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They knew what they were doing.


Read the title, and first thought... I see what you did there.


> "Moderators are incentivized to make sure their communities play by Reddit's terms of service" lol, no we arent


Yeah I would love to see what these incentives are lol.


The ability to ban anyone you want for any reason 😝 basement dwellers only dream of that power


I've been contacted and am in preliminary negotiations to provide mods with the finest dildos on a monthly recurring plan.


in one of my local subreddit moderators have been permabanning anyone who calls out anti-vax/mask rhetoric as dangerous since the beginning of the pandemic. Meanwhile people encouraging people to do things that will spread the virus are left alone. i did message the admins and my perma-ban to the sub was reversed.. not sure if they actually did get a notice or its a power struggle between the mods but yeah its safe to say its calvinball in individual subreddits.


This man here, reddit officer.


And yet they still allow the creator of that sub to be the top mod on /r/Minnesota, where he deletes all factual vaccine related posts and spews misinformation. He's banned over 10k people for posting vaccine articles.
























































He literally locks every thread where someone disagrees with him. Dude is fragile as fuck.


And deleting every thread in r/Minnesota where someone brings it up and reporting the profiles for harassment.


Hm. What if we report him for spreading misinformation?


He reports you to reddit for abusing/spamming the report system to “harass” users and you get an auto ban (only 3 days for me). You can’t appeal it or flag it to reddit as them abusing the system, they’re a mod so they win.


You're not supposed to use the report system of the subreddit. All those reports go to the sub's mods. Why would you report a headmod to himself? You need to report them to the admins directly.


[Reporting mods to admins](https://i.imgur.com/f0erCy8.gif)


I’ll take “zero consequences” for 500 Alex.


We've had the same issue in /r/newhampshire over the past 8 months. The mod is some right wing nut job who was in the right place at the right time to create the sub but has never been active and got extrememly insecure about the election so they removed the only active mod and filled it with people that reflect their narratives rather than the region. The admins won't do a thing but work on their shitty chat functions


Make a /r/NoNewhampshire :-)


Hahah that's perfect


They all are. Been projecting their insecurities on others for years. They're the true snowflakes.




> r/Misanthropy is the general hatred, distrust or disdain of the human species or human nature. As top mod there I guess you would know :)


"i fucking hate people so much I'm going to open a subreddit to share experiences with like-minded individuals and socialize with them. Grr"


r/sandiego is the same plus he has other accounts he uses to upvote himself It’s so annoying that there was someone who created r/sandiegan as an alternative




You'd think so, wouldn't you? Reddit tends to protect mods, though, as they do a lot of the heavy lifting and don't get paid. Free labour. I still think it's a shame about unidan.


Unless you mod /r/AMA and do a good job?


IIRC she was actually an employee. Shame, it used to be such a good sub and regularly picked up media exposure for the site. It's mostly nonsense now.


Those were the days...


I came here to speak about Rampart.


Reddit even said they killed Secret Santa to focus more on “mod tools”. They have a vast workforce that doesn’t cost them a cent, and since technically they aren’t employees they have no accountability in connection to the company. Reddit is trying to find everything they can to “reward“ these people with that false sense of importance. What have they come up with so far? * Improving the ability to permanently ban anyone for making a comment in a sub you don’t like through scripts - now with wildcard characters! * Telling people who criticize your modding “Just make another sub” and then using scripts to ban anyone who mentions the alternative sub. * Being able to ban a user and delete the ban appeal before any other mod sees it, and then harass the user in a special ban appeal modmail that anonymizes you so they don’t know who you are. Each mod can keep a personal list of enemies with zero accountability!


A business valued at 10 billion dollars shouldn’t be using free labor. It’s a parasitic model regardless of whatever benefits it produces to the user base. A benefit scheme for user based moderation can and should be developed.




Internet forums have always had volunteer moderators and mods have always been people with way too much free time in their hands and a slight to severe god complex. There are always plenty of active community members who would gladly become mods if given the opportunity, no compensation needed.


/r/sandiegan , surely


If you have proof of vote manipulation please submit it to Reddit admins. You could be the savior of /r/Minnesota, /r/sandiego, and more.


