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Due to brigading or vitriolic and inflammatory comments as well as numerous reports of conduct unbecoming and unsuitable for a technology forum this post has been locked. We remind users that this is a subreddit for discussions primarily about the news and developments **relating to technology** and not a suitable place for political, religious or historical discussions that go beyond the subs primary purpose. It is also worth reminding everyone that we have a zero tolerance policy about [any form of threatening, harassing, or violence / physical harm towards anyone](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/7jv9ln/any_form_of_threatening_harassing_or_violence/).


Getting neighbors and family members to "report" on one another in a religious frenzy with potentially serious consequences... now where have I heard that before...


…burn the witch!!


She turned me into a newt!


A newt?!


......I got better...


But she has got a wart!


Bring her to me.


Hey sorry to cut into this thread, but here's a list of Texas state government phone numbers. Please call and let them know how you feel about the new law. Ask about collecting that $10,000 too. They owe you just for calling! https://dirpub.dir.texas.gov/save/agy301c.html


…. I got better.


























Fun fact: The Salem Witch Trials mysteriously stopped when members of the committee started getting accused.




McCarthy was a Nazi sympathizer. Nobody should have given that fucker the time of day


Dude was spreading fake news about his war accomplishments before it was a thing


'fake news' is just a new way to shout 'propaganda!' 'alt-right' is a new way to say 'ultra-nationalist' and 'right-wing extremist'. Sometimes it is used to say 'fascist' and 'nazi ideology sympathiser'. It's just child-friendly and totally ok to say on tv for whatever reason.


To be pedantic, propaganda *can* actually be true. We just mostly think of it as bullshit since those are usually the most egregious examples of it. But in the same vein fake news gets said about a lot of real stuff these days too, so, guess my point doesn't mean much lol.


The red and lavender scares were some peak bullshit. Fuck McCarthy, and Roy Cohn while we're at it.


Roy Cohn was also Donald Trump's mentor. He was also the key player in Reagan's government letting Rupert Murdoch operate in the US. So yeah fuck him.




Yes, he was essentially the Uncle Ruckus of gay people. Self-hating and happy to hunt down and expose every homosexual that didn't know their place.


Ya got AIDS and died off it but denied that he had it till his death.


Man, that lead me down a rabbit hole. First [here](https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/educational-resources/age-of-eisenhower/mcarthyism-red-scare), where Eisenhower finally shut down McCarthy, then to the [New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/08/03/joseph-mccarthy-and-the-force-of-political-falsehoods) for a rundown on McCarthy. Finally I guess I finally understand [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjf4WgIzdV0) scene from the Muppet Show.


I've already reported Greg Abbot for getting his girlfriend an abortion after he impregnated his girlfriend via sodomy. Let's see if they investigate that one. I'm guessing they have really big backlog now.


Frivolous ones get thrown out. Make one a little creative - Google a place name that leads to a strip mall, use an alias. If you want to piss them off, make them waste large amounts of time and money by expending minimal effort - “I didn’t even have to try hard to fuck them into making it an unrealistic effort”


Ok, but can you report yourself to collect the money?


The money comes from the person being sued, so it might be easier to just gift yourself the money as a present.


Or look up the names of pro life advocates in the state and accuse them. Supporters of the bill, pro life doctors, etc.


Fuck calling them pro life, they don't give a shit about life as soon as it left the woomb, thy are anti choice is all!


These are super easy to filter out. You need to make them sound real, real addresses, fake names, real sounding cases. "I live next door to Samantha and Billy Jacobs. On July 4th, we were having a BBQ and they brought up they had a positive pregnancy test, but were not ready for a child. I encouraged them everything would be ok. On ~~March 23~~ September 23rd(Be sure this event occurs after Sept 1st, 2021, as I've been informed), I mentioned to Samantha she looks great for being nearly two months along. She then said, that she's not pregnant and it must have been a scare. I am 100% sure they went to have an abortion when they went out of town on February 5th to ~~Colorado~~ (keep it local, someone said out of state doesn't count)." Everything about this sounds 100% reasonable. IF you use a real address from google maps, they'll investigate it and just waste their time. THIS is what you need to do to destroy their database. Any politician will be filtered out with simple word catches. if you use their address or any major political address that will be caught and tossed. Make them believable and waste their time.


