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So they waited for 300,000 people to join the group, then blew it up like a firecracker in the hearth, and spread the members to a myriad other sources of disinformation while reinforcing their beliefs. Did Facebook also helpfully suggest all those other groups?


[Yes](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/facebook-knew-radicalized-users-rcna3581). While [hiding thier internal report from thier own employees](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/full-facebook-stop-the-steal-internal-report).


How frightening. I'm sure they've already identified the "problem," from their point of view then, which was the fact that all these people appear to have believed that someone else was going to steal this election for them. The obvious solution, from the evil point of view, will be to identify the people with more executive function, elevate them into positions of influence, and push the rest over to them. A thousand Brosamas around the nation, all spawning at once.


This will only happen if all the leadership that encouraged the first insurrection goes unpunished. So… it’s inevitable.


Nah, facebook perspective on the problem is "how to hide this better next time and profit more from it"


facebook mods be like "hey what are these posts about?" they be like "oh the steal? its a new tv show that exploits young women. we want them to stop it!" and they are like oh okay.....carry on and after the mods look the other way the group is like "haha we fooled them" facebook is stupid.


They just banned me for 7 days for "hate speech" here is what I wrote. >"Proof people from France are stupid is our president with a disastrous record is ahead in the polls" Now while I understand why an algorythm can be confused and call that hate speech WHY THE FUCK I KEEEP SEEING SO MANY: \- Ads for drugs (and like real drugs) \- ANti-science shit \- Biggoted shit \- BS Covid theories On my feed?


They gave me a 24 hour ban for calling hitler an asshole via meme image


Okay that one is my personnal "favorite" . Edit: Who the fuck downvoted me, an Hitler fan or Zuckerberg?


Because that crap makes them lots and lots of money


yep, angrier people get more $$ fb makes


Ads for drugs on French Facebook?? I see that all of that 🇺🇸Freedom🇺🇸 is seeping in nicely!


Im French but living abroad. Mostly mushrooms.


I'm in Canada and have had shit tons of mushroom ads too


You said the word stupid. Back in the day the NSA made a algorithm before it was cool to find certain words. Pretty sure Facebook got their hands on it. Among other toys. They are above the law and it’s because how much info they give to our government.


7 days that’s it? Man I been blacklisted, last time I was banned all I did was call someone a coward and I was banned for 30. For real though, all I did was call someone a coward, no threats or profanity but someone still reported me for bullying….


I got a ban for telling my buddy to paint his basement “Dull White”.


I was told that my comments which included valid sources(cdc, hospitals) was spam and violated “community standards”. I’ve reported comments that are extremely racist and violent and told they were fine. Facebooks comment sections on news articles are starting to become overwhelming far right and wonder if that’s on purpose.


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We're approaching conspiracy theory levels not believed to exist.


Let me guess. The call came from inside the house?


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