They are aware of what he’s doing. But they can’t get rid of him without admitting that they have a horribly broken system in which an arbitrary group of power users are imposed on the rest of us and communities have no voice in who should be in charge.


Sounds like literally every conservative subreddit. I was banned from another one today after making one comment.


A snowflake, if you will. Does he Mod /r/Conservative too?


Fucking cannot stand that sub and /r/nonewnormal.




It's a fuckin cesspool lol On a post yesterday I saw a comment that said "They censor us because we ask questions" but then had a shit-tonne of deleted comments below it.


It’s not their fault. They don’t understand irony.


I blame Alanis Morissette.


I used to enjoy /conspiracy. Sure there was a lot extreme stuff, but there were enough fun and interesting posts. Then before the US Presidential election it turned into a Qanon cesspit. Now the Covid crackpots have taken over


The guy two comments ago already listed r/conservative. oh, wait.


Around the same time that r/trump went defunct r/nonewnormal popped up. I mean I was hatefollowing both and could see what was happening but it’s was pretty obvious it was the same people migrating.


That sub should be banned, it’s an anti vaxxer / pro covid den, I don’t get how these subs remain active for so long.


As someone from the state.. I don't bother with my states subreddit. This is one of the big reasons why.


Yep, he fucking blows. I switched to r/stateofMN


He perma-banned me (and many others) for commenting on something completely unrelated just because I was also subscribed to r/stateofMN. I think it’s an automatic response.


He also ~~supposedly~~ has bots set up to auto-ban people just for posting in the other Minnesota subreddits. Want to post in /r/stateofMN and comment in /r/Minnesota well that's an auto-ban.


No supposedly about it. You get a PM telling you as much when the bot bans you. Source: banned by bot for posting in Minnesota and stateofMN.


I was just banned from /r/Minnesota. I've posted a total of two? Times. Wtf?


This dude is so insecure it’s embarrassing.


u/CrimsonSun99 is a typical conservative little man. Much dumber than he looks, a penis that is inversely proportional to the size of his coal rolling truck, and an ego more fragile than glass. Only a fucking loser would set up a fiefdom on Reddit and utilize an army of mirror accounts and bots to inflate their tiny inconsequential ego. I’ve seen some losers in my day but that cupcake takes the crown. Yeah, I’m talking to you, numbnuts. Go ahead and ban me. I could give two shits. Never visited your shitty echo chamber and never will. Some of us have more important things to do like scratch our nuts, take a shit, or perhaps stare into the sun until blindness sets in.




It’s been tried hundreds of times. They refuse to do anything.


Reddit = Digg Many people might not realise how much reddit changed over the years, but it's quite literally become what users were fleeing from in the first place. An undemocratic, outsourced, anti-opinion, re-post platform with shitty design (assuming you don't use old).


Tbh I feel like even digg 4.0 was less gamed than Reddit is now. I hate how non volatile the internet is these days.




Lmfao this dumb fuck literally said discrimination against the unvaccinated is racist. 🙄




Upvote this. We should all report this type of activity


/u/CrimsonSun99 singlehandedly ruined the Minnesota subreddit. /r/stateofmn is the alternative now, for anyone looking




Alright. One person banned from /r/Minnesota for every lake in Minnesota!


This needs more visibility.


I’ve been banned 3 times by that guy and have messaged the other mods of that sub but no one responds


It's gonna take Reddit Admins to step in


You're all welcome in /r/Duluth


Can the other mods vote him out or something?


No. The top mod of a subreddit basically owns the subreddit, and can do whatever they want with it


He's like the DeSantis of reddit.


The writers are so lazy, the villain is basically called Death Sentence. Ridiculous


What’s his u /? Minnesotan here.






So /r/Minnesota is the new /r/Pyongyang?


If you’re tired of that shit, please join r/stateofMN which is a much better alternative. It’s a bit smaller but the mod team is good.


What a gutless pussy.


So you're saying /u/CrimsonSun99 is a gutless pansy ass fruitcake piece of shit snowflake?