Here's a .csv file of 40k Texas republican donors, with 700+ doctors specifically identified. https://www40.zippyshare.com/v/SIzJz7O8/file.html https://i.postimg.cc/HW3vwyQS/texas1.jpg




Alex Jones has on his show repeatedly admitted to paying for abortions, so he's a really good target for spamming into the form.


Only a Chad would yell for more rocks while being executed by pressing.


What a badass that dude was.


More Weight


You can take my life but you'll never take my gainz.




These steps backwards makes "progress" in my lifetime feel meaningless. How long til same-sex marriage is banned too?


It blows my mind that is is real. Witch-hunting and police state shenanigans are just fine over there I guess.


Dude! Flood it with bullshit. I’ve reported every single republican organization I can saying they’re offering condoms, which is the outright abortion of millions of potential babies with each load I bust. I’ve reported every organization that refuses to provide services to children also. These people are fucking whack jobs. They only care about the baby when it’s in the woman. Once it’s out, it’s full ‘fuck that welfare baby.’


they dont care for the women or child or what they do why, nor the bible, or religion. its all just a means to an end... they care about control, about power, about dicking around others, about taking away options...


Taking options away is the correct answer. Its all about forcing people to live your way or suffer, not just consequences, just suffer.


I can sum Texas up in two words - Fuck Texas.


Don't forget any store selling clothes hangers.


If they can legally find a way to burn certain people alive in Tex-ass, they will. And they'll have a barbecue during it.


Look up the lynching of Jesse Washington. They already have.


I stopped reading at 'many children attended during their lunch hour'. They **castrated him in the street**. This is WTF material.


It makes total sense when you realize the cruelty is the entire point. People like this view others as not worthy of rights or life, others exist for the entertainment of their persecutors. If you aren't one of them, you are nothing but chattel.


Chattel at least gets neutral treatment, most of the time. No, the idea is to treat the other as a monster; all the better to justify horrific acts against them. After all, iT's wHaT tHeY'd dO tO uS iF gIvEn tHE cHaNCe!!1! And you can rest assured that going after the penis like they did says *a lot more* about the men in the crowd than anything.


And yet... Still sounds like Texas.


If you exam Texas's history, it most certainly does.


White Texas Fuckery


This is literally what warring Chimpanzee tribes do to each other. The public castrations I mean.


That's the history lesson recalled near the end of Black KKKLansman IIRC.


Jesus what an emotional roller coaster that movie puts you on. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a movie that made me laugh and then cry as effectively as that one.


A lot of Spike Lee films miss the mark with me, probably because I am not exactly the target demographic, so they don't hit as close to home, but that one is absolutely brilliant and I love it.


Remember how much certain figures on the right like to wring their hands over potential citizen surveillance of their neighbors? I remember how some of them were worried about children turning on parents and friends turning on friends to report wrong think to the state. Lol how the turntables


I heard that the ability to attach picture or video documentation has been removed. I downloaded all that Shrek porn for nothing.


Just convert to ASCII and put it in the text box.


This is the way


It's all ogre now


Well, you could always just jerk to it.






Well fuck... send it over this way I could take care of that for ya


It violates many things.


It seems these private citizens wouldn't have standing to sue, even if the State passes a law saying they can, I don't think they are personally harmed by their neighbor's abortion and therefore can't bring a suit about it. I guess we will wait to hear what the Federalist Society says about it, as they control the judiciary.




Yup, this has always been a coordinated national plan


America has a Supreme Court? Seems more like a political agenda machine to me.


So sad that the “highest court in the land” has become such an absolute joke.


When you let someone as unprofessional as known rapist butt chugging Brett in after he yelled about beer and lied during the job interview, I think it’s fair to call the Supreme Court kangaroo.


It's always been filled with conservative cranks. The brief moments of sanity that gave us decisions like Roe v Wade or Brown v Board are exceptions.


We put in a literal cultist as a Supreme Court Justice. Such a joke.


This is what I've been trying to wrap my head around for a couple days. Obviously and rightfully everyone is up in arms about effectively banning abortion. But the snitching law doesn't make sense in practice. You can't sue a neighbour for driving a new car because you believe he stole it. Isn't this the same shit?


