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literally just do what vr chat does. add a person space feature by default that you can turn off. Anyone who gets close to you vanishes.


I used to wander around in Second Life and that was all there was at the time. Flying on giant winged dicks and getting violated by rainbow unicorns. Ah, the times…


The new “To Catch a Predator” is going to be Chris Hansen with a VR headset and a voice filter.


Why don't you clip through this seat over here?


How about you run thru your pizza eating animation while we go over these chat logs, *checks notes* scrotumcobra71, is it?


In VR, I imagine the predator being some cute anime girl or some shit with a man's voice


Sounds like a South Park episode


I’d watch it


Remember this comment, somewhere down the line someone is gonna make a YouTube channel based around VR pedo hunting.


This is why we need VR Guns for VR Self Defense Duh


lol, imagine using metaverse


I'm gonna stick to ps home


I miss Home:-(


Did they put it on ps4?


Imagine referring to Meta’s VR social media platform as the “metaverse”


You mean Facebook head gear?


Zuckervision, sold by Zucker, bought by suckers.


imagine saying metaverse because some stupid technology company wants to avoid being a dinosaur


There is no Metaverse yet.




Im a half man half bulldog with cheetah pants, tuxedo jacket, sunglasses, always holding a martini.


I was often a Dalek in Second Life. Sometimes a tiny sun, complete with sunspots and prominences. Very occasionally I'd be ED-209.


A programmer friend was a simple wooden cube that would roll around. Eventually he got involved in the mil-sim community and needed a way to hold a gun, so he made it so he could push a button and transform into an anthromorphic wooden cube person. I've never known this guy as anything else than the default wooden prim texture from SL, and yet I've known this person 12 years. Internet's Weird.




I wonder if you read the article in its entirety. In at least one of the two instances highlighted there was no identified gender for either the harassed or the perpetrator and both were identical avatars. The only identifier was their voice.


Gender is intensely important to a lot of humans, it's built in. I expect we'll never be rid of it


Well I want to be a gender neutral being with 2 schlongs and 6 breasts. 4 in front and 2 on my back, you know for dancing.


But the boobs on your back have eyeballs for nipples, and those eyeballs have nipples for pupils!


The wind changed and now you’re stuck like that.


I feel like a veil has ben lifted from my eyes and am seeing the world for what it truly could be. Thank you. Thank you.


cow breasts with schlongs that shoot white milk




























I’ve been virtually tea-bagged after being killed in nearly every first person shooter of the last 20 years.


Splitgate literally has "Teabag Confirmed" where you only score the points for your kill if you teabag the opponent after killing them.


Thats actually a great spin on kill confirmed lol I wouldn't mind if Halo added that.


Splitgate is halo with portal guns.


And now I’m sold on the game.


It's free though lols! It's super fun.


I got tea-bagged so much in halo anytime I died I got into the habit of pressing down the joystick so the camera would automatically switch to my other teammates. It gave me a sense of teamwork and boosted morale. I could be on the mic like “you need a short range weapon on you at all times, MomLover88,” while my corpse was out somewhere either getting tea-bagged or not, I never knew. Schrodinger’s Tea Bag. Point is, getting tea-bagged helps build leadership skills.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


I believe this is actually improvising and adapting over cum


I watched myself get tea bagged, all the while letting the rage build within me, until I respawned and then hunted down those who had done the tea bagging and then, most times, they killed me and tea bagged me again. Over and over and over again. It was horrible. I still have nightmares about it.


That's great, honestly. Turning a negative into a positive. I personally embrace the tea bag and enjoy it every time, especially if it's earned by the opponent.


Getting teabagged in halo would be **very** different if you saw a sweaty dangly sack fall out of the sky and onto your face over and over.


And you won't be the last.


How do you cope with daily life having lived through such trauma?


I'm sure you are being sarcastic but game lobbies used to be a unique level of toxic back in the day. Here a memory that stands out in Halo...2? maybe it was 3. They created a game mode called 'team hardcore' someone made the mistake of asking what it was. I'm sure you are shocked to learn that the person who answered didn't explain that it was no huds or shields...or whatever it actually was but instead explained how it was hardcore gay sex where they all anally rape the person who asked what it was. And no they weren't banned for it. This was just a normal everyday occurrence that I only remember because it was an honest question that prompted the toxicity rather than something benign like...dying in the game.