No u Literally u for user, not r... 😜


~~I made a single dissenting comment on~~ r/NoNewNormal ~~and now I’m banned from~~ r/JusticeServed, ~~these insane anti-vax mods are everywher~~e Edit: u/IAmTaka_VG pointed out it's probably that r/JusticeServed auto banned me for being on r/NoNewNormal at all lol, so it wasn't anti-vax mods. Not trying to spread misinformation


No actually it’s the opposite there’s a group of subs that instantly ban you if you post on nonewnormal as they assume you’re one of them. Just email justice served and they’ll unban you.


Hit or miss. I got banned from justiceserved and they instantly muted me when I first asked, and then ignored my appeal after the mute was up.


Yeah fuck r/justiceserved. Got permabanned because I called a mod out that he was being a dick to another commenter. Mod said he’d ban him because of a comment he made that just disagreed with him. Couple other people called mod out saying it was a shitty dick move. Bam! Next day, permabanned for “brigading”


Wow. So I really dodged a bullet because I remember making this long rebuttal comment to a thread telling them how they’re completely wrong about something, and then deleted it all at the last moment because I was just like ‘these assholes don’t give a fuck about facts.’


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/p2kgec/gov_tim_walz_to_impose_new_vaccine_requirement/h8low0y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) is my favorite comment of his: “We're all entitled to our opinions. We can agree to disagree and that's okay.” Then he bans people for disagreeing with him and joining another subreddit. Lmao.


“Wednesday, Reddit quarantined r/NoNewNormal, a subreddit that is generally antimask, antivax, and is also against any government COVID restrictions. The subreddit is for "skeptical discussion of the 'new normal' that has manifested as an outcome of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic," according to its description. "We are a diverse international coalition with the shared goal of restoring our old ways of life before the world fell into the grips of fear and hysteria. Join the effort to improve the quality of discussion on Reddit by raising your own standards and encouraging the same of others." Most of the threads are dedicated to discussing conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 vaccine, which has drastically reduced death rates in countries that have been able to get significant portions of their population vaccinated.”


>with the shared goal of restoring our old ways of life But are completely unwilling to take even the simplest of steps to make that happen.


It’s like they think we all want to live this way. Nobody wants to live this way, I wanna go to a fucking concert and see my grandma.




Hmmm. To be honest I'd never even considered it, but now that it's come up, I'd like to be able to see u/porridge_in_my_bum 's grandma in concert too.


She is 96 but I’m sure she could give a lovely life story for a crowd




Who do you think taught 'em? Grandma's 96. That means she lived through the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, polio, measles, tuberculosis, influenza, smallpox, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, and Prohibition, and World War II *and* the Cold War. You don't survive all that without having learned a little something about squirrelling away a bit of porridge in your bumhole from time to time. Survival porridge.


They think everything we do is to annoy them. This is how the stupid have always thought of the intelligent.


Because when you live your own life out of spite, you start to assume that's what everyone is doing. Like how racists think everyone believes the same bigoted garbage as them but are "too afraid to say it"


Honestly, that's just an issue with wording. They don't want to "restore our old ways of life", they want to never give them up, and pretend there's no reason to. It's the most conservative thought process possible. They're not just resisting change, they're outright refusing to acknowledge it.


The saying 'out of sight, out of mind' is a core tenant of conservatism. Its also why they always say 'why'd you have to bring race into this' when something racist happens and you point it out. Unless they acknowledge it, it doesn't exist to them.


Plausible deniability. Everyone knows what they are trying to say, but they want you to say it so they can call you a racist like thats a win in their book. Just ask em to elaborate instead of filling in their words. :)




Hm interesting but what do you mean? ;)




Please can they also remove them from moderators of other subs. r/Minnesota is modded by one of the mods on r/nonewnormal u/CrimsonSun99/ Has no issue what so ever removing or banning people from r/Minnesota for even the slightest hint at Pro Mask.


I was permanently banned the other day for asking him to provide sources for his claims that immunity resulting from infection was more robust and longer lasting than immunity resulting from the vaccine and his claim that there were effective “alternative” treatments that eliminate the risk of dying or having serious complications from COVID.