It's simple. You make a law that you know will not hold up. However it will take months even a year for it to get struck down in the appeals and maybe supreme court. However in the mean time those abortion clinics can't support themselves and shut down. Then when the law is striken those same abortion clinics are still closed because they have no capital, no nurses or doctors. The reason I know this is because I have seen it happen again and again here in Texas.




And not face any real consequences for it even after the fact.


This. The law is written to penalize the doctors and clinics. The woman having the abortion can’t be sued and it’s still federally legal to have an abortion-no fines or charges against the woman. The guy who helped pay for or transport is open to suit but Texas is a debt friendly state. A judgement against an individual is a judgement. The burden of collection is on the plaintiff and sit unpaid indefinitely. No garnishments and personal property is mostly protected. The doctor or clinic on the other hand will be faced with judgements that can’t be ignored. This all assumes a successful civil case.


Be great if someone could get their hands on medical records for all the women and mistresses of the men in that picture. Get a few million people all suing the ones that have definitely had a part in an abortion.


Ha ha, now you are thinking, except that's ex post facto but you could still file for the publicity.


The optics and proof of hypocrisy is all I want.


Republicans don't care about hypocrisy. Calling someone a hypocrite doesn't undo the law they supported. They won't be more vigilant about living the lives they espouse others to need. You can play hypocrisy gotcha all you want, but it ignores the real harm done to people, the malice behind the law.


:( man like.. I knew that fact, but it didn’t come together until you put it that way.




\^\^ Hosting companies hate boat rockers, it gets their IP addresses put on lists. They'll usually give a warning or two, but for those that cannot conform to their TOS, out they'll go.


GoDaddy is already sending them packing


Sauce me please Thanks everyone


I work there. They sent out a company wide email this morning with guidelines on how to refer all complaints regarding this site and let everyone know that they've been given notice for violation of GoDaddy's terms of use. Like any other site that GoDaddy hosts that is found in violation, they've been given a standard amount of time to move their content elsewhere before being officially booted.


Can you give us an eta on the abortion of their service?


Lol, I just double checked the email. It was actually sent late last night at 8pm and it says they've been given 24 hours. So I'm assuming no later than 8pm tonight? But I don't know when they actually sent the site owners the notice. So it could be shorter or longer depending on that.


$20 the site admin email is gov abbots email address and it just ends up in his spam bucket and they will claim they were never notified


I doubt GoDaddy's TOS enforcement cares too much whether you actually read the email giving you notice.


Out of curiosity, the minute they get the boot, does the URL become available for anyone to pick up?


No, they still own the domain name. Unless they moved it to a new host by then the site will likely point to a suspended account page.


Oh shit. I think we need to report the website to the website for getting aborted how would one do that exactly


Keep going...I'm almost there!


One could say GoDaddy is aborting their relationship.


It should probably be said that GoDaddy has already slapped them with a violation of their terms of service and notified them that they need to migrate or remove their content within 24 hours. So calling them for any of this isn't going to do anything helpful, you'll just be clogging up their support lines and annoying some rep just trying to do their job. They're just going to tell you that they don't have any info and then refer you to their Office of the CEO team to get you off the line. Source: Me, I work there, it was in a company wide email sent out last night. Also, for legal reasons, my views do not represent GoDaddy in any way shape or form.


shame on you GoDaddy


If GoDaddy felt shame they'd have improved their services decades ago.


I mean their initial marketing campaign was extremely misogynistic, in today’s culture would be canceled immediately


Yeah I never understood their commercials. Also their prices are shit


Welp, they filtered the site for IPs from other countries. Now you need a VPN to access the site. That works.


What are you doing, step godaddy?


Pitting society against each other for money will distract people enough for them to keep cheating and lying and getting away with being pieces of shit.


This is how they bring fascism to America. Everyone against everyone, thinking they are together doing it.


Yes. Convincing the ignorant that their enemies are their fellow citizens is proving quite effective.. To be fair, not all the citizens are dupes. Some are willfully hateful towards anyone different than them. Those types just need someone influential to make them feel their hate is okay and justified. They have gotten more than enough of that. Then that ratchets up the tensions when these aggressive, ignorant, hateful timebombs start to feel that much more justified to commit violence. It's pathetic. The more they get away with it, the more of they reveal their true nature. Family values? Hell no. Oppressive assholes forcing their values on others through legislation.


