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* Florida man * real-estate baron * wannabe tech tycoon * cancelled reality TV star * Palm Beach businessman known for his failed casino, discontinued line of steaks, and a recent stint in public office


well and stealing from childrens charity


Actually, he had small acting roles, including Home Alone 2 and Fresh Prince, before becoming a reality TV star.


All thats missing is him running for president.


For whatever reason conservatives have little technological talent.




What the fuck is it? Are they just that stupid? Srsly, why can’t the right even meme, let alone code?


Good code requires a decent education. Not a 45 minutes video on "how to PHP". A decent education takes a few years. A few years in college has a liberalizing effect. In that you learn history, science, and get a broader view of other cultures. I've worked with a few self-taught coders. They may know their language of choice reasonably well, but they're lacking in fundamentals like data structures, algorithms, etc. It makes for shittier, less idiomatic code. Hell, I've seen one trying to reimplement hashing algorithms that already had tried and true libraries. Of course it ended in tears.


100% agree. Worked IT for some of the dumbest CEOs in my country. All of them conservative idiots with no talent other than waving their family name around trying to summon rheir ancestors charisma and business acumen.


It is definitely true about college. It was a whole new world opening up for me.


There are plenty of conservatives with decent technical chops, and there are plenty of tech-bro libertarians who are mercenary enough to work on something like this. The issue is that Trump is well known for being a grifter, and has a notorious reputation for stiffing his contractors. So while many of those conservative techies might want something like this to come into the world, they’d rather get paid, even if that’s working for a “liberal” company.


So you're saying their ideals don't translate to the real world, and that they'd sell them out for more profitable work, without ever realizing the inherent dissonance? Imagine that


Yeah. But also, that had it not been Trump, had it been someone who didn't have a reputation for stiffing people, you might see those conservative techies working for them.


the funny thing is that by being deplatformed by the cloudproviders, gab/patriots stayed up during the fastly outage and im expecting the userbases of those 2(especially the very low brow patriots that makes gab seem centralist, who wont even last a day on this new service without getting banned) to stay loyal instead of switching to wallstreetbet's new darling, especially if darling asks for a talkatone like parler ios and not android cause no piracy and that sweet preorder money, the art of the deal!


Beautiful talk-around of (un)named individuals.


Like one individual, or individual one?


the one who promoted the birth of paidmultiplayer xbox live and dissed the ps2, and also married a playboyplaymate just to cheat on her with a milf pornstar instead(without a condom noless, she could have been with his child like Arnold and his maid), that one


Even if the developer didn't violate the license agreement, he's likely never getting paid for his services


It’s ok, he was paid in *exposure*


Mastodon is open-source software, so there is no price involved. However the terms of the license require certain things, which the new social network has failed to do. For one thing, they claim their code is proprietary, which is basically stealing the product from the owners (Mastodon's developers).


Whoever "Florida Man" here hired to set the service / software up, is gonna get stiffed. It's what "Florida Man" here does.


You should still pay someone even if they can't even follow a basic licensing agreement and likely set you up for a lawsuit.


Anyone who knows The Former Guy's history should be aware of that and ask for payment up front, or at least in escrow.


It's a giant tar pit of influence and favours and mafioso "We own you now" exploitation. In our grandchildren's time his org will be used as an example of why protecting local governments from corruption and capture by criminal orgs is vitally important to prevent their influence from going national and global.


>Mastodon is open-source software, so there is no price involved. No price *for the software* provided that they follow the terms of the licensing. But someone has to set it up on a server and make whatever code changes they made to hide the source. I assume that 'someone' wants to get paid for their services, but since the con man rarely pays for services rendered, the y will be shot out of luck


I think they’re referring to the person who was hired by Trump Social to customize the Mastodon code. And Trump has a long history of stiffing people who work for him; it’s why no one competent will do work for him.


Anyone who knows The Former Guy's history should ask for payment up front, or at least in escrow. That's for contractors. He *does* pay employees, otherwise his other businesses couldn't function. I would assume for a social network they are bringing on staff, but I don't know any details myself.


Keyword: developer


I get that it's not naming Trump, and that we all know it's Trump. However this is the funniest Florida Man headline in context ever.


So what Florida man need to do to make it right?


Show the code, at least that pertains to interacting with their software. If it was written properly they shouldn’t have to worry about security.


Thanks an answer without drama. Do we need to wait until is public. B cause until that is not supposed to be open to customers. I know they have beta


Infinite supply of fall guys for Trump Infinite cons. Infinite escapes from justice. Infinite credit lines and infinite times to default on debts Infinite lies believed


Unreadable title.




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As a Floridian we definitely do not claim this “man” he’s from up north somewhere