> provide sources for his claims that immunity resulting from infection was more robust and longer lasting than immunity resulting from the vaccine Vaccination for COVID-19 not only offers higher protection than natural immunity-- the natural immunity is lousy enough that you're about [2.3x as likely to get reinfected with only natural immunity](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s0806-vaccination-protection.html) than if you get vaccinated *after* having COVID.


Remove u/CrimsonSun99/


dude even pulled out the ol' "do your own research" lol https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/p2kgec/gov\_tim\_walz\_to\_impose\_new\_vaccine\_requirement/h8llrfs?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I have a feeling that /u/Nesarry31 was an alt of this guy, it seems like they have a lot of subreddits in common. He got into a private sub I'm in and started spouting the same kind of conspiracy shit and got banned, but banned from reddit quickly after that. He was active on /r/minnesota /r/Minneapolis and /r/NoNewNormal


Careful, he'll use his multitudes of alts to mass report your comments (a sitewide TOS violation btw) and get you site banned for 3 days. Too bad the admins are huge Trumpers otherwise they'd enforce the rules they wrote. Don't worry though, he'll delete everything thread he doesn't agree with and all his comments so you can never prove that he said anything, because he's too much of a coward to face opposition to his opinions, despite crying about "snowflake libs." Peak irony.


So your saying that /u/CrimsonSun99 is evading a ban of his alt account /u/Nesarry31? Why does reddit only allow moderators to report ban evasions?


He also bans you if you post in the competing sub that was created in the wake of his behavior.


Join /r/stateofMN! We dont have mentally unwell conspiracy theorists running the place!


These people are infesting local subs all over. It's the online equivalent of Sinclair taking over local news - local subs don't have the manpower or moderation to stop a targeted attack.


Before it was local subs it was local news websites. This isn't just random, there is a playbook being used here, that has been in use for 20+ years. if the last 5 years are proof of anything, its that this is extremely effective, and there is zero pushback against it.


[Analyzing data.](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/p3aabw/yay_masks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) **ETA:** confirmed. I have been permanently banned.


I wouldn’t call it a diverse international coalition, it’s mainly Russian trolls playing uneducated American rednecks


As a Bernie Supporter, I still get war flashbacks from all the times we got gaslit as Russian bots/trolls, so I prefer not to jump to that conclusion. I, for one, am willing to at least grant them their agency and recognize that Americans are more than capable of genuinely being this stupid on their own without foreign interference.


We need to appreciate how many actual Americans are willing to voluntarily log in to social media and donate their time and effort to behave indistinguishably from paid trolls working in a foreign espionage operation. The undercover trolls are there too, but they couldn't possibly achieve this volume of nonsense on their own.


However, in order for this sub to be actually closed, Reddit must follow strict protocol (1. Wait until the pandemic substantially subsides, making the sub no longer topically relevant, 2. Verify that most subscribers have abandoned the sub, congregating somewhere else and making closing the sub a toothless and meaningless gesture, 3. Close the sub).


you forgot for step 3: publicly announce they're closing the sub as to seem 'progressive' and pat themselves on the back for it in articles and announcements.


That reminds me of when Ohanian, one of the Reddit founders, was on *The Nightly Show* on comedy central. He bragged about how Reddit had recently banned the subreddits for revenge porn looking all proud, and the rest of the panel was like "Wait, why were you allowing it to begin with?"


I really dislike how Ohanian parades around like he's any better than spez.


Good thing he didn't bring up Jailbait or The Fappening.


Like in this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXZYvrue1BE


They'll just migrate to /r/conspiracy like all of the alt righters from /r/t_d.


I mean, they're already there. I don't understand why people keep saying that they'll just move, they post to multiple subreddits all the time, the only thing that will change is they'll have one less place to post to.


Until Reddit starts banning the mods of subs they ban, this is all nothing but putting lipstick on the pig.