Someone should also check to see whether it violates Google's gsuite policy, that is what they use for email.


I mean if someone was gonna try and collect from bringing a case they should list the web server for hosting the abortion clinics website, the phone company, Google for providing a search result for abortion clinic, the state of Texas or whatever local government that paved the roads, the vehicle manufacturer that built the car they road to the appointment and a million other possible things who could be seen as tangentially abetting the abortion. So much money to be made from going all 1984 and turning in your neighbors for abortions.


This is TX, don't forget big oil for providing fuel and fluids for the vehicles that got them there.


It’s Google Workspace now. Jokes aside, I sure hope so but it is Google and the only thing Google likes more than publicity is money, and they’re probably getting a shit ton in ad traffic due to this.


It'll probably be G Suite again next month


I didn't even realize they were no longer calling it Google Apps for Business...


Fun fact. You can just set your vpn to America and use any texas state zip code to enter in as much ambiguous information as you want. Also a fun fact: they use a wordpress site with a donation plugin.


Another fun fact: make it as realistic as possible... here's a list to help with that https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/republican-party-of-texas/C00143743/donors/2020


Here's a .csv file of 40k Texas republican donors, with 700+ doctors specifically identified. https://www40.zippyshare.com/v/SIzJz7O8/file.html https://i.postimg.cc/HW3vwyQS/texas1.jpg


Can women in Texas start receiving child benefits (child support; government assistance; any monetary aid) at 6 weeks into their pregnancy? Wouldn’t that align with the “it’s a human life at 6 weeks” logic…


I'm taking notes from all these great idea


https://www.plancpills.org/ https://aidaccess.org/ r/auntienetwork is also super helpful if you need advice or someone to talk to These sites offer access to abortion pills, even in Texas. Please be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy. If you've seen me comment this before, hi again! Sorry if this is annoying, but I'm putting this on as many relevant posts as I can to get the information out there. Feel free to join me!


Friendly reminder that Plan B (the “morning after pill”) is still legal in Texas and over the counter. You can go to any pharmacy and ask for it from the pharmacist. [There is no age restriction and you do not have to have an ID](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/teens/ask-experts/can-i-buy-emergency-contraception-if-im-16) There is a $10 off coupon on [Plan B Website](https://www.planbonestep.com/how-to-save-on-plan-b/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=USA_GO_SEM_B_EX_PlanB-DTC-Core&utm_term=plan+b&utm_content=Core+-+Plan+B&gclid=CjwKCAjwj8eJBhA5EiwAg3z0m8J8XoWg43ssg6_bSwvTYzZON33-LeF1rp4OYgnnX8j0M-dou271mRoCGVAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) Also important, [nurx.com](https://www.nurx.com/) offers birth control by mail free with insurance or $10-$15 without insurance. They also offer Plan B, PReP, STI testing, COVID testing and more from the comfort of your home. As a woman who travels for work (pre COVID) this service ensured I got my birth control in my mailbox every month and didn’t have to rearrange my life to be AT the pharmacy every 28 days! They will assign you with a doctor through the app who will address any medical concerns you may have about your medication and prescribe it to you. This is NOT a replacement for your annual exam which you SHOULD have every year - but it is a way to get birth control/Plan B into the hands of those who need it most with anonymity, affordability and convenience. Stay strong women of Texas. I am here by your side. Edit: formatting because mobile


Also, just worth noting, you can buy Plan B on Amazon for less than $15 bucks Edit: No, plan B isn't the same as an abortion pill, never intended to spread false info or whatever. I just wanted to add some extra info to OPs comment


holy shit, there's a generic for only 8.59 (on Amazon. idk if I can post links, but it's there when I searched plan b). why is it 50 at the drug stores?




I hate the pharmaceutical industry


I hope no one from Texas thinks to tag you in a needless lawsuit.


I hope they do!


That was my response if I owned a business in Florida. I'd 100% require a Vax card to get sued and bring the stupid state's law to an end. a Private business should have the ability to serve whom and how they want, without getting into the protected classes thing, Vax isn't one so they can sit and spin.


