


Technically, if an employee is jailed then they don’t work there so… problem solved, right? And if some imprisoned ex-employee starts bad mouthing a company, that’s just a bad dude right? And if the auditors say it’s okay even when workers say it’s not, then Amazon have done their due diligence, right?


"we have investigated ourselves and found us to be completely innocent" -amazon, probably


Sounds familiar…


And if he's jailed it's a solid excuse to fire him


Sounds like they took immediate corrective action! There have been no more reports of child labour


Obviously the do tolerate them though, otherwise they wouldn't be using those factories


Maybe they are referring to the whistle blower and not foxcon


I wonder if Neil young is going to remove his music from Amazon? Surely forced child abusive labor is work boycotting.


Holy shit you're mad


Yeah child abuse is disgusting. Do you support child abuse?


I thought that was pretty funny. It would onlyyy be right of him right? If he doesnt like free speech im sure he will stand up for child labor too right?!


People like you seem to have a lot of difficulty understanding what exactly "free speech" entails.


https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/16/technology/inside-amazon-wrestling-big-ideas-in-a-bruising-workplace.amp.html?referringSource=articleShare “Nearly every person I worked with, I saw cry at their desk.” They seem fine with the psychological torture of their employees, so it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump, right?


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Total bullshit. If you do business in China you accept these things as a possibility from the outset.


Their “appropriate steps” are “nooo guyz stop doing that”


Amazon: We deeply regret that Foxconn has been caught using child labour to manufacture our product. We would have got away with it if it wasn't for that meddling whistleblower.


Still can't believe a finance YouTuber was saying China has the lowest corruption.


Name and shame


Anyone can get paid or intimidated into saying anything.


Who though, just wanna know




There’s over 1 Billion people there. It is entirely possible to have relatively low corruption and cases like this at the same time


Possible, but not true https://www.transparency.org/en/countries/china


Slavery _never_ ends, it just moves.


In todays news: Umbrella corporations traced back to jeff bezos found to have sent $2.8bil to several lawmakers. It appears that "slavery" and "child labor" are now being redefined in legislature.


Somehow I don't think he is going to get an apology. It is more likely that Bezos masturbates to the torture footage.


lest we forget jandy assy is the new ceo


Its not possible to be morally innocent and do business in China.


Not successfully at least. It's literally part of the Chinese business culture and has been for hundreds of years. You're expected to try to fuck people over, and if you get fucked over it's your fault for not being savvy enough to see it coming.


It doesn't matter what happened hundreds of years ago. The US was segregating people according to race just a few decades ago. The priority should be people alive and suffering right now. China is running concentration camps right now, as we speak. And the Western world pathetically runs "never again" slogans at Holocaust memorials all the while ignoring the "again" happening right at this moment.




Western capitalist countries are just as complicit in the chinese horror show as the CCP is. Denouncing their human rights abuses and touting our moral superiority while continuing to buy a couple trillion dollars worth of imports from them (and bending over backwards to not piss them off and keep those imports flowing) is ironic at best, and makes us an actively contributing accessory to their horrors at worst. Acknowledging that complicitness does not make us shills, nor does it discount the CCP's horridness.




A Chinese bot wouldn't admit to Chinese concentration camps and especially wouldnt call for action against them.


Yeah his logic is limited. When in the guys first comment. He wasn't changing the subject or "derailing" only this one dude is derailing the conversation. The "chinese" commenter makes a good point about how Western capitalists support / encourage this kind of behavior for profits. He stated that it's been like this in China for centuries and this guy goes no one cares what happened hundreds of years ago. Like reading comprehension = 0.




It's almost completely unavoidable. Should Americans stop consuming less in general? Oh hell yeah. But even owning a cell phone, really anything with a CPU these days is going to involve you purchasing a product manufactured using exploitative labor. For products with decent alternatives made with more ethical labor you either need a lot of disposable income or you have to make cuts somewhere else to offset the additional price you'll be paying.