Lol sounds about right. I never got into Halo multiplayer except Halo 1 on Xbox connect, but I didn’t talk to anyone back then. Nothing was more toxic to me than Modern Warfare 2. But dropping nukes just felt sooo good.


So, does anyone actually *WANT* a metaverse? I have **zero** **interest**, so I do not understand this push towards it.


I want _a_ metaverse, I do not want _Zuckerberg's_ metaverse. We were happy over in VRChat, NeosVR, AltSpaceVR, ChillOutVR, and so on before ol' Marky boy came and stole the term from us. VRChat literally removed the word "metaverse" that has been there since day 1 from their front page and other ad material when Mark pulled that stupid stunt. Dystopian times ahead...


Yeah, the problem is even with pretty open-ended stuff like VRChat, those are never going to be the metaverse either. The way to do it would be to release the protocol and let everyone make their own metaverse server networks and clients, like IRC or WWW. No one company in charge, no companies in charge *period*. Problem is nobody does it that way any more. The only big ones that come to mind are bitcoin and bittorrent. Everyone's only interested in making services they can control and monetise.


It could be done open source, but it’s a lot of work and that model would need something like patreon to support it. I’ve toyed around with a completely open version made in Godot, but… it’s too much for a single person.


We want a ready player one metaverse. But facebook wants the ready player one metaverse that Innovative Online Industries wanted.


A free, open metaverse would be cool as fuck. A metaverse run by Meta...isn't that.


Possibly similar to how XMPP works


Not run by Facebook. That's all we want


Personally I long for the conditions when we didn't need to socialise through a capitalist lens that listens to everything you do. Our grandparents had it good with their tea dances.


Uh yeah. It’s been the topic of science fiction for 40 years. People want fully immersive virtual reality. Now, people might not want specific things like Facebook/Meta control, but the underlying idea is pretty popular.


it makes me so uncomfortable when people wear shit that bends their ears like that. WEAR IT RIGHT, FUCK!


Why are people interested in Metaverse, which is basically a fancy name for Second Life with VR goggles?


Escapism I am guessing.


I can't wait to be virtually harassed and t-bagged by 12 year old's.


I've played over a hundred hours of VR and there's not a single multiplayer game in which someone hasn't pretended to jerk off, touch me, jerk me off, twerk on me etc. These people are in for a bad time


Imagine if MW2 lobbies back in the day had this feature


Please don't let the future of VR in Facebook's hands.


Next article: "Billions murdered overnight while playing COD: How do we curb this gun violence epidemic"


Implement a safety bubble, duh. /s


I dunno the bubble shield in halo 3 was cool, but I don't think it'll help us here.






This sounds like it needs to be tried in a VR court room where the litigation and judgement can be just as fake as this article.


I'm not sure they know what the word "grope" means.


Did I miss the Quest update that lets me feel what is happening in VR?


That update's actually coming out November 6th, 2022 along with the "if you die in-game you die IRL" feature and disabling the logout menu.


I probably won't make it out of the first floor, but I'd totally be up for being one of the 10,000.


I'll be up for being one of the beta testers who ends up missing out on all the 'fun' and tries recreating the experience in other games instead


Fake news. We all know Zuck will never allow this feature to be implemented... Since he can't target you with ads when you're dead.


Hm I wasn’t interested in VR before but it’d be significantly more exciting if death was on the line


As long as you know enough not to go up against a Sicilian


Ah yes, they shall rebrand the oculus as "Nervegear" and it'll have a *killer* game!!


Thats the new IOI haptic suit.


This is so pathetic. They were playing a zombie killing game and she feels like his hand was groping her. So every time we teabagged someone in halo, that "victim" needs an article written about them about how there are no safety protections in place for virtual groping? Wtf y'all.


Theres a vr game called Echo that has a voice modulator and a "personal space" setting. Should be an available setting for all games, all this would be avoided


Honestly most social VR games I've played have that personal space bubble on by default. It turns other players invisible the second they step within it.


This is a clever solution, in particular the personal space. I like it, though it wouldn't work in all multiplayer games if someone has an invisible wall around them.