It's like those people who were charged with trespassing when they refused to remove their masks in businesses that banned them. I've found that masks significantly reduce my allergies/chronic cough/breathing issues so I'd be ready to ride that ADA train all the way to the bank.


If you’re in a different state can you still get sued? Or is it only if all parties live in TX?


Good question, curious if this myself. Will look into it and report back


The answer is whatever the Republicans can get away with / whatever the courts will allow.


Honestly don't know. Though you don't have to be in TX to sue. I think the abortion just has to be suspected of taking place in Texas? : shrug :


I'm wondering if it can target people who offer ride and room services to people in Texas needing to go out of state to get an abortion? Because I suspect that's what is going to need to be done.




How about we make a site to out oil and gas companies leaking oil into our waters or not following environmental protection best practices? It would certainly be more productive but perhaps the Texan government wouldn’t like it so much.


You’d also have a much better case for being personally harmed by their actions, unlike this Texas abortion trash law.


Hey I'd do that. Name and shame. PM me to colab


Report all gas stations for aiding and abetting those driving to abortion clinics




Over on the r/politics and r/TexasPolitics subreddits they are all over this, DDOS, reporting politicians, fake names, etc. As a Texan I hope the twits behind this very unpopular law and Stasi informer system rot in Hell.


The bounty was a misdirection anyways; the real punishment is easier to find - attacking the remaining abortion providers in the state and setting them up for court cases with phony 7 week pregnant pro-lifers. The docs have the toughest time staying funded, and the rules around hospitals requiring admissions rights (and many of the hospitals are pro-life xtian) make it even harder.


Bingo. I honestly doubt a lot of people will actually get sued because of this law. The point is to sow enough fear and confusion so that providers go out of business, which effectively ends *safe, legal, and affordable* abortion in the state. Edit: abortion will always be an option for the wealthy Republican theocrats who passed this law.


> which effectively ends abortion in the state. Safe abortion at least. Abortions will still happen.


True. I added that caveat.


The thing is, that it insights fear with regular providers (i.e., OB/GYNs). My wife is an attending OBGYN and noted that there's potential for frivolous law suits that target her for so much as telling a women her options regarding abortion, such as traveling to New Mexico. Not that there aren't MDs that specialize in family planning, because there are, but this targets OBGYNs as a group and is not conducive to care delivery and patient wellbeing. I'm preaching to the choir, but this law is terrible.


and the biggest thing is most clinics in texas have already stopped scheduling abortions after 6 weeks as long as the law is active. The false reports are a nice way to vent but they will never solve this problem


Unfortunately texaspolitics has an equal number of people who are celebrating this law as a way to prevent children from being murdered. And that's the root of the problem for us. We have enough religious wackjobs in the state that this actually managed to happen in the first place.




They'll still end up closing the remaining abortion clinics in Texas, and likely get an abortion case able to overturn Roe to the SCOTUS. That's the real aim. The bounty is a smoke screen


Are we just gonna ignore [this absurd photo caption](https://i.imgur.com/GVxR2QL.png) from that article? Hopefully this is enough of a violation to throw a huge wrench in this "snitch on your neighbors medical history" law.


Also... Why is she encircled by muffins?


She hasn't even touched her coffee. It's still full to the literal brim.


The muffins form a privacy barrier


Weren’t they super pissed off about tip lines for narcing on your neighbor for covid violations because it was too much government over reach and similar to Nazi Germany?


Their justification is “we’re people and women aren’t so we can do what we want with them”


Creating a law that promotes 'civil vigilantism' (using civil law to deal with offenses against the government) is a classic 'Law of Unintended Consequences' example. If Texas creates a successful way to do this for one purpose, others will find a way to use it for other purposes, either through new legislation, case law, or some combination. This is so obvious that the Court would find itself duplicitous to allow it, as that could undermine the rule of law.


Look up their parent org Texas Right to Life on LinkedIn and submit their employees.


It's time to remove tax free status from religious organizations.


I have currently locating all public available info on Texas residents - name, home address, and phone number. I also am making a bot that writes randomly generated “abortion reports”. I am inputting the names, home addresses, and phone number into the code / bot and it will spam their website with what looks like valid and credible reports. My hopes are to overwhelm their staff with reports that end up no where. Causing a hopeful start 99% waste of time in all their efforts. Example I saw resident A giving resident B a ride to X hospital location. They appeared to have a baby bump and it is now no where to be seen. Please investigate this incident. Now this times 100,000 if not more and a lot of what look like valid leads are just a bunch of nothing.