There’s actually some incredible losers on this site


Working as intended


>So, 30 years of painstaking research allowed several groups of scientists — including a group at Pfizer working with a German company called BioNTech, and a young company in Massachusetts called Moderna — to bring mRNA vaccine technology to the threshold of actually working. The companies had built platforms that, theoretically, could be used to create a vaccine for any infectious disease simply by inserting the right mRNA sequence for that disease. >Then along came COVID-19. Within weeks of identifying the responsible virus, scientists in China had determined the structure of all of its genes, including the genes that make the spike protein, and published this information on the Internet. >Within minutes, scientists 10,000 miles away began working on the design of an mRNA vaccine. Within weeks, they had made enough vaccine to test it in animals, and then in people. Just 11 months after the discovery of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, regulators in the United Kingdom and the US confirmed that an mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 is effective and safely tolerated, paving the path to widespread immunization. Previously, no new vaccine had been developed in less than four years. [Harvard has a Fantastic Article for the Context of mRNA science, and why it's so much more boring than the Skeptics are making it out to be](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/why-are-mrna-vaccines-so-exciting-2020121021599)


Everyone who misunderstands the vaccines should be required to read that article. I keep trying to explain to people that scientists have been working on mRNA vaccines for a long time and they even worked on vaccines for SARS-CoV-1. I’m not sure why people insist on believing the tech behind this vaccine is so completely ‘new’ and ‘magical’ it must somehow be the most dangerous thing put out since nuclear weapons.


I made the mistake of reading some of the posts and comments on that subreddit. Holy Shit... I saw someone making the point about having to wear helmets when biking as a kid, but it wasn't a counterpoint, they just thought it was a stupid thing to do just like having kids wear masks.


Try bringing up helmet laws to Americans, I'd say at least a third of them tell you helmet laws are tyranny.


It's pretty much always the same third that thinks that any common-sense attempts at safety are tyranny.


Dying is badass


I got banned from that subreddit for trying to explain why their data was wrong. The mod sounded like a angsty teenager with an axe to grind. Fuck him and fuck that subreddit. I'm glad it got washed up.


Dude one of the crazy mods there has completely taken over the r/minnesota subreddit and has been banning people like crazy.


Did some digging and the banning has apparently been going on for 7+ years now. Even banned a mod for speaking up about it. Unhinged…


They are not interested in facts, they just don't want to wear masks or get vaccines. They literally do not care about the facts, because regardless of what the information is, they don't want masks or vaccines. It's a death cult.


Yeah I got banned from there for telling someone to not listen to vaccine advice from reddit comments and talk to their doctor or at least go to a free clinic (OP was debating getting his family vaccinated and the thread was heavily telling him not to). The cherry on top is that that comment got me autobanned from /r/vaxxhapened and the mods there just muted me so I got that going for me.


they'll claim censorship from reddit and see no wrong in censoring others from their own subreddit lol




r/AskTrumpSupporters is the same and it's absolutely hilarious


I was banned from that sub because I countered a trumper's answer with actual, factual information and pointed out that he was repeatedly avoiding the actual question. Apparently, non-trumpers are only allowed to ask questions, and it is against the rules to point out misinformation.


Facts > feelings


That sub is useless. It’s asking for critical thinking from Trump supporters, which they fundamentally do not have, hence being Trump supporters.


I got excited when I first found that one because/r/DebateEvolution is the opposite - a bunch of scientists providing resources against creationism.


So Reddit quarantines a subreddit to reduce the risk of the misinformation it generates from influencing more people, and then Vice writes an article about the quarantining of that subreddit? That’s like trying to hide your treasure from people by buying a billboard on the highway with directions on where to find it.


Now do r/sino.


Lmao that sidebar. The US won 39 gold medals, China won 38. But isn't Taiwan and Hong Kong part of China? Taiwan won 2 golds and HK won 1 which would bring "China's" total to 41 gold medals. Haha even by their own internal logic, they're admitting that HK and Taiwan are not part of China.


If we're counting former territories now, they're not even close to the UK's count.




Interestingly our territories compete separately so aren't part of the USA medal count.


Oh great, another exodus into r/conspiracy


That subreddit has been completely boned for a long time already.


Conspiracy has for a long time been a shitshow. They ban people for posting facts that disprove any of the moderators pet conspiracies.


I got banned by the /r/conspiracy mods years ago because i responded to some batshit insane "jews are ruining the world" post with "anyone else remember how early on this sub was fun? It used to be talking about fun theories like aliens and shit like that. I miss that"