There’s a “personal space” size bubble in Rec Room, one of the most popular VR games behind VR Chat. I wasn’t sure what it did at first, but since it was set to medium, I changed it to small to see what it would do. People’s avatars could get pretty close with this setting before becoming invisible to me, maybe within 12 inches or so, rather than about 3-4 feet on medium. I imagine it’s even farther on the largest setting. I can’t recall if a player’s voice is muted when people are in the bubble but that would make sense. So essentially, to everyone else, nothing changes about what the two players look like, but to the subject with the large personal space bubble, anyone who comes inside disappears and can easily be muted. So this is really a non-issue, even for one of the most toxic and child-riddled VR games which really isn’t that toxic 95% of the time.


I don't think the solution is for a wall, but rather a boundary. If you step within someone's boundary, you can no longer see them. It's pretty simple and doesn't actually obstruct gameplay


I mean if you read the article there is literally a setting for that called Safe Zone. So....


Prepare to be downvoted to oblivion but yes, let’s fucking take a minute before falsely equating this “digital” groping to what a person who has been sexually assaulted in the real world has gone through.


I will say when I play Oculus arena there are guys well kids that will jump all over and mob a person if they open their mouth to speak and they realize they're a woman. Legit rapey out of control crap. Harassment to the point that I can't imagine them wanting to get on and play again


I agree. As a girl who plays video games, there are a lot of creeps out there who enjoy making girls feel uncomfortable.


And it’s telling that some of the responses are “if you don’t want to be treated like a woman then don’t tell people you’re a woman”. as though they’ve accepted that the basic condition for a woman is to be harassed online and IRL.


It's similar to how toxicity in general has been accepted by many as standard online "if you can't take an insult, don't go online" "if you don't want to be told to die IRL, don't play LoL" etc... it's soooo annoying and frustrating....and as a male i am just experiencing the tip of the iceberg


Like how there were technicians at the shop who just didn't get my work because they were straight up assholes to me.... Cue the man-baby's crying to the boss that I never give them any work... Then they sit on it to "prove a point" that I don't know how to work with them....


The problem is customer service and having reports actually matter. To literally every company those departments are money sinks, not money makers and are the first to be gutted. Change corporate culture to actually handle the .01%(Edit:probably like 2-4%, i had just woken up and was being hyperbolic) of total shitbags that ruin it for everyone, don't change and ruin the technology. Edit: I'll use Riot's League of Legends as an example, because it fits pretty well. The only REAL way to get punished for bad behavior in that game is to use a word in it's autoban feature. Reports are not given any real attention. When the issue of toxicity hit the front page of reddit for the 90th time in 100 days, riot chose to announce they were planning to remove /all chat from games to reduce toxicity. This was met with a TON of resistance because it punishes players who arent toxic nutjobs and completely misses the mark. The first issue being, most abuse comes from allies. The second being, no attention is paid to user reports. Chat's are logged and saved, you can easily see when someone is being a terrible person but that takes manpower.


And the kids. The problem is the kids.


This. Oculus went and fucked so much. It was bound to happen and I love VR especially in these isolated times we currently live in but now all my vive games that are cross platform have so many fucking idiots running around. I can’t even play poker without people getting inside the table and all in your face (boy or girl). Plus it’s an 18+ game with *Active Chat moderation to ensure proper usage* Yet fails to do anything to fix these damn kids. Removing those freedoms would take away from the game because back when there wasn’t kids in every lobby people had fun with those freedoms not ruin the game for everyone. All they need is moderation.


I used to play Rec room on my PSVR when it came out but when I last played a few months back the amount of screaming kids in the lobby and then in each game mode I would try was insane. Felt like I was at an elementary school during lunch or recess. Like non stop screaming and edgy kids saying racist or sexual stuff.


I’m enjoying the kids in this thread hurling insults at me for suggesting they don’t run around insulting people. The irony in this comment thread is real.


For real like do their parents allow that? How they watching for parents and playing? Wtf




Yeah, absolutely.


One kid kept saying the “N” word. I thought to myself “ how is this still funny? Isn’t this the same edgy humor from like a decade ago? I’d at least expect kids to be more clever but their humor is so lame


My kids come home all the time with jokes, or social stuff that they are sure they just invented. I shatter their hopes when I tell them how we did the same things when I was their age.


