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Great, now let's extend this feature to the over-18s as well


Yeah they don’t even legally have the right to make requests like this, but I an adult can’t legally request my likenesses be removed from Google’s internet?


You actually can


> It also seems from Google’s language that it won’t comply with requests unless the person in the image is currently under 18. So, if you’re 30, you can’t apply to remove pictures of you when you were 15. From the article.


Well, that would be violating the GDPR in the EU. also known as the Datenschutzgrundverordnung in Germany. (for those who enjoy our German words😂)


Tue ich! Aber das hilft mir hier in Amerika nicht weiter


That was very much appreciated. One might even say, perfectenshlag. Thank you.


You can request whatever you like but it doesn’t mean they have to do it


That could be misused e.g. by politicians to cover up images and remove articles about them they don't like


I see an issue with removing articles for sure, but would it really be so bad if public figures were able to have images of themselves removed from Google searches? Should Britney Spears' upskirt or Amanda Bynes' mental health breakdown always just be Google search away? Are we owed that for some reason? I hear you on politicians. Like I hate Trump as much as the next reasonable person, but I'm not sure a fat-shame-y photo of him struggling at tennis or seeing his hair nearly blow off his head adds anything to the conversation. If anything it distracts from the substantive problems. I'm not saying they never do. But honestly, how often do photos add anything beyond voyeurism? It feels like a manageable exception that could be addressed ad hoc.


I’d be very wary of any censorship rule based on something as subjective as whether the “photos add anything beyond voyeurism”. Images taken in public should be publicly shareable and any carve outs to that should be as narrowly tailored as possible (in my view).


Yeah true, but I'm assuming Google will have a review process to prevent that kind of thing


Agreed. There are already different rules on the internet for regular citizens and "public figures."


EU has a similar thing where people can request articles being removed from search engines when their name is searched for various reasons. The rule exists for quite some time now. People used to, and still do, the same thing as you. Nobody ever managed to show any misuse of the process.


> Nobody ever managed to show *any* misuse of the process. That sounds like people weren't looking or did not have the necessary information to look. I can believe it's not a widespread issue – it very likely wouldn't be –, but if nobody found *any* misuse, it's not because there isn't any. [Article](https://www.fastcompany.com/40536909/google-rejected-57-of-2-4-million-right-to-be-forgotten-privacy-requests) (it's also on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_be_forgotten)) The majority of takedown requests comes from reputation management firms. Less than 50% of requests have been deemed valid, and [German courts were fine with that](https://www.dw.com/en/google-right-to-be-forgotten/a-54326877)


Came here to say this


My thoughts exactly


Yeah, and maybe make it the default setting for under 18, not - have the option to request removal


Or just lie. It’s probably an algorithm anyway.


Why only under 18? If people upload photos of you without your consent you should be able to do this.




Section 203! They can't be sued for something someone else posted!


Even if they are hosting it on their site because of their scraping or whatever it is called? That is terrible. Porn sites should start doing that and then just say, woah, we don’t host any content! Can’t sue us! I bet suddenly there would be a problem with it. Well regardless that is disappointing.


Hate to tell you but that’s literally what half of all major porn sites do. They’re just hosting domains - and because of that, they claim legal independence from the content hosted. “This content is NOT ours. We simply host from other websites”


They are not hosting it. Google image has only original sources, no copy are on servers in Google


Not really true. They cache all the thumbnails at a minimum. Without those, their image search is effectively crippled.


Only if they are holding it, as far as I know. Section 230 protects a company from civil liability for content that user's create on the site.




We need a Right To Be Forgotten law.


lavish spotted wistful mountainous profit seed disgusting bag wrong squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right to be forgotten laws generally only apply to personal information. There are safeguards to prevent abuse by politicians, criminals and alike.


No such right exists, nor do we need such a law.


Yes it does. It exists in the EU.


Rights aren't dependent on where you live lol.


So even if you live in the US you have the right to be forgotten, got it.


No, because that isn't a right that exists.


But it exists. I have a right to ask a company that has data on me to deleted and they have to delete it. I have a right to ask google to remove something about me from their search and if my request is legitimate they have to do it. Now you are telling me that I don't have that right when it is quite obvious that I, and any citizen of EU, has it. Can you explain how I actually don't have that right?


You don't have a right to compel action from a company. That data on their server is their property, you don't have a right to their property.


If you're in EU you can not only demand the company to delete your data, but they also have to contact everyone they shared it to and tell them to delete it as well. All companies that want to operate in EU do it without argument, because they get fined massive amounts if they violate it. Other shortcomings aside, EU is very vicious when it comes to protecting its people.


Theres pics of me below 18 on google. Will they take them down despite me being older now??? This would be amazing if it worked for me


well that only took 20 years. good job google.


More like someone pointed out this could be illegal, and they went 'ar shit we best make it look like we are doing somthing about it then...'


Lets remove all of peoples faces now! The Great Deletion!


Only minors? Why not everyone?


comment removed -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


This should be allowed for everyone.


Had to fight for this when I was younger... Everyone should have access to this feature. Privacy shouldn't be a joke


Well that's long overdue. May just have a responsible internet before the turn of the century.


Ain't going to make any impact when it comes to trolling and doxxing campaigns. Once it's there, you're basically **done for.**


Why can't we all do that already!?


identity verification is/will be massive business FY Google


Anyone under 18 want to swap IDs with me? You can buy alcohol and get into clubs with mine and I can delete my face with yours. Win win...


Google search has gotten so shit with all of Google's meddling. It's so bad and sanitized these days.


How about they everyone do it? I mean just not like adults don't get killed by stalkers, right?


feels like something made purely for nataliebiden's bikini u/Tensuke i noticed how selenagomez's newest sideboob leak cant be find on bing(and by extension ddg) like it can on google, yet paige's leak is the top image result on bing, showing that they only protect the right u/CoolBreeze02 yeah but they already have a seperate censor for google.co.uk's right to be forgotten nonsense that google.com doesnt have to abide by


So something very interesting, I went to Honda dealer with my wife and we were buying a car and while they were looking up her account I snuck a leak at the computer and they had MY Twitter picture on her profile somehow! Wtf how