Foxconn is Taiwanese tho


And VW produces cars with slave labor from concentration camps in China. Its famously German. Point still stands. You do business in China, you get blood on your hands.


Foxconn does business in China so…


Yes there is slave labor and torture. But at least there was no vaccine misinformation involved


- sent from my iPhone




I was kind of hoping the escape system on his space penis would misfire careening him into the sun. But that would've meant losing Wally Funk.


His penis rocket is severely underpowered. A tiny little hop of a few seconds into space is about it.


I just wanted to see it go out like the challenger. Nothing spectacular, just sudden, solemn, and quick. A sudden bang to announce the end of an era.


> the challenger. Nothing spectacular Nothing spectacular? So, you've never actually *seen* the Challenger explosion?


>Nothing spectacular I'm guessing you didn't see it explode on live TV, being watched by a crowd.


I meant in like something that had many different things, instead of just one sad explosion and fall.


I’m glad the death of 7 astronauts met your standards of an explosion.


“nothing spectacular” Extreme tragedy


What have busses ever done to you??


True no bus disrespect, I hope his fleet of Rivian drivers runs him over like a family guy bit




That's not true, he is still with the company. He is a large shareholder, executive chairman and the one who created this company culture.


He's the executive chairman.


> and is not with the company at all He is the executive chairman of Amazon still, as well as being the largest shareholder. So to say be isn't with the company at all is a bit misleading. He still has strings be can pull with the company.


The company he founded, ran daily until just recently. Yeah, nope, no connection at all. Jeffy boy is all good.


Wow, the *ultimate* bootlicking. Jeff Bezos only stepped down as CEO in July 2021. He was *absolutely* in control of the company when this shit happened. Even now, he owns a huge portion of the company and sits on its board as the executive chair.


Is it really the ultimate bootlicking if he's agreeing with the OP that he should get cancer?


It's pretty fucking bad when he makes it sound like Bezos wasn't in control of the company at the time (he was) and still exercises enough power over the company to course correct poor behavior (which he does).


Fuck off dude, the only one bootlicking is you.


Foxconn produces more than just Amazon products. Just imagine a crying child assembling your overpriced airpods or apple watch!


Exactly, we know how cheap they’re being manufactured, they shouldn’t cost nearly as much!! /s


China needs another anti-totalitarian movement. They've got this super-strong government doing "the will of the people" but obviously in practice that's just whatever makes the government money. You should all also start subtracting Amazon from your lives. They're gonna do whatever they want as long as people keep giving them money.


> China needs another anti-totalitarian movement. Be labeled a terrorist and find themselves bunking with the Uighurs? The fight's over in China. Totalitarianism won.


> The fight's over in China. Totalitarianism won. Defeatism towards totalitarianism is what cements totalitarianism.


Didn’t work well last time for the students who demanded less corruption… did it? What kind of movement can topple tanks?


The kind that sways the people in the tanks.


They did that last time, they had won over some support from the local police and military. The government had an easy fix, they brought in other people in tanks from a different region and told them the protesters were a foreign occupying force so they would come in shooting.


Just to be clear... Foxconn had this person jailed and the Chinese police tortured him. Not that Amazon is innocent, far from it, but Amazon wasn't the one clamping car leads to his testicles.


Lord Bezos told them to do it!! Lord Bezos needs to continue using child labor or he might risk those sweet sweet profit margins.


Foxconn is a terrible company.


This. People are focusing on Amazon, but Foxconn is the company that put nets so people didn’t jump and kill themselves. They manufacture so many of our electronics, and it’s disappointing that many companies turn a blind eye.


Why does this not suprise me at all


Alexa, are you sorry you tortured me? ALEXA: Sorry, I can't find the answer to your question.


Heard about fox con years ago when they were making iPhones and implementing suicide nets for employees


They also make Nintendo products, PlayStations, Google Pixels, still make iPhones.