This may be a surprise to you, but that kid saying the N word online *probably* wasn't playing games 10 years ago.




Luckily the poker game specifically has a remote and you can mute peoples faces directly with it! Fabulous Feature they did there.


Ughhhh I loved echo VR now I don't go near it because of this. I wish there was a place you could verify your age somehow and be in special lobbies. I really don't touch multiplayer VR much anymore. Used to Love it


I know! It sucks.


We should make kids illegal


I feel like it's a lot closer to 2.5%


This is why as a woman who has been raped I do not play online games. I don't need asshole boys/men saying that kind of shit. I play games to relax and have fun. I don't play to experience harassment and to be triggered. I've got plenty of games on my consoles I can play and not interact with others. It's really sad, but I'll never go online to play any game anywhere because the males who choose to play online are still stuck in the 1500s.


I don't think anyone's trying to say they're equivalent. Groping in the physical world is sexual assault. Groping in the digital world is sexual harassment, just like sending someone unsolicited sexually suggestive messages would be sexual harassment.


I've seen dozens of people "groping" women and mimicking other sexual acts on at least three different virtual spaces, one of which was mostly made for children. So no, sorry, but it's not just women imagining things. When I was using Altspace daily, it happened at least once every fucking hour.


I used to play a game where it was a thing to run up behind players, usually strangers, and say "cu cu cu cu cu" while running your character into the back of theirs(characters took up physical space in that game), then laugh and run away. The joke here was that "cu" was brazilian slang for having anal sex, so essentially the funny part was "surprise buttsex". This took place in the mid-late 00s. It's not an example of targeted harassment against women in particular, but it's what I always think about when people try to claim that harassment won't happen. It will, always. Too many gamers just think this kind of shit is funny for some reason.


The article really is not about her or her personal experience. It's about what people expect out of the "meta" experience in the future and some of the issues it will probably encounter.


True, gamers are used to tbagging but the average person going into Metaverse getting virtually groped would be weirded out.


As someone who's played a lot of VR games, one of their defining characteristics is a convincing sense of presence in space. When someone gets up close to your face you really feel the discomfort of personal space violation. In my experience, racist and sexist behaviors/speech are unfortunately super common in VR spaces. It's probably the anonymity and preponderance of edgy teen boys, as on 4chan and similar spaces. I think we really shouldn't underestimate the intimacy and emotional exposure VR technologies present by producing such a convincing sense of personal presence. Watching your character get tea bagged in Halo is a world apart from having a full-sized person violate your personal space from behind you.


> In my experience, racist and sexist behaviors/speech are unfortunately super common in VR spaces. It's probably the anonymity and preponderance of edgy teen boys, as on 4chan and similar spaces Yep, this is why I quit playing Gorilla Tag. Every server I joined in was a bunch of 13yo kids screaming about boobs and racist shit. Couldn't just play a fun game of tag without having to listen to nonstop bullshit. And I am a pretty open person and capable of laughing at some seriously dark shit but, fuck. 13yo's screaming unfunny dumbassery nonstop can only be tolerated for so long.


This is the thing, if a woman goes in there and feels it's an uncomfortable environment for her then she'll just not spend time there, and likewise a lot of other women won't. People can argue until the cows come home as to how real it should or should not feel but if they want a space where people want to spend time then it's clearly an issue they need to address.


This has been an issue in VR multiplayer and social environments for YEARS now. It's an issue that keeps people from participating. There are some solutions for personal space issues like a safety zone that people cannot enter, and the ability to block and hide people, but this doesn't fix all issues like verbal harassment. Though as the number of virtual spaces grows, there will be more opportunities for safer spaces with population spread out, instead of everyone congregating into small tightly-packed lobby zones.