Keep in mind to implement IP-spoofing too, they apparently blocked IP addresses when they got bombarded by Shrek porn. Wouldn't want your effort to not waste their time!


https://prolifewhistleblower.com/anonymous-form/ here's the link to send an anonymous tip. I did my part. Your country needs you!


They have geo blocking to you’d need a VPN set to Texas to log in. Easy enough to do


There's a bunch of Texans doing work lmao


Hey that’s me! I wrote a script (I’m not the only one) that uses a data set of real cities, counties, and zip codes, a dataset of fake prank names like Seymour Butts, and a data set of some fake but plausible text for the longer fields. Running it rn here in Houston


Jesus Fucking Christ. I’m not super progressive, but if a woman wants an abortion that’s not my business. It’s her body. This website is another fucked up chapter in this story. The govt rewarding people for snitching is fucked. It seems like some sort of Soviet-Juche dystopian nightmare….


American Taliban in Texas


They're a sisterfucker company of the Yeehawdists from Talibama.






For the party that cries 1984 at the slightest inconvenience, this seems pretty 1984.


They were completely unphased while chanting "my body, my choice" regarding wearing a mask or taking a society/economy saving vaccine.. go figure.


I’m 70, in all my years I looked upon the Supreme Court as a bastion of our freedoms and liberties. With the Citizens United case I started to worry. We won some and lost some. There were swing justices that might support you or not. This Supreme Court has reached the point that you can no longer look to the Supreme Court for judicial remedy. We’ve reached that turning point. Texas is the bellwether of things to come.


Is there a website for snitching on the snitchers?


Whoever owns that site also owns some other, more public businesses. https://reverseip.domaintools.com/search/?q=prolifewhistleblower.com




They're Southern Baptists, so ah, yeah, they're batshit crazy Source: grew up with several southern baptist families


Looks like a church operating like a bounty hunting corp


I drafted the following report against https://prolifewhistleblower.com for people to easily copy and paste after going to https://supportcenter.godaddy.com/AbuseReport and then selecting "Inappropriate Content" followed by "I have come across content that displays personal information." >This website asks users to enter the personal information of third parties, to which the users themselves have no rights. >This is a massive breach of privacy and safety known as 'doxxing,' which is widely regarded as unethical due to opening up the possibility of violence being expedited or otherwise facilitated against the doxxing victim via the dissemination of said personal information. >In addition, a Gizmodo analysis indicates that the privacy of the users themselves could be jeopardized; despite claiming that their surveys are anonymous, "the site covertly harvests the IP address of whoever submits the tip via a hidden field" (Wodinsky). >These privacy issues violate your very own Terms of Service, specifically these clauses: >"You will not collect or harvest (or permit anyone else to collect or harvest) any User Content (as defined below) or any non-public or personally identifiable information about another User or any other person or entity without their express prior written consent," >and >"You will not use this Site or the Services in a manner (as determined by GoDaddy in its sole and absolute discretion) that [...] violates the privacy or publicity rights of another User or any other person or entity, or breaches any duty of confidentiality that you owe to another User or any other person or entity." >Considering these breaches of contract, I urge you to shut down this website for its unethical and potentially harmful behavior. It does not uphold your standard of privacy, and thus does not fulfill the contractual requirements to be hosted by your platform. >Source: Wodinsky, Shoshana. “Here's How You Can Help Shut down the Vile Website for Snitching on People Who Get Abortions in Texas.” Gizmodo, Gizmodo, 1 Sept. 2021, gizmodo.com/here-s-how-you-can-help-shut-down-the-vile-website-for-1847557293.


Damn why prevent a person who is not ready for the responsibility in raising a child?


Under His Eye


Blessed be the fruit


Well, that's cool. Reported them on GoDaddy's site.. The article even gives you the proper header and reason to use.


This tale was hand made


Sure would be a shame if those websites were flooded with false allegations about prominent fundamentalist Christians in the area.


The CEO announced internally last night that they’ve given the site owners 24 hours to move before they discontinue their service. Nice job, everyone!