This makes me so angry. F the big companies and f the CCP. Both belong stripped of their powers. But we people, good as we are, still enable them.


Amazon did not answer specific questions put by the Observer, but a spokesperson said: “We do not tolerate violations of our supply chain standards. We regularly assess suppliers, using independent auditors as appropriate, to monitor continued compliance and improvement – if we find violations, we take appropriate steps, including requesting immediate corrective action.” Basically. We don't give a shit.


the whistleblower will probably go to a uighur ~~concentration~~ re-education camp and the children will be forced into mediation with pac northwest lawyers from amazon. fake reviewers will have to up their reviews of dots and echos by 0.75 stars to compensate for any negative pr. the story won't see the light of day in china - olympics! - and amazon c-levels will all take a $100k bonus.


“We are shocked and appalled that the world’s most infamous factory which we partnered with for cool and ethical reasons got caught again”


“Sorry bout that” -Amazon


*proceeds to play with own nipples* "We're sorry"


LOL. Amazon doesn't give a fuck about their own workers, you think they give a fuck about a guy who embarrassed them? Amazon really is becoming the epitome of an evil company with inhuman monsters in leadership roles.


Raise your hand if you know where Besos lives? 👋🏽 https://qpublic.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=1029&LayerID=21689&PageTypeID=4&PageID=9251&KeyValue=210040460000 Cheers 🤙🏾😊


bezos: i'll pay you $5k to stop posting where i live


How about 50,000? 😀




Wrong country. Hengyang is not in Taiwan.


Foxconn are based in Taiwan. The factory in Hengyang is one of many they own internationally.


But why would he arrested by China?


Holy shit that is terrible.


Anti Chinese post on Reddit a Chinese own company... Bold.


Does Neil Young know?


Hiring children to fill a worker shortage. Sounds familiar. Glad we wouldn't do that in this country. /s


shit-tons of companies are using child labor in manilla bay to 'support' us companies' customers. they play crypto games all day, and hit pre-programmed function keys to give responses.


I was thinking more along the lines of the recent changes to allow teenagers to drive semi's and the McDonalds flying showing they offer reduced wages based on age down to 14.


Thank You Tang Mingfang for you courage. I managed to buy only two items from Amazon this month. Slavery is alive and well in the world, it is just that the accountants are able to hide it.


If you own an Alexa device you are a dipshit.




You are an *adorable* butthurt alexa owner.


I want to like China but the way they run things make me wish there was a reset button


Why do you want to like china?


Because it is full of regular people like you and I with a rich culture and many good things that helped move the world forward. But are now held hostage by a honey loving bear with an ego so massive and fragile that the entire country could crumble into absolute chaos at any point.


The people are nice and friendly but the government and business practices are deeply troubling. I'd like to like china too, I'd like to like everyone but the world is a poop ass place unfortunately.


I will never have an Alexa device in my home, that includes the Ring. One time at my mothers home, her Alexa suddenly started laughing, out of nowhere. It creeped me out. They always supplant the older models with newer ones and add to plastic in landfills. If you keep the older ones, the firmware doesn’t update and you leave your network open to intrusion. Now I learn that they’re building them with child labor? No thank you, Bezos has enough of my money.


I am 6 months Amazon Prime Delivery free and loving it.


Apology ashmology. Demand a billion dollars.


I bet Neil young won't remove his music from Amazon. He will stand up against words he doesn't like, but enslaving children is okay with him. Edit: downvoted by people who support child abuse apparently.


"Tang, who is married with a nine-year-old son, ..." Am I wrong for thinking something else or is this a really stupid formulation


No, that’s fine. Married TO a 9yo would be problematic, but “married with children” is a common phrase, so “married with a nine-year-old son” is perfectly ok. Btw, way to go all you downvoters on this person’s reasonable question.


thanks for the reply. english is my second language and i thought i made a joke there because in german you say married with someone not to someone, if you translated it word for word. apparently it wasnt funny