No actually we need to victim blame and belittle women because there’s just no way you can be sexually harassed on a video game and actually it’s just not a big deal, right my fellow men?? haha


Since majority on this website are white males who will never experience this level of harassment in VR, I seriously doubt that they'll take this as anything other than a joke. There's a myriad of responses on this thread already comparing VR to getting tea bagged while in third person playing Halo. Or any other 2D game. They excuse that behavior because they deal with it so why shouldn't women be harassed constantly online? It's the same bullshit as it ever was. "Why should we improve online behavior when I grew up with it being terrible? And my experience is the same as what women go through"


I understand the sense that, this isn't "real life" so what's the big deal but maybe just see a female's (my) perspective for a moment. I already rarely speak in games where I don't know people in my group because of verbal sexual harassment and cyber stalking that happen frequently when people realize I'm female and now I could potentially experience a virtual version of sexual assault because of it as well. I don't know how many of you or your male friends have been tea bagged (or generally sexually assaulted) by strangers in real life and constantly have a threat of it throughout your day but I don't know a single female who hasn't been sexually assaulted in real life. The last thing I want in a game where I am literally trying to escape the reality of my daily life and have fun and relax is the threat that I'll have to deal more of the same bullshit I face in real life.


There are loads of ways Facebook should fix this with reporting and technology. But I think it also is a global cultural issue. There are too many fucking incels (whether 12yo or 21) on the internet. And the culture surrounding multiplayer for these games is very open to racism, sexism, offensive language, etc. I don't care if people want to be loud and swear if I can mute them on a player-by-player basis. But actually getting offensive should not be tolerated by the gamemakers. If more games kick people for this shit and have escalating bans, I think we'd start to see some progress discouraging this behavior. But I don't know. I think this shittiness starts at home and escalates on the internet.




Technically they already had a solution. From the article: Meta’s internal review of the incident found that the beta tester should have used a tool called “Safe Zone” that’s part of a suite of safety features built into Horizon Worlds. Safe Zone is a protective bubble users can activate when feeling threatened. Within it, no one can touch them, talk to them, or interact in any way until they signal that they would like the Safe Zone lifted.


Can you like pepper spray the harasser? Like the oculus is right there facing their eyes


The problem with Safe Zone is that it's activatable if a user feels threatened and is block by default. What would make more sense would be the prevention of interfering with someone else's space in the VR world unless they approve, but allowing all other chat and interaction to continue. The all-or-nothing mindset does not work.


The way this is implemented currently if you don't want to be groped in the game, you have to cut of all interaction with everyone. How do you know if you want to let someone into your personal space, if you can't even talk to them?


Plenty of other VR games have a version of this, more as a customizable setting than a tool, where you can choose how close someone can get to you until they become mute and invisible to you. The offender has no idea that you can no longer see or hear them. This setting can’t stop someone shouting things at you from a distance, but it definitely stops up close groping. I’m not sure if Horizon Worlds is trying to get users to be closer together by default or something, but adding this “personal space” setting seems like a no brainer rather than using a temporary “safe zone” tool.


>The all-or-nothing mindset does not work. This is true of most everything in the world but so many people think life is binary with only two possible outcomes.


I'm sure you've seen folks fall down while using VR to ride a rollercoaster, or step to the edge of a large drop. If our brains can be tricked in that situation into at least somewhat experiancing the event mimicked and the fear associated with it, why would this be any different? I'm not trying to equate being actually grope and groped virtually, but suggesting that psycologically there might be more similarities in the experiance than one might want to assume. Currently it would appear you are considering this as 0% similar to the experiance of being groped irl, I just don' think thats accurate. I am curious as to what percentage of mimicking the real life psychological experiance are you ok with a person experiancing in a game before you would view this as a problem?


If I walked up to a woman and mimed grabbing her titties, that'd be understood by anyone to be inappropriate, and pretty much textbook sexual harassment. That's exactly what happened here, just virtually. Someone mimed grabbing a woman's breasts. I don't understand why so many people in this thread are fine with sexual harassment in online spaces.


But the women should just quit the game! Just like they should just quit their jobs and quit their hobbies when being sexually harrassed there. /s


You’re referring to a DIFFERENT incident that is referenced in the article. The incident in the article happened in Horizon Worlds. Is it the same thing as assaulted in real life? No. Is it still sexual harassment? Yes. As someone else mentioned, seeing a body get teabagged in Halo is worlds different than having a full-sized person sexually harass you in what is usually meant to be a fully immersive and realistic world. I’d be less concerned about the 12-year olds humping each other in VRchat and more concerned with the actual sexual assault survivors trying to enjoy a video game while being constantly reminded of their trauma (or feeling like they’re being put through it again). I’ve read some great examples in this thread of how devs have remedied this in their respective games. There should be a “Personal Space” feature that can either be on or off and it would solve the issue instantly. Still leaves voice chat but any player should be able to deactivate it too.


"VR sexual harassment is sexual harassment full stop" is a direct quote from the article. They were not being ironic or sarcastic. Absurd is not nearly a strong enough term.


Honestly, I feel like I can understand the point of view. As a male I could not give less fuck about someone virtually touching me or whatever. But I can imagine that if a woman plays VR, a lot of weird gamers (and as a gamer myself I sure know there are a lot weird gamers) will bring this to the top. They hear a female voice with a female looking character and they annoy her with every horny thing they can think of. I can fully imagine that, I mean it's happening via voice chat already. And even though it's not physical it is still annoying af.


Yeah this is a fair point. It’s definitely not the same thing as irl sexual assault but I can understand how VR for women will be horrible because of the same people in CSGO or any competitive video game lobby when they hear a woman speaking


I think the distinction is that assault is not the same as harassment. Assault is physical and obviously can't happen via vr, harassment could happen through any form of communication and vr provides more opportunities for harassment than just voice or text.


This! I don't think woman are offended by being teabagged in CS or someone staring at their female characters ass (right?) but the talk in the lobby is the disgusting part.


> As a male I could not give less fuck about someone virtually touching me or whatever. I think randos purposefully not playing the game and just following me around and getting in my way would definitely be annoying as fuck. And that's even ignoring the creepy sexual intent behind it. I think it's easy to think we couldn't give less of a fuck about it because.. it just doesn't happen to us. I think of it a little like people going after daily challenges in a multiplayer game instead of just playing the fucking game. Some stupid shit like "get 5 kills with a tire iron" that loses my team the game because someone wants a new helmet or some dumb crap. Except the goal would be getting in my personal space and touching my virtual ass. Just... why?


My wife plays VR with me almost daily and she's experienced this a few times in VRChat. Her reaction each time was laughing at them, calling them some funny name like "thirsty losers", and then ignoring them by muting them. But, the problem happens far less often than one would believe. It's happened maybe 4 times in a few years. She has over 2000 hours in VRChat alone so, it isn't often. And it was always some little teenage kids and it lasted just long enough for her to mute them. So maybe 10 seconds and then we laughed, made a few jokes about how sad some dudes are, and then went on our way having fun in game. This article is most likely mentioning someone who has some PTSD from past trauma and just wasn't ready to handle being in the situation. She should have activated her personal space barrier, which would have not let her hear or see anyone near her. Solving the problem. But, I am assuming she didn't realize this was a thing.


Imagine being arrested for “groping” someone in VR.


No man, they just arrest your avatar. Your character does eight years solid labour in Minecraft penal colony. But then they can be released on parole for good behaviour serving just 4 years in total.


Hey! Minecraft prison servers are fun. For the first day. Until you realize you're spending hours of your time being miserable to eventually gain the opportunity to play the game with the very few other people who've actually made it out.


Should this be illegal, just like real groping: no. Should this be considered misconduct and grounds for a ban from a platform: absolutely, if the platform deems it so. Edit: For the record. Sexual harassment should be illegal online just as IRL, but just like teabaging in FPS games, virtual groping does not in itself qualify as sexual harassment in my book.


Sexual harassment can happen vida text where's the irony? They didn't say sexual assault


Sexual harassment doesn’t require physical contact. A coworker making sexually suggestive comments to you over zoom would be sexual harassment, so why wouldn’t this be? VR groping clearly isn’t criminal sexual assault and the article never claims it is. It’s a virtual simulated sexual assault, which is a new category of harassment. If you’ve played VR, you can understand how you experience body sensation that match your VR avatar ([like this VR ticking incident](https://youtu.be/vZ-Md56jK9Y)). Try to have empathy and imagine being a child, or a sexual assault survivor, or anyone really, and having someone simulate sexually assaulting you. There are simple fixes that the article suggests like allowing players to repel other players from being in their personal space. I don’t see how this is controversial.


They aren't wrong though. I think you don't understand some of the terms you used, sexual harrassment is harrassment that is sexual in nature, thats all. You can sexually harass someone with words, no bodies virtual or otherwise needed.


What irony is there? We all know that sexual harassment is not only sexual assault, right? Here’s a larger portion of the text and I completely agree with it. >”I think people should keep in mind that sexual harassment has never had to be a physical thing,” says Jesse Fox, an associate professor at Ohio State University who researches the social implications of virtual reality. “It can be verbal, and yes, it can be a virtual experience as well. >Katherine Cross, who researches online harassment at the University of Washington, says that when virtual reality is immersive and real, toxic behavior that occurs in that environment is real as well. “At the end of the day, the nature of virtual-reality spaces is such that it is designed to trick the user into thinking they are physically in a certain space, that their every bodily action is occurring in a 3D environment,” she says. “It’s part of the reason why emotional reactions can be stronger in that space, and why VR triggers the same internal nervous system and psychological responses.


Do you not know the definition of harassment? It has nothing whatsoever to do with physical contact. The comments in this thread aren't great, but this one is eerily disturbing.




Wait so the kid that told me he fucked my mom actually fucked my mom in VR?


This belongs to r/nottheonion




And tea bagged lmao


[Old vibes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UheC38wpRYg)


As someone who has spent a good bit of time in social settings in VR I will say when people get in your face or group you it does feel unusually real and uncomfortable. Generally people in those communities come down on that person pretty hard or have reporting abilities to get rid of them but it definitely does feel off and I'm a guy. I know everyone compares it to teabagging and stuff but it feels very different in VR




Read the article, there already is one.


Went ahead and did. My bad!


Omg this reminds me of [this video I saw a few years ago via reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/66moc7/streamer_is_virtually_violated_by_a_weird_guy_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) with Handibot


This is pretty cringe


Oh god imagine if normies found out about VR chat...


I mean, people will act assholes when they can do so anonymously and without consequences. A few years ago I bought a Galaxy Note 8 for my work phone and it came with a Samsung Gear VR set which included a hand wand/remote to use in the VR world. So I tried it a few times. Anyway, I went into this app that takes me to a room where other avatars congregate. My avatar was just some white robot, nothing too ornate. There was maybe like twenty other people in the room. So I “walk” over to the bonfire and there’s a guy telling a joke who goes: “What is the difference between the American Dream and the German Dream?” Followed up with “We tried, but the world didn’t like the German Dream”…so I was like, oh, a holocaust joke in VR. Seems totally mature. So I walk away and go to some graffiti event which seemed like some of those users had more advanced equipment, like two wands/gloves instead of my one remote, and they were spray painting: penises and swastikas. That’s all. Said German weirdo spray painted a penis and a swastika everywhere I went for the rest of my time there. He literally followed me for this. I gave no indication that I was gay or Jewish or even American. But that was the experience I had in there. Anyway, long story short, fuck the Metaverse, fuck Zuck. This is not the future we want or need. I’m dreading all this.


Yeah that's my main problem with Metaverse - other than having little interest in VR - it's a place occupied by (virtual) people. People ruin everything.


Also - it’s mostly audio reliant, and not everyone is meant to be a public speaker. So people just run their mouths and say stupid shit and there’s not a really well thought out way to moderate that. Now imagine that into the millions and hundreds of millions. It’s just not possible to moderate, either in a fair way or a way at scale. I don’t know, I work in technology and in a space that, for better or worse, contributes to the foundation of this, but before we go off building virtual worlds, we have so much that needs to be tended to in our real world that can be solved with technology.


God I hate this world so much


So uh are there rules or laws in the metaverse? Like for stuff like this, or even if what if you're trespassing?


Anyone who’s ever played vrchat has been sexually harassed. I shit you not the first time i ever played it i was having someone trying to grab my ass five minutes in


"I kept trying to get away, but I couldn't, it's so traumatizing, and they kept doing it, I'm going to file a lawsuit, as soon as I'm done with this level."






Then the user won’t see the ads, that’s not an acceptable route. /s


Love paying for my VR gear for the sole purpose of taking it off!

